- Equinor, Annual Report on Form 20-F 2021
Know your business partner, follow our integrity due diligence requirements
and never engage others to do something we
ethically or legally do ourselves.
Participate in required anti-corruption training and understand
the risks you face in your work.
Additional requirements and helpful tools
Anti-corruption compliance manual
Anti-Corruption Compliance Program
3.2 Conflict of Interest
Equinor respects your right to manage your personal
affairs and investments. However, a conflict of interest may occur when
your personal
interests and Equinor’s interests are
different and this may interfere with your ability to make
the right decision for Equinor. We expect you to
always act in the best interest of Equinor
when you are representing the company. You should avoid situations with actual, potential or
perceived conflict of interest.
Do not work in connection with any Equinor or
Equinor related transaction, procurement, contract award
or other matter in which you
have, or a related party has a financial interest.
A related party means your partner, close relative or any other
person with whom
you or they have close relations.
The same restriction applies where there are other
circumstances that undermine trust in your ability
to act in the best interest of
Be open, disclose and discuss with your leader
any actual, potential or perceived conflict
of interest. The leader will then decide
whether any measures should be taken, for instance
stepping back from the situation that caused
the conflict of interest.
3.3 Directorships and Ownership Interests
We expect you to spend your full working day on Equinor
matters. Before accepting external directorships or other
material assignments, you
must obtain prior written consent from your senior
vice president or, for any employees above this level, your leader. If you hold directorships
on behalf of Equinor, you are not entitled to board remuneration, but if
you hold directorships in a private capacity, you may retain any
remuneration paid. Elected employee representatives
on the board of Equinor ASA may receive
the remuneration decided by the corporate
There are certain specific requirements for registering
directorships for the following group of employees:
(1) The CEO, executive vice
presidents and senior vice presidents; (2) employee representatives
on the board of Equinor ASA and (3)
employees exerting influence on
Equinor’s procurement or other contract awards.
These categories of employees must register
all directorships, except directorships in
Equinor subsidiaries or when representing Equinor
in non-controlled companies, in our personnel data
system. This information must be
updated on a continuous basis and verified once
a year.
Furthermore, employees in groups (1) and (2) cannot
hold ownership interests, or options to ownership
interests, directly or indirectly, in any
company that does or seeks to do business with
Equinor if the employee can exert influence on business
decisions related to such company.
The same applies to companies that are competitors
to Equinor. This prohibition does not apply to ownership interests
in securities funds or
Ensure you have the required approval before accepting
a directorship or material assignment for another
Note the special requirements for registration of
directorships for certain employees.
Note the special prohibition of ownership interests
in other companies for certain employees.
Additional requirements and helpful tools
GL0548 Equinor Board of directors handbook
3.4 International Trade Restrictions
Countries can impose various economic sanctions restrictions
targeting business dealings with specific countries,
economic sectors, entities or
individuals of concern. Export controls on the export
or in-country transfer of certain restricted items,
technology and software are also
common. We will comply with all applicable economic
sanctions as well as export and import control
laws. We will assess whether government
authorisation is required before engaging in activities
involving restricted items, sanctioned parties or
countries and will obtain and comply with
all required authorisations.
Screen your business partners, suppliers and other
parties (including any ownership of the same)
against relevant restricted parties’