Samson Partners ... l'h.(3H}442-'1999 (718)3U.:I-l163 Cuntrut l.D# .1497.!2 Slel':trtner:te1'c i'ola dwwiiz., Jr.Surmon Partner REVENUE BASED FACTORING (RBF/ACH"I AGREEME!\T Ag.rccmem daied November l R ;mu m:rwcen Samsonl'a rLners ("Fl'I\DI::l{ ).aud lht m rcham !iSlerl bdow(""th.1\h·rch:onr'"J. (MomhJ (Duy} (Y an lltf,R('IlA""l" fNFOit\IATIO\ Mcrdmnt's L :gul1\am:Snc;dEmi ;jon. J n;;.!Sr>eedE111ission> Cur (Hx.LLC D/lliA: Speedcmissimis SraH:oflncOJ1X)rution .' Orgnnir11ion:G A. Type CJf cniity: (X) Corporation 0 Limited liahilit)·C.:o111pan:; ll Limned l';:u1nership 0 Limited Linbility l'nrtucrship {) S!)lc"J'roprielvr Physical Add ress: !015 T"ronR oad. Su jtc :!:W Cll)':TYrilne SUite: GA Zip:30290 !\1oiliug Address: Dale business started (1mniyy): fll/OJ City: F::Jernl II.) 33-0061488 PI'"Rt'JIASt::\:Xl) S&.Lr OF" ITrtmr JU:CE!\',\ 111,-ES Slate: Zi p: M<rdllllll h.rehy s-:II!.!"SigtlS .;md uaosfcrs "' Fundr. a:; the kud !!Ur.:hllser ior a><'l r nt. c<..m \" s:or;, lmnking Fun&r on 1alf ofitseif ''nd uli C(Htw:;nors i <ll/et:t!vcly-thc fundm), tllc llbsolme n\"tCil in COII>id:zuuon of th.o funds provitkd '"'Pun:t!'!5l:'rt<{'. ,;p:c1fi::.! hcJrt\\", cll Df Mtr lw.!"s iilwrt rca:iplli. Dt<:O\mt.ennllut:! rilfhU •ml other ohll!;llllnn < wis;ni"rom l>l tclatinlftO th• paymen1 uf munies ri"11m !&rclr""!"• cu.itOI!r-f{ anri'o!mhcr 1rnrd panp<J)'or> (CtJJie<:tl\"1) the '"E.e:c mt <" ddioej :t.<. all paymen'""dby C:li.t;h, ch«k cle ..,r orut u:n:sfr llt o"thel flmn pf-r.wnewry panlt.!nt m the un:!iroU! cuur;)f t.bc m::1ch;mt's h\.lutcss). untt l S\Jth ttmethe •'f.teceu"Purche". et 1\nwum... has. be r. lkilvcred by Ml'"rtluml \(1 FUNDER·The Receipt> "!'ul\:r.ased AmOUr.!.h!JI Ix- plUU It' RJl'DER br tht Melchbr.t irrevocubl) uthori1Jq gd posl11nuocaur>< ecep1nble HINDER 111\e ""Acwunl") tilremn 1he percenwg -pedfta! belowi· ··spfiiJ) f'ecoemu£". 1\i1ir.Mrcllaltf> Re,eipt;, llt."UI such time :r,: FUNDEP.. rc.-.e1'1:S pa}nemin fulluf1iw .ltcceiJUS Purchased r\monl. In cur.sid rntiorl uf ef\"icmg ilw z.;.:ount. th< l-1•r.:hcm hc.reh.'' uih<lliZl:; Fl.fNDER• u) ACH Db: i1 ibt · \p-".ruicd Dml) A.l<nU:\" front the ll"J erchUJ:s " hunk ocl:nllm as thpunyment c.Wu>!d J.:liil!1thc Specified Pcr...-ntndue. I L ir. litM rrnmm re5ponsibilit· t1> prol\1b:mi: Sl!lllt:n;m1> ior any ltnd all bnnk a.:<'oun\ lu ld by U1e Mcrdumt "' reroncil . the d1!ily paymenL111uduglliost the !>pectiied J>•rcenl3t!!' nr.m1n!!Fll!I<"DER tr• rlbil ur "'erlu t h!: m!lmnre Ill thr! men:.ham.o thm P:•Ym rtt eqll!!J.s me S(ll'citiPene:nut.>(. l':..ilure m ptovirle all of their ooul: s-.mema .in a timd)·mo ncr urm S5in£ lllOmh sluil!f feil lli nJlh!S Ul funrre· r mnerll!!.llllflS. FLJNDER msy, up;>n Mtrch::nt':; r qlf!:il, odJUSI the amoum or nny IJ3)1llelll.duc UL' the; Agr< mem :il !'U!I:DER'sole discrt im; l!llu ·e> 1t de::rns :!pplOfmillc in :f\'lan]l thiAg,re.:mtm MerdiJ!!l1 un:leru:uls thr il is re:spuas!blfar a>cring uu\ fund.!. :>d qtl31C- !II ..-.;vt!! :m ouuf w be drbifUNDfJ:rdnuinin 1hl' arrount "Mcr:it!I!H \\ill re held 1asponsilllc for any ieei incuncd - F1JNOER usuhing from 3 ro;ccted ACil attempr en rm enl of dei3UI!. {See ;\pp=nd:x .'\) f.L"'IDER is not reSp<Wihic fu:ans·.('Vcrdrrtli.<-or rjecled tr.:ts:lo:uonE in Ole MtlciMIIS ectoun1 l\ilich lllU)·re<ull fi·ontfU"-'DER' ><bedui:C AGH emil undl:r !lrc terms vrt111s •gr rmm "l\omilllM:uuiin.&"l)ihin10 fnc tOnlf.1l")" urtfr is Aprcemt:JII·ur ll!l)"I'>Wr ;;tretn lllr.twffll FUNDER ml M.:n:htnl. l1pan!he Viol tion of 11ny proviSmn ro!ll iul-"Jin .5e.:rior. l II uf tht MERCHANT AGREEMENT TERMS ,\ND C()Nl)!110NS- or tllc accurri!nei: of ar. E\"i!nt uiDefltuh -und: r Se.:lion 3 of thMERCHAN'i AGREE.'>-IENT TERM:'> AND CONDllJOf"'S, th:! Spwfic:d Percer.!d;;,t,aii!!:Q,uf 100% A h>l of -111! fees spplie>blo L'!t<.i!!rthir. 8J',T<::mentfcon!lllnin Apr-ntitx A THE TERMS, DEIlNrnONS, COl'\l)rl'JOI'\S ;\f.1. l1lii'FOR1.\1'10SI:TFOR1"11 o:-· 'AGX: 2,11i£- n::nCHAl'I'T Sl!.CltRlTY AG.lH:EMJol\""f'' A!X'D .By Jiclla rd l' r1omjen < ignHel'e "Allli:!J!'ilSTRA'IW£ FOi.l l:lU:IH::OFARF: II"EltEDYlN('ORI'OitAU:D I!'Al\ , L tA . AI T Ol'TlllSMT:RCU;\7\'T :\GH.I;0\.!]';!1\T. FOilTimMfW('UA0'T (i!J\ (l'nnt Name r.d"TrJi FOR l'HF MERCUA r 41!2! By .. (l'riut Nume.and "[ttie} OWJ\fmWli,\ RAl•n'OH Il l By R lcbrd Parloptjeri (Print Name) OWI\E:RIGilAIHT\TOn li ! 0)" - - - ·---,-- -------- - (Print Nantej ($t);nai.u ·----- · S <Sign Here <Sign Here Sigu H J·c 8)'----::--....- _.; (Companr Ollkt.·o Solt:i .t'\.so;:aatt• 'N:lmc: -----'--:-:c:-----,----:------ (Sign:: urc) · ·1'\l lbc e.'(len;fonl) lrorcin. I!Cjt ufthc p:mis is cbligut<d llpc!"• his, I:<:! or iu e t,..,tirrr. ofrin'.£t<·:nem 10 afl t_ crm> tif1b6. rc.,lr.!'tlt, inclting1h.'u:klninr tl'femlKihnh hdow. E:lch of::b<we-si od M rdmm 311J OwneJ) repres::nts \.h;11l1e or shI t &t:1hvn7. <d I<> lt,ltt !1-;;s Agri!cment ior Mcrc\l::nt,lttmll)'.biodmg illlid;h: :uute IC)Ill!< :IJc, obllgatinn il\l tl11 the infom)31JOII prn1'idcd herein wid mlill of f;U""!DER <!o,umem.icolm$ nncl_rcomde-J imerview;il. tru:c<,;;curmc urll!cornpl;eir. all te.>pec.ts, .tf:my h infcu:nmtil'llJal$4! pr misk diflg. Meteb:m;ltnll udeemed in 11\illcrial bf<)l)chi.Dli .agreemcms betll'l!<!ll Mrch:mtlllld f"UNDER anci HJNDER $ll ll be cn11: J'!d.w :\11 remcdic.s lil"ailnble u.r.dcr Jnw. Mcr r h;m ur:d ;ach or tile aho"c·signt"J 01\11Ct>·uulhori -s F\.INDER, its llj;Cnts ml rf ll"<'!: r.l!IIIWS ttnd ur Cr<(\it reponin!l a;;en::y cn;;oy,ed \1;• FliND!;R. to (ii im·estigut.e rmy refL>tenrtt:n·cn t•r any mhst3K;uenls or d!Uobll\ ,.,rl !f()m ar about Mer.:ham or l!.Y ofit> 0\\•fl\'n: ll1r 1!11pur,Joscfthis /, ;reel\lcr.t,.u:td !iiiubt in crcd n report m II\' timr< n•W or for !\II IIJ!ll.!n.Mcr<"ft:mt :llid'ur 01111et!i{si cnntinue10 b,-.., i!llJ" oli)Jm:; ln<-!d1o i'LTNDER · ANY t.·liSRErRESENT\,1'101\' M;\ IJIlr MERCJ-U,,I'(T Oft OWK·E-H 1!\ COl\'f\ii:('HOWITH THIS AGREJ>.'\·J E:I."'f MAY CONSJ'fTUTRA SEPAni\TE CAl!SE Of·';\CTWI\' FOil FRA UJ> OR li\T£i"1'!01'\ A.L FR.Al!DUI.•Et\T I.Ol'C.E:\IC'T JO OllTA.IN FlNA.IIicrNG. 00-01·1 I ll:K'-!S Of r trnOlLM I:Tl'lt(l{;,_..\1 I I 1\hyf"MU l)ft t"'i, :\t0'1.1'lt.!lL #..l,."'tm»: .wuB ttu\·--,.a:. qr;-;£:.Lt ta::.... i'k f Jc)·,· c• e'"'@'Ul\··_. .;;:::r :·\ fL'i::J-.. h·lrt ;:. b:.1r• a.:::L1uab:t: us lll.'tl!!li... "- clu;.uo, d. t 1'--..: :ru;t"'-""""'-.:.Mc:::JI%:•1 "Ill.Ipnw:;F\ Y\ f1EI!. flr..:IJU 11\ .t rt»u-f'oi CIJ u.:U• Ill ci:ttltt.:.n JJii,..hCOiiiQUl. o,\1:\ lOA \e\'\'a.j; ,;mi"& lt l\'lWt.i t r Jtl;.l: :JZ:4 d'flllloJI'• 1rlk! tr; .= M,.W ILmlJI:c-or.: fi.1!-..Utlln3·u·tt t:1c dahntlr DmOO.I&h llWN no tll:\l>F.k fe.,. tD!' il..'.::'t•ipu *'•l ,h,._.'"_. (rlo\ltl ll\Unwai CIN Jd&i ¥11c11 \U.Ii"hltuc"'m b.: ohm r;. ,.1:-::wr.t tr n .r niNOI:.t K1 ,,QI!Q\\ 1lt.: ttwlf.;l:tc!!&&::.ktl>t tJ'f ;l 2t.\: tl'.-0! .xc:u q.Qb1\frl I cl'lls:: Mn-:t.!lmr.ilfl, lt.=- ICifU.&l M ll."rllJ 1:1 U'1l: t;;bl\\ l\iaw11U 'It. :I:O<•lf\.. 1 ?Hi'. J.: Ian• M orrrrnh·e Tkl.r :iP«!g·•;; Rt;;t! J..r.-:..: 11d1l"•rui:: taT ..,JI '"' aUr ¢11 .It.:- Ma:;.itetll't A u:r.ll6oi'J 1r\'Df. Ji1' r * i011.1ll14'il_,t U" Uti b!-» .jiUII4CII tc -'JItd".rut;" OU'.llfn1 Ul' \llio U hll!!f rvu·'h fl'J.IDJ:!j"o; :f\Cf:li!tttJ;t,:;.c IC).tl•l.ll ciill) u.. 80'\'llii U.:l'"'' ' i :jjonKI:C::fs.•u. cOlo kf'(·IUit:. i C'•mDtt•N McrtiiiUI••d Gltluu-rl! !l1il•lut uc T'l!'U£.11 u4 · "" h IU ia•·b!l!!llit Ultir Jur.JUbll rt'i...JII!SU!r(i\1 t.lld .Ju:t.Zolr) , aJG 1'1 Ml !I!"Ci\i>J\1 Ul 11!N il[ 1( a t) lo 1111i ur ftdlltii(UII llllll w:Jih. •It\ n:t wrch eu... ' ""' l'l iNDE.lC Utcllflto a(tc'»•t.' .-nor ttt toflJ;- tlll tuAleha..- u.,..JifiM lh• Aa:rccfUU\. A tlhl¥4:1..11t.'' \lftt'lsiilliolN't.uUQtl\1: IU lit do.·.IUJOrtef"JJ Iti\ trtl Rl "" ft li:C411JifUrQQol)u. fhi\1U:IIlillllllfUm•d tft lf\IOIIttndo· •dur-.: M.'ill:o acl:al fiJJJrd..,-iil'ik-, lnonii N. ,., .u. .s lk '" 'l{lf'!Uit·t itf.,;. i"· "1-(iS'Iil(Jillls! llk!IT !\.Ur:ion1 Uloltt ll.> \®1 b211i. f,; ptcn· ' tC.1'.J.--d"'" lt• lo\'uf: .ld Al l h.!.b io•1&HI. ; l\:"'bl ·!t n':\!>EL. t, fl"i.'! '" Otfi\1:&-L-o:;,U l.l;r..4).tt. ,.t.k!;li.\f.! ·di1 t«.:olfu· «,;( f{),'\D£.1'.·u.m ·Ln.:r-,; l.O:ll'"1.,, "'•!. . .r- .lce;!i: t: fc:.liwu:i C:C:Ii\.1. "'! ;.v.i-.:a.u t.I:".U_! Ul\o-'11 e<.!::alwr<fl• Aef'"'"r.o:=odin.t r;. t'ii"".ftl j;..·ruurd -.\t i tiiC.CII I ..tlrair '-f k \ll't pr! r1101 :.,·u ui n ..!H""Ji.·h:;-r.{ ;llVh'l llo'lr IP uu1 -=•u:IH;IL i. .!.I(.mptl'.QUI• ·:": .C"f:ju,...,.""".'\.UQ&:..,;i"oP.t.:IJ l t b\"$/t;u.;.r. i. F';.U.UH.ud:UIJ Mu;: w.;t!1 G.;:n •.IW}. \tJ;::'\"a -.:c.oau.!i1- c..i .t.Cri C',.bl-i to:' jG. .t11tll: ;iatiltll tl'i ;1 '"lf&Jp l.!.:14' if0' :t:: W.a..a'l.'Ll> .). l,'t lt·l· aW 4;.:,:.:..w.:IKMI"' '"U t 1 1: !1rhlt<fuH. ,,r h}•OrntUur.. f.k· • n=.; :-J-.:.!: li>lr;"l •1t'tiU".f t >\.Cfi to=.:\.- i\\;r;"W:t :J:J.-•r. ( r.. ,::.:! '"''"'"·= ;s: h..'."f·u.,:;qlh aud•.::;..:. H'\l1 i. •· aclU'lt rttc. t. (Qt.t"L otu.r., a·. .t ,.a..,. ,\ •C't:!l u:'."lll· ••.e..:iw1l•t.( ..-.,.;!\ 0\01-'Q\1 ft":W:i.. 1k:t ::.;,• bUt \ :; i:L'lJ: J\O f;'dA &f"flif4k3 •\ft)\1l!lM:4">. W 1:-.i.r "·'f.'l: cur; t-.o rt:ut h:·o:!.,:,.snc:; f..k."-U Ub W.••''"' \l lt.t" f!UliW•'II C.\QT-• <tl:Othei! t:• !.t" l'f'-111= U,: ¥:t,t:a:u: n·;:-.!()EP,p;..-..II·III':aC tr :1!1 u.: }Wl.lf1• r '!llU:r wn ,,, i:'n:a¥ otla;. tl. :- >.m i>• t:- t:l\ r-:.,a.:o c.t' F" l•tf)f:j;, tJ i1.,.1, :l:.-l:..-.! M l.a-.4 J p.tUI o: l..l ; t4::-\•Au:-!A" n;;:.u:J. 1 •tdt -1t:J AffUIIInt : 4:· l hlof,.1c:r\tl!fl1• ! -:.: r..s;:;i:zlG! .1;J"n-t KfPU ....! .::.."lli"{,. ,•._ .; ;r..; "• •., nr..::cc t t n t--':'ilm. ln:-1ou:l•ll{" tli-1 Att•-.: -r.:.. ato' ;,, i'OfR - r..;... oRt t(\)iltUt"t'D'.•t..m1!41aou:l ir.i :hn'', ;. I'U"•;bc.i.t.l: 81!-f ;:.x.!oill;:tllW :tJW.". n_:,\,"'t)!f _ •,o;h •-.nC:!...t.::nf .:,"-•.·· 1>1 c-.." ::I ;wa;T. .M:tzlosr,, .na!1 u:o< o...-h\U·.. ,..•.;.l'.tc ...: 1 L'H.J'O·:G- pt:U!t ddU .1:1 l fl " o:t".:t (I( f; l"> !U.f t t!.hl.,..·, ,..MUIJ'. IIU!!-"-t o:"' -nw o·ft (wal.CIJO( tc-J M.,.:. UO!r i"b.:.l i nn •. nltfn¥. •:n,;J- A•,-1)h'P -or u·n;u,••r.: ., hu tk •l , t ".IC'I'-.lmrUJli Ji:tM4fl1-" o.J1 ti:sSeIJ.I\t\1 ) ioi th n•· U•l M"'llnt;ot.L u 11Qtli:r .,: :lfl\ nrw:;d(..(! t.oult.·CQ_I£:: lfi'IU.i"CI' t- h,.M N': . tr .".lo.;i)aw : :J .: l u.;t\on -,: -"'PW-1 a.: f'H '''"'''1!1\ ;;:;JhI. 'tll oi JtJf l.lf.;.._,,Ma·t. '' 'll"'itt:al!i-= 1111 i1!"9'J IIIO'Ii "'I:AW1 Of:rc.C!\ftM '1i ::.O:.ti.U'r-1t_E t l 'lli:r.:{l;f llot:;Cfiulll! ibj:( !J:'I:!rrl:l Ull ..m lho# roi£:l'CI I t.:::"' \!> a,' v.:;- (.'t-liJIIC".il £,J A =-lhu n..,. (li lo-lat :o:;.. ft:; Jcr(aGil ""u t.r,-e<l" .lUt Ln'l:o!..:n\,'tm,<Jnd " "1 1 1U44 (.;" 1111'1\ oU'.G' :.;tr:"'-SRO:II•' '"Al f:1Jl\tl.Lt J u r- * ·" f',,.,:, IJ.:"l".oilll .J li At'A \\lll:luci 1\t:C" c:= u !)u:... .a 1 tc.c.'o!n:! IlECi4 '""::nil :QQ bwli'a!ttt l-ti.1142fi rm" ;rt0:\.:(W(I " ' :el..:.:O.J' "" c.d r\:: ai tJ_Jht.:. t:r:!"I J:., f:t Ill:': u ot •"'\oQI'•:: U\.\. tJI' to:l. ' hr;s.heo rr_, th(· s p"c:d.t.: petJ:it uno:(l j .t.I;,:O tiU'41Utb; , . ,UJ -.. lk PMu.AW:u::o5. n- v- -=11Cl>l.:-" Gi,tnrt.-:' o[ Mu..::Jt:.l:t • tA•J:.A'"OI:i. h!1o:ti.lirln: l:iiOtl. ·flr d•r '"'WAW Wo:.t .m("' bC .t!'l\ a l\I(J btt: m:tr ("'I f;'OSt"d:· :..u u;.N. JX:":It':'t u&:: n. ih:ro M l:::..:v:•: "'' tyio;¢..11..'(· hJl!l UU\ t\fJT".uc.o JhS' w ,.,i':' "'tt!:\ wn' nm;·t n..".T :lf- tllt"f ik:CI:.' C:f'tCI!I.' ' M $0 tao• f."/ D.:oi&. ....f"oiCI"f ..lhand a.o;: n,Ut\.! W t.z:all b,l u. . ,M:. tc un C'llliO-': n_t:hf;, p:mo;n llf IC'U1 ptG"\41MI ,,- f &.q.h)\ l \J:r.:l.t .ull rM li• }:!J1 :Er.2\i '"luocbl:h 41.1 \U, t.•• ¥ DZc.J':I: b. ttnil:o, G! 1!.:" \:r"Ciortll« :t& ,'\ e;lll. C1.1ll tk t:tuo=;i.'\l:lf:BI liKt.L-::s:·: .c.a.p-f lnaiJuu.. e;d HJSI)CR·_. tQPd)ti; 1:1 IU:1b A \::-.'1. 1;r..-' ;..1h.-nt .ad-.tSll6 d lrtt.tle3 Wt.l'':f1.4'.:.utJ:f'\'s' i' ;. ,;.I U1'·1Jutt1 , ,••i!uMtittth l\ h lll b n'lf lltl'\1 h. J!ll!t!f\1JF",U •riuca llllK\ ''IIIn!-+itUIK\"f n ' fitiW.: "lllt.l't.itk• l !oftJoC"" I••IU:li.IU\tt'dtif RJ"lll\J1 \\lllr tO"'..lo.lll: , bML.ii t: \•'1 ··�� t:- tm""' i- 100,.,..f.Ol-45fo!J..!:t \h.f1".lfJI:I:". i.l• hllrtnef! b•J!!iru :\h::Q.)t.; lt.C: GcJI\ . .)A'dl' Cl JC,ctJfl >Uioo1\lf 1;;1 N!ruob1 i't!X Ull'ib*-1. 1;!1:". attoo: lhn1irtd.n "'- iual»i b. (Lulla. n.AIJii. WIJUL:J :ao.p«u u t tr.A;;W". RtJlt·po .:-ln.t :(atIJI I -,....,tolllt ' -' hl!<ot'll tiF.. for m •r.:s Cl,... .j .,...,I'LL\':.ih"' tbt ;:w:tli t.tio.-.:1 J.., h•"' trhii.Ai'\• t,-e:. 11\fl:ti"h.,h¢. c: •u t.a.1to"JrU t::t\n.;;..,.J" FU!tl££ 1.7.. Lbi.Hu. ih ",t\·ffil \Oif! rt !rUl t\! Ill\ d t!;; f t.ller-',;1 It-= r.ab" natct\, "1."\I:Ua::l., "t.ol .co:• mtt·.-! rtr..;-!1.1- t t-: !o::r!n1:"' \f!t't 1:&\."\li !.:' \.,•nlo.:b tt-..- t . . t11ii; ; f"'f\C•"i""" p;::o•fool,:\::1;,.(!:l.IJttJ,&.I l.II-IUlX'Cl. •ck;.. fN· ..:occ:· l ,\\u; t&:li:! i.:-. q;t.m a. co. mg-,.r 1(1 ,.- l-f-'Ui.i lw ;ht l-o"lll(l( PM .)c.:lblo :::: 1 .!..: P••wd1•.hw.· .:.r-: ;A::: sJ·-."'1> iho :r. ¬) l:::Ul\!UIC1 f1!!\r.Jtt.:tJ a11;.: lk •oc 1:01x ;. l :tflt' -••;;1!1JW::t I;.\lf;fcitl!tr.i- \1t".ai ;U.t \\ t:c\ Uto"11 c,·.jJ.I;r..r "vc.:. ,Qr:;.:..: \ p·· l\.1''i;ton"'r:r,i;:- 11\:l:od• .rrll.jj:1V') .1;"Pl'I\D:EI!!.\ D-: "-hkll, 'S.ot:l); ;:'-'!61!Y -l.l'" W 'Q.'tt:(' U ll.., H" .O!tt...,_:.tOel ii.JU ,t();.IW !o1Wi·loru1 I\ 1'\"'•f m: C' r -,1,tl\ •1.'\C"IJ dt1,,e il\1tlb."fl lflt n: Pri•tl" U llti: titf\il'lle .., ._,,,.swi\, ilf ;;til m·-t:llhtl•l:utDy ull 1\l lilc- tu..'l h t th vr )tk:k. I\' -\USCf.lLA'""£Ut ; • l\h1di r,mt 11 · "rrrmrst;)dift:loif:OU, ;an, :c \\'ill't: \If XU".I at \ r'"'t·ll, " Af1f:C VU b!lli ·b<: cfi't•.;ttn: tlli J.:\ ;ilib JOI.IU( .,o'i b.: t<J "-.: '1.;;.vdi.j :HJI..·t:t· m£t "--.'L-r.:LII!:-J .i:w'''"' ;..mcJ "'\:#:ir.\;ffii.i ' Jb.G n.!. uta:. • idt::a O;LUa:tt.."\1!.1;itr.\.O!tol1 ::ii.DIIII'\1foNft1 "'ll!nd.U,t:Aa' f(lr II it'Oki!Uli 10\ ;:r.:t. ,J 'iJJ'IPni' .; lIff '-( tt:·i. Ul' tlhl\l>ic.d ;:. 1\.• ltr:l.:At :ofk! 1t1r eocc-·b·. Ma-;i\ut •tOJt'!"ti' 1.'1;.1 ri•:tlf') ta: ,,,_,; rtc.ldt !;ut tltlhh tel:"lLr.t; ;i..: ln::&-=•;1-.:;• t.;-1•\i.V F.'.. ..:i)U .p.! ).k:" s:;- ttes. faoti - ;I::'B.iA!lf...""";"" :31'1!"-'tif-:;."; fl'Nt;F" r.t:st'>" •'-11!t:t oul'c:r « I';"\C1J;I.. lOti! ulj.;..,. "l'ru·u1.0(W, ·(Ill. IIP.IOOlfi. 1 -J:J;O! Ulil.r '- dr COI"o5C"1l::n:ut:J - -n, Q:\. c! uh.;" :' "-JHC'J b•. )1$::;!1110 G!UliliiPf{t•. U KrJiMrtfl'tffl 'f crnn. S"'"lll II. 1.7.1 .JC*I! .·.:' :.; r\).:u· :tt loo:"· kw ttt: ecw(l: oi Mtt.:.blt_ fti.t\.1)£}: t'f\l=a!• .11c:.i .. 1t:CC·t oif.:l..:-"'tHJ:\-:::it:.:U.' C :U:Oii;-t,<f.nt;\ 11. IU:I'Kf.>ENTAliOSS.1\AIUI.<'Tit> MilO CII\'.\ 'THhr.>m ' n:-.t'illtJ.t;jh c.r .-: &'.thfiJluJ:i o$.,;uuPt-11;;ur.»..,rliln .\)o!.l :.j · tn aaf hlT r·t>:'lljl-lil" tll!l; fjfld!'}i:ah !. .rY!'tafiiO.E fl;l bftl ':.f ;W il$'1111\ lt"Pti'i U>:k) :ne ii":i hl(ilJISO'J:!Alt a..r Jbit--p:\C" IIIII d.l,c&lnQ.ei. -t'IM:tiM\ If'llt• ·4 ) Ml t.:.i¢:::11 :· I::GMo:"'t. £eau •. • ii.ilD:Q.I':Wh.: at::.un..c h(:IC"attoi,o:-· •·I da1:m;:l b.c: -=tl nu".:rlf» :o::tpt 111 lhr. n:• lh•' p:11a cu tiur £U.-.,1 i!:Ul.'\.':ddJl'l <.ilt: (4:.'11\ a!\ a44 Al-',-t"mtt nd""<t:IJI I u(,.-I.tC:; ::t Ul.:ha;;..."'" G pan; &Ji t.;.u $.« 1 t"ll. C.of!'t Cl \I:'Wh! ;IR':'" ll't:'!l at'IUiiho·,·t::' f.L'tXli. fLI&IIH .fll lb.:lli'(.l .:\::tt" •\;.l.'Ut· "•.rr . h••."tSOf :tiY Jlit:.r lc:mt; Jrloi.J M\I:::a"' IJ,e ltl C-:l ¥; JtX.; t ." S1k nfl<rrrtn1s .hJa:tu:liJi\.! f'Jl\OEt .ara:c: tiio-.1 w i ....lhU: C.:I'I-i:f\1 b 11; Cl:. it:lt f:.t C fa.-u.;:wJ .QI!e, :HO;! L'\:; 8Jdl f'ui;!W{'1'\..·t. -t l::im3cd L:1 bt:, fll)l"·:11tl I'tI:CI!ft:.ftlt..1l:l(. m1r,! r:t'NU£·t..,>- d .tr! M:t(i\%U :o_lttalllft;o;_. 'tt!a:£ P. .- ..: iot'tl.o.c:IJIcf ft.l"t.ltq;m.pilr!i:letll l li Ar-'\-.eton UJb"'h: r -Cl ,<;l•.,r·..aa. ru FVKOI:lt tv.;,till:•h=ll o -pt u·,, t CU!' ;p:.l;-rr tf 1.1 i.*i•ili if : t "! lfi ca k c!loL-n ci F L1: !"(":;•;. 1:f.lt1:-:f.."t!,o'lf: :;.;!t.l!:l<itlN: /.M ::! er.: ol(:o•h 1 tu.! li:IRO: Cl.."'ttl O\:taH1 Q:a.l&t:.fu1:.:1:al 01 (')fto(:r\:;DIf\ UltA t"W: t:la::t i:; C\! b tiU !.w! t!t'tG".M::tt ...!lUDC.:•' !'J fU '!i}-!r..ili.!IY w.ilccif: ::u: J eHd &,:-r-mb -...a:T•)(Jl fL'Nll "lDf) f" ! tl ui.l:c1..t!:m: .r 14; ci lOll• :\;r=u:.;tC a.'llri Uc: M; 4.Wi!hr Hnn;pti;') J·;,, f:;-'.,;n C>!t ru· r.• atl\1N1J itu itJa.C &flo .k &&:.;t.;, D-' nrrt; c:r!l<t Ui!. A t::: lh;JI CfJ:fC::· Pi: \\'.111'4: di.r.:tl r..:.z Gtlli .:C.O\ .:. 1c.:t lii:-:!1"r \II•• i\f! p i!A::- e !ttf· tlil lu.'tbe tJ at tln:r:»f e:1l."fi; e._ u!'(.-i u) 01: Tltc. .l.1:1 (Ma.H-r...l b:w: :.lAt'l .:T> wrnd:J:n:·and nuc .r.-..d UI\T: of -"l l lt.o.Uicl ptv•.J.tdt.b tr. Ut& :fJ -4 (Jidilf.' l.Dcr!r .....yr..:tt_ L- tt. \'n 11:- r n•t Jurlotl\"'lilll! Ts:-.; Al;!'"eoaiQH d.l'ol1 li(C J::.tfm 1-t;J 'C.:.-,j· IIJ'\ J;J:!!t\'{;a(l t'litoi:C:!..c:(U"Mr ptiH1!i::1 ""=<l::..fl £:k r; *' -''I - ·.Mibu:t· b.r; ikl t(' l ' s.h..:ii c:c i:-taaiJ ,:15 no: u:.:.t!" ! i.e! b.:ndi: ct M :.-r..n:JI"' H.!J'o:.:!l-J:fi. .111h'.1 l'a:tm:au IIIIJ,i:;.• l b ruM) 110-p:;h- f :ili cJ d:t Y.t:.:•..W ..1"-rilc tun .:UJI)"Jtt 1\:lo:s;b:A·,nlt,;:p: \. M.'.:!1C"\10:.Er.f! a!".. d:i.;::!'t&,.:,.;. o! :c. ,•,remto••nt "l"''r."•»"· M..'!cl.-·.·t 1l "' c \WItl..ri Pb· l•' 'T ::;flJl.::!d lhN 1'111:tlh•IIC-("Ol loll!J:l•ulJ:d., J.'L'f'\O R':1-.cncl,.;v;a lhli\; N- illirsl" pu- b:;:..,"(:; -4 StcJ Jit, !i-:!1 a;r-'3•efr.. ._'l:i:-."7' fr..;1 f".kft:flli"l\1 ,.:::l:::I1-Jr: cl.;:ric:t" C>1 :1 ·j.Q"Iit'..Zf stW el;td.l. ...... 1'·.: ;m F.t 11r.i::J.,,. P-:;t; !lu lht '"fl.l Jhtr:!.::rc ll)' M:h.'h:21111 :.\LqtJ·:! Ui 1!::: iiW'>I'.U'".t.1l1 t.lila-1:.-..s:-...:: W '."'Oi:r!a;:u-"""\.111Lo1!!or;t #:i lir t-!IJ:'li u·.o;\1), OJXt'4.1:C 1:r-.'1 f\:;\c z,.:;.'"' u ;f')l.l1! kt:t .:::t o: .,., JJie1ts!.aant 50'\ir;i; l.i btw.o ,-t;:1 o-!1- i:JT...;.Jlt'dtH :r actb.'tl'lo rl!'"abt .::-k»c m. p!-l:l.:l· G: "i f!' ::Uat balll ;;t ' ri Q n p"' '11\3.. 81 Ulf""rttlx •ttltU:., t:' oTf·t:r.llhJ.l.J!Xil c;::::u(%)!. u!d-C.d fa R ;doli! · dk)ll (bi::!'\Tf til pd,.tfibk. • lfl tk ('\""*1bu " A-nn .ovtf'fUo l.l."'t lf'.tll f'Jh"O!Rb1u dw;.."'\1 (!!1fi\IC'lt:-:-,.:; t:-dt:.:;:::u:.. lloc tao.:;,,c-fft:O her"":!...,.•t! .l"ilUI. u)ll illi)" iK eN ·!$- am 1,..-r.....:.dp·lz:bk b\\ f\.ll\.';)..tR £i!.aQ paomrtt' rtf,,,,a ii t.h.::: hm o1 ;tatO't •-·Hi:UUE.I\ »:: ¥\..;..s.-cf lht! t.a'!. u::.:1;,. t: J"ti-.."""lkl)d;t:tn..;;I'P.Pltr t!)fll:'3:1 tt!lPhk>l:, ftl!iN!J U\. N' n'4-o 1:t ::lb reo.... \:(,,. c.t" nio(K io:. Cl::ilt! \\ll.rC'"'-" ..,, w hio cii i!Ut;.:-P'f") u...i:tt;1:"'. !.l u Jt!hfl'r oJAII..n'lf"'t' imlwlt :.ptrM\IJ f\.').,.'[lf:\0.. .:tJ" "•1 - JtOJ WCIV. +(.e! l(tlia 1\oi} a.uiicn'!-·!4o "lt :t:' 01' t¥C01C: lr. I,.UilitQJI of do;:,o;r.if.Jl llf •enl: •II ubllJIUMK "dw Vi "fU:.:0:£11 hl:• f-JQo.::R:C'lJ1Ni.. orontt.r t::.kd"•·'"tc-1Ju=ot:- "'1ct:fl'-l;;,! .r.o:r: t.Z! C!" tr:C:RTtfH'f of IIi b·.:toi i:.!U£-f•.rl!w;..ia S«l-J kl1u.!..&.. M.-. 4\li f Pt:airr1rcdlliiJ \:li\+r.mI!O:I \it I;J Olll$kl l:r! cil&lll tU): :w:: -c, lio e:U:1·w \»ctd'"nQu:t racf r. CuHet.::t (illi If. H'\. ""· t:lt·.:a.J- ! t:YI W!: o:lh" .5or::ii1.,:!t.::fa. d.1. :eo: s.r.t PU"l:C'*I\.' '"\: :: t\:.:- ntc:m 1111 \i.;!;;;:J!..:..::.!.._ h,ll \'.;- -hlii pC..._"i: J ;.u...• ; on- .::tJiY. Cf!' ·lJ6ts,dt.,,.!l;n i.;..tilD£(; : 1; l4Ub C\l!lltL-w.:i 1...1 .icr'--4SI::!. "lol.\:\· .-:ap;-m.ira;.II.!.A;!' I!Pri"l f\.1;!:r., :..;,1p::l,;£,U;)Kl\ !l tJ ;CI..a:;. a:IQ Jllb .M r:r: l:ll.6..-,u{}'!o rt... i".fi ic:i tlci.i f'R,at:f\.,.'lmEit t-:4.orw.rl!. ,r.hrtt v : ;; .U!. .u kn:.:t.' ! ' ("f>?!j"!'r t;f SxG;r m I a•i.,,.- i!Tri:..C r.:e ·:u:;,J:::I. Mp-:...,_.' b\l:ru:tt"XCf: 11r.d.1. 1.:cs.: tte 1.\!1:: ;;\ 4"dup tbc i':v.::t. 'f J!JDF.?.r:: c-.ur.;: t:! f Y:a. ;.f baJI\".ta. ] ., _lf pth !:f ar\: Opt. M:.t.:bs:Ji!a:.ii .Qt i;ld:hu;eu:»: e::..JI .h,;,vu.. ,: t u n1,:-s! r u\Co!""nn ..4-.: '''" d U--' 1 ·.Ir.xt \lDiC: Wi:-. !lq);XI t;"".or. (l!;:;t1;.iJ,P-IIO·:f -: fUN..ii::5Ia.- lidt!Jll(. bew4·.S-a>!d::.>l.,o\iJT \!!Jf.F. cr.!1:1r n: tit\ Cltt'.:'l' p.:rj!lf.'.prna lirJl A ::;'QI..l:l·- ca:a. ;....- ,-!:br.n:t \l.l"tln :c ,..${• 1 r.: TU6 Ar.tNtla:m ,u;u ,.,.,tt1\.:d "'" u;i Willi(U O K:n tl,r..:,. tlr: h• of 1f.t S1;&W nl' ·1;n r \'"oti; '\llUl:KU sc;.:..111 U\ il r.: ..: t' t::!t'Cifii o;"' d t.z *..1.\ ...UII. ._,..,_"1!1cr p;o;te:oh: ;io;mt: lt;r r:uhW'.'"" d:c IIHi:-rpr'...Jlp·:!"fnrnt "-< ;;:.:c. il:-,tti 1t P'O: Ei\ JG. a.lor.: J:u.r.Jtg,:;l'ttucom a{tl.*l: ill N·•l 'l:"eA.• tUn ··!:il.-Jt" i«t ') M:.-.lif'.:=. Ik-e lh(: Ar f ;!t"C•ft•fc:-c:l::t! fll.l:. r ..K. H-b·rJiu tci fl"-'·i;id tft;.At: * J.'etl:m1t!!l:! 'll"lA·.:t ·:-11cid!do .lD ris.:s.a.u' n.z.- )l'r'"Jtn:.ltl J!r.l;t-,"<!tllhe: hai:..II4.1:."i'.U tiJh' l\LT lattt.t:>.. Mcr-..bU.'-:'lo r.'-i;t tt.·\..W r.:..;.. :Qi5&:ll!l• •••.!::by Hft.."Uf;"f!. hl tr: .o"u'U:!:pc di1-ii ua k;1_" .q j,U.l, f-corun -4.t• S.mi'J1 f.C krnrmttalif•" .t.LL. AJJ rt>panll"*l. "'....,.., '!1 .-c!. .U.!f• ·"lhc::and ti\.-&S) nt tb11 A.;:rt"u::tfrtl and sln,i'= :•iii":: m-frv.u :=:nii •'J Gb:u "' t...;ss.·: tl bo;,-;; : u. .:,f.rG-i:lf•U R.6 liotl. A.-'\R n •t ttulT ilu \·r lmtl cL 4.Cin tt•l 1flh , \!! eie a:ct!Pf4'1iJr.;t 1f. U» A,!c:tU""..c;; u lmi!lli l!:ll• ;..slt-.rct, 1r d- .d ., 1:.\ (.Q:IUD:tl:uf- ,1¢\);.D; ''J to! :-hr.;£. ·ro.c. u:.'fS.l '- !tfiC'l"'\ f'l'SGE.t..,R.:.teta::::m dol:"-\'tCN< ;iJ U.,,J. l:Ji;.orl ._.., .:. r,.-,., kr.::tt..ubio• faur45pUIQ \1:-lloi:i.l -..lio "* t1:l,1D,vc: U'-"1 to .'!lp!' \m.--b ."f'tU a.:" IB' c:s;c. 111M n!"'-·'« -'i•l"Mrdal -t. .:i,,.rMrlfr;r..:.;:-.v.teil;r '"""·1rL"t:r.:.»•::-ete.e:>:'dit,w .flo""t:u!la.Of\!- d'.ao. i-.e' fi''''"I).T_ C' td h::nir.. .c.htiU 1\ ot it\ u\'1\' l!C! -t\1 · lEI ·U1::J.:.ta!. iJ a-i..t u;-:!P"tt""fc:l nr.ux!: r"'..! &UI aood,( Joua;• d &tfc::f\.'6 1lt.llfc.:i , · l'l.U EP .;.hj R\ iil!- IT·;dh w 1"..:.-: ::'"'"'' c;: tf;fUlil!l'< :0.""1t pt.:l.::"\: 11[.'o:hidl tl.INI>llldi•DYac&.101 1!:.:"""'"' :"!on&·: a! .atoc!tJ-.c' s;!.co( lio:.n Ute i-.a;!:id, m·eo:•·IC.Rnf:tt.'l:r"hu -" lth · 1,.n.UK;:! A*Dt,;. J.l J !'mrrttjtfl'M A"r•\ttct pr!i•ttll. 1"ho:·fplb"W!4.·r!t;srll.:·,aa,1d:t ;b"!sou 1bt.;b:: lwt f i !,: Ur:l:l! bm;! ..\nAl\:.1\ C« u-rl \a c{'f h.u \ 'f;:tll! .l.¥. Sufl:,ektfl i'\ ••..w..rn, &.afW.tJt..-:rlth:t 'A;.: "'i"L"'lo-:iat.fl HjXd" '"'t i1 l«ttt :.•h·et tt d .1(:1 h l-rft n,: p!J.tao:.1l:tif'.:t ( f\'' r. :.Uti;):l ,.-,1o.:tb!.FJ«t. 1u:::!;r11l : -:.1!;- t,'parsu(.:ltJ ..I!-1 ·h. •_.,.,if, ""'Gf!!..' .t-.rt:· rzt'l:'Kj or, ia::ri.'Cll t · (l;i).U be !lrtdlctt•t C41i> ·"' t!..: 'fP: c! iWF \bti;:tli -"l\ .Mr.l r.m all:b:oUij -ttr..uiNVU tln n.-i.att.\ b:.a-cf.Tbf ..A'tr::::tt :m: c;ooi s._.t,t .tr A:J'CD!IIit•l1 bmso t tk ,.,;.r.+"":'"...:.U t.r-1,."1:!..;!1-'!.".f,thl :o;'ft!NUEt.. l1u!liUf " >.::k f"'" :v1:nli·uu ar;d p.ll!{ u:;-;::t. tJtiY.·-ntYt·n!:'!1.l-i in1d.:E!I: by PlJ OEk.. i.1hiedW::f·JJ d. "'!!•3..: qo;1r:::... t.k.1.".:Jge .c:. ·t:J;r ti:u !=.'to! t:A- ;G!.a't: S:fT.;J;lr, \:l p..dl.J: l!.t:'mr. '"ll'RI'TRI" "&llllJ,. Yll Al:l'IEl!l IU:T!I \I'A I\'E TRIAl.Ul.' nuu (I) :\l.:td U;t diJil",:.j Ia r..=,;: !:<ll:l: f"'":U';o(b.=t. *"· b'l\ •thai zo l(t,lftt t fl.n--iDEA t1 Mnt.itrllatlj,I"IJ U;t dcre& e.; ·il:.:tC. ,.,l.O. ...If iC 'k'nlaJ.jOI I'WUIW· WI_ A:-'"\'Ci\j b.".h< tiJ3.c;.tt:lf.i O.lf1i: e- 4i\'l hiiJI d .::n.l:i. l.:b::l•',·ic u:.:-4-Wri/!f k< I.T ;:;·1.::M \.htu: if:ai}lfff -tic. ('(oef n:l, or Q:..iJ b-t;.iPtH (ti!lfr UiM .d.r:;n , ;.,:;:l;:.T.1\I.'W'I! M:-t:ffun!;c:- h;116tt'+-J It,, lklett UCit.'tp::l' :.:Oh ..... :. .Ji o:J "'-' a.. t:o...u .:z:f-el.ti:m ,". b"' i>ltl11 lt\ tbc C:<a;.•i.;!iq•, Mm·hml !l!:'r;- .-e '> PJt\' "f4f!o:,C ..r-'..e:; c ;:\"\ott.:.:li....f< --dP:lt 1.a:ej.t w· iau.w!!"t:l.:h i'll; -:J. : JU {\Miflro!lll fln•r.ripp Mttti:n.tJbaU ·ftkl!4!f '-all) Mfl") li.Nali:): ,Mr.t, J't"k.\'1A' AS\' C1ll.!.flT Jl\ AI\'\) "'t.!n AC'"tJO!\ .tiR NtbC!' :EE.OI (; U"'\ M'l" MA'l1.f.R Rlol"l' IS CO!<>:tt:r!Ol\ Wlll11l- l!'< ANY WAY: REl.ATtD 1·1) Till: TR.:O. ·\\'"J:IIINS or 1\ IIICU 1·1l1S ,\CIIttM I "T IS ·l 1'\KI' UR Till: t).j'U {HIE!'/1 l!,lltOf. 1111: 1\Tl.L"i . II E RHU ACI;..Oli'LI:llGE "111"1. t.\C:Il l I>I:S 'rtll!i 11'111\'tlt dn•tuner,. t ·tf C !l!kf:;!t l.J".'.il ,, &;"Q;;.;c:r,\11 t".i:f• r.-t ue llrl.'C1UrmIH' tH•mflltu DI lat ..,, .:n!Jhit o"I>\\WC:L'I:,.WU..Uu- ANI• IOi.l>", TMcl)' ;>;II WnlfiWI -"'*''-11tttllu\:*-V1'-lr.JKlS·""Uil('lo!( til lite\fl(p:!Ol.!.Y>t"it.9<'- Cw.::a> (;)' "t-"'t4 •i fl"".l•ct01 w h;,r.,of • NOt f..t r\.'ttfl.Pia u:•!to1t Lo lt• OIP: p, ;ocu::toM:.lf;lf i.tlnl ·nf .t:J l k¥o!l fUSlff.P. ijflkmltl\ PHillaJ J:IIi»od&. llt: tSA!Ill ONL\ .\1'lll:!;t; 'n:.'i JVE CONM1i£1<A1lfll'\ m: Til£ MIIR(,I\11L>> Ol'l' JIIS\\AIVI;R \11111 TllEJIC Al1UIISE:¥S ·J!ftot:tcl'ri' t.:jlih.:iJK:'i rou: il w ®, .· m:wq'llli'IOUl .:l I ' JI".r:)rmh_.• t!' Kruom hd:t::. !;;.; ao:.u-l..rt4lri: -f. I t!{ l."-$f t: C'rJf !\'- \\-AfYl-:!t Til£ f A\tTI[S IJ.!:ift:n:t \.'\ AJ\1'..Ui\ n Wii'I>IQ" kJ )t\ ';Jf,iL C1i fdJ:O.l:.r..'h:N: a;.u .M:T.Itu'.!., t·loil1 .u1b ;o) Gf; i',;uljla_ t;.; D:lii :kt: r rf•ti! .i:![ h:a. IJ:&. 1\IGUTro· h Stlll Ml·C A11S CA!T Tift Cl'llii:R. l'AlOY AI' ·M,o t.'ll:DO\:" "'I=&.(i{kt"!'" AU ,,;Ort:C -n.>- t;:*u)c .d tu:'14if t'G IC lt1tDO:::" t.t) nK.I«:rl cJ 01 : miiiD-:Jl 1(1· (1:'.1 c.h, '; .J=r'\l:d '""u• dL.::" ooll full tt..: :t.t':lt. dor "'ICI:lo f· 1lot: flrnc:tlia:llo' .I!C CI'o.:dJirlPil & Olhv •rru::il:n.J.:rJ:-n;tilttDeii:tl Y'!fllii:"s l".!iJt-d\\M !f li!'; '"'tilt' Ar.r.:-:,. ca:.. h.a«.1m. J _ 'U-=f.Utktl;'.li.:.Qte kuc.:l t1rivf'U 1c;o.AtJtt to!;:r lh; At.tC:I.-*:!I!i Mdl;r:!tt.:lrd S::.:uulA.;IJIO-: M.:i: (tl\"ih!t ttl lul\ """"Jtlld;< Jlrql:!l-.: '-llCrtu.-:o·l"c:t lk;.t"t"i.Qc1.:1.:"r4Gtinan "' o;:fftot j,tin-d JL;:G: ti.Jt.:t, sh.IU, JO:i' t: :t::anr.r. uf .t!lrt: A.Irc:trO·\m, d:!i\"1\. " 10 ;t'.OR Dlc c,."CX\:on:'runr ut'.il;:s:sn'1.'.\ui f"O.'lV-!:11. .cs �� , Rlt_,.l c( the fllff.lur A•oaN f'l:l!1r. lilt' A -.""PJ .o'tlt. t.'hr :::l. cl a.t.' l'ftnti:!.OiIn Li:it rw- GPt .1.11. t-'J'Nua. :aa: o:tr.n- tlcz c t!Tr.t:"ttet. ,..r .i;1"din;;L'\ll r.cjmlI;IC!13 width::- Ck, ri:c Cw}l t"lt dterua. ''lt.t1: ,;.u_ f&.UIIo. :(!tJ..' , (Oftf.I!ICUt-t:ol,>G¥1 .• S::::"lf.JI;.U, 'e."UJ1 1\. p !'!;-+ .triO! b:nt- \o-_r,:!...'tti.Ci r :c. •.n:f :r n!III:.!Cftl>lS"etf.:r )I -· lll:1:r UG.'" Jt.:l.'!'QK .lJJ\ tr; '"WI.R!co.U dl.r-.1t'IS.l:'li..$i ; .J:h ill<-rl!J<t.!loiHi: ;:0-:61:f;1U P !'fl: JHt,'. . '!.1'Tti41pr'h l)rt•I.Ct, :.-;cr ;1 t uhh!t.J -t;tt":• t::'l. f,rt.:A :C..IIm!'1Qf! :m \'1' .j;.,tl t.f tht';'wrmil:..1JN!l in ,\! i :r J.!. (;;"d .C. '1 .n..""t. Irk: U n" i-:eo-:-'' ft,;J::-qtrli fs.-:ui:U ,PII:.ft.( ::u1.1eo:,s.1: il'4'ootutm:r !:: : p:r tlt:;l'•";.: btrJl-=.:M.:r.a""'" 21.:: Pr'ouh lJpb nnw C 1•n 1r-atu• :.t;.:r.;i:u:..".i. ,.,. c1 :or p::tf :u: !:r tAt! t:._-r:\ tpt "-t.l "'-": =xu tre:.h:antrcm(l;l ttfuls M::-:tl\.)'1:1 urd ..,• .: ):l •h. :ot p;tenb \ 111. 1:\l::O.'TS OF IIU'AUL1.Ml IIE lllf.S . it:uwn ;ff 1 1t-l;a"1t Tic. .:::..ttri Lta.' t.!r: J.,'{lo.,it;i c:--:::m )Jo QK Wtt .if. "f.-tu.!. cf lkfJ:JI:.. tl:n:.""trt l.:i l tk.::.:ls:;ru ,Ujt \" -'t:-4,.'1" o; ,;.1' 1l2Ji. \:1 liiU AF.It:::lm:.l:' j: A.f;11fl:l.Lnt.:Wlfl " '".\\ tr.lf\1.' bMr. i A kf.I'KJ:.Sr.I>TAlll't C;R M EMJlEH IN ·A N\' C!.A!iS 011 1\&rKJ:.SI:NTATt\'f. .A(_'tJO!'(, J:X('EYf WUE.R£ !HlCI{ WAIY&Il I. I'I!Oillllrr£11 UlL.•\Y ...C.AI ST N!U,l(' I'OWCI'. 'f(J 'lil t Xn:I>'T &mt£rA RTY ll'•1111!J> R\ UW lli c OtJlll Uf LAW TO rnon:r;u WIHI t::l..\55 .UILIIF.l1U.'\ r!>TI\'t A(;llOI> AGA!)i T TilE OTIIDl,. l'Jl1'11 Ml'lf:5 IIMEn A GII£1; ·-rnoot·: (11 TIIF. I'IIJ:\',\II..INC I'Alt'IY liliA I, :'101 Ut r.-rn·u·:JI TO k<.CJJI'£R Al'lOR,t:l'l>' rr:r_on co.ns.4Ss<XIA1:\\'lliii"JHSJ•t:oc rm: Cl.\!!; UH l:C.tlltSl'XrATJ\'1: Af'll U?l clilfrWJ1W:'fAN ill."iG Al>Y PTIJt:l< PkOVISIU., ll'tll> IICR£1:.'11t: •)• "'-'U r.l Tl!£ "Kl'\' W!t(> INntATt'.> !il!l',,ln1t'!lf T1.>.SA MMilUI OF Tllf. Cl, £ WtU :<Ill I•I,IIT A (l.IM O R (TTJif.RI\'LI'AICilC.'IPAH; L'i A- ll COI'LRI· ·.IJ:c:\iRI:b TUHOiiGII TU:t C.1..\ S ll 1ttr rso..T1I\T. 11C1'lt>N. .:.i:J:;·'•;JN5"Mtf'hh;t!'Y- f:l.. 3-ir, :tl"'-lk t .:. ·- ·;.:,..t::M; :flatU. fU).'lJI:;fl IIIUaH'm-:-.2 kl 1)" ·tu I("fb.t;:i!l rli::.ic o'nl:I.:JUb:rer-r. fnltc.1:c'll.111Cm#h<r ;:o: AJ&r:m.l A:o\2\•'"t.:utii:Jt :k·cdltu i.: t1 rtJ:.:Of.P (t; f.\eri:.l . r,Pt;.r"- f (.'l.PER tuJ:Ill&:.::It> fri C::I ..'d'i:.! ttr.loit G'ld 06.01-14 '1\ lhl! -"'ift.o.:.:JJt"li: IiiFl':'It .llt\-t tt·o. a;;- 1..-:.1 ftlrt o; r-• ea; or. :nr Tmttl!flp:.1it$ &;.:.l1:u: ;.l f:li!t:S '4ttel'l frt 5t:lt"J Mttd..:::::'io6:t. iA :,\f.'tn · It'; ;t!l. k' ra.\ • ..;.lC, tll .sWll 11.. .:.r.".",'!.:l ..t•ll;t:J\:h•JH t;,!:.:!Srl.f7 ;.\! ,J.s;;.·:-.1. tt: Jlla.:-.d;nt•i.'JilJ Ol:!.C..:bouJ- Cf ;:.j:;:t:'!b.:i1 h·i·.:nr.a:r.:SJil.!kIt l bth.L(<: UU.:.t-o:l"i;. cl .Ji ti.t.."T -):f:..UI·I.:.;IU4'"!;: l\.!., ofJjiiiU,if!o';: Colonai lFun:!ni gNet ;oras SetVi!:ing Agent hlhit.k'! - - S m$"on Purtner_,- SECVIUT\" AGREE!Vl £:\'T A:'\ 0 GL\R NTY Merchant'Legal Name:Specd'E.mi.ssion;:. l nt:. 'SneerlF.:m issian;; Car C:r.. llC D!'B!:\:Spe demis;;ion;; Ci ry· Tvron Zip: lQJ!lli Fcuerai 1Di!.33-0961 48k .t.;N"urif' ' 1111f'.rt-.!'1. Tu.secm·:: Mtrchant':i r-aymcnland ptn·HtnJJ\t: obhg ;U\n..;. 1.t1 Fi.!NDER. as til(' ltml purchu er jor ndf:n.n!! m;•rt:11JUt\!h or tbt uT ndeb. !.1 lis\ of\\-hich m:ly br pro\'jdt'd 1u thM ;chem upon·,;nncnmlttcc m'u:r the fu•ldill!!of the p-.uchuse ew:;e; U.'1dtr thl\!erch nt Agm.mnt (lil r -F tnr•M Am-gem nt"L Merchant h<:rehy groJ'ttt.; u, fUNDl!R sl.!cunrv mttre:s.; m (a .I ull l i.!citntchattel papedocuments. < Qt.apmcm. g:tncrai mmngibJc), in)'1rum::ms, :and fli·cmury. a., tho\: t nn:; un· dcd in Aniclt 9 llf'th'l1111fllllll Cummcrct:ll Code t tht "!.K:("). h(t l'·. nr imroitt <lwnr:i m acq11iml by Mcrclt:Uii. :mG (hpir\\l'ccd. athm t trm ., rlfmed IIi i\r!K!k 'i ol'lht UCC (:u1d b cl>fltclil'ely. the "Dl.!l.i!lm!l"J. Oro!,C· niJ••rJll ,-,,:;ccLm·GuetonUot ':. p ymcm nt!p.;r! tr.tuncv ohilg;l!lt'1. :; tt. FIJI\DE!{ \ami rts mFumier> I unaer :Jus ii t'tlnl) Ag.rcerntml ;,l)ll tiuanul!.)' (ilw "A rremrnr''l. GW!roll/t.ur hcrr: g.rJms FUNDEI. lor nsdi' r.:l m pam• pam,.," s.:cu:ity nllllrr:t in _ (ttl\' "Adrl•i <>n:q Cjtlhu n• ", Guaramur \IOO <IS!Bml;; th:u HINDER \1111 ba.1-e u sL"'uril_l' imn:st m the.oior sulli ,t,t!dmor.a.l Coli tcral upoa cL-uuoovl lhlAp•ecm1.·nt. Mcr.:h:mt ami GU!II'illllO' e;,ch ucl;n:llliNigun t! agree till!t nn· secum· mtcrc51 gr.un :l to Flll\DEit under nny oti1er ugrcemem ll•·twccn Mercha!'ll or C>!larnmor and I'UNDI.'R I the "f.mss-Ct l:nral"i will sc\!rc the ubHg:.ucnhc•euntr.r :<m!undct !he Men:h3m 1\grc"'''en' .Merchall! and Guar.mtttr cacl: Ul,'Tt:es t'' e:-;c uk uny ciocurncn!!. nr take a n:;.liC!Ul!l i11 COl:l\e tion \\'lth th1Agreemn: a;, fUNDEll d ms necessary h• pcrfu:l Ill' maintain HINDER 's tirs:pnnr•tv o<:etaity unere51 "' 1he Cnlln1erai. rh< AddiltO!lal Coll terol a1td 1h" Cmss-Colll!lrul, ind udinJ: the c.I'Xtcuum1 of )' :t.·-::uum c::un uo!agreeiT'ienL. i\·lcr hal\t and G unramO. c:ath hetl :·u uthorl7.ef UNDE R UJ f1lr nny linnndllj: SlC1'lJ, \1Lll3 decmeJ nc;e-!52-l"f by FU!-!DER Ul prric1 llT muintum FUNDER 's ,security mtertt.11111=h financing st ltmcrn moy conm not iiicmioo Ill!!:!lktehrun em:l Guar<mlor 12v ;r<l.'lled l11legaupvl;,;ige tu FllNDER \\im re;-pect w !hColltt rn!. 'the Arlditiunal C'llH tral ami lh• CrowCo!l:act:ll,llnd tilt any subsequent hno;m:1y be toniously mtcn'ring wllh FUNOER's righL'>. M.erchwu. :m::l Gunrantor.shall bdtl\blc fur and FUNDER lllO)· churge od collri aU CUSt!;illld C'11pcnses.u1clwlmg hu:noi.hmll"d lo aoor ncy'sr. whrcil may bireu1:-ed hy FUNDER in protccimg. prcsc!"'·ing nod l!nior.:ia. FliNDER 'scurny U1le/e211d ngnrs. l'<e •uiw Pl tlr. .Mcrt-hnnt :md Guam ntor tch : gec& nor w crcc.te., intur, a. surn. or _p,:nm\ \ll-tX!s\, d!r.cNI)' or inah·ectly. l!ll}' lieu un or with respect 1'.> any of th Coii Jtr31, til-: Addt uorllll Col!or ral urthr Cross-Caii:Jteml, as a!!',>!tahl Con!< nt 10 !1-:niet· l'r1t1i••• und ;\•d•n J.ra•e. FUNDER shall have tht riJ)11: to cure M's .d-:iau!in th -·rmymcm oi' rerit en thl! lollowmg tetms !11 the <!Vt1l! Mtrc-ham is sr."'tl 1\itb papers in an :;ctmn agDmst Mcrdmnl Jr.r m:mpa;.·m:nr of reroi o;·Hli sutl'lnlll!J c•1ctloi1, f1JND£R i' executt itriglus and remches und er 'the Assignmcn i ol Lea;.: Mc•ch31lt tilso :!!!fl!l!l< that Ft:NDF..R mo.'} enter inw l2n u:;rr:em<n!wi'J• Ml'.fcnant's lillld!ord .gmng FU!'IDER :he nght . .(til to erner Menohllllt's premisewd W 1ekpt!ss inn of t he 1ix tur:; and c-u;pnY.'m t!temn ill!' ·ihe.'P"'i' se of protec:t;n!' tnd presm·iag. =•e; and '(bi Ill llSSign Mcrc:lttnt'kil.'>t to another quohf1cMcrdunt capithlc of operatmg u bttsm:.s;. ttl!llp:;.r:>Ole tv.Mercl'.;•.m':< et sw:.i prem1ses Rm<•dies. Upon MY f:.Y!lll of Ocfnul:, i'UNDER may;my rcmedr (lvtti!;;lik \ lw iilleiumthl\Sc a,·ailnhk undi:l lilc JlfOI'tsions c:.f the UCC)• .Or in equity :o colioct, enforcr, or satisl)• rmy obiiptions lhc11owrng, wl t:lher.l:oy acelrr tion Ol olhernise.. J•t"'rsonnl Cuurnh' u·rJ•,·r(nr ntltllt'"t:. Tnc; um!cnJt{!,nd G r'r-(s.} her b)' guaranttc-to FUND!'!It and rtc; affdl:ili!S or the-Furv.J Cl. t.-1i-rclnmt's performt!.ncc uf\!rl l,ftht-: rupmenhlllon. w;trr mies, co\'enl!m.s rnw by Mcrch!lnt in :his Agre;.-.m nl and th.t: Mt'tthm Agn:anem• .as cat.1: ;;r:: 1ncrn may P,. nmem:d. omend!!d, C)i:ended or o!h::l'\isc modif1t d (the "G unr2ptt;;C Obljcarjnn ") Gu:!lalllol's chh!;!lliO!lS ardue li) at t he umc o'f11ny brc: eh hy llkrt:h:!ln ai'mty•eprescntatic:j, warramy, o1·<:oVtJllllll mnde b)• Mereh:<nl ir.this AJ>, rtemenl :md LiM;chant Agre..-mcm, and{iii at the till\( M, rcht•nt.dmiiS·it.rnhiluy !'CJ Jll'Y its d bL. or make.\ a general :lSSipnnent for1hc beneiit or m: itors, or lUI\' proceerl!llg shall b•·insn!Ul<'d bor Milr:-hllllt .sui.-n'1i·n dJadicttl banknrpl nr -iru;oi wm, or.scekint; p.,prgarti:allioo. arrungcmen(; adjuS)m m.or compositmn of it or its debL . · Gurrr:o n(ur \\':riwrs. b th·e1·enl lhnt Mc1chnm faiis to m ke .11 puymelll or J.>erfwm auy uhligatitm \lt .en dtle .undf'f'.lh·Mercham A!P <'m•m, FUNDER my cnforc< 1il)hls under this Ag:r ement \\ithow lir& sei:mg to cblam puymcnt iron: Men:hahl. QY mh:!r gu ranior. o; UO}' Collawrol, Alldilional C<lli:ll ral or· ttis-C!\llutntl .FUNDER rnny·nold ptL u:\11! io thiAgtl'tJllCilt or ny othr guran1. FUNDEll. docs not hnw w Jtotil)·Gu.trumor ot'any of th;; fulio,1;ng erci,s anJ Guclrnloi- \\ill rim l>c rr·k.1rd fn,m its u!Jlig.;1t ton1mj.:r Ihis ,\gr .em nt tf it is noi 11\llifiecl of:{Merch.n's fililu rc to pay limrly.:lilY antllUtll wc:d un;!enheMeichant f\grumrnt. [iii :my 6d,•e:se thangcmM!Cbnt·fimncf!c.oildi\iun or husiqri;.,.; .( t il );rnyr1111e w llthr d is(ll)sl\ion' of m1r collatml se.:urinthe Guuramtd L1hhi;utio:1S or ,u1y othr gttrJantcc 11f ihe G!Jllmntecd ObligiCIII!>: .(iv) FUt DEf{'s aceejllanc-or fhts Agrctmcni ; l'.d (v) nn)• ft'\lew l.l\14'1l>1Dn or otht 11\lldlflt: ltln orth< Merth:\llt t.grcement or Merl:itllnt's other ohhguli\UIS \0 F.UNDER In nddinon. F\JNL)ER ma.y tru:c aoy·ofthe fnl!nwms actions wilh u:rleusitl£ Guamm!lr from nny or ilS obl4lr..tiom unt!fr this Agre.:mcm : (i 1 renew,.oxtrntl or oU;c:wisroodity !l-ie Men hanl A:_:reemen! o: M m:ham's uther ot>lutationslr• FUNDER.; (ll) release Merchant 1rom its ob!i illll.v, FLTNDER:, (iii) sdl, rulca.,t-, jmp:;.ir, waire or pl.herwi iltc rc:dize t:pon u1w SCCL'I'ing fl1c Grw4ntecd Olltigtiuns or any N.hcr guummee of Uw GuaramN Ol>hgetio;ts. and. {i\•) flll lose on lillY col!awrJ! sccun:;s the Guamntl!l-'d Obligaiill!ls llf any other gu4nmtl:\"! of!he Ouarantt!d Obtr gruions 01a mantr thu:unp;liror prcc.hds the ril of Guar.mtor to ui:ntl.m Tetntbi.lrntn!fur psvrn.,.1t under thiAl!fceml'n\ Until thMctch nl Amount plu;; ny u:: m:tl bu: unp<.id mtrest 1:-.J Mc rcllllm'$ oth<.'f oi'>lig,atll)ilS :., FlJ!'\DER tm(j::r the Me;chrmt Agrern.; :ni aml Uri i\J!,recmc:nt re puld in full, Guur.;moc shol: not t rcimhurstm;ml Jr '!ll Mtrcham or uny otim guer.JiiiUr lor llilY amounts _p;lid by lt ut:d,>r this Agrc-enwnt. GLL1ramor permMent!y \11ili'C :m\i Sh3!1 ®l seek to extwise art)' uf the 1bl!tming righ1s .llmr ir m>:y ho;•c.a11 mst Mtrd ;UI.I,any other .;:u ara11tor. 01 .:o·oll<ncnd p:o'o·i!lcd h_y Mcrdr ul t•r ntl)' other guarnntnr, fill' u"y llmOL'I1l.!, p;.id by r.. or at!.S periotmcdy l!, under thiS Agre tnt-nr tf} strbrog;t ion ;_ Wi rtimhlm>ermmt; (iii) pcrfonnnuce: (il'i indtnloiticution·, or (-;·) c nnml>Utt<Mt, In the e\•crit liwt FUDE R mw--sr return any amtnmt pail! py Men·ham or;,oy other gu<t.r:tntor uf the Guamnted Ohligationt• uaut tflut person h::s !"'""tmc sul:j ;t 10 :l PIOt:<cdiu g un<kr 1hUnned Smos ihnl:r ptcy Cudr.- cr: any si•lliiut lil\\'.Gu:!TJntot'- rrhJil!utions under lilts r\grecowm sh:;ll includthat amoom. Gu•r.:tu1or Arl;nowl e uu rmtil l. <:uarllntt>r litknowlrdgt£ 1h ;; (lj J-l ril'ihe Ulltlett u nd > th r Hr juUirltls oflhr prol•i. ionofthiA>:rccruent; (iii Ifo/Sbe ha d ftdl app<rtunilr !o tonufl·with cuun,rl of hh her rl10icr; nn!l {iii.J Hr,'S'/Je huc:ous ulled wilh coumd of its dwicc or h:t> tlrddti! mol U• svpil hitrc!r!ltr r f of t hH l opflOrluni!y. !i&-01-14 Co1on!olFttnding Ne-twork as Ser'fci ir.g Agent .l11inrllntl Sr\' rat l.inhilin·. Tnc obhg:lliO!lhm·un<!u!"lhc !'('15011tlr muues consuw:_ ing G!lilfC.lllllt undtr 1h1!\grt"crmmlaie jcirtt lllkl i.evemi TilTtRMS. IlE.Flf'IIJTIONS;CONl>JTIOXS A!'ilJ TNf"ORT\lATioJ\ SI:T I'OR1'H L'\' THf."MCUAi\T ,\GR£EMENI', Jl\CL!!l)JNG TilE''11i:Jli\15 Al'W CONlliTIOt'i!o", ARE HEUE.n\' n-iCORl'ORAll:n Il\;\NIJ MADE A bUT Of HilS SECfl!UTY A GR.nE l£1,\ . AN:!> Gl.IAltANTY. C,\ t>1T.I.UZ:J-:Il T fiMS NO'f DF.f1NEII IN TIHS SC:t'lifl11"'' AG REEHL... 'A'.iD GtoA-1\.!\STY.SHALL iiA VC 'n!E \ll:A.''ilNC Sf.l' FOln'li 1!\Tli.E 111ERC1lA.I\'T AGREE!\llit'\T, INCLL'DlNG 1'11E TE.RMS.AXD COt-:DlTIOI','S. i\lERCUA!\"ni Ai\1> OWN"EllS!GUAR-\!>:TORS ACKI\OWU:IJG[ TUAT TJJI5 WIUTJ SG lt£l'llF..'SEN1S' T!l:£ EXI'liU: AGimeMt:.."<, I.IE'IWE£.'\ 111£ l'AU1l£S H£RJ:l'O. IT JS IJNllilll'>'TOOlJ TIIAT A NY REI'lU:Sll!\"fA1'10S OR A.lU:Gf:ll PllO USES DY JJ\DErEND£ TllltOK£RS On ACt-:!\,'$ OF,\[\')' .I'AUT\' IJ' NOT JXCLOlll';D t•: TIUS WR!ITE.'\ A.GRF.E.\ I E\'T A RE COro<SIDF.I ll!..l. ,\ 'D Y011J. AloiY \J001FI'CA11' 0l'i OR Ol11En t\.L1'ER.....Tl0TO TilE AG-RWlE""J' JtflliEIN \\'RJ'I'!XG AND !:XEC( 1Tf.D 8\'THE PART $, THJ;; CTOf<.C ' l\HjR Cil-\\!''1' itl (Pnm NaUle undTdlr) I llylliti·o'rtl)'..rloutieri' J\IERCH.\1':1' h"2 ·By ----------------.,.- <Sign Here <Sigu Here SS# tPrinrN-Jnle ond Tnlr; 0\\'N·IRJG: AH.A!"'-fOI! #1 By lti hordi'arlon1irli (i•nnt ,.;arne) (Sigrl <Sign Hc1-e .By -------,-.,--------- Driver$ Liccnst Number:Ol I\M!i'.-..GA < n Here- OWNERfGllARAN'I'OR2 (Prim N:lme} 1stflll!!IUJ"e) Drivcr.s Litensr.:-lttmbtr: Sig ·\l:THORtZED SERVICING AGEI\1-Culo nifll :Fundiu:,-:Nctworll, IColoui.J Funding 1\ttwur.l.:, lo•,._tColuniDI)l& Ihe Allthoriud .n·icin-:\::rot flfSlltnron Pnrtnl'n for this euoirN·pro,idin:: admini$trativ.:, bopkkuping. -r4'purt•n:: lHid.supron smctfor S mson1'sn·tners f_ llld tltt Mrrch ut, Colollialh-llol ulliliJ11td or lnrned by·Md iilldinJ:l•l$ iodrptlld.cnt u e111fur en·tceJ. mrlutlmg but uutllmlled to ck.,«N>und t'hc.ek.1, trtdil rh(cj; nMil·llllduwriti n:: rn-itll", !ifin:; UCC-l srt11.ri'!intr.rcsts, utsl1 !llMnu:.:cmtlll. acrount rcponint and R . · rupture. ColoniMl Jllllf atlts sole dism:tio11 parfitipult in tltis fl ucin::IJr prtniding A smaft ptortioClf fundr.or tl1itrn1\" ui rcclly lo Sllrmun l'ut J1 :(<Jlonl nl i< not •.endil tard prnetJjor, orin lht businrss o( roc .- 1ng crw· ds. 1\ltl'tltn·t h : clino> "lrtluc!l that·iu 00 event >n11 C•"""h•.H•bl< " y <brim• o """'' 'oo'""'"" ''"P •• · d .,,,., • ,;. , .r,.""p l>fiu l .<i• •"·' ""'' opporlulllt)', o;rm)>l :. llllll h•c,tr deo\><l,· tdirect. or conseque)llil tlallU _ cs, t . uf,lbic w ""' · y th rrhrnt mf OwnerfGunurtor. ' M£JH:NANT "" /1/'- _b A 1e g.. I "··--· ,.. / By ""\- ·1- r ,=., - -F- ==::..::..:....".-!1._,.L :::::,! :& :J. -_! Sigo Here (Prim'N;une 3nd Ti11e) • t-. c· o J n n 1 ..1 I 1 u 11 ..! , " ;n c t """ u r k .....o.t ' ...... ... ·· ·• • . ...· Origination Fcc - to cover uuderwriting and related Amount Funded Ori:inatitm Fee U p to $i,S{)O.UO Sl 99.00 S7,50l.OIJ-SSO,IJOU.tl0 5295.00 SSO,OO LUU-Sl 00,000.00 5395.00 Sl 00,{10 Ut s:!SO,OOU.UO 5795.011 a) ACB Program Fee- S 395.00 .'\CH's are Ia bur iutcusi\'c :mel are not un aUtomated process requiring us ro charge this fee to cover costs .b) NSF Fee (St:milisrd)- S SO.{IOea up w FOUR Tf!\lES ONLY befora default is declared c) Rejected ACH - Dally ACH Program Whetl tb.c merchan t direds the bank to Reject our Debit ACH Amount Funded Reject fee i. Up to 7,500.00 $ 25.00 li. $7,50l.OO·S50,000.00 $ 35.00 iii. $50,001..00-$100,000.00 $ 50.00 iv. $100,001.00..S2SO,OGO.OO $ 75.00 v. over $250,000.00 $100.00 Weekly ACH Program Amount Funded Reject Fee vi. Up to $7,500.00 $ 75.00 vz1. $7,501.0Q-$SO,{)OO.OO $ 99.0D viii. SO,OOl.OO·SlOO,OOO.OO $!.75.00 ix. $100,001.00·$250,000.00 $275.00 x. Over $250,000.00 $395.00 d) Bank Change Fet.'-· S75.00 requiring us to adjust. nur system. Wilen Merchant requires a eh:ange o(.account to b·c Debited e) Blocked Account- $2,500.00 plac,es them in default \f>er .contract) When l\lerchani BLOCKS accouilt fr·om o ua·nebiLA.CH w.bicb f) Default Fee- ss,ooo.uo W.hcn Mercll1tot changes bank accouDt cutting us off frQm our Collections g) UCCTermination.F- $150.00 When Merchant request a UCC termination Misrcllailrous Service. F :s. · Merchant shall pay lo Colonial certain fees Mercltant fundinjj; .is done electronically to their designated bank account and chF.rged a fee of$35.00 fur a FeWire or Sl 5.00 for an ACH. The fee ior undr:rwoting and origination is pnid from the fuoded amount iu accordance with 1he schedule be ow. lfMerchani is utilizing a Bridget Control Accoum, there is an up front fee of S395.00 for the bank feeand adminislr'&ti\'e costs oi maintaining such accoum for eaclt cash ad,•ance agreement with Merchant. j ·Fund trllll$1'ers.Ji·om Bridge / Control Accoumsto Merch:mt's operating bank account will be charged Sl0.95 per month via ACH. This fee will continue if the brldgaccount remains open after rhe RTR is paid. Merchanl will be charged .S50,00 for each change of its opet'31ing bnnk account once active with ColoniuL Any administrative adjusunenu associate.C with changs1o rhe Specified Pe rcentage · will incur .a f=t' of 575.00 per occurrence. (All fees.,;;re subject tc• changej · Merchant luitials' --Pf Colonial Furo:!lngislwc.rt:as Sewb61g A;e;•t UNANIMOUS WRITIEN CONSENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF The undersigned , being al l of t he Directors (the "Board of Directors'of Speedemissions,Inc , a corporation (t he "Company") organized under the laws of t he state of Georgia , do herby certify and consent, pursuant to the By-Laws of the Corporation and the business and corporate laws of the state of incorporati on to t he adoption of the following without a meeting with the same force and effect as if said resolution had been dul y adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors: 1. RESOLVED, that Rich Parlontieri and duly appointed, qualified and authorized Officers of the Company possessing fully authorized to bind the Company in the acqu isiti on of any financing, loans, facto ring of receivabl es incl uding the approval of the amount of such fi nanci ng, and the direct or indirect sale of receivables or borrowing of money by t he Company, whether secured or unsecured and guaranteeing such obligation. 2. RESOLVED, that Rich Parfontieri and fully authorized to permit security interest to be placed upon the assets of the company, to sell, assign, transfer, encumber or dispose of all or any mate rial portion of the tangibl e or intangible assets of the Compan y. 3. RESOLVED, to disclose that there are no proceedings pend i n g for the expulsion 1 termination of any Officers or Directors of t he Company. This Unan imous Written Co n sent may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which when taken together, shal l constitute one and the same Unanimous Writte n Consent. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed t his .Unanimo us Written Consent as of /I If (mo n th I day I year) EM "OF T"ARD OF DIRECTORS: N;{ ;i?J (Sign Name) (Print Name) (Sign Name} {Print Name) (Date) Notary Seal: CORPORATE RESOLUTION FOR FINANCING- SFS 040110 - f:!"y/6 - fiji (!"( ·