LOANS | Note 5LOANS Originated loans are reported at their principal amount outstanding adjusted for partial charge-offs, the allowance, and net deferred loan fees and costs. Interest income on loans is accrued over the term of the loans primarily using the simple interest method based on the principal balance outstanding. Interest is not accrued on loans where collectability is uncertain. Accrued interest is presented separately in the consolidated balance sheet. Loan origination fees and certain direct costs incurred to extend credit are deferred and amortized over the term of the loan or loan commitment period as an adjustment to the related loan yield. Acquired loans are those obtained in the Merger (See Note 3 Business Combination for further information). These loans were recorded at estimated fair value at the Acquisition Date with no carryover of the related allowance. The acquired loans were segregated between those considered to be performing (acquired non-impaired loans) and those with evidence of credit deterioration (acquired impaired loans). Acquired loans are considered impaired if there is evidence of credit deterioration and if it is probable, at acquisition, that all contractually required payments will not be collected. Acquired loans restructured after acquisition are not considered or reported as troubled debt restructurings if the loans evidenced credit deterioration as of the Acquisition Date and are accounted for in pools. As of September 30, 2015, no acquired loans were modified as troubled debt restructurings after the Acquisition Date. The fair value estimates for acquired loans are based on expected prepayments and the amount and timing of discounted expected principal, interest and other cash flows. Credit discounts representing the principal losses expected over the life of the loan are also a component of the initial fair value. In determining the Acquisition Date fair value of acquired impaired loans, and in subsequent accounting, we have generally aggregated acquired mortgage, commercial and consumer loans into pools of loans with common risk characteristics. The difference between the fair value of an acquired non-impaired loan and contractual amounts due at the Acquisition Date is accreted into income over the estimated life of the loan. Contractually required payments represent the total undiscounted amount of all uncollected principal and interest payments. Acquired non-impaired loans are placed on nonaccrual status and reported as nonperforming or past due using the same criteria applied to the originated loan portfolio. The excess of an acquired impaired loans contractually required payments over the amount of its undiscounted cash flows expected to be collected is referred to as the non-accretable difference. The non-accretable difference, which is neither accreted into income nor recorded on the consolidated balance sheet, reflects estimated future credit losses and uncollectible contractual interest expected to be incurred over the life of the acquired impaired loan. The excess cash flows expected to be collected over the carrying amount of the acquired loan is referred to as the accretable yield. This amount is accreted into interest income over the remaining life of the acquired loans or pools using the level yield method. The accretable yield is affected by changes in interest rate indices for variable rate loans, changes in prepayment speed assumptions and changes in expected principal and interest payments over the estimated lives of the acquired impaired loans. We evaluate quarterly the remaining contractual required payments receivable and estimate cash flows expected to be collected over the life of the impaired loans. Contractually required payments receivable may increase or decrease for a variety of reasons, for example, when the contractual terms of the loan agreement are modified, when interest rates on variable rate loans change, or when principal and/or interest payments are received. Cash flows expected to be collected on acquired impaired loans are estimated by incorporating several key assumptions similar to the initial estimate of fair value. These key assumptions include probability of default, loss given default, and the amount of actual prepayments after the Acquisition Date. Prepayments affect the estimated lives of loans and could change the amount of interest income, and possibly principal, expected to be collected. In re-forecasting future estimated cash flows, credit loss expectations are adjusted as necessary. The adjustments are based, in part, on actual loss severities recognized for each loan type, as well as changes in the probability of default. For periods in which estimated cash flows are not re-forecasted, the prior reporting periods estimated cash flows are adjusted to reflect the actual cash received and credit events that transpired during the current reporting period. Increases in expected cash flows of acquired impaired loans subsequent to the Acquisition Date are recognized prospectively through adjustments of the yield on the loans or pools over their remaining lives, while decreases in expected cash flows are recognized as impairment through a provision for loan losses and an increase in the allowance. The following table sets forth the composition of our loan portfolio by loan type at the dates indicated. At September 30, At December 31, (in thousands) Real estate loans: Residential mortgage $ 76,458 $ 71,828 Commercial loans: Construction - real estate 257 1,443 Secured by real estate 59,096 62,163 Other 23,387 19,000 Total commercial loans 82,740 82,606 Consumer loans: Secured by real estate 9,063 9,502 Other 1,557 1,403 Total consumer loans 10,620 10,905 Total gross loans $ 169,818 $ 165,339 Less: Net deferred loan fees (241 ) (263 ) Allowance for loan losses (1,514 ) (1,429 ) Total loans, net $ 168,063 $ 163,647 Total outstanding balance and carrying value of acquired impaired loans was $4.2 million and $3.1 million, respectively, as of September 30, 2015. Changes in the accretable yield for acquired impaired loans for the nine months ended September 30, 2015 were as follows: Acquired Acquired December 31, 2014 balance $ (1,232 ) $ (208 ) $ (1,440 ) Net discount associated with acquired loans Accretion of discount for credit spread 57 57 Transfer from non-accreatable to accreatable 25 (25 ) Loans paid off through September 30, 2015 6 6 Loans charged off through September 30, 2015 113 113 Total $ (1,088 ) $ (176 ) $ (1,264 ) The following table illustrates the contractual aging of the recorded investment in past due loans by class of loans as of September 30, 2015 and December 31, 2014: As of September 30, 2015 30 - 59 Days 60 - 89 Days Past Due Greater than Recorded (dollars in thousands) Originated Loans: Commercial Real Estate: Commercial Real Estate - construction $ $ $ $ $ 257 $ 257 $ Commercial Real Estate - other 640 640 44,577 45,217 Commercial - non real estate 29 11 40 20,887 20,927 Consumer: Consumer - Real Estate 137 137 7,353 7,490 Consumer - Other 4 4 1,433 1,437 Residential: Residential 1,273 481 231 1,985 68,906 70,891 125 Total $ 2,079 $ 492 $ 235 $ 2,806 $ 143,413 $ 146,219 $ 125 As of September 30, 2015 60 - 89 Days Greater than Recorded (dollars in thousands) Acquired Loans: Commercial Real Estate: Commercial Real Estate - construction $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Commercial Real Estate - other 222 176 259 657 13,222 13,879 97 Commercial - non real estate 17 359 451 827 1,633 2,460 300 Consumer: Consumer - Real Estate 4 4 1,569 1,573 Consumer - Other 120 120 Residential: Residential 306 265 571 4,996 5,567 Total $ 545 $ 535 $ 979 $ 2,059 $ 21,540 $ 23,599 $ 397 As of December 31, 2014 Originated Loans: 30 - 59 Days 60 - 89 Days Greater than Recorded (dollars in thousands) Commercial Real Estate: Commercial Real Estate - construction $ $ $ $ $ 1,443 $ 1,443 $ Commercial Real Estate - other 10 195 205 46,103 46,308 Commercial - non real estate 14,544 14,544 Consumer: Consumer - Real Estate 107 4 7 118 7,684 7,802 Consumer - Other 3 3 6 1,152 1,158 3 Residential: Residential 1,484 746 386 2,616 62,326 64,942 87 Total $ 1,604 $ 945 $ 396 $ 2,945 $ 133,252 $ 136,197 $ 90 As of December 31, 2014 Acquired Loans: Greater than Total Recorded (dollars in thousands) Commercial Real Estate - construction $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Commercial Real Estate - other 125 128 93 346 15,604 15,950 Commercial - non real estate 40 104 144 4,217 4,361 Consumer: Consumer - Real Estate 123 123 1,609 1,732 Consumer - Other 213 213 Residential: Residential 147 56 461 664 6,222 6,886 225 Total $ 395 $ 224 $ 658 $ 1,277 $ 27,865 $ 29,142 $ 225 The Bank uses an eight tier risk rating system to grade its commercial loans. The grade of a loan may change during the life of the loan. The risk ratings are described as follows: Risk Grade 1 ○ Demonstrates exceptional credit fundamentals, including stable and predictable profit margins and cash flows, strong liquidity, and a conservative balance sheet. ○ Significant cash flow coverage of existing and pro forma debt service. ○ Industry leader with a diversified product mix and broad geographical market distribution. ○ Obligations secured by cash (on us deposits) and U.S. Government securities within policy advance rates. Risk Grade 2 ○ The difference between this rating and Class 1 is generally in degree and size. Credit quality is slightly less dominant, with less predictability in earnings and cash flow. ○ Customer may be one of the stronger and larger privately held companies. Balance sheet is conservative with excellent liquidity. ○ Obligations secured by liquid financial instruments within policy advance rates. Risk Grade 3 ○ Obligor may also be a privately held, middle market company with a strong balance sheet, consistent earnings, and worthy of unsecured credit. ○ Leverage, liquidity and coverage average to slightly better than average within industry. Balance sheet may contain some intangibles. ○ History of profitable operations, but conditions exist that would suggest obligors earnings could temporarily decline due to market or economic conditions. ○ Cash flow is adequate and profit margins are slightly above average within the industry. ○ Obligors product mix may lack diversity or geographic distribution, but is usually not confined to a single product or service. ○ Bank borrowings will tend not to be constant; obligors debt instruments would be attractive to other lenders. Most likely would have access to alternative sources of funding (public or private). Risk Grade 4 ○ Subject to normal degree of risk. ○ Cash flow is adequate to service debt, but is susceptible to some deterioration due to cyclical, seasonal or economic fluctuations. ○ Balance sheet contains some leverage; liquidity could be temporarily tight. There could be some asset concentration. ○ Access to financial markets could be limited or expensive. ○ Management is experienced but may be concentrated in a few key people. ○ Some unfavorable characteristics may exist: - Reliance on single product or major customer concentration - Volatility of earnings or earnings weakness due to competition - Leverage is increasing, but is still within normal industry parameters - Management is capable but would be tested in an adverse business environment - High leverage offset by stable or predictable cash flow ○ Borrowings would usually be on a secured basis, with some inventory reliance and fairly steady outstandings. Borrowing base may be fully utilized from time to time. ● 4.5 - Acceptable Risk Monitored: This rating category is a subset of a Risk Grade 4-Acceptable and serves primarily as an early warning indicator to management to avoid surprises to Special Mention or worse credits. The loans in this category may have several characteristics of a Risk Grade 4 loan, but have negative results and trending that warrant monitoring. ○ More unpredictability in earnings and cash flow. Obligor may have experienced modest and presumably temporary losses; resulting in a temporary negative cash flow. ○ Current financial statements have not been provided by the borrower. ○ Leverage ratios and liquidity are below normal industry standards, but may be deliberate financial restructuring, testing the limits of acceptable capitalization. ○ Secondary source of repayment may be limited. Grade 4.5 risk rated credits are acceptable, but if the weakness is not checked or corrected the asset may further weaken or inadequately protect the Banks credit exposure at some future date. Risk Grade 5 A Special Mention asset is not considered criticized for regulatory purposes. A Special Mention obligor may exhibit a potential weakness that may result in the deterioration of the repayment prospects for the credit or in the Banks credit position in the future; however, there must also be a well-defined plan of corrective action that is believed to be credible. ○ The obligor will generally have exhibited a sudden but modest and temporary deterioration, often related to a specific event. ○ Protracted gradual deterioration that appears to represent a trend or sudden deterioration of a more significant magnitude would warrant a more severe risk rating. ○ The action plan may include certain kinds of bridging events (for example, a capital injection) that could resolve the issue. ○ Special Mention asset may also have a single event of uncertainty associated with it, which should generally be resolved within 120 days (for example, management succession, litigation or turnaround acquisition). Risk Grade 6 A Substandard asset has well defined weakness(es) where a payment default is possible and a loss is possible, but not yet probable. Assets so classified are inadequately protected by current net worth and repayment capacity or there is a likelihood that collateral will have to be liquidated to repay the debt. ○ Cash flow from operations may be insufficient to meet principal reductions as expected, with the prospect that this condition may not be temporary. ○ Restructure not in the ordinary course of business has occurred or is anticipated. ○ A payment default is possible (at least 20% probability but less than 50%) and there is a dependence upon favorable business, financial, and economic conditions to meet timely payment of interest and repayment of principal. ○ If deficiencies are not corrected, there is a possibility of loss (less than 25% probability) and a question regarding the companys ability to operate as a going concern. ○ Generally, the asset/loan is considered collectible as to both principal and interest, primarily because of collateral coverage or enterprise value. Loss of principal is not at question, unless current trends were to continue. Risk Grade 7 A Doubtful asset/loan has characteristics of Substandard, but available information suggests it is unlikely that the asset/loan will be repaid in its entirety. A loan/asset with a grade 7 is reported in the Banks financial records on a non-accrual basis. The entire asset/loan should be rated Doubtful when any portion is considered Doubtful. Risk Grade 8 Assets/loans or portions of assets/loans classified as Loss are determined to be uncollectible and are of such little value that their continuing classification as bankable is unwarranted. Accordingly, that portion of an asset/loan with a 75% or greater probability of being uncollectible should be classified Loss and promptly charged off. The remaining portion of the asset/loan may be classified Doubtful, depending on the circumstances. This does not suggest, however, that there is no possibility of a recovery of a portion or all of the charged-off asset/loan at some future time. The following table presents the risk category of loans by class of loans based on the most recent analysis performed as of September 30, 2015 and December 31, 2014: As of September 30, 2015 Originated Loans: Loan Grade Commercial Real Estate Construction Commercial Real Estate Other Commercial 1-2 $ $ 658 $ 342 3 12,364 10,852 4 237 21,701 7,336 4.5 20 3,268 357 5 2,595 224 6 4,631 1,816 7 8 Total $ 257 $ 45,217 $ 20,927 Acquired Loans: Loan Grade Commercial Real Estate Construction Commercial Real Estate Other Commercial 1-2 $ $ 236 $ 690 3 2,128 392 4 9,598 545 4.5 461 7 5 694 375 6 761 451 7 0 0 8 0 0 Total $ $ 13,878 $ 2,460 As of December 31, 2014 Originated Loans: Loan Grade Commercial Real Estate Construction Commercial Real Estate Other Commercial 1-2 $ $ $ 31 3 13,565 6,088 4 1,443 21,757 7,538 4.5 3,553 252 5 6,040 635 6 1,393 7 8 Total $ 1,443 $ 46,308 $ 14,544 Acquired Loans: Loan Grade Commercial Real Estate Construction Commercial Real Estate Other Commercial 1-2 $ $ 280 $ 1,188 3 2,696 876 4 10,905 970 4.5 337 21 5 1,176 1,150 6 547 156 7 9 0 8 0 Total $ $ 15,950 $ 4,361 For residential real estate and other consumer credit the Company also evaluates credit quality based on the aging status of the loan and by payment activity. Loans 60 or more days past due are monitored by the collection committee. The following tables present the risk category of loans by class based on the most recent analysis performed as of September 30, 2015 and December 31, 2014: As of September 30, 2015 Residential Consumer - Consumer - Other Originated Loans: Loan Grade: Pass $ 70,350 $ 7,462 $ 1,432 Special Mention Substandard 541 28 4 Total $ 70,891 $ 7,490 $ 1,436 Residential Consumer - Consumer - Other Acquired Loans: Loan Grade: Pass $ 5,294 $ 1,565 $ 120 Special Mention Substandard 273 9 Total $ 5,567 $ 1,574 $ 120 As of December 31, 2014 Residential Consumer - Consumer - Other Originated Loans: Loan Grade: Pass $ 64,397 $ 7,778 $ 1,155 Special Mention Substandard 545 24 3 Total $ 64,942 $ 7,802 $ 1,158 Residential Consumer - Consumer - Other Acquired Loans: Loan Grade: Pass $ 6,335 $ 1,731 $ 213 Special Mention Substandard 551 1 Total $ 6,886 $ 1,732 $ 213 The following table presents the recorded investment in non-accrual loans by class as of September 30, 2015 and December 31, 2014: As of September 30, 2015 December 31, 2014 (in thousands) Commercial Real Estate: Commercial Real Estate - construction $ $ Commercial Real Estate - other 370 486 Commercial 151 77 Consumer: Consumer - real estate 35 25 Consumer - other 4 Residential: Residential 681 750 Total $ 1,241 $ 1,338 Acquired impaired loans are not subject to individual evaluation for impairment and are not reported as non-performing loans based on acquired impaired loan accounting. Acquired non-impaired loans are placed on non-accrual status and reported as past due or non-performing using the same criteria that is applied to the originated loan portfolio. The key features of the Companys loan modifications are determined on a loan-by-loan basis. Generally, our restructurings have related to interest rate reductions and loan term extensions. In the past the Company has granted reductions in interest rates, payment extensions and short-term payment forbearances as a means to maximize collectability of troubled credits. The Company has not forgiven principal to date, although this would be considered if necessary to ensure the long-term collectability of the loan. The Companys loan modifications are typically short-term in nature, although the Company would consider a long-term modification to ensure the long-term collectability of the credit. At a minimum, a borrower must make at least six consecutive timely payments before the Company would consider a return of a restructured loan to accruing status in accordance with Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation guidelines regarding restoration of credits to accrual status. The Bank has classified approximately $3.1 million of its impaired loans as troubled debt restructurings (TDRs) as of September 30, 2015. There were no commitments to extend credit to borrowers with loans classified as TDRs as of September 30, 2015 and December 31, 2014. TDR loans are classified as being in default on a case by case basis when they fail to be in compliance with the modified terms. For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2015 and 2014 the Company did not have any new TDRs or TDRs that subsequently defaulted. For the majority of the Banks impaired loans, the Bank will apply the market value of collateral methodology. However, the Bank may also utilize a measurement incorporating the present value of expected future cash flows discounted at the loans effective rate of interest. To determine observable market price, collateral asset values securing an impaired loan are periodically evaluated. Maximum time of re-evaluation is every 12 months. In this process, third party evaluations are obtained and heavily relied upon. Until such time that updated evaluations are received, the Bank may discount the collateral value used. The Bank uses the following guidelines, as stated in policy, to determine when to realize a charge-off, whether a partial or full loan balance. A charge down in whole or in part is realized when unsecured consumer loans, credit card credits and overdraft lines of credit reach 90 days delinquency. At 120 days delinquency, secured consumer loans are charged down to the value of collateral, if repossession of the collateral is assured and/or in the process of repossession. Consumer mortgage loan deficiencies are charged down upon the sale of the collateral or sooner upon the recognition of collateral deficiency. Commercial credits are charged down at 90 days delinquency, unless an established and approved work-out plan is in place or litigation of the credit will likely result in recovery of the loan balance. Upon notification of bankruptcy, unsecured debt is charged off. Additional charge-offs may be realized as further unsecured positions are recognized. The following tables present loans individually evaluated for impairment by class of loans as of September 30, 2015 and December 31, 2014: Impaired Loans For the Three For the Nine Unpaid Principal Balance Recorded Investment Related Allowance Average Interest Average Interest (dollars in thousands) With no specific allowance recorded: Commercial Real Estate - Construction $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Commercial Real Estate - Other 728 728 756 11 796 36 Commercial - Other Consumer - Real Estate 14 12 12 12 Consumer - Other 6 4 5 4 Residential 526 435 442 5 449 10 With a specific allowance recorded: Commercial Real Estate - Construction Commercial Real Estate - Other 935 935 11 940 12 949 36 Commercial - Other Consumer - Real Estate 18 16 16 17 17 Consumer - Other Residential 185 176 38 178 178 1 Totals: Commercial Real Estate - Construction $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Commercial Real Estate - Other $ 1,663 $ 1,663 $ 11 $ 1,696 $ 23 $ 1,745 $ 72 Commercial - Other $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Consumer - Real Estate $ 32 $ 28 $ 16 $ 29 $ $ 29 $ Consumer - Other $ 6 $ 4 $ $ 5 $ $ 4 $ Residential $ 711 $ 611 $ 38 $ 620 $ 5 $ 627 $ 11 Impaired Loans For the Three For the Nine Unpaid Principal Balance Recorded Investment Related Allowance Average Recorded Investment Interest Income Recognized Average Recorded Investment Interest Income Recognized (dollars in thousands) With no related allowance recorded: Commercial Real Estate - Construction $ — $ — $ — $ — $ — $ — $ — Commercial Real Estate - Other — — — — — — — Commercial - Other 1,431 1,430 — 1,444 21 1,499 63 Consumer - Real Estate 26 24 — — — — — Consumer - Other — — — 27 — 27 — Residential 781 618 — — — — — 528 1 534 4 With a specific allowance recorded: Commercial Real Estate - Construction — — — 173 — 173 — Commercial Real Estate - Other — — — 392 5 396 13 Commercial - Other 386 386 10 — — — — Consumer - Real Estate — — — — — — — Consumer - Other — — — — — — — Residential — — — 179 — 179 1 Totals: Commercial Real Estate - Construction $ — $ — $ — $ 173 $ — $ 173 $ — Commercial Real Estate - Other $ — $ — $ — $ 1,836 $ 26 $ 1,895 $ 76 Commercial - Other $ 1,817 $ 1,816 $ 10 $ — $ — $ — $ — Consumer - Real Estate $ 26 $ 24 $ — $ 27 $ — $ 27 $ — Consumer - Other $ — $ — $ — $ — $ — $ — $ — Residential $ 781 $ 618 $ — $ 707 $ 1 $ 713 $ 5 Acquired loans are not subject to individual evaluation for impairment and are not reported as impaired loans based on acquired impaired loan accounting. Acquired non-impaired loans are placed on nonaccrual status and reported as impaired using the same criteria applied to the originated loan portfolio. In accordance with purchase accounting rules, acquired loans were recorded at fair value at the acquisition date and the prior allowance was eliminated. No allowance for loan loss has been established on these acquired loans through September 30, 2015. The ALLL has a direct impact on the provision expense. An increase in the ALLL is funded through recoveries and provision expense. Activity in the allowance for loan and lease losses was as follows for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2015 and September 30, 2014, respectively: Allowance for Credit Losses For the Three Months Ended September 30, 2015 Commercial Construction Commercial Real Estate Commercial Consumer Real Estate Consumer Residential Unallocated Total (dollars in thousands) Allowance for credit losses: Beginning Balance $ $ 492 $ 140 $ 42 $ 18 $ 721 $ 75 $ 1,488 Charge-offs (7 ) (3 ) (5 ) (15 ) Recoveries 1 9 8 15 13 46 Provision (1 ) 55 (7 ) (15 ) (52 ) 15 (5 ) Ending Balance $ 1 $ 500 $ 195 $ 36 $ 15 $ 677 $ 90 $ 1,514 For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2015 Commercial Construction Commercial Real Estate Commercial Consumer Real Estate Consumer Residential Unallocated Total (dollars in thousands) Allowance for credit losses: Beginning Balance $ 8 $ 307 $ 94 $ 33 $ 19 $ 869 $ 99 $ 1,429 Charge-offs (3 ) (11 ) (15 ) (42 ) (71 ) Recoveries 13 74 5 28 16 46 182 Provision (20 ) 122 96 (14 ) (5 ) (196 ) (9 ) (26 ) Ending Balance $ 1 $ 500 $ 195 $ 36 $ 15 $ 677 $ 90 $ 1,514 Loan Balances Evaluated for Impairment As of September 30, 2015 Commercial Construction Commercial Real Estate Commercial Consumer Real Estate Consumer Residential Unallocated Total (dollars in thousands) Allowance for loan losses as of September 30, 2015 Ending balance: individually evaluated for impairment $ $ 11 $ $ 16 $ $ 38 $ $ 65 Ending balance: loans collectively evaluated for impairment $ 1 $ 489 $ 195 $ 20 $ 15 $ 639 $ 90 $ 1,449 Loans as of September 30, 2015 Loans: Ending Balance $ 257 $ 59,096 $ 23,387 $ 9,063 $ 1,557 $ 76,458 $ $ 169,818 Ending balance: individually evaluated for impairment $ $ 1,663 $ $ 28 $ 611 $ $ 2,302 Ending balance: loans collectively evaluated for impairment $ 257 $ 43,554 $ 20,927 $ 7,462 $ 1,436 $ 70,280 $ $ 143,916 Acquired loans with deteriorated credit quality not subject to loan loss reserve $ $ 1,892 $ 810 $ 11 $ $ 401 $ $ 3,114 Other acquired loans not subject to loan loss reserve $ $ 11,987 $ 1,650 $ 1,563 $ 120 $ 5,166 $ $ 20,486 Allowance for Credit Losses For the Three Months Ended September 30, 2014 Commercial Construction Commercial Real Estate Commercial Consumer Real Estate Consumer Residential Unallocated Total (dollars in thousands) Allowance for credit losses: Beginning Balance $ 48 $ 426 $ 72 $ 38 $ 16 $ 783 $ 104 $ 1,487 Charge-offs (225 ) (2 ) (17 ) (66 ) (310 ) Recoveries 14 1 3 12 30 Provision 2 18 (14 ) (1 ) 6 211 35 257 Ending Balance $ 50 $ 233 $ 59 $ 38 $ 5 $ 940 $ 139 $ 1,464 For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2014 Commercial Construction Commercial Real Estate Commercial Consumer Real Estate Consumer Residential Unallocated Total (dollars in thousands) Allowance for credit losses: Beginning Balance $ 48 $ 444 $ 63 $ 62 $ 21 $ 784 $ 50 $ 1,472 Charge-offs (241 ) (15 ) (23 ) (111 ) (390 ) Recoveries 45 1 26 37 109 Provision 2 (15 ) (5 ) (35 ) 7 230 89 273 Ending Balance $ 50 $ 233 $ 59 $ 38 $ 5 $ 940 $ 139 $ 1,464 Loan Balances Individually Evaluated for Impairment As of September 30, 2014 Commercial Construction Commercial Real Estate Commercial Consumer Real Estate Consumer Residential Unallocated Total (dollars in thousands) Allowance for loan losses as of September 30, 2014 Ending balance: individually evaluated for impairment $ 48 $ 11 $ $ $ $ 39 $ $ 98 Ending balance: loans collectively evaluated for impairment $ 2 $ 222 $ 59 $ 38 $ 5 $ 901 $ 139 $ 1,366 Loans as of September 30, 2014 Loans: Ending Balance $ 634 $ 45,697 $ 12,578 $ 7,905 $ 1,098 $ 65,526 $ $ 133,438 Ending balance: individually evaluated for impairment $ 173 $ 1,620 $ 202 $ 39 $ $ 1,370 $ $ 3,404 Ending balance: loans collectively evaluated for impairment $ 461 $ 44,077 $ 12,376 $ 7,866 $ 1,098 $ 64,156 $ $ 130,034 |