Revenue | Revenue Disaggregation of revenue The Company disaggregates revenue from contracts with customers into the nature of the products and services and geographical regions. The Company’s geographic regions are the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Africa (“EMEA”), and Asia Pacific (“APAC”). The majority of the Company’s revenue is from the TMT sector. Three Months Ended June 30, 2023 Three Months Ended June 30, 2022 Cloud NetworkX Messaging Total Cloud NetworkX Messaging Total Geography: Americas $ 37,546 $ 7,056 $ 1,604 $ 46,206 $ 41,843 $ 8,985 $ 2,309 $ 53,137 APAC 1,147 778 6,702 8,627 7 907 6,345 7,259 EMEA 1,744 — 3,136 4,880 1,627 545 2,668 4,840 Total $ 40,437 $ 7,834 $ 11,442 $ 59,713 $ 43,477 $ 10,437 $ 11,322 $ 65,236 Service Line: Professional Services $ 4,369 $ 294 $ 2,072 $ 6,735 $ 3,234 $ 1,380 $ 2,642 $ 7,256 Transaction Services 58 905 — 963 210 1,721 33 1,964 Subscription Services 36,010 5,395 7,657 49,062 40,033 6,438 8,037 54,508 License — 1,240 1,713 2,953 — 898 610 1,508 Total $ 40,437 $ 7,834 $ 11,442 $ 59,713 $ 43,477 $ 10,437 $ 11,322 $ 65,236 Six Months Ended June 30, 2023 Six Months Ended June 30, 2022 Cloud NetworkX Messaging Total Cloud NetworkX Messaging Total Geography: Americas $ 74,960 $ 13,409 $ 3,598 $ 91,967 $ 81,558 $ 19,440 $ 5,001 $ 105,999 APAC 2,794 1,570 11,617 15,981 63 1,666 13,161 14,890 EMEA 3,761 — 5,712 9,473 3,357 1,495 5,361 10,213 Total $ 81,515 $ 14,979 $ 20,927 $ 117,421 $ 84,978 $ 22,601 $ 23,523 $ 131,102 Service Line: Professional Services $ 9,030 $ 640 $ 3,763 $ 13,433 $ 6,588 $ 3,016 $ 5,783 $ 15,387 Transaction Services 185 1,758 — 1,943 546 2,749 56 3,351 Subscription Services 71,896 10,745 15,425 98,066 77,844 14,648 16,552 109,044 License 404 1,836 1,739 3,979 — 2,188 1,132 3,320 Total $ 81,515 $ 14,979 $ 20,927 $ 117,421 $ 84,978 $ 22,601 $ 23,523 $ 131,102 Trade Accounts Receivable and Contract balances The Company classifies its right to consideration in exchange for deliverables as either a receivable or a contract asset. A receivable is a right to consideration that is unconditional (i.e. only the passage of time is required before payment is due). For example, the Company recognizes a receivable for revenues related to its time and materials and transaction or volume-based contracts. The Company presents such receivables in Trade accounts receivable, net in its Condensed Consolidated Statements of Financial Position at their net estimated realizable value. The Company maintains an allowance for credit losses to provide for the estimated amount of receivables that may not be collected. The allowance is based upon an assessment of customer creditworthiness, historical payment experience, the age of outstanding receivables and other economic indicators. A contract asset is a right to consideration that is conditional upon factors other than the passage of time. For example, the Company would record a contract asset if it records revenue on a professional services engagement but are not entitled to bill until the Company achieves specified milestones. Contract assets balance at June 30, 2023 is $8.4 million . Amounts collected in advance of services being provided are accounted for as contract liabilities, which are presented as deferred revenue on the accompanying Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets and are realized with the associated revenue recognized under the contract. Nearly all of the Company's contract liabilities balance is related to services revenue, primarily subscription services contracts. The Company’s contract assets and liabilities are reported in a net position on a customer basis at the end of each reporting period. Significant changes in the contract liabilities balance (current and non-current) during the period are as follows: Contract Liabilities 1 Balance - January 1, 2023 $ 14,183 Revenue recognized in the period (117,191) Amounts billed but not recognized as revenue 126,654 Balance - June 30, 2023 $ 23,646 ________________________________ 1 Comprised of Deferred Revenue. $11.5 million of revenue recognized in the period was included in the contract liability balance at the beginning of the period. Transaction price allocated to the remaining performance obligations Topic 606 requires that the Company disclose the aggregate amount of transaction price that is allocated to performance obligations that have not yet been satisfied as of June 30, 2023. The Company has elected not to disclose transaction price allocated to remaining performance obligations for: 1. Contracts with an original duration of one year or less, including contracts that can be terminated for convenience without a substantive penalty; 2. Contracts for which the Company recognizes revenues based on the right to invoice for services performed; 3. Variable consideration allocated entirely to a wholly unsatisfied performance obligation or to a wholly unsatisfied promise to transfer a distinct good or service that forms part of a single performance obligation in accordance with Topic 606 Section 10-25-14(b), for which the criteria in Topic 606 Section 10-32-40 have been met. This applies to a limited number of situations where the Company is dependent upon data from a third party or where fees are highly variable. Many of the Company’s performance obligations meet one or more of these exemptions. Specifically, the Company has excluded the following from the Company’s remaining performance obligations, all of which will be resolved in the period in which amounts are known: • consideration for future transactions, above any contractual minimums • consideration for success-based transactions contingent on third party data • credits for failure to meet future service level requirements As of June 30, 2023, the aggregate amount of transaction price allocated to remaining performance obligations, other than those meeting the exclusion criteria above, was $79.8 million, of which approximately 96.0 percent is expected to be recognized as revenues within 2 years, and the remainder thereafter. |