Filing exhibits
- 10-Q Quarterly report
- 10.20 Executive Bonus Program, As Amended and Restated February 12, 2014
- 10.29 Form of Indemnification Agreement
- 10.30 Third Amendment to Ground Lease
- 10.31 Note Exchange Agreement
- 10.32 Promissory Note for $680 Million Due and Payable on May 1, 2018
- 10.33 Promissory Note for $550 Million Due and Payable on May 1, 2020
- 10.34 Promissory Note for $270 Million Due and Payable on December 1, 2022
- 31.1 Certification of Principal Executive Officer
- 31.2 Certification of Principal Financial Officer
- 32.1 Certification of Chief Executive Officer
- 32.2 Certification of Chief Financial Officer
- Download Excel data file
- View Excel data file
Table of Contents
- Document_and_Entity_Informatio
- Consolidated_Statements_Of_Inc
- Consolidated_Statements_Of_Inc1
- Consolidated_Statements_Of_Com
- Consolidated_Statements_Of_Com1
- Consolidated_Balance_Sheets
- Consolidated_Balance_Sheets_Pa
- Consolidated_Statements_Of_Cas
- Overview_and_Basis_of_Presenta
- Business_Combinations_Goodwill
- Realignment_Charges
- Earnings_per_Share
- Investments
- Fair_Value_Measurements
- Derivatives_and_Hedging_Activi
- Unearned_Revenues
- Contingencies
- Stockholders_Equity
- Related_Parties
- Segment_Information
- Overview_and_Basis_of_Presenta1
- Business_Combinations_Goodwill1
- Earnings_per_Share_Tables
- Investments_Tables
- Fair_Value_Measurements_Tables
- Unearned_Revenues_Tables
- Stockholders_Equity_Tables
- Related_Parties_Tables
- Segment_Information_Tables
- Overview_and_Basis_of_Presenta2
- Business_Combinations_And_Good
- Business_Combinations_Goodwill2
- Business_Combinations_Goodwill3
- Business_Combinations_Goodwill4
- Business_Combinations_Goodwill5
- Realignment_Charges_Details
- Earnings_per_Share_Computation
- Earnings_per_Share_Details
- Investments_Investing_In_Fixed
- Investments_Unrealized_Losses_
- Investments_Contractual_Maturi
- Fair_Value_Measurements_Fair_V
- Derivatives_and_Hedging_Activi1
- Unearned_Revenues_Summary_of_U
- Stockholders_Equity_Details
- Stockholders_Equity_Stock_Repu
- Stockholders_Equity_Summary_of
- Recovered_Sheet1
- Stockholders_Equity_Accumulate
- Stockholders_Equity_Accumulate1
- Related_Parties_Details
- Related_Parties_Tax_Sharing_Ag
- Related_Parties_Due_ToFrom_Rel
- Related_Parties_Notes_Payable_
- Segment_Information_Schedule_O
- Segment_Information_Schedule_O1