Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Condensed Consolidated Statemen
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_2
- Condensed Consolidated Balance
- Condensed Consolidated Balanc_2
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_3
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_4
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_5
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_6
- General business description
- Trade and other receivables, ne
- Inventory
- Property, plant and equipment,
- Intangible assets
- Leases
- Restructuring liability
- Long-term debt and interest exp
- Financial instruments and fair
- Stockholders' equity
- Revenue
- Segment information
- Employee benefit plans
- Income taxes
- Earnings per share
- Contingencies
- Supplemental cash flow
- Summary of significant accounti
- Trade and other receivables, _2
- Inventory (Tables)
- Property, plant and equipment_2
- Intangible assets (Tables)
- Leases (Tables)
- Restructuring liability (Tables
- Long term debt and interest exp
- Financial instruments and fai_2
- Stockholders' equity (Tables)
- Revenue (Tables)
- Segment information (Tables)
- Employee benefit plans (Tables)
- Earnings per share (Tables)
- Supplemental cash flow (Tables)
- General business description (D
- Summary of significant accoun_2
- Trade and other receivables, _3
- Trade and other receivables, _4
- Inventory (Details)
- Property, plant and equipment_3
- Intangible assets (Details)
- Leases (Details)
- Leases - Components of lease ex
- Leases - Supplemental lease bal
- Leases - Supplemental lease cas
- Leases - Other Supplemental lea
- Leases - Maturities of lease li
- Restructuring liability (Detail
- Long term debt and interest e_2
- Long term debt and interest e_3
- Long term debt and interest e_4
- Financial instruments and fai_3
- Financial instruments and fai_4
- Stockholders' equity - Componen
- Stockholders' equity (Details)
- Revenue - Remaining performance
- Revenue - Contract assets and l
- Revenue - Disaggregation of rev
- Revenue - Disaggregation of r_2
- Revenue - Disaggregation of r_3
- Segment information - Operating
- Segment information - Capital e
- Employee benefit plans - Compon
- Employee benefit plans - Narrat
- Income taxes - Income tax rate
- Earnings per share (Details)
- Contingencies (Details)
- Supplemental cash flow - (Detai