Notice of Annual Meeting of Common Shareholders and Management Information Circular
The Board shall oversee policies and practices to enable the Company to attract, develop and retain the human resources required by the Company to meet its business objectives.
The Board shall appoint executive officers and delegate the necessary authority for the conduct of the business.
The Board shall establish annual performance expectations and corporate goals and objectives for the Chief Executive Officer and monitor progress against those expectations.
The Board shall evaluate the performance, and, following a review of recommendations from the Management Resources and Compensation Committee, approve compensation for executive officers.
The Board shall oversee the succession planning program for the Chief Executive Officer and other key executive positions from time to time.
The Board shall oversee the financial reporting and disclosure obligations imposed on the Company by laws, regulations, rules, policies and other applicable requirements.
The Board will review the financial performance of the Company and declare dividends as appropriate.
The Board shall approve for release to the public as necessary the Company’s financial statements, management’s discussion and analysis (“MD&A”) and earnings releases prepared by management and oversee the Company’s compliance with applicable audit, accounting and reporting requirements.
The Board shall review the quality and integrity of Emera’s internal controls and management information systems.
The Board shall review and approve a formal corporate disclosure policy and oversee policies and processes for accurate, timely and appropriate public disclosure.
The Board shall oversee systems for receiving feedback from stakeholders and review such feedback received by the Company.
The Board is responsible for overseeing the Company’s corporate governance policies and practices and shall maintain a set of corporate governance practices that are specifically appropriate to the Company.
Pursuant to the Articles, the directors shall appoint one of the directors as Chair of the Board and such director shall not be an employee of Emera or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries.
The Board shall establish appropriate structures and procedures to allow the Board to function independently of management and in the interests of the Company and its shareholders.
The Board, in carrying out its mandate, shall appoint committees of the Board and delegate certain functions to those committees, each of which shall have its own written charter. Notwithstanding such delegation, the Board retains its oversight function and ultimate responsibility for these delegated functions.
The Board shall oversee a process for the selection of qualified individuals for board nomination, and shall approve selection criteria for identifying director candidates taking into account the competencies and skills the Board as a whole should possess.
The Board shall undertake regular evaluation of the Board, the Chair of the Board, the Board committees and individual Directors.
The Board shall undertake regular evaluation of Directors’ compensation.
The Board shall review this Charter annually to ensure it appropriately reflects the Board’s stewardship responsibilities.