RESTATEMENT | NOTE 7 - RESTATEMENT Adjustments were made for the year ended November 30, 2021 to reflect the rules and principles in accordance with US GAAP. The balance sheet for the year ended November 30, 2021 was restated. Property Plant and Equipment was debited In the amount of $129,167 to reverse total accumulated depreciation. Property Plant and Equipment was credited by $250,000. Total Assets as a result of these adjustments were credited by $120,833. Accounts payable and accrued liabilities were debited by $1200 because of November 30 2020 foreign exchange adjustments being carried forward as mentioned earlier. Due to related party was credited by $5000 to take into consideration fees paid to Ron McIntyre which were paid personally by CEO Leonard Stella. Total liabilities were credited by $3,800 as a result of these adjustments to the liabilities in the Balance Sheet of November 30, 2021. Shares to be issued in amount of $250,000 US were debited since the payment in the form of Shares to be issued was never satisfied for the purchase of equipment as can be seen in the section Shareholders Equity of the Balance Sheet as of November 30, 2021. Additional paid in capital was debited for a total of $82,883 as a result of adding $29,154 in imputed interest for the year ended November 30,2021 to $53,729 as of November 30, 2020 bringing the value of Additional Paid in Capital to $3,242,350. Accumulated Deficit was reduced and credited by $208,250 taking into account adjustment of credit of $74,154 for the year ended November 30, 2021. Accumulated adjustment of $134,096 in 2020 plus $74,154 equals $208,250. Total Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity was debited by $120,833 for the restated Balance Sheet as of November 30, 2021. The Statement of Operations for the year ended November 30, 2021 was restated to adjust for the following corrections. Professional fees of $5000 were debited for the Legal fees paid to Ron McIntyre in the amount of $5,000 by CEO. Depreciation expense of $50,000 was credited. Interest expense of $29,154 for year ended November 30, 2021 was credited from Statement of Operations and Total Net Loss as a result of these adjustments was reduced by $79,154. The tables below summarize the detailed adjustments for the year ended November 30, 2021. The following table summarizes changes made to November 30, 2021 balance sheet Schedule of Segment Reporting Information, by Segment 30-Nov-21 Balance Sheet: As Reported Adjustment As Restated Property, plant, equipment $ 120,833 $ 129,167 $ 250,000 $ -250,000 $ -250,000 Total assets $ 120,833 $ -120,833 $ 0 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 40,449 $ -1,200 $ 39,249 Due to related party 832,984 5,000 837,984 Total liabilities $ 873,433 $ 3,800 $ 877,233 Shares to be issued $ 250,000 $ -250,000 $ 0 Common shares 24,403 — 24,403 Additional paid-in capital $ 3,325,233 $ -82,883 $ 3,242,350 Accumulated deficit $ -4,352,236 $ 208,250 $ -4,143,986 Total Stockholders’ Equity $ -752,600 $ -124,583 $ -877,233 Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity $ 120,833 $ -120,833 $ 0 The following table summarizes changes made to the year ended November 30, 2021 Statement of Operations. Quarterly Financial Information For the year ended November 30, 2021 As Reported Adjustment As Restated OPERATING EXPENSES Professional fees $ — $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Depreciation 50,000 50,000 0 Administrative Fees 50,000 50,000 Brokerage fees 2,028 2,028 Regulatory Expense Total Operating Expenses $ 102,028 $ -45.000 $ 57,028 OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE) Interest expense $ 29,154 $ 29,154 0 Total Other Income (Expense) NET LOSS $ 131,182 $ -74,154 $ 57,028 Quarterly Financial Information Equity Common Stock Shares Additional Paid in Accumulated Shares Amount To be Issued Capital Deficit Total Balance as of November 30, 2019 244,038,890 $ 24,403 $ 250,000 $ 3,268,328 $ (4,059,275 ) $ (488,793 ) Imputed interest $ 27,751 Net loss 2020 - - (161,779 ) (161,779 ) Balance as of November 30, 2020 244,038,890 $ 24,403 $ 250,000 $ 3,296,079 $ (4,221,054 ) $ (650,572 ) Imputed Interest $ 29,154 Net loss 2021 (131,182 ) (131,182 ) Balance as of November 30, 2021 244,038,890 $ 24,403 $ 250,0000 $ 3,325,233 $ (4,352,236 ) $ (752,600 ) Statement of Shareholders Equity ( Deficit) for the year ended November 30,2020 and November 30,2021 was corrected and restated. To take into account the following adjustments: Shares to be issued in amount of $250,000 was reversed to become zero, because shares were never issued, Additional Paid in Capital was debited by $82,833 to correct and cancel imputed interest on amount due to related party. Additional paid in Capital went from $3,325,233 to $3,242,350 as we can see on restated Statement of Equity (Deficit). Accumulated Deficit went from $ 4,352, 236 to $ 4,143,986 to correct for net loss in 2020 and net loss in 2021, respectively. Net loss in 2020 went down from $161,779 to $82,828. And Net loss in 2021 went from $131,182 to $57,028, due to reversal of depreciation, reversal of interest expense, adjustment for professional fees, and correction of regulatory expense because of foreign exchange. Total Shareholders’ Deficit went from $650,572 in 2020 to $ 820,205 due to all of the above cumulative changes and corrections. Total Shareholders’ Deficit went from $752,600 in 2021 to $ 877,233 due to all of the above cumulative changes and corrections. Please see below the Restated Statement of Shareholders Equity ( Deficit) for years ended November 30,2021 and November 30, 2020. PURTHANOL RESOURCES LIMITED. Statement of Shareholder’s Equity (Deficit) for the Years Ended November 30, 2021, and 2020 (Restated) Quarterly Financial Information Equity Restated Common Stock Shares Additional Paid in Capital Accumulated Deficit Shares Amount To be Issued Total Balance as of November 30, 2019 244,038,890 $ 24,403 $ 0 $ 3,242,350 $ (4,004,130 ) $ (737,377 )) Shares to be issued $ 0 0 Net loss 2020 ___________ $ (82,828 ) (82,828 ) Balance as of November 30, 2020 244,038,890 $ 24,403 $ 0 $ 3,242,350 $ (4,086,958 ) $ (820,205 ) Net loss 2021 (57,028 ) (57,028 ) Balance as of November 30, 2021 244,038,890 $ 24,403 $ 0 $ 3,242,350 $ (4,143,986 ) $ (877,233 ) The impact of changes and corrections of errors does not affect the end result of cash flows. Net increase in cash resources remains the same. Cash at beginning and end of year remains zero for the year ended November 30, 2020. |