Health, Safety and Environment Committee (“HSEC”)
The HSEC reviews actions taken by the Company to identify and manage risks related to health, safety and environmental matters which may have the potential to adversely impact the Company’s operations, employees, strategy or reputation. In 2020, the HSEC reviewed detailed updates on the Company’s COVID-19 pandemic response and planning, including the framework for responsible re-entry of employees back into the workplace.
The Board is committed to sustaining a culture of integrity and ethical business practices throughout the Company.
Emera adopted a new Code of Conduct in 2016 when Emera and TECO closed their merger transaction, replacing Emera’s Standards for Business Conduct and TECO’s Code of Ethics & Business Conduct. When they join, and annually thereafter, Directors, officers and employees of Emera and its subsidiaries are required to sign a form acknowledging they have reviewed, understand, are currently in compliance and agree to comply with our Code.
The Code of Conduct is available on Emera’s website at, or a copy may be obtained by contacting the Chief Human Resources Officer, Emera Inc., P.O. Box 910, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2W5.
The Board regularly reviews the Code of Conduct and makes revisions to update the content in keeping with best practices. Employees are encouraged under the Code to, in good faith, seek advice, raise concerns, and report suspected misconduct related to Emera’s business. Emera does not tolerate retaliation, threats of retaliation, termination from an Emera Company, or other types of discrimination that are directly or indirectly related to the good faith disclosure of suspected unethical activities or violations of laws, regulations or policies.
The Board monitors compliance with the Code of Conduct. There have been no instances of any waiver of compliance with the Code of Conduct for any Director or Officer.
Emera has a long-standing Respectful Workplace Policy, which clearly condemns harassment, sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination in the workplace. Emera’s Code of Conduct also highlights the Company’s commitment to respect in the workplace and makes it clear there is no place for disrespect in the form of harassment, sexual harassment, bullying or discrimination in the workplace.
In 2018, the Respectful Workplace Policy was revised to be adopted by all operating subsidiaries. The revised Policy highlights the standard process for reporting and addresses harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination and bullying. These revisions have been reflected in the Code of Conduct and in the mandatory training which were each instituted in 2019. The training includes a more robust module on harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination and bullying, and outlines the support available to employees.
The Company has established a confidential Ethics Hotline hosted by an independent external service provider. The Ethics Hotline is available to employees, contractors and third parties to report allegations of non-compliance with the Code of Conduct. The internal audit department (“Audit Services”) is responsible for administering the Ethics Hotline process and ensuring all reports are investigated by the Company. Audit Services provides an overview of the Ethics Hotline reports to the Audit Committee on a quarterly basis.
The Board has approved a Disclosure Policy to ensure that communications to investors and potential investors are timely, factual and accurate, and that the information is disseminated in accordance with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements to the investing public, analysts and the media. For the full text of the Corporate Disclosure Policy, visit
Directors are required to declare any conflict of interest which they may have in a matter before the Board. In any matter requiring approval of the Board, a Director is prohibited by the Company’s Articles of Association from voting in respect of the matter in which the Director is interested.