Exhibit 1
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(Stock Code: 0762)
Appointment of Executive Director and President
The board of directors (the “Board”) of China Unicom (Hong Kong) Limited (the “Company”) announces that Mr. Chen Zhongyue, has been appointed as an Executive Director and President of the Company with effect from 19 February 2021.
Mr. Chen Zhongyue, aged 49, is a senior engineer. He graduated from Shanghai Posts and Telecommunications College in 1990 and received a master degree in economics from Zhejiang University in 1998. Mr. Chen served as Deputy General Manager of China Telecom Zhejiang branch, Managing Director of the Public Customers Department of China Telecom, General Manager of China Telecom Shanxi branch, Vice President of China Telecommunications Corporation, Executive Director and Executive Vice President of China Telecom Corporation Limited. Mr. Chen also serves as a Director and General Manager of China United Network Communications Group Company Limited, the President of China United Network Communications Limited as well as a Director and President of China United Network Communications Corporation Limited. Mr. Chen has extensive experience in management and the telecommunications industry.
Mr. Chen Zhongyue has not entered into any service contract with the Company, which provides for a specified length of service. The terms of services do not expressly require the Company to give more than one year’s notice period or to make payments equivalent to more than one year’s emoluments to terminate the service. Pursuant to the articles of association, Mr. Chen Zhongyue is required to retire and offer for re-election at the next following annual general meeting of the Company.
The remuneration of Mr. Chen Zhongyue as Executive Director of the Company will be determined by the Board with reference to his duties and responsibilities in the Company, his experience, the prevailing market conditions and any applicable regulatory requirements.
Save as disclosed above, Mr. Chen Zhongyue does not have any relationship with any directors, senior management, substantial shareholders or controlling shareholders of the Company. Mr. Chen Zhongyue does not have any interests in the shares of the Company within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance.