Nippon Steel Corporation (5401)
The First Quarter of Fiscal 2019
Engineering and Construction
Nippon Steel Engineering Co., Ltd. builds and operates plants in the steelworks, environmental, and energy fields and provides comprehensive engineering technology worldwide for various types of structures, including large steel structure buildings, ultra-high-rise buildings, and pipeline facilities. In the first quarter of fiscal 2019, the company achieved steady progress in projects in various fields through strict project execution management and completed a number of projects in Japan. In addition, its affiliated companies generated improved earnings.
As a result, the Engineering and Construction segment recorded revenue of ¥78.4 billion (¥70.2 billion in the same period of the previous fiscal year) and business profit of ¥3.8 billion (business loss of ¥0.3 billion).
Chemicals and Materials
Nippon Steel Chemical & Material Co., Ltd. continued to attract strong demand for its core needle coke in the coal chemical business and increased sales of carbon fiber composite materials, primarily for repair and reinforcement applications, in the civil engineering and construction fields. Sales were weak in the chemicals business owing to sluggish benzene prices and severe business conditions for smartphone and semiconductor materials amid theUS-China trade friction in the electronics and functional materials field.
The Chemicals and Materials segment posted revenue of ¥54.4 billion (¥59.9 billion in the same period of the previous fiscal year) and business profit of ¥3.5 billion (¥6.2 billion).
System Solutions
Nippon Steel Solutions Co., Ltd. (NS Solutions) provides advanced solution services in the planning, configuration, operation, and maintenance of IT systems for clients in a wide range of business fields to keep pace with the changing business environments. Business conditions continued to be favorable for the company in the first quarter of fiscal 2019 amid active investment in systems of clients. NS Solutions provided preventive maintenance solutions using IoT and AI for facilities and supplied construction support to Nippon Steel for data analysis and AI development platforms using advanced IT technologies.
The System Solutions segment recorded revenue of ¥82.1 billion (¥59.0 billion in the same period of the previous fiscal year) and business profit of ¥7.9 billion (¥5.4 billion).
Sales and Profit for the First Quarter of Fiscal 2019
In the first quarter of fiscal 2019, Nippon Steel posted revenue of ¥1,522.4 billion (¥1,459.9 billion in the same period of the previous fiscal year), business profit of ¥60.6 billion (¥90.6 billion), and profit for the quarter attributable to owners of the parent of ¥33.3 billion (¥85.3 billion).