Operator: | | Again, if you would like to ask a question please press Star then the number 1 on your telephone keypad. Your next question comes from Peter Sugarman, private investor. |
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Kevin Ryan: | | Hi, Peter. |
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Peter Sugarman: | | Hi, good afternoon gentlemen. Could I just ask a question about cash flow? Because I was under the impression that in one of your conference calls last year, you had suggested that annual cash spend would fall from the then current levels towards $12.0 million a year. And we still seem to be with a relatively high cash burn given the financing that’s available to you. |
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Kevin Ryan: | | Well Peter, I think our cash right now, cash flow is about - between $750,000 and $800,000 a month. So, very energetic schedule of opportunities are being handled at reduced cash flow about one-third so far. And as we progress with our Predictive Diagnostics subsidiary and the opportunities that present itself there, we will continue to improve on that cash flow. So cash requirements as we stand today certainly are down significantly from 12 months ago. |
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Peter Sugarman: | | Maybe I misunderstood what you said during the call. Was the - what was the figure that you quoted for the first half? |
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Kevin Ryan: | | Well, the first half cash flow? Yeah, I don’t think we did. But it started in the first quarter above that $1.0 million per month and has cycled down to the current $750,000 to $800,000 a month. |
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Peter Sugarman: | | Okay, maybe I just misunderstood. |
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Kevin Ryan: | | So, Peter, we’re on the right trail. |
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Peter Sugarman: | | Good. And would you characterize it as fair to say that three conference calls ago you were rather more bullish on aprotinin - pharmaceutical grade aprotinin than you seem to be today? |
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Kevin Ryan: | | That’s a fair statement. We’re as confident as we are in the product’s performance. The interest levels by people that had showed interest for whatever reason have waned a bit. I personally expect one to return now that major corporation has undergone its significant merger with another company and they’re turning back to looking at product pipelines rather than business. On the other hand, we certainly have demonstrated that our product before the FDA did that with a potential partner that our product exceeds, actually exceeds the standards of a product that’s currently marketed. And for whatever reason for nationalistic reasons or to try to build internally on the buy-make decision, I think that corporation will see the opportunity of beating their own timeframe. |
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| | So, I’m positive on Aprotinin. The progress has been impaired by issues outside our control and now a couple of those issues have been solved with those major companies; so, we’ll be back at them. We have no lack of confidence in the product. |
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Peter Sugarman: | | No, I think it’s been difficult given the financing that’s available obviously to push the (unintelligible) as you would have liked. |
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Kevin Ryan: | | Sure. |
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Peter Sugarman: | | Well, I wish you very good luck in the next six months, gentlemen. |
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Kevin Ryan: | | Thank you very much, Peter. |
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Operator: | | Your next question comes from Brian Marshall, molecularfarming.com. |
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Brian Marshall: | | Hello, Daniel again. You asked and I was cut off and didn’t get a chance to reply. Schering-Plough’s animal vaccines - can you give us an update? |
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Kevin Ryan: | | I think Schering is still in the process of evaluating the molecules that we have made in animal studies and until those studies are concluded and they get back to us about the next steps, there’s nothing really that I can report today; but so far, as steady as she goes. |
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Brian Marshall: | | Right, well then can I ask a few other questions? Can you see a permanent arrangement between yourselves and Planet if CaroRx™ gets U.S. approval? |