Year/Month | Processing year and month in YYYYMM format | |
Account Number | Unique Mortgage Account Identifier | |
Original Advance | | |
Original Property Valuation | The valuation details for the property | |
Current Loan balance | Includes Capital, Interest, Arrears and Unpaid Charges | |
Current Property Valuation | Most recent valuation. It will be equal to original valuation if no further valuation was done | |
Completion Date | The date the advance was completed | |
Maturity Date | The expected Loan maturity date | |
Method of Repayment | Code to signify types of Loans: e.g. Endowment, Interest Only, Repayment, Pension, Investment Linked | |
First Income | First applicant’s primary income | |
Second Income | Second applicant’s primary income | |
Post Code | Property postcode | |
MIG Cover Amount | Amount of MIG Policy cover | |
Current Arrears Balance | Includes unpaid interest, unpaid capital, unpaid charges | |
Arrears Multiplier (Current) | Arrears (current month) divided by payment due (current month | ) |
Arrears Multiplier (Current - 1) | Arrears at the end of previous month divided by previous months payment due | |
Arrears Multiplier (Current - 2) | Arrears at the end of 2 months prior to current month, divided by payment due for that month | |
Arrears Multiplier (Current - 3) | As above, but for 3 months prior to current month | |
Arrears Multiplier (Current - 4) | As above, but for 4 months prior to current month | |
Arrears Multiplier (Current - 5) | As above, but for 5 months prior to current month | |
Arrears Multiplier (Current - 6) | As above, but for 6 months prior to current month | |
Arrears Multiplier (Current - 7) | As above, but for 7 months prior to current month | |
Arrears Multiplier (Current - 8) | As above, but for 8 months prior to current month | |
Arrears Multiplier (Current - 9) | As above, but for 9 months prior to current month | |
Arrears Multiplier (Current - 10) | As above, but for 10 months prior to current month | |
Arrears Multiplier (Current - 11) | As above, but for 11 months prior to current month | |
Arrears Multiplier (Current - 12) | As above, but for 12 months prior to current month | |
Property type | House, flat, etc. | |
Loan Use | House purchase or remortgage | |
Property Use | Owner occupied, rental, etc | |
Product code | Code identifier for the product | |
MAR | Monthly amount repayable | |
Arrangement start date | Where an arrangement exists for the primary account the field is populated with the arrangement start date | |