Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document And Entity Information
- Condensed Unaudited Consolidate
- Condensed Unaudited Consolidat3
- Condensed Unaudited Consolidat4
- Condensed Unaudited Consolidat5
- Condensed Unaudited Consolidat6
- Condensed Unaudited Consolidat7
- Organization and business
- Basis of presentation and signi
- Pledged cash
- Short-term investments
- Accounts and notes receivable,
- Inventories
- Other receivables, net
- Long-term time deposits
- Long-term investments
- Property, plant and equipment,
- Intangible assets
- Deferred income tax assets
- Bank and government loans
- Accounts and notes payable
- Accrued expenses and other paya
- Taxes payable
- Advances payable
- Additional paid-in capital
- Retained earnings
- Accumulated other comprehensive
- Treasury Stock
- Non-controlling interests
- Gain on other sales
- Financial income, net
- Income tax rate
- Income per share
- Significant concentrations
- Related party transactions and
- Commitments and contingencies
- Off-balance sheet arrangements
- Segment reporting
- Basis of presentation and sig39
- Organization and business (Tabl
- Short-term investments (Tables)
- Accounts and notes receivable42
- Inventories (Tables)
- Other receivables, net (Tables)
- Property, plant and equipment45
- Intangible assets (Tables)
- Deferred income tax assets (Tab
- Bank and government loans (Tabl
- Accounts and notes payable (Tab
- Accrued expenses and other pa50
- Taxes payable (Tables)
- Additional paid-in capital (Tab
- Retained earnings (Tables)
- Accumulated other comprehensi54
- Non-controlling interests (Tabl
- Financial income, net (Tables)
- Income per share (Tables)
- Related party transactions an58
- Commitments and contingencies (
- Segment reporting (Tables)
- Organization and business (Deta
- Organization and business (De62
- Pledged cash (Details Textual)
- Short-term investments (Details
- Short-term investments (Detai65
- Accounts and notes receivable66
- Accounts and notes receivable67
- Inventories (Details)
- Inventories (Details Textual)
- Other receivables, net (Details
- Other receivables, net (Detai71
- Long-term time deposits (Detail
- Long-term investments (Details
- Property, plant and equipment74
- Property, plant and equipment75
- Intangible assets (Details)
- Intangible assets (Details Text
- Deferred income tax assets (Det
- Deferred income tax assets (D79
- Bank and government loans (Deta
- Bank and government loans (De81
- Accounts and notes payable (Det
- Accrued expenses and other pa83
- Accrued expenses and other pa84
- Accrued expenses and other pa85
- Taxes payable (Details)
- Advances payable (Details Textu
- Additional paid-in capital (Det
- Additional paid-in capital (D89
- Additional paid-in capital (D90
- Retained earnings (Details)
- Retained earnings (Details 1)
- Retained earnings (Details Text
- Accumulated other comprehensi94
- Treasury Stock (Details Textual
- Non-controlling interests (Deta
- Gain on other sales (Details Te
- Financial income, net (Details)
- Income tax rate (Details Textua
- Income per share (Details)
- Income per share (Details Textu
- Significant concentrations (Det
- Related party transactions a103
- Related party transactions a104
- Commitments and contingencie105
- Commitments and contingencie106
- Segment reporting (Details)
- Segment reporting (Details Text