Additionally, we cannot own more than a 10 percent interest in, or act in the capacity of a director, officer, partner, consultant, employee or agent for a supplier, contractor, sub-contractor, Emera Company customer, competitor or any other person or organization with which an Emera Company has a similar relationship, without the express prior approval of the applicable Emera Company’s President, the Emera Company’s Board of Directors in the case of the President, or, if you are a member of a Board of Directors of an Emera Company, the Company’s Chair of the Board.
You must get approval from your supervisor or manager when a company, partnership or business in which you, or a member of your family, own more than a 10 percent interest, or in which you are a director, partner, officer, consultant, employee or agent seeks to do business with any Emera Company.
We should not accept, offer or authorize gifts, entertainment or other favours that are not a reasonable part of business relationships. While gifts of cash are never acceptable, the occasional exchange of modest gifts and business courtesies, such as entertainment, sporting event tickets, meals or promotional items can build goodwill in business relationships and may be permissible.
A gift or payment is improper if it is used to influence or could appear to influence a business decision. We should exercise good judgment in each situation, taking into account the nature of the gift or entertainment, its purpose, appearance, positions of the persons providing and receiving it, and the business context. Some exchanges may be seen as bribes and could tarnish the reputation of all Emera Companies as well as the individuals involved.