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abandon, abandonment, absolute, absorbed, accommodate, actin, adequacy, adhere, adulthood, advisor, Aegerion, affinity, aforementioned, agonism, agonist, alirocumab, Allergan, amyloid, anacetrapib, annum, antioxidant, APIC, apob, apolipoprotein, arbitrary, art, ascending, Asia, assay, atherogenic, atherosclerotic, attached, augment, bad, bank, Barr, bate, Bay, BCC, beta, biopsy, biosimilar, Biosimilarity, BLA, blue, Boehringer, BPCIA, brand, branded, breach, broadest, burden, cancelled, carcinogenicity, carefully, carryover, cartilage, CEO, CFB, Chal, chart, childhood, cholesterol, circulating, Clarification, clarifying, classification, complementary, confidence, confusion, Conshohocken, constantly, consumption, content, context, counterclaim, credible, CRP, CTGF, CV, CVD, daily, Datamonitor, david, denial, denied, density, deplete, description, desired, deter, developmental, diagnostic, diet, diligence, DIO, disagreement, disgorgement, dismissal, dissuade, documentary, dollar, domain, drawn, dual, dyslipidemia, earliest, EEA, eighty, electrocardiography, eleven, EMA, enjoin, environment, epidemic, eprotirome, ermine, esophageal, Esperion, EU, evolocumab, exceedingly, excretion, explained, exploratory, extremely, ezetimibe, fall, fat, fatty, FH, fifteen, flow, Formal, Fraction, fred, fructose, Galectin, Galmed, GCP, gemcabene, gemfibrozil, Gemphire, gene, Genfit, Gilead, gland, GmbH, halt, hand, heart, HeFH, heightened, Hepatology, hereof, HFD, highest, HoFH, holder, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, Iceland, ill, illegally, IMM, Immuron, imperfect, implied, impracticable, improper, improperly, inactivating, incapable, incremental, inexpensive, inflated, influence, infrastructure, Ingelheim, inherited, instruction, insulin, Intercept, interchangeable, internet, interpret, interpreted, inventor, investee, IRC, IRS, Jersey, journal, judgment, jurisdiction, kenneth, lane, lapse, LDL, lean, levy, licensor, licensure, Liechtenstein, lifestyle, Linkbase, lipid, lipoprotein, lipotoxicity, literature, lomitapide, madrigal, Magnetic, Mandatory, manuscript, markedly, MDGL, Merck, metalloproteinase, methodology, mg, middle, mildly, milligan, mipomersen, misappropriated, misconduct, misuse, morbidity, mortality, muscle, NAFLD, narrowly, NASH, newer, NOL, nonalcoholic, noncompliance, noncurrent, Nordisk, Norway, notionally, notwithstanding, Novo, nuclear, Nutley, obesity, occurrence, onset, opposition, output, outsource, oversee, PA, packed, parameter, parent, particle, pathway, Pennsylvania, pentoxifylline, percent, perception, pharmacoeconomic, PHSA, pioglitazone, pituitary, plc, pleoitropic, po, Portability, portal, postponing, precursor, predominant, preissuance, prevail, prevailing, privacy, prone, properly, provoke, provoked, purported, PwC, qd, question, quotient, rarity, ratifying, Rebate, rebecca, recapitalization, recycle, Red, redesign, relieve, relieved, Reorganization, repurchase, Resonance, restitution, resubstitution, retroactively, revoked, richard, rolling, Rosi, rosiglitazone, SAA, Saffron, scarring, Schema, scoring, scrutiny, secrecy, sedentary, sham, shipment, Shire, Similarly, simple, situation, SMA, smooth, spectrum, spent, split, statin, stead, strain, strictly, stroke, strongest, subchronic, sublicensing, Suite, Takeda, Tallikut, tangible, taub, taxable, Taxonomy, terminology, TG, TGs, thing, THR, threatened, thyroid, thyrotropin, tied, Tobira, topline, train, transmission, triglyceride, Troubled, true, unaware, uncured, unmanaged, unpaid, unpatented, unregistered, unwilling, ursodiol, USPTO, vast, viral, virtue, vitamin, voluntarily, voluntary, wholesale, willfully, withheld, withholding, wk, wks, workshop, worsening
acceleration, accounted, accrual, acted, adenocarcinoma, admitting, advancing, affiliate, affirmative, aggressively, alliance, allocating, alter, ambiguity, amend, AML, announced, antibody, anticancer, arrest, arrhythmia, Arthur, Asiana, assist, assured, attempting, Attornment, attributable, auction, Austria, authorize, Avenue, Azimuth, Bahcall, bargaining, Bedford, began, begun, Belgium, BESP, bind, BioResearch, blank, book, borrow, Boston, breast, broad, brochure, broker, burn, calcium, call, captioned, carried, Carryforward, Cerulean, channel, chaperone, chapter, characteristic, charged, check, chemotherapy, clause, clear, cleared, cleavable, client, closely, codified, collateral, collectability, commensurate, commit, communicated, community, complexity, composite, composition, conjugate, contemplated, controlled, Conversely, copy, CRACM, CRO, cure, cured, curve, customarily, cycle, de, dealer, DEC, decided, declaration, declare, declaring, deficient, degradation, delinquent, deliver, deliverable, delivered, delivery, Department, depreciated, depressing, depriving, detection, devoted, differentiation, dilute, diminished, disclaim, discontinuation, discontinue, discount, discourage, discouraging, discretionary, distraction, distribute, DMC, docetaxel, donald, drop, Duffy, ECG, educated, effort, Electric, elesclomol, elimination, elucidated, employ, enabling, enhancement, entrenching, entrenchment, equipped, equivalent, erode, establishment, estate, estimating, evergreen, evident, examination, exercisable, exercised, exit, expend, experienced, expired, expiring, explanation, exploring, exposure, expressly, eXtensible, factual, failing, feasibility, feet, filer, fluctuate, fold, folding, formatted, France, freedom, frequency, frustrate, furniture, GALAXY, ganetespib, gauge, GECC, Germany, GlaxoSmithKline, graph, GSK, Guaranty, half, Hartwell, HDC, heading, hematologic, hinder, hired, hostile, hurt, impede, incidence, inconclusive, inconsistent, incorrect, informed, inhibition, insert, Interactive, internally, interrupted, interval, intervene, intracellular, intrinsic, investigation, investigative, investigator, invoice, involving, IPO, irinotecan, joined, kufe, landlord, largest, lawsuit, learn, Leasehold, leaving, lesser, leukemia, Lexington, Lien, light, link, linker, liquidation, loan, locally, logo, lung, malignant, managing, mark, match, matching, maturation, maximum, McMahon, measurable, Merrimack, metastatic, MidCap, minimum, MLV, modification, moiety, motivate, mTOR, mutant, mutated, mutual, myelodysplastic, myeloid, necessitate, negate, neighboring, nerve, noncompetitive, noted, notification, NSCLC, observation, obtainable, occasion, ocular, offered, oncology, originally, ovarian, overcome, overstated, Oxford, pace, package, paclitaxel, partnering, partnership, payload, perfected, peripheral, persist, personal, pertain, Pinnacle, placement, play, Pledge, poison, positive, post, posted, precise, preclude, predetermined, predicted, preferential, preferentially, preparing, prepay, prepayment, Preston, Principia, Programme, prohibited, prohibition, proliferation, prolongation, pronounced, proper, proposal, QTc, quickly, radiation, reached, reaction, real, reardon, recover, recoverability, recoverable, reformulate, refractory, region, registeredCommon, regularly, reinvested, release, relevance, reliably, reliant, remedy, remote, removal, renewable, rent, repay, replicated, representation, resigned, responsive, restricting, restrictive, resubmit, resume, retained, retirement, returned, reveal, reviewed, revised, robert, salary, sarcoma, satisfactorily, scale, scheduled, science, seasoned, segment, selecting, sensitize, separable, separation, setting, settle, sharing, sheath, shell, Shionogi, short, shortage, simplified, site, slower, Society, sought, source, SPA, specialist, spend, sponsored, springing, square, store, strict, structural, structurally, subjective, Subordination, subscription, successor, summarize, summarized, supplying, supposed, surface, survival, susceptible, suspected, Switching, syndrome, synthesized, takeover, telephone, tender, therapeutically, thereon, thereunder, town, transition, travel, Trust, tumor, unconjugated, unconsolidated, undelivered, undergone, understand, understated, underwriter, undiscounted, uneconomical, unqualified, uptake, usage, utilized, vaccine, valuable, vi, viable, vitro, Vojo, Vukovic, Web, widespread, william, wilson, women, writing, wrongfully, zone
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We hereby consent to the incorporation by reference in the Registration Statement on Form S-3 (No. 333-187242, No. 333-206135) and Form S-8 (No. 333-141903, No. 333-152824, No. 333-173862, No. 333-181117, No. 333-187243, No. 333-194477, No. 333-202680, No. 333-206128, No. 333-212615) of Madrigal Pharmaceuticals, Inc. of our report dated March 31, 2017 relating to the financial statements, which appears in this Form 10-K.
/s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
March 31, 2017