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Aa, aaa, ability, absence, AC, acceptability, accepted, accrued, accurate, achieve, achieved, achieving, acquirer, acquisition, Activewear, activity, addition, additional, addressed, addressing, adequacy, adhering, adjusted, adjustment, administration, administrative, Advanced, advancing, adverse, adversely, advice, advisor, Advisory, AES, affiliate, AFUDC, agency, aggregate, agreed, agreement, agricultural, AIF, air, Alberta, Algonquin, Aliant, Allison, allocated, alternative, Alternatively, ambient, America, American, amortization, amortizing, amount, Analyst, ancillary, AngloGold, announced, annum, anticipate, anticipated, Antonio, apparel, appeal, appealed, appendix, appoint, appointed, appointment, approach, approximately, aquatic, arise, Arlington, Army, arrangement, articulated, ascribed, ash, Ashanti, assessing, assessment, assessor, asset, assign, assigned, assignment, assist, assuming, Atlantic, Atlantica, ATM, attached, attaching, attend, attention, auction, auditor, August, automatic, automatically, average, awarded, aware, bachelor, Bahama, Bahamian, Baileyville, balance, bank, banking, bankrupt, bankruptcy, Barbadian, bare, Barrett, battery, Bayside, BB, BBA, BBB, BBD, BCE, bear, began, beginning, Bell, Bend, beneficial, beneficially, Bennett, bid, Big, Bill, billed, billing, billion, biological, BISX, Block, Bloomberg, BLPC, Blunden, body, bond, border, Box, Branch, breadth, Brian, bring, bringing, broadband, Brooklyn, brought, Brunswick, BSD, BSE, budget, building, bulk, buy, Caa, CAD, CAIR, calculated, calculation, calendar, California, called, calling, Canadian, Cancer, capacity, carbon, career, Caribbean, Carla, case, cash, cast, catastrophic, category, cautionary, cautioned, CCR, cease, ceased, ceasing, cent, center, centered, Central, CER, Certified, CETR, chain, chair, Chairman, Chamber, Chancellor, characterized, charge, charged, charter, chartered, choose, circular, circulated, citing, claim, clarification, clarity, classified, Clean, cleaner, climate, close, closed, closing, closure, Coast, codified, coke, colder, collect, collected, collecting, collection, collectively, College, Colorado, Columbia, combination, combined, combustion, COMFIT, commenced, commencing, comment, Commerce, commercial, commitment, committed, commodity, Commonwealth, comparable, compared, Competition, competitive, complaint, complexity, compliance, comply, component, composed, composition, compounding, comprehensive, comprised, comprising, compromise, compulsory, concept, confidential, confirm, confirmed, conflict, conformance, Connecticut, consecutive, consent, conservation, consistent, consisting, constitute, construction, construed, consultation, consulting, consumption, contesting, context, contingency, contingent, continuance, continue, continued, contract, contracted, convenience, conversion, convert, converted, cooling, Coordinating, core, corporate, corporation, cost, Council, Counsel, counterparty, country, County, court, coverage, CPA, CPP, CPPIB, CPS, Creek, Crown, cumulative, currency, Curry, customary, customer, cyber, cybersecurity, cycle, Dalhousie, Daniel, daylight, deal, Debby, decision, declare, declared, decrease, deduction, deem, deemed, deep, default, deferral, deferred, degree, Delaware, delay, delegate, delegated, delivery, demand, denied, denominated, Denver, Department, depend, dependent, depending, deployment, depositary, depth, derivative, description, detailed, developed, developer, development, Dewatering, dioxide, Diplomacy, direct, directed, direction, directive, directly, director, discharge, discharging, discount, discretion, dismissing, disposal, disposition, disruption, dissolution, distribute, distribution, District, diversification, diversified, dividend, division, Doctor, Document, dollar, downturn, DR, Draft, Drainage, DRIP, driven, DRs, DSM, due, duration, Earlier, earliest, earned, Earthrise, Eastern, EBITDA, EBPC, ECI, economic, Economizer, economy, ECRC, education, Edward, EES, efficiency, EfficiencyOne, efficient, effluent, EIFEL, electric, electrical, electricity, Electronic, electronically, elevated, eligible, eliminated, Elimination, EMA, EMAB, EMABDR, Embark, emission, employee, empowering, enable, enabling, enacted, enactment, encountered, energy, enforcement, engineer, Engineering, England, enhance, ensure, ensuring, enter, entered, enterprise, entirety, entitled, entity, environment, environmental, EPA, EPRI, EPS, equal, equipment, equity, estimated, EUSHI, event, EVP, examination, examine, exceed, exceeded, exceeding, excellence, excessive, excluding, exclusion, exclusive, exempt, exemption, exemptive, exercise, exercising, existence, existing, expand, expanding, expansion, expense, Expertech, expired, exposure, expressed, extensive, extent, external, facilitate, facility, failure, Fair, Fairfax, fall, FAM, favourable, fax, FCA, FCM, FCPA, FDEP, Feed, feedback, Fellow, FERC, fewer, fibre, fifteenth, Finance, financing, Fine, Fiona, fired, fish, Fitch, fixed, Fletcher, flexibility, FLG, floating, Florida, flow, fluctuating, focused, force, forecast, forecasted, foregoing, foreign, foresee, forfeiture, formal, Fortune, Forum, forward, fossil, Foundation, Founder, fourth, FPSC, franchise, Francisco, free, Freeport, frequency, FTC, fuel, full, fully, function, fund, funded, funding, future, FX, gas, GBPA, GBPC, GHG, gigawatt, Gildan, global, goal, gold, governance, government, governmental, Governor, GRA, graduate, Grand, granted, greatest, greenhouse, Gregory, grew, grid, groundwater, group, growing, guarantee, guidance, Gulf, GW, GWh, Gypsum, Hampshire, harbour, hardening, Harvard, Hawksbill, headquartered, hear, heard, hearing, heating, hedge, hedging, Helene, high, higher, highest, hiring, historical, historically, hold, holdback, holder, holding, Honorary, HSEC, human, Huron, hurricane, Hutt, Hybrid, hydro, hydroelectric, hydroelectricity, IASB, Idalia, identify, identifying, ii, iii, immaterial, IMP, impact, impacted, impacting, impair, import, important, impoundment, improved, improvement, inactive, inclusive, income, increase, increased, increasing, incremental, incurred, indefinitely, India, indirect, indirectly, individual, individually, inflation, influenced, infrastructure, initial, initially, initiated, initiative, injection, innovative, inquiry, insight, insignificant, insolvency, inspect, install, installation, instance, institute, instituted, insurance, intake, intended, intensity, intent, intention, intercompany, interconnected, interconnection, interim, Intermediate, interstate, intrastate, invest, invested, investigation, investing, investment, investor, involuntary, involve, involved, involving, Ireland, iron, island, issuable, issuance, Jackie, January, Jazz, Jersey, Jochen, John, joined, joining, joint, judgment, July, June, junior, jurisdiction, jurisdictional, Justice, Karen, key, Keystone, km, knowledge, labour, Labrador, landfall, landfill, large, largely, largest, Largo, law, lead, leadership, led, Legacy, legal, legislated, legislation, legislative, Legislature, letter, levied, license, lieu, life, Light, likelihood, LIL, limit, limitation, limited, limiting, line, liner, Link, linked, liquefied, liquidation, liquidity, literacy, literate, litigation, LLC, LNG, loan, local, location, London, long, longer, low, lower, lowest, LP, Lucelec, Lucia, magnitude, Maine, maintenance, mandate, mandatory, manner, manufactured, manufacturer, MAP, March, Margaret, margin, Maritime, market, marketed, marketing, Mary, Master, Matthew, mature, matured, maturity, maximize, MBA, McMaster, measure, measured, mechanism, medical, medium, meet, meeting, membership, Mercury, Mexico, Michael, midpoint, Midwest, million, Milton, minimal, minimize, minimum, Minogue, misstatement, mitigated, model, moderate, modernization, modernize, modernized, modified, modifier, monitor, monitoring, month, monthly, Montreal, Moody, motion, Mount, movement, MRCC, Muldoon, multiple, multiplying, municipal, Muskrat, MW, Nalcor, Nasdaq, national, natural, nature, NB, NCGC, nearest, necessarily, necessitated, necessity, negative, negotiating, neighboring, NERC, net, network, Newfoundland, Nikola, NLH, NMGC, NMPRC, nominated, Nominating, nominee, north, Northeast, northeastern, Northern, northwestern, notice, notified, NPCC, NS, NSEB, NSEISO, NSIESO, NSP, NSPI, NSPML, numerical, Nutrien, Oakville, obligor, obtain, obtained, occur, occurred, offered, offering, oil, ongoing, Ontario, open, opportunity, opposed, optic, optimize, option, optional, order, ordinary, organization, organizational, originally, outcome, outlook, oversee, oversight, owner, ownership, ozone, Pacific, paid, parent, parity, Parliament, part, participant, participate, participating, partner, partnership, party, passage, passed, Pattern, pay, payable, payment, payout, PBC, peak, peer, penalty, pending, Pennsylvania, pension, percentage, perform, performance, performed, performing, permit, permitted, permitting, perpetuity, petcoke, petition, petitioned, petroleum, PGS, phase, phased, photochemical, physical, Picton, Pillar, pipeline, plan, planned, planning, plant, plc, policy, political, Polk, Pollutant, Pond, population, Port, Porter, portfolio, portion, position, Potash, potential, potentially, power, practice, predecessor, predetermined, predictable, preference, preferential, preferred, prescribed, presence, present, presented, President, prevailing, price, pricing, primarily, Prince, prior, priority, private, privately, Privatization, pro, procedure, proceeding, procurement, procuring, produced, producer, producing, professional, profile, program, progressively, project, projected, projection, prolonged, promoting, prone, property, proposal, proposed, Protocol, Province, provincial, provincially, PRP, prudent, prudently, publicly, pumped, pursue, Pyrite, qualified, qualify, quality, quarterly, Quebec, questionable, quorum, quoted, range, rank, ranking, rata, rate, rateably, rated, rating, ratio, rationale, reach, reached, reaching, read, realize, reassert, recalculated, receipt, recent, recently, reclassified, reclassify, recognition, recognize, recognized, recommend, recommendation, recommended, recommending, reconciliation, reconsideration, recover, recoverable, recovered, redeem, redeemable, redeemed, redemption, reduce, reduced, reduction, refund, refunded, regime, region, regional, registrar, regularly, reinvest, reinvestment, reliability, reliable, reliably, reliance, relief, remain, remained, remaining, remeasure, remeasurement, remitted, remitting, remote, removal, remove, remuneration, RENAC, rendered, ReNew, renewable, renewed, Reorganization, repay, repayment, replace, replacement, replenish, replenishment, repowered, repowering, representing, Repsol, reputation, RER, reserve, reset, Residence, Residential, resilience, resiliency, resilient, resolving, resource, rest, restoration, result, resulted, resulting, retail, retain, retention, retire, retired, retirement, retiring, Retrieval, retrofit, return, returned, revenue, reversed, review, reviewing, revolutionizing, Rhode, rider, risen, risk, Road, ROE, role, rotation, rounded, RSC, Ryerson, safe, safeguarding, safely, Saint, sale, Salmon, San, Sarasota, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, satisfied, scale, scaled, schedule, scheduled, School, Schulich, Science, scope, Scotiabank, Screen, SeaCoast, season, seasonal, Secretary, Sector, secure, security, SEDAR, seek, seeking, segment, select, selected, selecting, sell, senior, separate, separation, September, set, setting, settlement, shale, share, shareholder, Sharing, shelf, Sheppard, Sheriff, short, shortfall, side, significant, significantly, similar, single, site, situated, size, skepticism, Slag, Smart, SoBRA, software, solar, solid, sought, source, south, Southeast, Southern, southwest, specific, speculative, SPP, spread, St, stability, stable, Stackout, staffing, standing, Stanford, state, stated, statement, station, stationary, statutory, stay, stayed, steam, steel, stemming, storage, storm, strategic, strategy, strongest, structure, study, subordinated, subscribe, subscription, subsequent, subsequently, subsidiary, substantial, substantially, succeed, successful, successor, sufficient, sulphur, sum, summary, superfund, supervisory, supplement, supplemental, supplier, supply, support, supported, supporting, Supreme, surcharge, surface, surge, suspension, Sustainability, Sustainable, Swamp, symbol, table, tabled, Tampa, Tank, target, targeted, Tariff, Task, tax, Taylor, team, TEC, technical, technological, technology, telecommunication, teleconferencing, Tem, Terawatt, terminal, terminate, terminated, termination, territory, thereof, thereon, threshold, throughput, Tilk, toll, tonne, Toronto, trade, traded, trading, transaction, transfer, transferred, transition, transmission, transmit, transmitted, transport, transportation, transported, traveling, Treasurer, treasury, treatment, tropical, Trust, trustee, TSX, Tully, turbine, TWh, type, typically, UARB, UK, ultimately, unanticipated, undepreciated, underdelivered, Underground, understand, understanding, undertaken, undue, unhedged, unionized, unique, University, unknown, unlimited, unopposed, unpaid, unrecovered, unsecured, update, upset, usage, USD, USGAAP, Utica, utility, utilized, utilizing, Validation, Variation, vary, vehicle, venture, Vermont, version, vertically, Vice, videoconferencing, view, Virginia, voice, volatility, volume, voluntary, vote, voting, warmer, warrant, waste, wastewater, water, Waterloo, weakened, weather, west, Western, WestJet, wholesale, wholly, wind, winter, withdraw, withdrawn, work, workforce, worst, writing, written, Xplore, yield
absolute, Andrea, attestation, check, Codification, conceived, concluded, Consumer, COSO, de, emerging, Employer, establishing, evaluated, evaluation, expect, expert, finalize, formatted, gaap, heading, hereto, ID, implied, impose, Inline, Instruction, Interactive, internet, listing, mark, mine, operated, opinion, PCAOB, post, preventing, registrant, relation, Rosen, seq, serve, shorter, Sponsoring, Street, Title, Treadway, undersigned, Washington, XBRL, zip
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