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aa, aaa, aboriginal, absence, abstract, acceptability, acceptable, accompanying, account, accountable, accretion, accrual, accrued, accurate, achieve, acquire, acquired, acquiring, acted, active, actively, Activewear, activity, actuarial, actuarially, adding, additionally, addressed, addressing, adequacy, adequately, adherence, adjacent, adjusted, adjusting, adjustment, administration, administrative, advance, advanced, advantage, adverse, advisory, AEUB, affecting, affiliate, age, agency, agent, aggregated, ago, agreement, ahead, aid, aim, air, airline, Aldridge, Alex, alleged, alliance, allocate, allocated, allocation, alter, altering, alternative, amalgamation, Ambassador, ambient, AMEC, amend, amendment, America, American, amortization, amortized, analyst, analyze, analyzing, ancillary, announced, annually, anticipated, AOCI, appeal, appealed, appendix, applicability, application, applied, appoint, appointed, appointment, approach, approximate, approximately, approximating, April, arise, arising, Arizona, ARO, arrangement, articulated, assembly, Assent, assessed, assessing, assessment, asset, assist, assistance, assume, assumed, assuming, ATCO, Atlanta, Atlantic, atmosphere, attached, attaching, attempt, attend, attendance, attention, attractive, attributable, auditing, Aug, August, australia, australian, authorize, auxiliary, average, averaging, avoid, avoiding, awarded, aware, Axia, Baa, bachelor, back, backed, balance, balanced, balancing, bank, banking, bankruptcy, base, Basin, Bayer, bb, BBB, BCE, bear, began, begin, Bell, beneath, beneficial, beneficially, Berkshire, bid, bilateral, billion, binomial, blade, BMO, Boeing, boiler, Bonavista, bond, book, borrowing, bought, breach, break, breakdown, Brian, bridge, briefly, bright, bring, bringing, British, broad, brokerage, brownfield, Brunswick, btu, budget, budgeted, build, building, built, bulk, burden, burned, Businessman, buy, buyer, calculate, calculated, calculating, calculation, calendar, California, call, called, Campeche, cancellation, cancelled, capability, capable, capitalize, capitalized, caption, care, carried, carrying, case, cash, Castle, Catalyst, cc, CCR, CDWR, cease, ceased, cent, Centralia, centre, CEO, Certificate, certified, CFO, chaired, Chairman, challenge, charge, charged, chart, charter, chemical, Chihuahua, choice, chosen, CIBC, CICA, Circuit, circular, civil, claim, claimed, clarification, classified, clean, cleaner, clear, climate, closed, closely, closer, closing, closure, coalition, Cogen, cogeneration, coincident, Colin, collateral, collect, collected, collection, College, Columbia, combination, combined, combustion, commence, commenced, commencement, commencing, comment, commerce, commercial, commercially, commissioned, commitment, committed, commodity, commonly, communication, community, comparative, compared, comparison, compensate, compensation, compete, competitive, complaint, complex, complicated, complied, comply, complying, component, composite, compound, comprehensive, comprised, comprising, compromised, Comptroller, computation, condition, conducted, Conference, confidence, confidential, confidentiality, confirmation, confirmed, conform, conformity, congestion, conjunction, consecutive, conservatism, considerable, consideration, consist, consisted, consistent, consistently, consisting, consolidating, consortium, constant, constitute, construct, constructed, constructing, construction, consult, consultation, consulting, consumed, consumption, contact, content, context, contingency, contingent, continually, continued, continuing, continuously, contract, contracted, contracting, contractor, contractual, contractually, contrary, controlled, Conveniently, conventional, conversion, convert, converted, convertible, cooling, cooperation, Coordinating, corrosion, costing, costly, council, counsel, country, court, covering, create, created, creation, Creek, criteria, critical, crown, CTV, culture, cumulative, currency, curtailment, customer, cut, cycle, daily, damage, David, dd, deal, Dec, decision, declared, decline, declining, decommissioning, decrease, decreased, decreasing, dedicated, dedication, default, defence, defendant, defensive, deferred, define, degree, delegated, delineating, deliver, delivered, delivering, delivery, democratic, demonstrate, Denmark, denominated, dental, department, dependant, dependent, depending, depreciable, depreciated, depreciation, Deputy, derailment, derated, derating, deregulation, derivative, derived, description, designated, desirable, detect, deteriorate, determinable, determination, determine, determining, develop, developed, developer, developing, deviation, device, Devon, devoted, Diageo, Diavaz, Diego, diesel, difficult, diluted, dilution, dioxide, direct, directed, direction, directly, director, disabled, disaster, discharge, disciplined, disclose, discontinued, discount, discounted, discussed, discussing, dispatch, dispute, dissolution, distribute, distributed, distributor, diverse, diversified, diversity, divest, divided, dividend, documentation, documented, dollar, domestic, Dominion, Dow, Dr, DRASP, drawn, drilling, driven, driver, due, duration, duty, earlier, earn, earned, EARSL, earth, eastern, EcoLogo, economically, economy, Edmonton, education, effectively, efficiency, efficient, effort, EHS, EIC, El, electric, electrical, eligibility, eligible, eliminated, Elliott, email, emerging, emission, emitted, employ, employed, employee, employing, employment, enabling, enacted, ending, energy, engineering, England, enhance, enhanced, enmax, ensuring, enter, entered, entering, enterprise, entitle, entity, environment, environmentally, epcor, EPS, equal, equally, equivalent, escalating, escalation, establish, established, establishment, estimate, estimated, estimating, ethical, evaluate, event, evidence, evolved, examination, examine, examining, exceed, exceeded, exceeding, excellence, exchanging, excluding, exclusively, executed, exempt, exercisable, exercise, exercised, exist, existing, exiting, expansion, expecting, expended, expense, expensed, experienced, expertise, expire, expiring, expiry, explore, export, exposed, exposure, expressed, extended, extending, extension, extensive, extensively, extinguished, extracted, extraction, extrapolating, extrapolation, face, facility, facing, facsimile, factor, Fahrenheit, fail, failing, fair, faithfull, farm, FASB, fatigue, favour, favourable, feasible, Feb, federal, FERC, fiduciary, field, fill, filled, final, finalization, finalized, financially, fired, fix, fixed, flat, fleet, flexibility, floating, flow, fluctuate, fluctuating, flue, fluid, focused, footprint, force, forced, forecast, forecasted, foreseeable, forest, forma, formal, formally, formation, formed, formula, formulating, Fort, fostering, found, foundation, founded, founder, fourth, FPA, Frank, fraud, free, frequency, FSC, fuelled, fulfill, fulfilling, full, fully, function, fund, fundamental, funded, funding, ga, GAAP, gain, gained, gas, gasification, Gathering, gauge, Gen, generated, generating, generator, geographic, geographical, geographically, geological, Georgia, geothermal, GHG, giffin, gigawatt, Gildan, GJ, global, globe, Globemedia, glossary, goal, good, goodwill, governance, governed, governing, government, governor, gradually, graduate, grant, Greece, green, greenhouse, Gregory, grew, ground, group, grow, growing, growth, guarantee, guaranteed, guidance, Guideline, GW, GWh, halting, hand, handled, handling, hard, Hathaway, haul, Hawaii, health, heat, heating, heavily, heavy, hedge, hedged, hedging, hereto, high, higher, highest, highlighting, highly, Highvale, hiring, historica, hold, holder, holding, holiday, hope, horizon, hot, hour, hourly, HR, Husky, hydroelectric, hydrogen, Idaho, identifiable, identify, identifying, impacted, impaired, impairment, Imperial, implement, implemented, imported, improve, improved, improvement, improving, impulse, inadequate, incentive, inception, increase, increased, increasing, increasingly, incremental, incur, incurred, independently, index, indirect, indirectly, individual, individually, industrialized, ineffective, inflation, influence, inform, infrastructure, inherently, initial, initially, initiated, initiative, injury, input, inquire, inquiry, insignificant, installation, installed, Institute, institution, instruct, instrument, intangible, integrity, intelligence, intended, intensity, intensive, intention, interim, internally, internationally, interpretation, intersegment, introduce, introduced, inventory, inverse, invested, investigate, investigation, investing, investment, investor, invitation, involve, involved, Iowa, IPP, ISO, isolation, issuable, issuance, issue, issuing, item, Ivey, Jan, January, Jason, jespersen, job, joining, jointly, Jolla, joule, July, June, jurisdiction, Kalgoorlie, Karo, Kenneth, kent, kilowatt, knowledge, Koch, kW, kwh, La, Lake, land, Langhammer, large, largest, law, lawfully, Lawyer, lead, leader, leadership, leading, Leaf, learn, leased, leave, legally, legislation, legislative, letter, leverage, license, life, likelihood, lime, limit, limited, limiting, line, linking, liquid, liquidation, listed, Literally, literate, literature, litigation, live, LLC, Lloydminster, load, loan, local, located, location, London, longer, lose, lost, low, lower, lowered, lowest, LP, LTC, lump, mackay, macleod, magnitude, mail, main, maintain, maintained, majeure, making, manage, managed, manager, managing, mandate, mandated, manner, manufacturing, March, margin, marketing, martha, Maryland, Maryse, match, Matrikon, mature, matured, maturing, maturity, maximize, maximizing, maximum, MBA, McBride, McFadden, McKenna, McMurray, MDS, meaningful, measure, measured, measurement, measuring, mechanical, media, medical, medium, meet, megawatt, Mellon, membership, mentioned, merchant, mercury, Meridian, met, methane, method, methodology, metric, Mexican, Mexico, mid, MidAmerican, mine, mined, minimal, minimize, minimized, minimizing, minimum, mining, minivan, Mississauga, misstatement, mitigate, mitigated, mix, mixture, model, moderate, modified, Molson, monetary, monitor, monitored, monitoring, Montana, month, monthly, Montreal, Moody, mover, moving, Multilateral, multiple, municipal, mutual, MW, MWh, NAL, national, nearby, necessarily, negative, negotiating, NEM, Nesbitt, NetMedia, network, Nevada, nitrogen, nominal, nominating, North, northeast, northern, northwest, noted, notice, notify, notional, Nov, nova, NP, Numerical, NWPP, objecting, objective, objectivity, obligated, obligor, obsolescence, obtain, obtained, obtaining, occasionally, occupation, occurred, occurrence, occurring, OCI, Oct, October, OEFC, offer, offered, offset, offsetting, oil, older, omitted, ongoing, Ontario, OPA, open, opening, operating, operation, operator, opinion, opportunity, opposite, optimal, optimization, optimize, optimizing, optimum, option, order, Oregon, organic, organization, organized, original, originally, origination, Ottawa, outage, outcome, outlined, outlining, outlook, output, overburden, oversee, owed, owing, owner, ownership, Oxford, oxide, pace, Pacific, paper, par, Parkeston, partially, participant, participate, participating, partner, partnership, Paso, passed, pay, payable, payment, payroll, peak, peaking, peakload, peer, penalty, pension, people, percent, percentage, percentile, perform, performing, periodically, Perley, permitted, permitting, petition, phantom, phase, philosophy, Photography, physical, physically, Pincher, pipeline, piper, pit, planning, plant, play, plc, pledged, PMRL, point, pool, pooled, poor, Poplar, population, portfolio, portion, position, positioned, positive, potentially, pound, Powder, power, PPA, Prairie, PRB, predecessor, predetermined, predict, predictable, preferential, preferred, premium, prepare, prepared, preparing, present, presentation, presented, Presenting, presently, preside, prevailing, prevent, preventative, previously, priced, pricing, prime, principally, printed, printer, printing, prior, priority, private, privately, pro, proactive, proactively, procedure, proceed, proceeding, processing, procure, procured, procurement, procuring, produce, produced, producing, product, productive, productivity, Professor, profile, profit, profitability, profitable, program, project, promise, promote, proper, properly, property, proportionately, proposal, propose, proposed, proprietary, prospective, prospectively, protect, protected, protection, proud, provincial, proximity, proxy, PSOP, Pty, published, pumping, Pure, pursue, pursuing, put, putting, PX, qualified, qualify, qualitative, quality, quantitative, quantity, quarterly, Quest, quorum, quoted, rail, Railway, rainfall, range, ranging, rank, ranked, ranking, rate, rateably, rated, rating, ratio, reached, reaction, read, readily, ready, realizable, realization, realized, reassessed, rebuilding, receipt, receivable, receive, received, receiving, recent, recently, recipient, reclaim, reclaimed, reclamation, reclassification, reclassified, recognition, recognize, recognized, recommend, recommendation, recommending, reconciled, record, recording, recourse, recover, recovered, recovery, redeem, redeemable, redeemed, redemption, reduced, reducing, reduction, referred, reflected, reform, refund, refusal, regeneration, regime, region, regional, registrar, regular, regulated, rehearing, Reinhart, reinvest, reinvesting, reinvestment, rejected, rejection, relationship, release, released, relevance, relevant, reliable, relief, remain, remained, remaining, remote, removal, remove, removed, removing, remuneration, renegotiated, renewable, renewal, renewed, reorganization, repaid, repay, repayment, replaced, replacement, reportable, represent, represented, representing, repurchase, repurchased, repurchasing, request, requesting, require, requirement, requiring, reserve, reserved, residence, resolve, resolved, resource, responded, response, responsibility, restoration, restore, restricted, restructuring, resulted, retail, retain, retained, retention, retired, retiree, retirement, retroactively, return, returned, revenue, review, reviewed, reviewing, revise, revision, Richard, Ride, Rideau, river, ROCE, role, routed, routine, row, Royal, royalty, run, runoff, safe, safeguarded, safety, salary, sale, Salton, salvage, San, Sarnia, Saskatchewan, satisfaction, satisfy, schedule, Scheduling, school, scientific, scrubbing, scrutiny, Sea, Seagram, seasonal, Seattle, SEC, Secretary, sector, secure, secured, security, sedar, seek, seeking, segment, select, selection, sell, selling, senior, sensitive, sensitivity, separately, Sept, serve, served, service, setting, settle, settled, settlement, share, shareholder, shareowner, sharing, sheet, shelf, shell, shift, show, shown, shut, shutdown, significant, significantly, similar, similarly, sincerely, single, Skookumchuk, slightly, small, smaller, snyder, soble, social, socially, solar, solid, sought, sound, sourced, south, southern, southwestern, spark, speak, specific, speculative, spending, spent, spill, split, sponsorship, spot, spread, spring, stable, stakeholder, Stampede, standby, Stang, stanley, state, stated, statistical, statute, steadily, steady, steam, stewardship, Stickland, stop, stopped, strategic, strategy, stream, strength, strict, strip, strive, strong, stronger, structure, structured, submission, subscription, subsequent, subsequently, subsidiary, substantial, substantially, substantively, subtracting, succeed, successful, successfully, succession, successor, sudden, suffer, sufficient, sufficiently, suitability, suitable, sulfur, sulphur, sum, summary, Summer, Summerview, Suncor, Sundance, superb, supercritical, supervised, supplemental, supplied, supplier, supply, support, supported, supporting, supportive, surety, surface, surtax, susceptible, suspended, sustain, sustainability, sustainable, sustaining, SW, swap, symbol, syndicated, synthetic, system, TA, table, tabular, TAC, takeover, tangible, target, targeted, task, TAU, taxable, taxation, TC, team, TEC, technical, technological, technology, telecommunication, Tembec, temperature, temporary, terminate, terminated, termination, terrestrial, test, tested, testing, thereof, thereon, thereunder, therewith, thermal, thought, timothy, titled, today, tolerance, tolling, top, Toronto, tough, track, tracked, traded, traditional, traditionally, train, transaction, transactional, TransCanada, transfer, transferred, Transit, transition, translated, transmitted, transport, transportation, Treasurer, treasury, treatment, trend, Trilateral, trust, TSR, TSX, tubing, turbine, turn, turnaround, turned, type, typically, ultimate, ultimately, unamortized, unanticipated, unbundling, uncertain, uncertainty, uncommitted, unconsolidated, uncontracted, undergone, underlying, underperformance, understanding, undertaken, underway, undiscounted, undivided, unfavourable, unfettered, unforeseen, uniform, uninsured, unique, unit, university, unlimited, unqualified, unrealized, unrecoverable, unresolved, unrestricted, unsecured, unused, unusual, unwinding, upgrader, uprate, Utah, utility, utilized, utilizing, vacancy, validation, Valley, valuation, Vancouver, vapour, var, variable, variety, vary, varying, venture, vertically, vest, vested, vice, view, viewed, violation, Vision, VOC, volatile, volatility, volume, voluntary, vote, voting, Wabamun, Wailuku, waive, warrant, waste, watt, weakened, WECC, weekend, weekly, weighted, WEM, west, western, Whitewood, wholesale, wholly, winding, Windsor, Winnipeg, winter, wisely, withdrawn, women, wordmark, worked, workforce, working, workplace, world, worldwide, worth, WPPI, write, writedown, writing, written, wrote, Wyoming
Filing tables
Filing exhibits
- 40-F Annual report (Canada)
- 13.1 EX-13.1 Transalta Corporation Annual Information Form for the Year Ended December 31, 2009.
- 13.2 EX-13.2 Management's Discussion and Analysis.
- 13.3 EX-13.3 Consolidated Audited Annual Financial Statements for the Year Ended December 31, 2009
- 13.4 EX-13.4 Reconciliation to Us Gaap of the 2009 Annual Audited Consolidated Financial Statements.
- 23.1 EX-23.1 Consent of Ernst and Young LLP Chartered Accountants.
- 31.1 EX-31.1 Certification of CEO Pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-oxley Act of 2002.
- 31.2 EX-31.2 Certification of CFO Pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-oxley Act of 2002.
- 32.1 EX-32.1 Certification of President and CEO Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-oxley Act of 2002
- 32.2 EX-32.2 Certification of CFO Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-oxley Act of 2002.
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