For the purpose of the condensed combined pro forma financial information,
differences between accounting for
expected credit losses between U.S. GAAP and IFRS Accounting Standards
have been considered. Under U.S.
higher provisioning in comparison with IFRS Accounting Standards
is driven by expected credit losses being
measured over a credit exposure’s
lifetime as opposed to the staging approach under IFRS Accounting
Accordingly, a pro forma
reduction of 86m in estimated credit loss expense in the income statement has been
made in
order to reduce the larger Credit Suisse Parent Bank U.S. GAAP expected
credit loss expense on non-impaired
exposures to the lower IFRS Accounting Standards amount:
68m decrease in credit loss expenses relating to non-impaired Loans and advances
to customers
18m decrease in credit loss expenses relating to Provisions for qualifying
off-balance sheet commitments
and guarantees that are not impaired.
Refer to Note 3h) for the respective balance sheet impact.
General and administrative expenses for the year ended 31 December
2023 contain a 48m accrual for estimated costs
to effect the legal merger that are not yet reflected
the balance sheet as of 31 December 2023. Refer to Note 3c) for
the respective balance sheet impact and further detail on this adjustment.
This adjustment is non-recurring in nature.
Under U.S. GAAP,
recycling of own credit gains and losses to the income statement is recognized
upon derecognition
of the related financial instrument. Under IFRS Accounting Standards
there is no recycling to the income statement
and the balances are recognized, and remain in, retained earnings within
equity. An estimated adjustment
of 123m for
the year ended 31 December 2023 has been made to reverse the gains recognized
in the income statement under U.S.
GAAP for the Credit Suisse Parent Bank, reflected as a reduction to “Other net
income from financial instruments
measured at fair value through profit or loss”.
As mentioned in Note 3d), an expense of 697m has been recognized
in “General and administrative expenses”
connection with the recognition of an onerous contract provision under IFRS Accounting
This adjustment
is non-recurring in nature.
As mentioned in Note 3g),
an expense of 100m
has been recognized in “General and administrative expenses” in
connection with the recognition of real estate onerous contract provisions.
This adjustment is non-recurring in nature.
As mentioned in Note 3j), an expense of 200m has been recognized in “General
and administrative expenses” in
connection with the recognition of a provision. This adjustment is non-recurring
in nature.
The U.S. GAAP cash flow hedge Other Comprehensive Income (“OCI”) balance
of the Credit Suisse Parent Bank
was set to zero as of the Group merger date, which, for the purpose
of the pro forma condensed combined income
was as of 1 January 2023.
An adjustment has been made to “Net interest income” to reflect the reversal of
an estimated 579m
loss related to the difference between the amortization
of cash flow hedge OCI under U.S. GAAP
and the estimated amount that would have been recognized for
the for the year ended 31 December 2023 following
the reset of the cash flow hedge OCI balance to zero as of 1 January 2023.
Income tax expense / (benefit) has been analyzed in light of the pre
-tax adjustments made in the unaudited condensed
combined pro forma income statement.
A pro forma credit adjustment of 30m has been reflected in “Tax
expense /
(benefit)” in respect of estimated pre-tax pro forma adjustments that relate to legal
entities whose tax positions give
rise to a tax impact,
and other tax adjustments.
As mentioned in Note 3i), a deferred tax benefit of 245m has been
recognized in “Income tax expense / (benefit)” reflecting revaluations
for the US and Singapore branches of Credit
Suisse AG based on combined profit forecasts following completion of the Transaction
All pro forma pre-tax adjustments for Credit Suisse Parent Bank full year
ended 31 December 2023 have been
considered and no further tax expense or benefit has been recognized
in connection with the pre-tax adjustments in
the pro forma condensed combined income statement as it is assumed that the other
pre-tax adjustments will either not
be recognized for tax purposes, or they will generally relate to entities with tax
losses carried forward that are not
recognized as deferred tax assets. Any changes to the pro forma condensed
combined income statement for the year
ended 31 December 2023 in respect of these entities would, therefore, only affect
the amount of their unrecognized
tax losses carried forward and would have no impact on their tax expenses or
benefits for the year ended 31 December
2023. This assessment includes assumptions and represents UBS Parent Bank’s
best estimate as to the likely tax
impacts. The assessment could change as further information becomes
available, including how the entities and
businesses of Credit Suisse Parent Bank in each location will be reorganized,
receipt of revised profit forecasts for
those entities, and discussions with the relevant tax authorities.
As mentioned in Note 3l), UBS Parent Bank has reviewed exposures
and transactions with Credit Suisse Parent Bank
to identify intercompany balance sheet and income statement amounts.
The only material intercompany income
statement amounts impacting the line items presented relate to the remuneration
of staff seconded from Credit Suisse
Parent Bank to UBS Parent Bank. Remuneration for such staff
is recognized by Credit Suisse Parent Bank in “Other
while UBS Parent Bank records the equal and opposite expense
in “General and administrative expenses”.
Accordingly, intercompany
secondment income and expense of 173m recognized during the year ended
31 December
2023 has been eliminated.
Refer to Note 3l) for intercompany balance sheet eliminations.