The following is a summary of the terms of Aegon N.V.’s share capital, including brief descriptions of provisions contained in Aegon N.V.’s articles of association, as last amended on May 29, 2013. These summaries and descriptions do not purport to be complete statements of these provisions.
Share Capital
Since May 29, 2013, the total authorized share capital of Aegon N.V. consists of 6,000,000,000 common shares, par value EUR 0.12 per share, and 3,000,000,000 common shares B, par value EUR 0.12 per share. As of December 31, 2019, 2,105,138,885 common shares and 585,022,160 common shares B were issued. Of the issued shares, 65,540,444 common shares and 25,309,920 common shares B were held by Aegon N.V. as treasury shares and 1,043,227 common shares were held by its subsidiaries.
All of our common shares and common shares B are fully paid and not subject to calls for additional payments of any kind. All of our common shares are registered shares. Holders of shares of New York registry (the “New York Shares”) hold their common shares in registered form issued by our New York transfer agent on our behalf. New York Shares and shares of Netherlands registry are exchangeable on a one-to-one basis and are entitled to the same rights except that cash dividends on shares of New York registry are usually paid in US dollars.
As of December 31, 2019, 254,023,157 common shares were held in the form of New York Shares. As of December 31, 2019, there were approximately 13,693 record holders resident in the United States, of our New York Shares.
Reduction of the Issued Capital
Subject to certain restrictions contained in the laws of the Netherlands and Aegon N.V.’s articles of association, the shareholders of Aegon N.V. may cause Aegon N.V. to resolve to reduce Aegon N.V.’s issued capital either by cancellation of shares or by reducing the nominal value of shares by amendment of the articles of association. At the general meeting of shareholders held on May 15, 2020, the shareholders resolved to cancel 9,490,641 common shares and 13,227,120 common shares B repurchased by Aegon N.V. in connection with the share buyback program, following the 2019 interim dividend distribution in order to reduce the number of own shares which are not used to cover obligations arising from share-based incentive plans or other obligations.
Under Dutch law and Aegon N.V.’s articles of association, holders of Aegon N.V. common shares and common shares B are entitled to dividends paid out of the profits remaining, if any, after the creation of a reserve account. If any dividend is being declared, holders of common shares B are entitled to one-fortieth (1/40) of the dividends paid on common shares. The Aegon N.V. Executive Board may determine the dividend payment date and the dividend record date for the common shares and the common shares B. The Aegon N.V. Executive Board, with the approval of the Aegon N.V. Supervisory Board, may also determine the currency or currencies in which the dividends will be paid. Aegon N.V. may make one or more interim distributions to the holders of common shares and/or common shares B to the extent the level of the capital of Aegon N.V. allows.
If and when Aegon N.V. has paid any dividends in the past, it has traditionally paid interim dividends (usually in September) after the release of its six-month results and final dividends (usually in June) upon adoption of the annual accounts at the annual General Meeting of Shareholders.
In its capital planning and policy, Aegon N.V. aims to pay out a sustainable dividend to allow equity investors to share in its performance, which can grow over time if its performance so allows. Aegon N.V’s plans for returning