Exhibit 99.1
The Phoenix Companies, Inc. N E W S R E L E A S E
One American Row
PO Box 5056
Hartford CT 06102-5056
For: Immediate Release
Contact: Media Relations: Alice S. Ericson 860-403-5946
Investor Relations: Peter A. Hofmann 860-403-7100
HARTFORD, CT, July 18, 2005 - The Phoenix Companies, Inc. (NYSE: PNX) today announced a program to provide
owners of fewer than 100 shares of its common stock with a convenient, voluntary opportunity to either
sell all their shares or purchase enough additional shares to increase their holdings to 100 shares.
Shares will be bought or sold on the open market through a designated broker, and participating
shareholders will pay or receive a market-based price per share that is uniformly applied to all
transactions in a given week. The program is not a stock buyback program by the company.
Requests to purchase or sell shares must be received by August 18, 2005, unless Phoenix extends the
program. Shareholder questions may be directed to the program manager, Georgeson Shareholder
Communications, Inc., toll-free, at 1-866-683-9257.
Phoenix had approximately 269,000 shareholders and 95 million shares outstanding as of June 30, 2005.
The Phoenix Companies, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of life insurance, annuity and asset management
products for the accumulation, preservation and transfer of wealth. With a history dating to 1851, The
Phoenix Companies, Inc. has two principal operating subsidiaries, Phoenix Life Insurance Company and
Phoenix Investment Partners, Ltd. Through a variety of advisors and financial services firms, the company
provides products and services to affluent and high-net-worth individuals and to institutions. Phoenix has
corporate offices in Hartford, Connecticut. For more information on Phoenix, visit