September 9, 2002
Alberta Securities Commission
21st Floor, 10025 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
T2J 3Z5
Dear Sirs/Mesdames:
Re: Confirmation of mailing –
Westrange Corp. (WRC:TSX Venture Exchange)
second quarter 2002 interim financial report
We confirm that on September 3, 2002, we sent by prepaid mail to all registered shareholders and to non-registered shareholders who returned an interim report reply card a copy of Westrange's second quarter report for the period ended June 30, 2002.
The associated news release was distributed through Canada StockWatch on August 26, 2002.
/s/Linda Wollner
Linda Wollner,
Accountant, Westrange Corp.
Saskatchewan Securities Commission, 8th Floor, 1914 Hamilton Street, Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 3V7 | | The Toronto Stock Exchange Venture Exchange 10th Floor, 300 – 25 Avenue S. W. Calgary, Alberta T2P 3C4 |
| | |
British Columbia Securities Commission Suite 200, 865 Hornsby Street Vancouver, B. C. V6Z 2H4 | | |
201-2500 13th Avenue, Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 0W2
Tel: (306) 545-2277 Fax: (306) 545-3262