| U.S. & Global Stimulus Funding for Scientific Instruments: US NIH, NSF, NASA, DoE, NIST, other U.S. government spending (e.g. USDA, DHS, DoD) could positively affect >10% of Bruker’s revenues Global government stimulus spending (incl. US, Japan, Germany, EU, China, others) could positively affect >20% of Bruker’s revenues Anticipated Stimulus Timing: limited effect in H1-09, expected to increase in H2-09, with strongest effect in CY2010, and some carry-over into CY2011; Stimulus Package Amount Description NIH $10.4 billion $7.4 billion for transfer to ICDs (institutes, centers and Divisions) and Common Fund $800 million retained by the Office of the Director “for purposes that can be completed within two years” $400 million for Comparative Effectiveness Research $1.3 billion to NCRR, including: $1 billion for competitive awards for construction and renovation of extramural research facilities $300 million for shared instrumentation and capital research equipment $500 for intramural construction and renovation NSF $3 billion $2.5 billion for research and related activities, including: $300 million for major research instrumentation $200 million for academic research facilities modernization $100 million for education and human resources, including: $60 million for Robert Noyce Scholarships $25 million for Math and Science Partnerships $15 million for professional science master’s programs $400 million for major research equipment and facilities construction NASA $1 billion Science: $400 million, to include acceleration of tier one earth science climate research missions recommended by the National Academies Decadal Survey Aeronautics: $150 million f or system-level research, development and demonstration activities related to aviation safety, environmental impact mitigation, and Next Generation Air Transportation System Exploration: $400 million to speed development of the next U.S. space launch vehicle. Energy: Office of Science $1.6 billion Research in such areas as: Climate science Biofuels High-energy physics Nuclear physics Fusion energy sciences Energy: Advanced Research Projects Agency $400 million Support for “high-risk, high-payoff research into energy sources and energy efficiency in collaboration with industry” National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) $600 million $220 million for scientific and technical research and services $360 million for construction of research buildings, including: $180 million for a competitive construction grant program for research science buildings Source: AAU http://www.aau.edu/ |