| 1 | Scope of the Regulations, Company Structure |
These Regulations govern the internal organization as well as the duties, powers and responsibilities of the following governing bodies and persons of the Company based on article 716b CO and the Articles as well as the principles for the governance of the Group:
• | Board of Directors (Board) supported by its committees: |
| – | Audit and Compliance Committee (ACC) |
| – | Governance, Sustainability, and Nomination Committee (GSNC) |
| – | Compensation Committee (CC) |
| – | Risk Committee (RC) |
| – | Science & Technology Committee (STC) |
• | |
• | |
• | Lead Independent Director |
• | |
• | Executive Committee (including its sub-committees) |
| 2
| | Company Structure |
The Company is a holding company, which directly or indirectly owns a global group of companies that conduct the Business. To ensure proper functioning of the Business in the interests of the Company, its shareholders and other relevant stakeholders, and to comply with various requirements imposed by relevant laws and regulatory authorities, the Board shall supervise and, where necessary and appropriate, provide overall strategic direction for the Business.
| 2
| General Provisions |
| 3
| | Duty of Care and Loyalty |
Each Director or Executive is under the duty to carry out his/her responsibilities with due care and to safeguard and further the interests of the Group, the Company, its shareholders and other relevant stakeholders, including the creation of long-term value.
| 4
| | Conflict of Interest |
Each Director or Executive arranges his/her personal and business affairs to avoid an actual or apparent Conflict of Interest.
No Director or Executive shall participate in the deliberations or decision-making process on matters, which affect, or reasonably might affect, his/her interests or the interests of a person close to him/her. If the Director or Executive is in a position of a permanent Conflict of Interest or any other non-solvable situation that hinders him/her in carrying out his/her duties to the full, he/she shall offer his/her resignation.
Each Director or Executive must inform immediately and comprehensively, if the circumstances change so that they may give rise to a Conflict of Interest. Required disclosures include (but are not limited to) a material change (or contemplated change) of his/her business or professional affiliations or responsibilities.
Disclosure must be made by:
(i) | the Board Chair to the Chair of the GSNC; |
(ii) | a Director or the CEO to the Board Chair; |
(iii) | an Executive to (a) the CEO and by him/her to (b) the Board Chair. |
The Board Chair, the CEO and the Chair of the GSNC, respectively, must review the disclosures and inform the Board, respectively the Executive Committee, about appropriate mitigating measures to be implemented, if any.
Each Director and Executive keeps at all times strictly confidential all information – except information already in the public domain – relating to the Group, which the member has learned during the exercise of the duties. This obligation and duty continue even after resignation or the expiration of the term of office.
Documents of the Company and/or the Group must be returned by the Director or Executive at the latest on the effective date of the resignation or expiry of the term of office. If required, e.g. in case of legal proceedings, the Director or Executive can access relevant documents at the office of the Corporate Secretary.
| 6
| | No Representation of Members |
A Director or Executive who is not able to participate in a Board, Board Committee or an Executive Committee meeting may not be represented by another Director or Executive or any other person.
| 7
| | Quorum, Majority Requirements |
Unless stated otherwise in these Regulations, the presence in person, by telephone, by video conference or other technical means of a majority of the members is required for any meeting. No such quorum shall be required for resolutions of the Board concerning an amendment of the Articles (article 647 CO).
If the chair does not participate, the meeting will be chaired by the deputy or, in his/her absence, by any member appointed by the other members as ad hoc chair.
Resolutions require the affirmative majority of the votes cast. If an item is, however, not on the agenda, resolutions are passed by an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the Directors or Executives present at a meeting.
In the event of a tie on any issue, (i) in a Board Committee, the full Board decides the issue, and (ii) in the Executive Committee, the CEO decides the issue.
| 8
| | Circular Resolutions |
A proposal for a circular resolution must be communicated to all members, giving a deadline for responding, and is only deemed to have passed if:
(i) | more than two-thirds of all members cast a vote or give written notice that they abstain (written notice can include email notice); |
(ii) | an absolute majority of all members casting a vote approve the proposed resolution; and |
(iii) | no member requests a meeting within the deadline for responding in relation to the subject matter of the proposed resolution. |
A circular resolution must be recorded under a separate heading in the minutes of the following meeting.
| 9
| | Secretary, Minutes |
The Board and the Board Committees each appoint a secretary, who need not be a member of the body. The Chief Legal Officer shall act as the secretary of the Executive Committee.
The secretaries of the Board, the Board Committees, and the Executive Committee keep the meeting minutes, which contain all resolutions adopted at the meeting and the key decision-making factors.
| 10
| | Application to other Bodies |
Articles 3 – 9 apply analogously to all other management committees of the Company and their members.
| 3
| Board of Directors |
| 11
| | Duties of the Board |
The Board is the ultimate governance body of the Company. It is further responsible for the ultimate supervision of the Group.
It shall resolve all Business matters, which are not reserved to the authority of the General Meeting or to other executive bodies of the Company by law, the Articles, or these Regulations.
In particular, the Board has the following duties:
a) | The ultimate direction of the Business, including, without limitation, the taking of resolutions and the giving of instructions or overall guidance regarding the following matters (where applicable, the duties of the Board are further defined and specified in internal regulations): |
| – | The strategy upon recommendation of the Executive Committee (including ESG strategy). |
| –
| The entry into new areas of activity and withdrawal from existing areas of the Business; acquisitions and divestments of companies, participations in companies or businesses, or incorporations or liquidations of companies or businesses, if such matters are of fundamental significance to the Business. |
| – | The opening and closing down of sites of fundamental significance to the Business. |
| –
| The initiation and settlement of legal proceedings of fundamental significance to the Business. |
| –
| The setting of financial targets. |
| –
| The review and approval of corporate policies that are fundamental to the Group, as determined by the Board Chair and the CEO. |
| –
| The adoption from time to time of further regulations and instructions regarding the organization of the Business and the duties and responsibilities of the executive bodies. |
b) | The determination of the organization of the Company and the Group. |
c) | The manner of governance of the Group. |
d) | The regular review of the Group’s culture. |
e) | The review of the Group’s risk management system and of the most significant risks and how these are managed. |
f) | The determination of the principles of accounting, financial controlling and financial planning. |
| The preparation of the annual report of the Company and of the Group incl. the Compensation Report and the report on non-financial matters in accordance with the provisions of the law and the Articles, as well as further reports which must be approved by the Board. |
h) | The nomination and proposal to the General Meeting, determination of duties and responsibilities, and succession plans of the following persons: |
| – | Board Chair |
| –
| Directors |
| – | CC members |
| – | Independent Proxy |
i) | The appointment and removal, determination of duties and responsibilities, and succession plans of the following persons: |
| – | |
| – | Lead Independent Director |
| – | Board Committee members other than the CC and Chairpersons |
| –
| |
| – | |
| – | Such other persons as the Board may determine, from time to time, as having significant impact on the Business. |
j) | The composition of the Board, including the appropriate skills and experiences to be considered in succession planning. |
k) | The designation of those persons who have signatory power for the Company and the manner in which such persons may sign on behalf of the Company. |
l) | The ultimate supervision of the persons entrusted with the management of the Business, specifically in view of their compliance with laws, the Articles, these Regulations and other applicable regulations, directives and instructions. |
m) | The preparations for the General Meeting and carrying out the resolutions of the General Meeting including the preparation of the proposals to the General Meeting related to the compensation of the Board and of the Executive Committee and to the Compensation Report, as per the Articles. |
n) | The filing of a request for a moratorium and the notification to the court in the event of over-indebtedness. |
o) | The adoption of resolutions concerning the implementation of changes in share capital to the extent that such power is vested in the Board (article 651 paragraph 4 CO), as well as resolutions concerning the confirmation of changes in share capital and respective amendments to the Articles. |
p) | The determination of (i) the compensation strategy and of the principles, structure and design of compensation plans for the Executive Committee, (ii) the long-term incentive/equity plans, (iii) the compensation of the Directors and of the CEO to be presented to the shareholders, and of the terms of employment of the CEO, (iv) the Group financial, strategic and operational targets and the evaluation of target achievement. |
q) | The determination of the maximum aggregate amount or maximum partial amounts of compensation, in the event the General Meeting has not approved a proposal of the Board, as per the Articles. |
r) | The determination of (i) whether or not a Director is independent, based on a proposal by the GSNC, and (ii) whether or not the ACC Directors meet the financial literacy and expertise standards. |
s) | The decision on appropriate measures in case of a disclosure in accordance with article 4 of these Regulations. |
t) | The determination of the principles and process for allowing exemptions from the limitation for registration in the share register in accordance with article 5 paragraph 6 of the Articles. |
u) | The approval of other business, if such business exceeds the authority delegated from time to time by the Board to the Board Committees or to the Executive Committee. |
The majority of the Directors and the Lead Independent Director must meet the independence criteria set forth in Appendix II.
Within the limits of applicable law, the Articles and these Regulations, the Board may delegate part of its responsibilities and authorities to the Committees, individual Directors, the Executive Committee and individual Executives.
The Board delegates the management of the Business as well as any matters that are not reserved to the Board by the law, the Articles or these Regulations, to the Executive Committee, pursuant and subject to these Regulations.
| 14
| | Meetings, Agenda |
The Board meets at the invitation of the Board Chair as often as may be required.
Invitations for Board meetings contain the meeting agenda and are sent out at least five business days in advance, except for urgent matters. Also, any Director may request a meeting for a specific purpose or the inclusion of a certain item on the agenda.
| 15
| | Right to Request Information |
Directors have full and unrestricted access to the management and employees of the Group in the execution of their duties.
| 16
| | Independent Advisors |
The Board has the authority to retain independent advisors for any matters within the scope of its responsibilities.
| 17
| | Evaluation of Board Performance |
The Board conducts an annual evaluation of the performance of the Board, of the Board Committees and of the Board Chair.
| 18
| | Board Committee |
The Board may establish ad hoc Board Committees and has the permanent Board Committees set out in article 1.
The composition and duties of the permanent Board Committees are set forth in Appendix I.
In addition to other duties described in these Regulations and the Articles, the Board Chair has the following duties:
| Provides leadership to the Board in its governance role, coordinating the tasks within the Board. |
| Coordinates, together with the Chairpersons, the work of the Board Committees. |
| Establishes and keeps a close working relationship with the CEO, providing advice and support while respecting the fact that the day-to-day management responsibility is delegated to the Executive Committee led by the CEO. |
| Promotes effective relationships and communication between the Board, the CEO and the Executive Committee. |
e) | Takes the lead in case of a crisis. |
| Together with the CEO, ensures effective communication with shareholders, other relevant stakeholders and the general public; and |
| Works closely with the CEO in evaluating Executives and in establishing succession plans for key management positions. |
The Vice-Chair has the following duties:
| Provides support and advice to the Board Chair. |
| Once a year, the Vice-Chair leads the Board’s annual assessment of the Board Chair. |
| In case and as long as the Board Chair is incapacitated, the Vice-Chair assumes all of the Board Chair’s responsibilities |
| Undertakes such specific additional duties or functions as defined by the Board from time to time. |
| 21
| | Lead Independent Director |
To support adequate control mechanisms, the Board can, if deemed appropriate and in the best interests of the Company, designate an experienced independent Director as Lead Independent Director with the following duties:
| Chairs the sessions of the independent Directors; and |
| Leads the independent Directors in case of a crisis or matter requiring their separate consideration or decision. |
Every independent Director may request separate meetings of the independent Directors if the need arises.
The roles of the Vice-Chair and the Lead Independent Director can be held by two Directors or by one Director (combined role).
| 4
| Executive Committee |
In addition to other duties that may be assigned by the Board, the CEO, supported by the Executive Committee, has the following duties:
| Overall responsibility for the management and performance of the Business. |
| Leads the Executive Committee. |
| Builds and maintains an effective Executive Committee and proposes adequate succession planning to the Board. |
| Represents Novartis, in coordination with the Board Chair, with major customers, financial analysts, investors and the media. |
| 23
| | Members of Executive Committee |
The Executive Committee is headed by the CEO. It consists of such members as appointed by the Board.
| 24
| | Duties of Executive Committee |
The Executive Committee is responsible for the management of the Business. In particular, and without limitation, the Executive Committee has the following duties:
| Regularly assess the achievement of the (financial and non-financial / ESG) targets for the Business. |
| Submit proposals to the Board or to one of the Board Committees for approval for items, requiring such approval based on these Regulations or further internal regulations. |
| Implement the decisions taken by the Board or the Board Committees. |
| Prepare and submit quarterly and annual reports for the attention of the Board or the Board Committees and keep the Board or the Board Committees informed of all matters of fundamental significance to the Business and/or that are relevant to allow the Board or the Board Committees to fully perform their duties. |
e) | Implement modifications to the organization of the Business to ensure efficient operation of the Business and achievement of optimized consolidated results. |
| Ensure appropriate external stakeholder management, including an effective internal and external communication strategy. |
| Ensure that management capacity, financial and other resources are provided and used efficiently. |
h) | Deal with such other matters as are delegated by the Board or a Board Committee to the Executive Committee. |
| 25
| | Sub-committees of the Executive Committee |
The Executive Committee may delegate duties as stipulated in article 24 above to other executives and committees and may empower them to further delegate their responsibilities and authorities. Each such delegation must be in writing, and clear responsibilities and accountabilities must be established. The CEO ensures proper reporting to the Executive Committee as needed.
| 26
| | Duties of Internal Audit |
The Internal Audit has to:
| Carry out operational and system audits, assisting the Organizational Units and global functions in the accomplishment of objectives by providing an independent approach to the evaluation, improvement, and effectiveness of their risk management and internal control framework. All Organizational Units, global functions and subsidiaries of the Group are subject to audit. |
| Prepare reports regarding the audits it has performed, and report to the ACC and to the CEO material irregularities, whether actual or suspected, without delay. |
| Perform such other functions and audits as assigned to it by the Board, the ACC or the CEO. |
The Chief Audit Officer reports functionally to the chair of the ACC and administratively to the CEO.
| 6
| Effectiveness, Amendments |
| 27
| | Effectiveness, Amendments |
These Regulations come into effect on January 1, 2025, and replace former regulations of the Board, the Board Committees and the Executive Committee.
These Regulations may only be amended or replaced by the Board.
Dr. Joerg Reinhardt | Dr. Charlotte Pamer-Wieser |
Board Chair | Corporate Secretary |
Appendix | I:
| Board Committees Charter |
Section | 1
| | 11
Section | 2
| Roles and Responsibilities of the Board Committees | 12
– | Roles and Responsibilities of the Audit and Compliance Committee (ACC) | 12
– | Roles and Responsibilities of the Compensation Committee (CC) | 14 |
– | Roles and Responsibilities of the Governance, Sustainability, and Nomination Committee (GSNC) | 16
– | Roles and Responsibilities of the Risk Committee (RC) | 17
– | Roles and Responsibilities of the Science & Technology Committee (STC) | 18
| 1
| General Provisions
These General Provisions contain additional organizational requirements for Board Committees in addition to the rules set forth in the Regulations.
The ACC, the GSNC, the RC and the STC each consist of a minimum of 3 members. The CC consists of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 members.
The Board elects the Chairpersons of the Board Committees.
If a member of the ACC simultaneously serves on the audit committee of more than two public companies other than the Company, then the GSNC must determine that such simultaneous service would not impair the ability of such Director to effectively serve on the ACC.
| 2
| | Independence, Qualifications |
Each Director of the ACC, CC, and GSNC, must meet the independence criteria set forth in Appendix II.
Each ACC member must further be financially literate, including at least one member who has accounting and related financial management expertise (“audit committee financial expert”), as such qualifications are interpreted by the Board in its business judgment.
The “audit committee financial expert” must have
| an understanding of generally accepted accounting principles and financial statements; |
| the ability to assess the general application of such principles in connection with the accounting for estimates, accruals and reserves; |
| experience preparing, auditing, analyzing or evaluating financial statements that present a breadth and level of complexity of accounting issues that are generally comparable to the breadth and complexity of issues that can reasonably be expected to be raised by the Group’s financial statements, or experience actively supervising one or more persons engaged in such activities; |
| an understanding of internal control over financial reporting; and |
e) | an understanding of audit committee functions. |
| 3
| | Coordination between ACC and RC |
The Chairpersons of the RC and the ACC shall generally be appointed as members of the other Committee. To the extent appropriate, the Chairpersons of the ACC and the RC coordinate the work of the ACC and the RC, in particular to ensure that there are as few as possible overlaps.
| 4
| | Meeting Participations and Interactions |
Each Board Committee may invite to its meetings other Directors, Executives and such other persons, as the respective Board Committee deems appropriate to carry out its responsibilities. The Board Chair may attend the Board Committee meetings in consultation with the relevant Chairperson.
Special rules apply to the presence of the following persons at Board Committee meetings:
| An Executive shall not be present during the decision on his/her own pay at a CC meeting. |
| Anyone with a personal interest in the matters to be discussed will be excluded from the ACC, CC, GSNC, RC, and STC meeting, respectively. |
The Board Committees shall have the authority to obtain advice and assistance from internal or external legal, accounting or other advisors. The ACC shall have the authority to conduct or authorize investigations into any matter within the scope of its responsibilities.
The Board Committees regularly report to the Board on its deliberations and decisions and on the items set forth in Section 2 of this Appendix I. Other matters will be reported, as the Board Committees deem appropriate.
| 2
| Roles and Responsibilities of the Board Committees
Roles and Responsibilities of the Audit and Compliance Committee (ACC)
The ACC assists the Board in fulfilling its responsibilities with respect to monitoring the:
| integrity of the financial statements of the Group; |
| External Auditor’s qualifications and independence; |
| performance of the Internal Audit function and of the External Auditor; |
| compliance by the Group with legal and regulatory requirements; and |
| financial situation of the group to assess the necessity of actions as set out in article 24 (h) of the Articles. |
| 8
| | ACC’s Role and Responsibilities |
The ACC has the following roles and responsibilities:
Regarding the External Auditor
| Annually evaluate the qualifications, performance and independence of the External Auditor, including considering whether the External Auditor’s quality controls are adequate and whether the provision of permitted non-audit services is compatible with maintaining the External Auditor’s independence, taking into account the opinions of management and Internal Audit. |
| Ensure rotation of the audit partners of the External Auditor at least every five years. Consider whether, in order to ensure continuing auditor independence, it is appropriate to adopt a policy of rotating the external auditing firm on a regular basis. |
| On behalf of the Board, which has fully delegated this task to the ACC, (1) select and nominate the External Auditor for election by the General Meeting, and (2) be responsible for the supervision and compensation of the External Auditor (including the resolution of any disagreement between management and the External Auditor regarding financial reporting). |
| On behalf of the Board, which has fully delegated this task to the ACC, pre-approve all auditing services, internal control-related services and non-audit services permitted under applicable statutory law, regulations and listing requirements to be performed for the Group by its External Auditor. |
e) | Obtain and review a report from the External Auditor at least annually regarding (1) the External Auditor’s internal quality- control procedures, (2) any material issues raised by the most recent quality-control review, or peer review, of the firm, or by any inquiry or investigation by governmental or professional authorities within the preceding five years respecting one or more independent audits carried out by the firm, (3) any steps taken to deal with any such issues, and (4) all relationships between the External Auditor and the Group. |
f) | Discuss with the External Auditor the results of their audits, any unusual items or disclosures contained in the audits and the matters required by Public Company Auditing Oversight Board Auditing Standards No. 1301, as revised, and request a formal written statement from the External Auditor documenting such discussion. |
Regarding Internal Audit
| On a quarterly basis, review the significant reports to management, prepared by the Internal Audit department and management’s responses and supervise the remediation of open audit issues. |
| Review periodically the adequacy of the organizational structure, budget and appointment or replacement of the senior Internal Audit executives. |
| Discuss with the CEO, as needed, the Internal Audit department’s responsibilities, staffing and any recommended changes in the planned scope of the Internal Audit. |
Regarding Financial Reporting and internal controls
| Review and discuss with management and the External Auditor the Company’s and Group’s quarterly and annual financial statements (including the sections on Operating and Financial Review and Prospects) to consider significant financial reporting issues and judgments made in connection with the preparation of the Company’s and Group’s financial statements and the corresponding financial results media releases, including any significant changes in the Company’s or Group’s selection or application of accounting principles. |
| On behalf of the Board, which has fully delegated this task to the ACC, approve the Company’s and Group’s quarterly financial statements for the first three quarters of each calendar year and the corresponding financial results releases. The Board remains responsible for the approval of the annual financial statements of the Company and the Group and of the corresponding results media releases. |
| Annually review and discuss with management and the External Auditor their assessment of the effectiveness of the Group’s internal controls, disclosure controls and procedures for financial reporting and whether any changes are appropriate in light of such assessment. |
| Review and discuss (1) all significant deficiencies in the design or operation of internal controls which could adversely affect the Group’s ability to record, process, summarize and report financial data, including any material weaknesses in internal controls, (2) any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the Group’s internal controls, and (3) any significant changes in internal controls or in other factors that could significantly affect internal controls, including any corrective actions with regards to significant deficiencies and material weaknesses. |
| In coordination with the RC, oversee the Group’s financial risks. |
o) | Review the non-financial data contained in the Company’s annual reporting. |
| Review such other matters in relation to the Group’s accounting, auditing, financial reporting and compliance with law and internal policies. |
Regarding Significant Legal Matters and Regulatory Risks
| Review major issues regarding the status of the Group’s material legal matters, as well as major legislative and regulatory developments that may have significant impact on the Group, and get updates on such developments from the Chief Legal Officer at least annually. |
Regarding an Effective Compliance Program and Quality Assurance / patient safety
| Twice a year, review the processes and procedures used by management to execute an effective compliance program, and compliance by Novartis associates with those Group policies falling into the subject matter expertise of the ACC. |
| Review updates from the Company’s SpeakUp office twice a year regarding whistleblowing activities and trends. |
| Establish procedures for (a) the receipt, retention and treatment of complaints received by the Group regarding accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters, and (b) the confidential, anonymous submission by employees of the Group of concerns regarding questionable accounting or auditing matters to the SpeakUp office. |
| Review updates with regards to Quality Assurance / patient safety twice a year. |
| Annually review updates from Health, Safety & Environment. |