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ABO, administered, admitted, AFUDC, appraisal, ARSP, attainment, Bargaining, Biden, block, Care, CEJA, Chamber, Commerce, corrected, correction, Creek, curiae, cybersecurity, dedicated, Dental, DEPSC, diligence, discontinued, Drug, DSIC, EDIT, Electricite, EPP, equitable, ERISA, ETAC, facilitate, Family, Fitch, formal, France, hereinafter, IIJA, legacy, lump, marketplace, Medical, memorialized, merged, merging, monetary, moratorium, nearest, negotiation, notification, orderly, Oversight, overstatement, Oyster, Prescription, rebuttal, recapture, recruitment, renamed, restarting, Retiree, SA, shift, Similarly, SOFR, spot, standalone, suit, sunsetting, surcharge, surrebuttal, tenure, TMA, training, trillion, TSA, underperformed, unnamed, upgraded, violated, voluntary, wrongdoing
absent, absorb, acceptable, accepted, accepting, accretion, acquired, actively, actuarial, adhere, advance, adverse, advocating, AESO, affiliated, aggregated, air, Albany, allege, allocable, alternatively, analyze, ancillary, announced, annum, Antelope, anticipated, approve, approving, ARC, arise, arithmetic, Army, assessing, assigned, assist, ATF, attempting, auction, automatically, Avenue, award, awarding, bankruptcy, began, begin, benchmark, Bend, beneficiary, biennial, bilateral, blanket, Bluestem, bodily, Bond, bondable, borne, Braidwood, breach, broad, broader, Brookfield, build, buyer, Byron, Calvert, Canada, Canadian, cap, capping, carbon, Carolina, CCRO, cease, ceased, certification, CES, chaired, challenging, chief, clarifying, classification, claw, clear, CODM, collateralized, collect, Colorado, commence, commencement, commingled, Commission, compensate, compensated, complement, compression, concentrate, concentration, conduit, confirm, congestion, Conowingo, consist, constant, contemplated, contesting, continuously, conversion, convertible, core, Cotter, Council, country, crediting, currency, customary, damage, death, declined, decommission, decontamination, deferral, delineate, deliver, demonstrate, demonstrated, department, derecognized, description, design, detail, detailing, discounted, discretion, discretionary, disposed, disposing, Disproportionate, disregard, disruption, distressed, Division, documentation, DOJ, DPSC, dramatically, Dresden, drove, earlier, earliest, eastern, EGRP, eleven, eligibility, eligible, enabling, enforce, enforceable, enhanced, enrichment, escalation, evaluation, Everett, excavation, exceeded, exceeding, excellence, exclusion, execute, executing, exemption, exercisable, exercise, exercised, ExGen, exist, expand, expedient, experience, experienced, expressly, extraction, extraordinary, extrapolated, extreme, extremely, fabrication, factored, failure, fairly, faith, fall, financially, fire, fish, FitzPatrick, fixing, footnote, footprint, forcing, foreclose, foremost, fossil, found, fourth, FRCC, freezing, frequent, FRR, function, FUSRAP, gain, geographic, geographical, Ginna, good, grant, Green, groundwater, guarantee, habitat, hand, Handley, handling, heading, hedged, heightened, high, holder, Hollow, hydroelectric, IBEW, ICE, IMM, impaired, impairment, incident, increasing, increasingly, indemnify, indemnitee, Indemnity, independence, individually, inflationary, initially, injury, installation, insufficient, intangible, integrated, intention, international, introduced, inventory, invest, investigated, involvement, isolation, IV, kick, Lake, land, landfill, language, largely, LaSalle, Latty, LDC, legally, legislature, leveling, leverage, leveraged, license, licensed, licensing, limit, liquidated, locational, long, lose, low, magnitude, managed, managing, Manhattan, manner, margin, margining, Marine, marketed, marketing, master, MDE, measurement, membership, met, methodology, Midcontinent, mirror, MISO, Missouri, mitigating, mitigation, mix, model, modified, modify, monetizing, MOPR, MPSC, multiple, NASDAQ, NAV, NER, NERC, netting, NGX, Nodal, noncontrolling, nonrecourse, NOPR, NOSA, notional, NRC, NYISO, NYMEX, NYPSC, obtained, offer, OFO, OIESO, operated, operator, opportunity, opposed, outage, output, overstated, owed, panel, parent, parental, partial, participating, partner, partnership, periodically, permanently, physically, pipeline, plaintiff, pledged, pollution, pooling, positive, practical, predominantly, predominately, prevent, proactive, produce, product, profit, profitability, properly, proportionate, proposal, proposing, proprietary, provision, PSDAR, PSEG, PUCT, punitive, purportedly, pushed, put, Quad, radiation, radioactive, radiological, ratable, ratified, readily, recognizing, recommended, recourse, referenced, refueling, refusal, ReGenerate, region, regional, regularly, rehearing, reinvestment, rejected, relationship, remedy, removed, renewal, reorganization, repay, repayment, replacement, reprocessing, repurchase, reserve, residential, restructuring, retaining, retaliatory, retrospective, reverse, reviewed, revolver, RMC, RNF, RODA, rule, Rulemaking, SAFSTOR, Salem, satisfied, satisfy, scenario, scoring, securitizing, security, segregate, selection, SERC, serve, servicing, settled, shedding, shortening, shorter, shortfall, showing, shutdown, shutting, situation, size, small, SNF, SolGen, South, Southeast, spectrum, spent, spreading, St, stated, stating, stayed, stemming, stipulate, stranded, stream, structure, subsurface, sued, suffered, Superior, supplied, supporting, Supreme, sustain, sustained, targeting, taxed, technical, tenor, Terminal, text, tolled, tolling, trade, trading, transportation, treated, typically, ultimately, unanimously, unconditional, unconsolidated, undivided, unfiled, unhedged, United, unjust, unopposed, unrealized, unreasonable, uranium, Valley, variability, variance, variation, venture, VIE, vigorously, Virginia, void, waive, waived, waiver, water, WECC, West, western, wholly, Wolf, writer, wrongful, ZES, Zion
Filing tables
Filing exhibits
- 10-Q Quarterly report
- 4.1 Supplemental Indenture Between DPL and the Bank of New York Mellon
- 31.1 Certification Filed by Christopher M. Crane for Exelon Corporation
- 31.2 Certification Filed by Joseph Nigro for Exelon Corporation
- 31.3 Certification Filed by Gil C. Quiniones for Commonwealth Edison Company
- 31.4 Certification Filed by Elisabeth J. Graham for Commonwealth Edison Company
- 31.5 Certification Filed by Michael A. Innocenzo for Peco Energy Company
- 31.6 Certification Filed by Robert J. Stefani for Peco Energy Company
- 31.7 Certification Filed by Carim V. Khouzami for Baltimore Gas and Electric Co
- 31.8 Certification Filed by David M. Vahos for Baltimore Gas and Electric Co
- 31.9 Certification Filed by J. Tyler Anthony for Pepco Holdings LLC
- 31.10 Certification Filed by Phillip S. Barnett for Pepco Holdings LLC
- 31.11 Certification Filed by J. Tyler Anthony for Potomac Electric Power Company
- 31.12 Certification Filed by Phillip S. Barnett for Potomac Electric Power Company
- 31.13 Certification Filed by J. Tyler Anthony for Delmarva Power & Light Company
- 31.14 Certification Filed by Phillip S. Barnett for Delmarva Power & Light Company
- 31.15 Certification Filed by J. Tyler Anthony for Atlantic City Electric Company
- 31.16 Certification Filed by Phillip S. Barnett for Atlantic City Electric Company
- 32.1 Filed by Christopher M. Crane for Exelon Corporation
- 32.2 Filed by Joseph Nigro for Exelon Corporation
- 32.3 Filed by Gil C. Quiniones for Commonwealth Edison Company
- 32.4 Filed by Elisabeth J. Graham for Commonwealth Edison Company
- 32.5 Filed by Michael A. Innocenzo for Peco Energy Company
- 32.6 Filed by Robert J. Stefani for Peco Energy Company
- 32.7 Filed by Carim V. Khouzami for Baltimore Gas and Electric Company
- 32.8 Filed by David M. Vahos for Baltimore Gas and Electric Company
- 32.9 Filed by J. Tyler Anthony for Pepco Holdings LLC
- 32.10 Filed by Phillip S. Barnett for Pepco Holdings LLC
- 32.11 Filed by J. Tyler Anthony for Potomac Electric Power Company
- 32.12 Filed by Phillip S. Barnett for Potomac Electric Power Company
- 32.13 Filed by J. Tyler Anthony for Delmarva Power & Light Company
- 32.14 Filed by Phillip S. Barnett for Delmarva Power & Light Company
- 32.15 Filed by J. Tyler Anthony for Atlantic City Electric Company
- 32.16 Filed by Phillip S. Barnett for Atlantic City Electric Company
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