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aaa, absenteeism, AkellaJuanita, Alvin, andChief, Anderson, AndersonStan, Ann, asterisk, BarancoJon, BDO, Beech, Bell, Biden, bilateral, Biographical, Blue, bone, BosciaHenry, BREDL, Brenda, Bryan, BurnsJill, Caen, CampbellShantella, career, Carl, Catherine, ChaneyL, Charter, Clark, cloud, collaboratively, color, Commonwealth, complemented, ConnallyAndrew, contact, Continental, CooperLawrence, creditworthy, Crisp, culture, Cummiskey, Custodial, Dakota, deadline, Deed, depth, disease, distancing, dormant, Dr, DuffDr, duly, Earley, ease, emotional, EnLink, Eutaw, exacerbated, exhibit, explain, explore, extinguishment, eye, Fargo, fatigue, FGD, fill, Fixture, Floyd, foregone, Formatted, foster, Fresno, fugitive, GainesNorman, Gasp, Gellerstedt, Graham, GrainColette, Grayson, Greenbrier, Gregory, Grice, grown, guide, Hall, hardship, herewith, Hertz, hit, HolderKessel, HolmesJohn, HonorableDonald, hosted, hosting, hot, IIIAnthony, IIIO, IIMark, inline, innovation, innovative, instance, Intermediary, investor, isolating, Janaki, JAX, Jeffrey, Jenner, JohnsDale, justify, KleinErnest, Kolvereid, language, leadership, League, learning, lifted, longstanding, LowderRobert, LTSA, Mary, MD, Melissa, Mellon, Midland, military, MonizWilliam, Murray, nonessential, NOPP, officially, onset, optic, oversupply, paramount, people, Phillip, PNC, pound, Powell, precautionary, profile, ProjectFacility, prominently, prone, Randall, ransomware, Rau, recession, recessionary, reconnection, recruit, recruiting, recruitment, regression, reimposed, relaxed, RGC, Royce, Sally, Sandra, Sarah, Selwyn, Shackleford, signature, slower, smoothed, SouthernPowerOwnershipPercentage, SpeckerE, speed, Stelling, substance, succeed, supervisory, talent, TarbuttonClyde, taxonomy, teleworking, tempered, tenure, theory, thereunto, Transcontinental, trauma, travel, Tuggle, unaffiliated, uncontrollable, undersigned, uneconomical, unprecedented, unquestionable, unrated, unreserved, unrest, Wachovia, WatersCamille, weakened, Webb, welfare, women, Wood, workplace, WV, XBRL, Young, Zeta
abundant, accessibility, advanced, alleviate, Allianz, appealing, attribution, bargaining, Bartow, Bermuda, Bethel, black, Bowen, cavern, Chapter, Cimarron, classifying, clay, collective, commit, compensate, compensating, competitively, computer, connectivity, conspiracy, curtailed, Dec, decreasing, demonstrated, depressed, designating, discipline, disgorgement, dismissal, dispatched, dispute, DNR, edge, element, Elite, Equinix, existence, experimental, explicitly, Feb, Fork, founded, Franklin, fulfillment, gallon, Google, Greg, hail, hexafluoride, housing, Houston, implicitly, indefinitely, Jacksonville, Jan, joining, Kay, led, levelized, limestone, liquefaction, Maine, mapping, McCarthy, messaging, migration, misrepresentation, modernization, modernize, Morgan, NCEMC, nonqualified, northwestern, Nov, obsolete, Oct, offer, opposition, outfitted, Pacific, penalty, predecessor, prejudice, prevail, proliferation, proportionately, protected, provisional, proximity, purported, push, pushdown, pushed, quantified, reacquired, recommended, redeem, reevaluated, reliance, renegotiated, reopened, repealed, reputation, requisite, resold, responding, restore, revaluation, role, Roseville, rulemaking, saving, scrubber, seismic, Sept, sheath, slight, sophistication, spill, spur, Steelcase, Stewart, stone, stranded, stream, substation, succeeded, sulfur, SunPower, SUPPLEMENTARY, surcharge, takeaway, talk, tank, text, textile, tool, tort, Transco, Turner, unaudited, union, unscheduled, Unusually, view, virtually, warranty, Westar, Western, worldwide, XL
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- 10-K Annual report
- 4 EX-4.A.4
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