(The following is an unofficial English translation of the Notice Regarding Resolutions Adopted at the 72nd Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Advantest Corporation (the “Company”). The Company provides this translation for your reference and convenience only and without any warranty as to its accuracy or otherwise.)
(Stock Code Number: 6857, TSE first section)
June 25, 2014
To Our Shareholders
| Haruo Matsuno Representative Director President and CEO ADVANTEST CORPORATION 32-1, Asahi-cho 1-chome, Nerima-ku, Tokyo |
Dear Shareholders:
Notice is hereby given that the following matters were presented and resolved at the 72nd ordinary general meeting of shareholders of ADVANTEST CORPORATION (the “Company”) which took place today.
| Item No.1: | Matters concerning the business report, consolidated financial statements and financial statements reporting for the 72nd Fiscal Year (from April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014) |
| Item No.2: | Matters concerning the results of audit of the Company’s consolidated financial statements by the Independent Auditors and the Audit & Supervisory Board |
Presentations on the above Items No.1 and No.2 were given to the shareholders.
| Agenda Item: | Election of nine directors |
The shareholders resolved to approve, as originally proposed, the re-election of Toshio Maruyama, Haruo Matsuno, Yasushige Hagio, Osamu Karatsu, Seiichi Yoshikawa, Shinichiro Kuroe, Sae Bum Myung, Hiroshi Nakamura and Yoshiaki Yoshida, each of whom has since assumed office.
Yasushige Hagio, Osamu Karatsu and Seiichi Yoshikawa are outside directors.
The following has been decided by resolution at the special meeting of the board of directors and at the meeting of the Audit & Supervisory Board held subsequent to the shareholders’ meeting:
[Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members]
Toshio Maruyama, Chairman of the Board and Representative Director
Haruo Matsuno, Representative Director
Yasushige Hagio, Director
Osamu Karatsu, Director
Seiichi Yoshikawa, Director
Shinichiro Kuroe, Director
Sae Bum Myung, Director
Hiroshi Nakamura, Director
Yoshiaki Yoshida, Director
Yuichi Kurita, Standing Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Akira Hatakeyama, Standing Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Megumi Yamamuro, Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Masamichi Ogura, Audit & Supervisory Board Member
[Executive Officers]
Haruo Matsuno, President and CEO
Shinichiro Kuroe, Corporate Vice President
Sae Bum Myung, Managing Executive Officer
Hiroshi Nakamura, Managing Executive Officer
Yoshiaki Yoshida, Managing Executive Officer
Hideaki Imada, Managing Executive Officer
Hans-Juergen Wagner, Managing Executive Officer
Takashi Sugiura, Executive Officer
Takashi Sekino, Executive Officer
Soichi Tsukakoshi, Executive Officer
Josef Schraetzenstaller, Executive Officer
R. Keith Lee, Executive Officer
Makoto Nakahara, Executive Officer
Toshiyuki Okayasu, Executive Officer
CH Wu, Executive Officer
Kazuhiro Yamashita, Executive Officer
Kenji Sato, Executive Officer
Takayuki Nakamura, Executive Officer
Wilhelm Radermacher, Executive Officer
Masuhiro Yamada, Executive Officer
Satoru Nagumo, Executive Officer
Isao Sasaki, Executive Officer (newly elected)
Koichi Tsukui, Executive Officer (newly elected)
Keith Hardwick, Executive Officer (newly elected)
§ | The payment of a year-end dividend for the 72nd fiscal year |
The Company resolved at the meeting of its board of directors held on May 28, 2014 to distribute a year-end dividend of 5 yen per share for the 72nd fiscal year. For details, please refer to the documents sent to you on June 2, 2014.
§ | Presentation materials concerning matters reported at the 72nd ordinary general meeting of shareholders are available on the Company’s website. |