Exhibit 99.1
VIA FAX (202) 942-9624
November 6, 2002
Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street NW
Washington, DC
ATTENTION: Division of Corporate Finance
Office of International Corporate Finance
Dear Sirs:
Re: Canada Life Financial Corporation-Declaration of Quarterly Dividends (File #82-5026)
Please be advised that Canada Life Financial Corporation has declared a quarterly dividend on common shares at its' Board of Directors meeting today. Here are the particulars:
- Declaration date - Nov 6, 2002;
- Record date - Nov 22, 2002;
- Payment date - Dec 31, 2002;
- Per share amount of dividend payable - $0.15 to holders of common shares.
/s/ Marie Palombi
Marie Palombi
Assistant Corporate Secretary
Corporate Secretarial & Compliance Dept.