Each of us has a duty to report situations where we believe a violation of our Code or another Emera Company policy has occurred.
Failure to promptly report concerns or potential violations could allow suspected wrongdoing to continue, and potentially subject each of us, as well as Emera Companies, to harm. There are several resources available for reporting concerns or potential violations in the workplace.
Generally, the first place to report concerns or suspected violations is with your supervisor or manager. If that is not appropriate in the situation, you can elevate your report to any senior leader within your Company or to a Human Resources representative for resolution. In circumstances where such reporting is not appropriate given the serious nature of the violation or does not provide the necessary level of confidentiality, you can access the confidential and anonymous ClearView Connects™ Ethics Hotline at www.clearviewconnects.com or by calling the numbers highlighted in the Reporting Code Concerns table. This Ethics Hotline is accessible 24/7 and is operated by ClearView Connects™, an independent, external reporting service.
The Ethics Hotline provides employees, contractors, and third parties with a mechanism to report serious concerns of ethical misconduct (e.g., accounting and auditing concerns, fraudulent activities, bribery, manipulation/falsification of records, Health, Safety & Environmental violations, discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment or bullying, etc.) in a confidential and anonymous manner. While anyone may submit a report in an anonymous manner, Emera encourages reporters to identify themselves to facilitate ongoing communication. All submissions (anonymous or not) regarding unethical behaviour or violations will be treated on a confidential basis, unless specifically permitted to be disclosed by the reporter or required by law.
It is important to note that the ClearView Connects™ Ethics Hotline is not meant to be a substitute for direct and meaningful communication with your supervisor, manager and/or Human Resources representative. This Hotline is, however, available as an additional

resource if normal channels are not feasible or appropriate.
Emera’s Senior Director, Internal Audit is responsible for administering the Ethics Hotline process with oversight from the Chief Legal & Compliance Officer and the Emera Audit Committee. Reports received through the Ethics Hotline will only be disclosed to those persons who have a need to know in order to properly investigate the concern. Investigations may be conducted and/or managed by Internal Audit, Ethics & Compliance, Human Resources, Legal and/or Corporate Security personnel within an Emera Company or potentially by an external agent or agency, depending on the nature of the matter. Once you submit a report through the Ethics Hotline, you can check for updates by using a pre-assigned reference number automatically generated by the ClearView Connects™ system.