Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Consolidated Statements of Fina
- Consolidated Statements of Comp
- Consolidated Statement of Chang
- Consolidated Statement of Cha_2
- Consolidated Statements of Cash
- Overview_
- Segment Information_
- Revenue from Contracts with Cus
- Costs and expenses by nature_
- Cash and cash equivalents_
- Accounts receivable - Net_
- Land, furniture and equipment -
- Intangible assets, airport conc
- Accounts payable and accrued ex
- Bank loans_
- Long-term debt_
- Stockholders' equity_
- Income tax incurred and deferre
- Balances and transactions with
- Commitments and contingencies_
- Basis for preparation_
- Summary of the main accounting
- Financial risk management_
- Critical accounting judgments a
- Consolidated statements of ca_2
- Subsequent Event_
- Authorization of the consolidat
- Summary of the main accountin_2
- Segment Information_ (Tables)
- Revenue from Contracts with C_2
- Costs and expenses by nature_ (
- Cash and cash equivalents_ (Tab
- Accounts receivable - Net_ (Tab
- Land, furniture and equipment_2
- Intangible assets, airport co_2
- Accounts payable and accrued _2
- Bank loans_ (Tables)
- Long-term debt_ (Tables)
- Stockholders' equity_ (Tables)
- Income tax incurred and defer_2
- Balances and transactions wit_2
- Commitments and contingencies_
- Summary of the main accountin_3
- Financial risk management_ (Tab
- Consolidated statements of ca_3
- Subsequent Event_ (Tables)
- Overview_ (Details)
- Overview_ - Significant events
- Segment Information_ (Details)
- Segment information_ Additional
- Revenue from Contracts with C_3
- Revenue from Contracts with C_4
- Revenue from Contracts with C_5
- Revenue from Contracts with C_6
- Revenue from Contracts with C_7
- Revenue from Contracts with C_8
- Revenue from Contracts with C_9
- Costs and expenses by nature__2
- Costs and expenses by nature_ A
- Cash and cash equivalents_ (Det
- Cash and cash equivalents_ Rest
- Accounts receivable - Net_ (Det
- Accounts receivable - Net_ Move
- Accounts receivable - Net_ Expe
- Accounts receivable - Net_ Addi
- Land, furniture and equipment_3
- Land, furniture and equipment_4
- Land, furniture and equipment_5
- Intangible assets, airport co_3
- Intangible assets, airport co_4
- Intangible assets, airport co_5
- Intangible assets, airport co_6
- Intangible assets, airport co_7
- Accounts payable and accrued _3
- Bank loans_ Credit lines (Detai
- Bank loans_ Syndicated loan (De
- Bank loans_ Additional informat
- Long-term debt_ (Details)
- Long-term debt_ Additional info
- Stockholders' Equity_ (Details)
- Stockholders' Equity_ Additiona
- Income tax incurred and defer_3
- Income tax incurred and defer_4
- Income tax incurred and defer_5
- Income tax incurred and defer_6
- Income tax incurred and defer_7
- Income tax incurred and defer_8
- Income tax incurred and defer_9
- Balances and transactions wit_3
- Balances and transactions wit_4
- Balances and transactions wit_5
- Balances and transactions wit_6
- Commitments and contingencies_2
- Commitments and contingencies_3
- Commitments and contingencies_4
- Summary of the main accountin_4
- Summary of the main accountin_5
- Summary of the main accountin_6
- Summary of the main accountin_7
- Summary of the main accountin_8
- Financial risk management_ Exch
- Financial risk management_ Liqu
- Financial risk management_ Li_2
- Financial risk management_ Shor
- Financial risk management_ Addi
- Critical accounting judgments_2
- Consolidated statements of ca_4
- Subsequent Event_ Investment co
- Subsequent Event_ (Details)