Application of New and Revised International Financial Reporting Standards as Issued by the International Accounting Standards Board ("IASB") ( Collectively, "IFRSs") | 3. APPLICATION OF NEW AND REVISED INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDS AS ISSUED BY THE INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTING STANDARDS BOARD (“IASB”) (collectively, “IFRSs”) a. Amendments to IFRSs that are mandatorily effective for the current year In the current year, the Group has applied the following new, revised or amended standards and interpretations that have been issued and effective: New, Revised or Amended Standards and Interpretations Effective Date Issued by IASB (Note 1) Amendments to IFRS 2 Classification and Measurement of Share-based Payment Transactions January 1, 2018 IFRS 9 Financial Instruments January 1, 2018 Amendments to IFRS 9 and IFRS 7 Mandatory Effective Date of IFRS 9 and Transition Disclosures January 1, 2018 IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers January 1, 2018 Amendments to IFRS 15 Clarifications to IFRS15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers January 1, 2018 Amendments to IAS 40 Transfers of investment property January 1, 2018 IFRIC 22 Foreign Currency Transactions and Advance Consideration January 1, 2018 Note 1: The aforementioned new, revised or amended standards and interpretations are effective for annual period beginning on or after the effective dates, unless specified otherwise. Except for the following, the initial application of the aforementioned new, revised or amended standards and interpretations did not have effect on the Group’s accounting policies. 1) IFRS 9 “Financial Instruments” and related amendments IFRS 9 supersedes IAS 39 “Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement”, with consequential amendments to IFRS 7 “Financial Instruments: Disclosures” and other standards. IFRS 9 sets out the requirements for classification, measurement and impairment of financial assets and hedge accounting. Refer to Note 4 for information relating to the relevant accounting policies. The requirements for classification, measurement and impairment of financial assets have been applied retrospectively from January 1, 2018, and the requirements for hedge accounting have been applied prospectively. IFRS 9 is not applicable to items that have already been derecognized as of December 31, 2017. The impact of adoption on the consolidated financial statements was not material. Classification, measurement and impairment of financial assets On the basis of the facts and circumstances that existed as of January 1, 2018, the Group has performed an assessment of the classification of recognized financial assets and has elected not to reflect the figures on a retrospective basis. The following table shows the original measurement categories and carrying amount under IAS 39 and the new measurement categories and carrying amount under IFRS 9 for each class of the Group’s financial assets and financial liabilities as of January 1, 2018. Measurement Category Carrying Amount Financial Assets IAS 39 IFRS 9 IAS 39 IAS 39 IFRS 9 IFRS 9 Remark NT$ US$ (Note 4) NT$ US$ (Note 4) Cash and cash equivalents Loans and receivables Amortized cost $ 46,078,066 $ 1,505,327 $ 46,078,066 $ 1,505,327 Derivatives Held for trading Mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss (“FVTPL”) 121,863 3,981 121,863 3,981 Equity instruments Held for trading Mandatorily at FVTPL 4,410,732 144,094 4,410,732 144,094 Available-for-sale Mandatorily at FVTPL 279,791 9,141 279,791 9,141 b) Available-for-sale Fair value through other comprehensive income (“FVTOCI”) - equity instruments 908,549 29,681 908,549 29,681 a) Open-end mutual funds Held for trading Mandatorily at FVTPL 589,976 19,274 589,976 19,274 Available-for-sale Mandatorily at FVTPL 23,825 778 23,825 778 b) Debt instruments Designated as at FVTPL Mandatorily at FVTPL 100,496 3,283 100,496 3,283 Other financial assets FVTOCI - debt instruments 1,000,000 32,669 1,080,000 35,283 d) Time deposits with original maturity of over three months, pledged time deposits and guarantee deposits Loans and receivables Amortized cost 405,520 13,248 405,520 13,248 c) Trade receivables and other receivables Loans and receivables Amortized cost 56,252,661 1,837,722 56,252,661 1,837,722 Financial Assets IAS 39 Carrying Amount as of January 1, 2018 Reclassifi- cations Remea- surements IFRS 9 Carrying Amount as of January 1, 2018 Retained Earnings Effect on January 1, 2018 Other Equity Effect on 2018 Remark NT$ NT$ NT$ NT$ NT$ NT$ FVTPL $ 5,223,067 Add: Reclassification from available-for-sale (IAS 39) - required reclassification - $ 303,616 $ - $ 110,648 $ (110,648 ) b) 5,223,067 303,616 - $ 5,526,683 110,648 (110,648 ) FVTOCI Debt instruments Add: Reclassification from other financial assets - 1,000,000 80,000 - 80,000 d) Equity instruments - 908,549 - 417,398 (417,398 ) a) - 1,908,549 80,000 1,988,549 417,398 (337,398 ) Investments accounted for using the equity method 48,753,751 - (2,586 ) 48,751,165 (163,579 ) 160,993 $ 53,976,818 $ 2,212,165 $ 77,414 $ 56,266,397 $ 364,467 $ (287,053 ) Financial Assets IAS 39 Carrying Amount as of January 1, 2018 Reclassifi- cations Remea- surements IFRS 9 Carrying Amount as of January 1, 2018 Retained Earnings Effect on January 1, 2018 Other Equity Effect on 2018 Remark US$ (Note 4) US$ (Note 4) US$ (Note 4) US$ (Note 4) US$ (Note 4) US$ (Note 4) FVTPL $ 170,633 Add: Reclassification from available-for-sale (IAS 39) - required reclassification - $ 9,919 $ - $ 3,615 $ (3,615 ) b) 170,633 9,919 - $ 180,551 3,615 (3,615 ) FVTOCI Debt instruments Add: Reclassification from other financial assets - 32,669 2,614 - 2,614 d) Equity instruments - 29,682 - 13,636 (13,636 ) a) - 62,351 2,614 64,964 13,636 (11,022 ) Investments accounted for using the equity method 1,592,739 - (85 ) 1,592,655 (5,344 ) 5,259 $ 1,763,372 $ 72,270 $ 2,529 $ 1,838,170 $ 11,907 $ (9,378 ) a) Unquoted shares and limited partnership classified as available-for-sale are designated as at FVTOCI and the changes in fair value accumulated in other equity are transferred directly to retained earnings instead of being reclassified to profit or loss on disposal. Impairment losses previously recognized and accumulated in retained earnings are adjusted by the Group to record an increase in retained earnings and a decrease in other equity, unrealized gains or losses on financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income, since no subsequent impairment assessment is required under IFRS 9; b) Quoted shares classified as available-for-sale are classified as at fair value through profit or loss under IFRS 9. Open-end mutual funds classified as available-for-sale are classified as at fair value through profit or loss under IFRS 9 because the contractual cash flows are not solely payments of principal and interest on the principal outstanding and they are not equity instruments. The Group reclassifies unrealized gains or losses on available-for-sale financial assets in other equity to retained earnings; c) Time deposits with original maturity of over three months, pledged time deposits and guarantee deposits are classified as measured at amortized cost under IFRS 9 because, on initial recognition, the contractual cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal outstanding and these investments are held within a business model whose objective is to collect the contractual cash flows; and d) Debt investments with no active market are classified as at fair value through other comprehensive income under IFRS 9, because, on initial recognition, the contractual cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal outstanding and these investments are held within a business model whose objective is achieved both by collecting contractual cash flows and selling financial assets. The Group adjusts those debt investments and other equity, unrealized gains or losses on financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income, based on their fair value. 2) IFRS 15 “Revenue from Contracts with Customers” and related amendment IFRS 15 establishes principles for recognizing revenue that apply to all contracts with customers, and supersedes IAS 18 “Revenue”, IAS 11 “Construction Contracts” and a number of revenue-related interpretations. Refer to Note 4 for related accounting policies. Most of revenues generated from the goods manufactured by the Group’s operating segments in packaging and testing are changed to be recognized over time after the application of IFRS 15. Prior to the application of IFRS 15, the Group recognized revenues when the significant risks and rewards of ownership of inventories have been transferred to customers. The Group elected only to retrospectively apply IFRS 15 to contracts that were not complete as of January 1, 2018 and recognized the cumulative effect of retrospectively applying IFRS 15 in retained earnings on January 1, 2018. The impact of adoption on the consolidated financial statements was not material. The impact on assets, liabilities and equity as of January 1, 2018 from the initial application of IFRS 15 is set out below: IAS 18 Carrying Amount as of January 1, 2018 Adjustments Arising from Initial Application IFRS 15 Carrying Amount as of January 1, 2018 NT$ NT$ NT$ Inventories $ 24,260,911 $ (1,381,778 ) $ 22,879,133 Contract assets - current - 1,971,107 1,971,107 Investments accounted for using the equity method 48,753,751 40,139 48,793,890 Deferred tax assets 4,001,821 (7,287 ) 3,994,534 Total effect on assets $ 77,016,483 $ 622,181 $ 77,638,664 Current tax liabilities $ 7,619,328 $ 5,078 $ 7,624,406 Deferred tax liabilities 4,961,487 90,071 5,051,558 Total effect on liabilities $ 12,580,815 $ 95,149 $ 12,675,964 Retained earnings $ 73,718,545 $ 521,849 $ 74,240,394 Non-controlling interests 13,190,129 5,183 13,195,312 Total effect on equity $ 86,908,674 $ 527,032 $ 87,435,706 IAS 18 Carrying Amount as of January 1, 2018 Adjustments Arising from Initial Application IFRS 15 Carrying Amount as of January 1, 2018 US$ (Note 4) US$ (Note 4) US$ (Note 4) Inventories $ 792,581 $ (45,141 ) $ 747,440 Contract assets - current - 64,394 64,394 Investments accounted for using the equity method 1,592,739 1,311 1,594,050 IAS 18 Carrying Amount as of January 1, 2018 Adjustments Arising from Initial Application IFRS 15 Carrying Amount as of January 1, 2018 US$ (Note 4) US$ (Note 4) US$ (Note 4) Deferred tax assets $ 130,736 $ (238 ) $ 130,498 Total effect on assets $ 2,516,056 $ 20,326 $ 2,536,382 Current tax liabilities $ 248,916 $ 166 $ 249,082 Deferred tax liabilities 162,087 2,943 165,030 Total effect on liabilities $ 411,003 $ 3,109 $ 414,112 Retained earnings $ 2,408,316 $ 17,048 $ 2,425,364 Non-controlling interests 430,909 169 431,078 Total effect on equity $ 2,839,225 $ 17,217 $ 2,856,442 Had the Group applied IAS 18 in the current year, the following adjustments should have been made to reflect the line items and balances under IFRS 15. Impact on assets, liabilities and equity as of December 31, 2018 NT$ US$ (Note 4) Increase in inventories $ 2,313,269 $ 75,572 Decrease in contract assets - current (4,498,500 ) (146,961 ) Increase in trade receivables 1,073,368 35,066 Decrease in investments accounted for using the equity method (37,312 ) (1,219 ) Increase in deferred tax assets 26,389 862 Decrease in assets $ (1,122,786 ) $ (36,680 ) Decrease in current tax liabilities $ (47,028 ) $ (1,536 ) Decrease in deferred tax liabilities (141,934 ) (4,637 ) Decrease in liabilities $ (188,962 ) $ (6,173 ) Decrease in retained earnings $ (933,310 ) $ (30,490 ) Decrease in non-controlling interests (514 ) (17 ) Decrease in equity $ (933,824 ) $ (30,507 ) Impact on total comprehensive income for the year ended December 31, 2018 NT$ US$ (Note 4) Decrease in operating revenues $ (475,155 ) $ (15,523 ) Decrease in operating costs $ (101,964 ) $ (3,331 ) Increase in share of profit of associates and joint ventures $ 2,828 $ 92 Decrease in income tax expense $ (81,908 ) $ (2,676 ) Decrease in net profit and total comprehensive income for the year $ (406,792 ) $ (13,290 ) Increase (decrease) in net profit and total comprehensive income attributable to: Owners of the Company $ (411,461 ) $ (13,442 ) Non-controlling interests 4,669 152 $ (406,792 ) $ (13,290 ) Impact on earnings per share: Decrease in basic earnings per share $ (0.10 ) $ (0.00 ) Decrease in diluted earnings per share $ (0.10 ) $ (0.00 ) b. New, revised or amended standards and interpretations in issue but not yet effective The Group has not applied the following new, revised or amended standards and interpretations that have been issued but are not yet effective: New, Revised or Amended Standards and Interpretations Effective Date Issued Amendments to IFRSs Annual Improvements to IFRSs 2015-2017 Cycle January 1, 2019 Amendments to IFRS 9 Prepayment Features with Negative Compensation January 1, 2019 Amendments to IFRS 10 and IAS 28 Sale or Contribution of Assets between an Investor and its Associate or Joint Venture To be determined by IFRS 16 Leases January 1, 2019 Amendments to IAS 19 Plan Amendment, Curtailment or Settlement January 1, 2019 (Note 2) Amendments to IAS 28 Long-term Interests in Associate and Joint Venture January 1, 2019 IFRIC 23 Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatments January 1, 2019 Amendments to IFRS 3 Definition of a Business January 1, 2020 (Note 3) Amendments to IAS 1 and IAS 8 Definition of Material January 1, 2020 (Note 4) Note 1: The aforementioned new, revised or amended standards and interpretations are effective for annual period beginning on or after the effective dates, unless specified otherwise. Note 2: The Group shall apply these amendments to plan amendments, curtailments or settlements occurring on or after January 1, 2019. Note 3: The Group shall apply these amendments to business combinations for which the acquisition date is on or after the beginning of the first annual period beginning on or after January 1, 2020 and to asset acquisitions that occur on or after the beginning of that period. Note 4: The Group shall apply these amendments prospectively for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2020. c. Significant changes in accounting policy resulted from new, revised and amended standards and interpretations in issue but not yet effective As of the date the consolidated financial statements were authorized for issue, the Group assessed that the application of the aforementioned new, revised or amended standards and interpretations will not have material impact on the Group’s financial position and financial performance. 1) IFRS 16 “Leases” IFRS 16 sets out the accounting standards for leases that will supersede IAS 17, IFRIC 4 and a number of related interpretations. Definition of a lease Upon initial application of IFRS 16, the Group will elect to apply IFRS 16 in determining whether contracts are, or contain, a lease only to contracts entered into (or changed) on or after January 1, 2019. Contracts identified as containing a lease under IAS 17 and IFRIC 4 will not be reassessed and will be accounted for in accordance with the transitional provisions under IFRS 16. Upon initial application of IFRS 16, if the Group is a lessee, it will recognize right-of-use assets, or investment properties if the right-of-use assets meet the definition of investment properties, and lease liabilities for all leases on the consolidated balance sheets except for those whose payments under low-value asset and short-term leases will be recognized as expenses on a straight-line basis. On the consolidated statements of comprehensive income, the Group should present the depreciation expense charged on the right-of-use assets separately from the interest expense accrued on the lease liabilities; interest is computed using the effective interest method. On the consolidated statements of cash flows, cash payments for the principal portion of the lease liabilities will be classified within financing activities; cash payments for the interest portion will be classified within operating activities. The application of IFRS 16 is not expected to have a material impact on the accounting of the Group as lessor. The Group anticipates applying IFRS 16 retrospectively with the cumulative effect of the initial application of this standard recognized on January 1, 2019. Comparative information will not be adjusted on a retrospective basis. The Group expects to apply the following practical expedients: a) The Group will apply a single discount rate to a portfolio of leases with reasonably similar characteristics to measure lease liabilities. b) The Group will account for those leases for which the lease term ends on or before December 31, 2019 as short-term leases. c) The Group will exclude initial direct costs from the measurement of right-of-use assets on January 1, 2019. d) The Group will use hindsight, such as in determining lease terms, to measure lease liabilities. For leases currently classified as finance leases under IAS 17, the carrying amount of right-of-use assets and lease liabilities on January 1, 2019 will be determined as the carrying amount of the leased assets and finance lease payables as of December 31, 2018. Anticipated impact on assets, liabilities and equity as of January 1, 2019 IAS 17 Carrying Amount as of December 31, 2018 Adjustments Arising from Initial Application of IFRS 16 IFRS 16 Carrying Amount as of January 1, 2019 NT$ NT$ NT$ Other financial assets - current $ 6,539,467 $ (31 ) $ 6,539,436 Other current assets 3,773,384 (385,014 ) 3,388,370 Long-term prepayments for lease 10,764,835 (10,764,835 ) - Property, plant and equipment 214,592,588 (277,079 ) 214,315,509 Right-of-use assets - 10,724,198 10,724,198 Investment properties 7,738,379 6,599,225 14,337,604 Other financial assets - non-current 1,044,294 (2,747 ) 1,041,547 Other intangible assets 30,897,700 (59,667 ) 30,838,033 Total effect on assets $ 275,350,647 $ 5,834,050 $ 281,184,697 Obligation under leases - current $ - $ 490,085 $ 490,085 Other current liabilities 5,984,156 (17,144 ) 5,967,012 Obligation under leases - non-current - 5,598,071 5,598,071 Other current liabilities - non-current 1,371,302 (236,962 ) 1,134,340 Total effect on liabilities $ 7,355,458 $ 5,834,050 $ 13,189,508 IAS 17 Carrying Amount as of December 31, 2018 Adjustments Arising from Initial Application of IFRS 16 IFRS 16 Carrying Amount as of January 1, 2019 US$ (Note 4) US$ (Note 4) US$ (Note 4) Other financial assets - current $ 213,638 $ (1 ) $ 213,637 Other current assets 123,273 (12,578 ) 110,695 Long-term prepayments for lease 351,677 (351,677 ) - Property, plant and equipment 7,010,539 (9,052 ) 7,001,487 Right-of-use assets - 350,349 350,349 Investment properties 252,806 215,591 468,397 Other financial assets - non-current 34,116 (90 ) 34,026 Other intangible assets 1,009,399 (1,949 ) 1,007,450 Total effect on assets $ 8,995,448 $ 190,593 $ 9,168,041 Obligation under leases - current $ - $ 16,010 $ 16,010 Other current liabilities 195,497 (560 ) 194,937 Obligation under leases - non-current - 182,884 182,884 Other current liabilities - non-current 44,799 (7,741 ) 37,058 Total effect on liabilities $ 240,296 $ 190,593 $ 430,889 2) Amendments to IAS 19 “Plan Amendment, Curtailment or Settlement” The amendments stipulate that, if a plan amendment, curtailment or settlement occurs, the current service cost and the net interest for the remainder of the annual reporting period are determined using the actuarial assumptions used for the remeasurement of the net defined benefit liabilities (assets). In addition, the amendments clarify the effect of a plan amendment, curtailment or settlement on the requirements regarding the asset ceiling. The Group will apply the above amendments prospectively. |