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academy, Aerospace, Airforce, amicable, analogy, attached, backup, BeGreen, BEng, Bico, Bregentved, Buzzard, BWPR, bygg, carrier, Cegal, CEng, clawback, cloud, collateralised, command, Commanding, Contextual, customised, Defensie, DGC, ECP, EPL, erroneously, ESRI, exponentially, Fellow, FIMechE, flooding, Fornybar, fusion, GCI, Geodata, graphic, Haakon, Hege, hereto, hinder, honour, incineration, Innredning, Instituut, Internet, interpolated, IRA, KDA, Kongsberg, Kvalheim, Leergangen, Leicester, lifecycle, longterm, lost, LP, Manchester, Mathieu, Michael, Microsoft, Monsen, Montfort, naval, NERC, NITH, NNPC, og, OTO, Petty, Philippe, phsycology, Polytechnic, PR, relief, remeasured, residual, retrieved, Sandslivegen, Sandsliveien, Scientist, Skryseth, Smeaheia, subheading, Submarine, Sval, tech, Triton, unabated, unreasonable, windfall
Aasta, AB, accelerate, accident, accretion, accrue, ACG, adapt, adding, addressed, adequately, administratively, Afghanistan, African, agenda, aggregation, agile, agility, AGM, agree, aid, aiming, Aldbrough, Algerian, alia, ambassador, amend, amending, Angolan, announcement, antitrust, APA, API, Appalachian, appoint, appointment, appraised, approve, approximate, Arabia, Arctic, arena, arithmetic, arrange, arranged, arrive, ascertained, Askeladd, assignment, assistance, assure, asymmetric, Atlantic, atmospheric, attend, attendance, attending, attention, attraction, attractive, attrition, Aukra, Australia, authorise, autumn, averaged, avoiding, awaiting, awarding, Azerbaijani, Bacalhau, Bakker, Baku, balanced, Baltic, Bandurria, banking, Barnacle, barrel, basin, Batuque, Bauge, Bay, bcm, begin, begun, behave, beneath, Berit, bill, Biofuel, biological, bitumen, booking, bottom, boundary, brand, Brasil, breakdown, breakeven, bribery, bring, broader, brownfield, Buchan, built, burdensome, butane, Byrding, cable, calling, campaign, candidate, Canyon, cap, capability, Cape, capex, caring, cashflow, cast, Castberg, Cear, ceased, centrally, cf, CfD, chaired, characterised, chart, charter, China, choice, choose, CHP, circular, Circulation, civil, claimed, clarification, clay, clear, closer, CLOV, Cod, collaboration, collaborative, collected, collegiate, column, combining, commence, commencing, commit, compact, compensate, compensated, compete, competent, compound, compression, compressor, compromised, concentrating, concentration, concept, conducting, confidential, confidentiality, confirm, confirmation, conflict, conjunction, Connecticut, connecting, consecutive, consistency, Constitution, constitutional, constitutionality, constructed, consummate, contact, contamination, context, continent, continual, continuation, continuing, continuously, contracted, contrary, contributor, convening, Conversely, coordination, Copenhagen, correct, Corrupt, corruption, Cove, covering, created, creating, criminal, CRM, cubic, cultivating, culture, curtailed, curtailment, cut, cybersecurity, Dakota, Dalia, Danish, dead, deadline, dealing, dealt, debate, decade, deciding, declare, decreasing, dedicated, deepest, deferral, deferring, delay, delayed, delegated, Delft, Delta, demerger, democratic, demolition, Den, denial, deploy, deployment, Depository, depth, deregulation, derive, designated, desk, detected, detrimental, Deutschland, devaluation, dialogue, diesel, differentiation, difficult, diligence, Dilution, dilutive, dimension, dioxide, direction, disability, disaggregation, discrimination, discussing, disloyalty, display, displayed, disproportionate, disputing, disqualified, disrupt, disruption, Disruptive, distance, distillation, distinction, distributable, diverse, diversified, diversifying, divert, divestment, DKK, doctorate, domicile, dominated, Dorian, downhole, downloaded, DPB, DPI, DPN, drained, drop, drove, du, Dublin, Dutch, duty, dynamic, earth, easily, easy, economically, Edvard, efficiently, EGM, EGRM, EITI, Ekofisk, Eldfisk, electric, element, Embla, Embracing, emphasised, empowerment, EMTN, encounter, encourage, encouraged, ending, Energia, ENG, enhanced, eni, entail, environmentally, epidemic, equality, equivalent, ERM, erode, ethane, Etzel, Eurasia, Eurozone, evidenced, evolution, evolve, examine, excessive, excise, EXP, expand, expanded, expanding, expansion, expensing, experienced, expertise, expired, explained, exploit, exploiting, explored, exported, exporting, expropriation, extend, extender, externally, extractive, ExxonMobil, face, faced, facilitate, facilitated, facilitation, facto, faith, faster, favorable, favourable, feature, fee, feedstock, feet, fell, female, Fenja, fiduciary, Finn, fit, Flemish, flowed, fluctuated, fluctuating, Folketrygdfondet, foot, footnote, forefront, foregoing, formal, Fortum, forum, founded, FPSO, Fram, France, freight, front, frontier, FSA, functionally, FVLCOD, gaining, Galp, Garden, gasoline, gathering, gender, generic, geographic, geographically, German, giant, Gina, Girassol, good, Gothenburg, gradual, gradually, Grand, grandfathered, gravity, greater, greatly, green, grew, grid, Grieg, grow, Guanizul, guide, guided, guideline, guiding, guilty, Haavik, Haltenpipe, Hammerfest, handled, handling, Hansteen, Harcourt, hard, harm, harsh, Harstad, harvesting, heard, heat, heater, heating, heavier, heaviest, Hebron, Hedehusene, helpline, Henriksen, Henry, Hibernia, Hilde, hit, honor, honorary, Hornsea, hospitality, hostile, hub, hurricane, Hyme, identify, illustrated, illustration, illustratively, immateriality, imminent, impartial, impartiality, impartially, implement, imposition, Imposto, imprecise, improper, improve, incapable, incentivise, incident, includible, inclusive, incorrect, increasingly, incumbent, incur, incurring, indefinite, index, Indian, induction, inflammable, influencing, inhibit, initiative, injector, injury, insider, insight, inspire, inspired, instigate, insurable, insured, integral, integrate, integration, integrity, intend, interaction, Intercontinental, Intervention, introduce, invest, invitation, invited, invoiced, IOR, island, Italy, Jack, jacket, Japan, Jarle, job, Johan, Jonathan, Juan, Julia, JV, Karabagh, kilometre, kind, Kizomba, km, Komsomolskoye, KPI, KPMG, Kristin, Krog, Labrador, lack, Lager, laid, landed, landscape, Lange, launch, laundering, lean, learning, leave, lending, leverage, leveraging, LGBTQ, licensing, lieu, lifespan, link, liquefied, live, living, LNG, loading, locally, logging, longest, lose, loyalty, LPG, LTI, Luftgassfabrikk, Lunde, Lundin, Malo, manifold, Marathon, marketed, matrix, maturation, matured, maximised, meaningful, measurable, measuring, medical, membership, memorandum, men, merged, merger, meter, methanol, metre, mid, migration, mind, minister, Miocene, misconduct, mishandling, Mississippi, misstated, mixture, mmbbl, mmboe, mmbtu, Mobil, moderated, modern, modification, modified, modifier, momentum, Mongstad, month, move, movement, moving, Muerta, Mukran, multiphase, multiplier, municipality, mutual, naphtha, nationality, nearby, negatively, negligence, negotiate, network, neutral, Newfoundland, newly, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigerian, Njord, noise, nominated, nominee, noncompliance, Nord, Norfolk, Norne, Norpipe, norske, northeast, northern, northwest, northwestern, notify, NSC, nurture, NV, Nyhamna, NYSERDA, observed, occurring, OECD, officially, offloaded, offloading, oilfield, oljeselskap, Olympia, online, opened, opening, optimal, option, orderly, organisational, originated, Ormen, OSE, OSL, outbreak, overdue, overly, pace, Paleogene, paragraph, parallel, parameter, partnering, passed, path, Paulo, Pazflor, pdvsa, PE, Penal, pensionable, perception, permissible, personal, Peterhead, pilot, plateau, Platte, player, plugging, Polarled, poor, port, pose, positioning, positively, powered, practical, predefined, predict, prejudiced, preparatory, presence, presenting, pressure, prevailing, prevented, preventing, prioritisation, prioritise, prioritised, priority, proactive, procedure, processed, producible, productive, profitable, progressed, progressing, progression, prohibit, prolific, prolong, promising, promote, prompt, propane, propose, prospective, protecting, prove, proven, province, proxy, PSVM, psychosocial, pursue, pursued, pursuit, put, quantify, quantity, quartile, quickly, Quixer, quota, rally, ramped, ranging, ranked, rapidly, rationalisation, realise, realising, realize, reallocation, receiving, recipient, recommended, recommending, recompletion, recordable, recovering, recruit, recruited, recruitment, recycling, redesign, Refuge, refurbished, regularity, remained, remedial, remediate, remediated, reminder, remote, remotely, remunerate, rendered, renegotiation, renew, reply, Repsol, reputation, requested, requesting, rescind, residence, resignation, resilient, responded, restrict, restructuring, reviewing, revising, rewarding, rfugl, rich, Ridge, Riding, riser, road, Roth, Rotterdam, roughly, routine, RRR, ruled, running, RWE, SA, safeguard, safeguarding, San, sand, Sangachal, satellite, satisfaction, Saudi, scalable, Scandinavia, schedule, scorecard, scoring, Scotland, seabed, secretary, securing, segmental, seize, SEK, selected, sensitive, SEP, separation, sequencing, serve, session, setting, SevKomNeftegaz, sgard, shape, shaping, shared, Sheringham, Shetland, shift, ship, shipped, Shoal, showed, shut, shutdown, shuttle, Siberia, sick, side, SIF, simple, Singapore, Skandinavia, Skarv, Skrugard, Sleipner, slightly, Snadd, Snefrid, Snorre, sobre, socar, socially, sociology, soil, Sonangol, Sonatrach, sophistication, sound, southwestern, Spain, spar, spare, SPE, speak, spending, spillage, SPM, spread, SRP, stabilise, stability, stable, Stamford, Stanford, Statpipe, steadily, steady, steel, stem, Stig, stimulate, stipulate, stream, strife, strive, stronger, strongly, struck, structural, Sture, subjected, submission, subscribe, substantively, subtracted, successfully, succession, sudden, suitable, summarising, summer, Supervisor, supplementary, supplementing, supplied, supplier, supranational, supreme, Sur, surface, survey, susceptible, suspect, sustainable, sustained, Sverdrup, Sweden, swift, switch, symmetrical, systematically, talent, tank, Tanzania, targeting, TCFD, Teesside, telex, template, temporarily, terawatt, terrorism, therewith, thousand, threat, throughput, tight, Tjeldbergodden, today, tolerate, tomorrow, Tone, tonne, Tor, Toronto, traditional, train, transform, transformed, transforming, transitional, transitioning, transmit, transmitted, transparency, transparent, transporting, travel, tree, Trestakk, TRIF, trip, Troll, TSP, turn, twelve, TWh, typical, Umoe, unable, unanticipated, unaudited, unavoidable, uncommercial, undermine, undertaken, UNECE, uneconomic, unethical, unilateral, Uninsured, unmanned, unpaid, unplanned, unprecedented, unprofitable, unweighted, unwilling, upcoming, upgrade, uphold, urged, urgent, Utgard, Utica, utilization, utilized, Utsira, Vaca, Valemon, valuable, vaporise, Venezuelan, Veslefrikk, Vestflanken, vigilant, violation, virtual, viscosity, visibility, vision, visiting, Visund, Vito, VIU, VOC, VPS, waive, waived, Walker, war, Washington, weak, weakened, webcast, wellhead, western, Westminster, wet, Wildlife, windfarm, winding, winter, Wisting, withdrawing, women, wound, yearly, Yorkshire, YPF, Zinia
Filing tables
Filing exhibits
- 20-F Annual report (foreign)
- 15 Courtesy Filing of Equinor 2022 Integrated Annual Report
- 1 Exhibit 1 Articles of Association of Equinor Asa, As Amended, Effective from 11 May 2022 (English Translation)
- 2.1 Exhibit 2.1 Description of Securities Registered Under Section 12 of the Exchange Act.
- 2.5 Exhibit 2.5 Amended and Restated Agency Agreement
- 8 Exhibit 8 List of Subsidiaries
- 11 Exhibit 11 Code of Conduct
- 12.1 Exhibit 12.1 Rule 13A-14(A) Certification of the CEO
- 12.2 Exhibit 12.2 Rule 13A-14(A) Certification of the CFO
- 13.1 Exhibit 13.1 Rule 13A-14(B) Certification of the CEO
- 13.2 Exhibit 13.2 Rule 13A-14(B) Certification of the CFO
- 15.1 Exhibit 15.1 Consent of Ey As
- 15.2 Exhibit 15.2 Consent of Degolyer and Macnaughton
- 15.3 Exhibit 15.3 Report of Degolyer and Macnaughton
- 15.4 Exhibit 15.4 Equinor 2022 Integrated Annual Report
- 15.5 Exhibit 15.5 Oil and Gas Reserves Report
- 15.6 Exhibit 15.6 Remuneration Report
- 17 Exhibit 17 List of Guarantor Subsidiaries
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