Instructions on how to cast your vote Instructions on how to cast your vote This Remote Voting Ballot refers to the Annual General and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meetingof Oi S.A. – In JudicialReorganization (“Company”) to be held on April 26, 2019, at 11 a.m., (“Meeting” or “AGM”), andit must be filled if the shareholder chooses to exercise its remote voting right, under article 121,sole paragraph, of Law No. 6,404/1976 (“Corporate Law”) and CVM Ruling No. 481/2009 (“ICVM481”).If the shareholder wishes to exercise its remote voting right, it shall fill the fields above with its fullname (or corporate name) and number of its Enrollment with the Ministry of Finance, whether it isa legal entity (CNPJ) or an individual (CPF), in addition to an e-mail address for contact.In addition, in order for this voting ballot to be considered valid and the votes rendered herein to beaccounted for the quorum of the General Meeting: - all fields below must be properly filled out; - all pages must be initiated; - at the end, the shareholder or its legal representative(s), as the case may be and under thelegislation in force, shall sign the ballot; and - the certification of the signatures in the ballot will be required. The shareholders who choose to exercise their voting right through Remote Voting Ballot shallobserve the other rules and formalities described in item 12.2 of the Company’s Reference For(Rules, policies and practices related to general meetings), available at the CVM website( |
Instructions for sending your ballot, indicating the delivery process by sending it directly tothe Company or through a qualified service provider The shareholder who chooses to exercise its remote voting right may: (i) fill and send this ballotdirectly to the Company; or (ii) send filling instructions to able service providers, according to theinstructions below: 1. Exercise a vote through service providers – Remote voting system: The shareholder who chooses to exercise its remote voting right through service providers shallsend its voting instructions to the respective custody agents, observing the rules determinedthereby. In order to do so, the shareholders shall contact their custody agents and verify theprocedures established thereby to issue voting instructions through ballot, and the documents andinformation required thereby for such purpose.It is worth mentioning that, as determined by CVM Ruling No. 481, the Central Depositary of B3,upon receiving voting instructions of shareholders through their respective custody agents, shalldisregard any diverging instructions regarding a single resolution that have been issued by thesame CPF or CNPJ enrollment number. 2. Submission of ballot by the shareholder directly to the Company: The shareholder who chooses to exercise its participation and remote voting right throughsubmission of ballot directly to the Company, shall send the following documents to the Investors’Relations Executive Office of the Company (in the City and State of Rio de Janeiro, at RuaHumberto de Campos, nº 425, 8º andar, Leblon, CEP 22430-190): (i) Hard copy of the ballot, duly filled, initialed and signed; and (ii) Certified copy of the following documents: (a) For individuals, official and valid identification document, with photo. (b) For legal entities: (i) latest consolidated Bylaws or Articles of Association (as the case may be),along with any subsequent amendments that have not been consolidated; (ii) corporatedocuments that evidence the good standing of the shareholder’s representation; and (iii) officialand valid identification document of the legal representative of the shareholder, with photo. (c) For investment funds: (i) latest consolidated Rules of the Investment Fund, along with anysubsequent amendments that have not been consolidated; (ii) latest consolidated Bylaws orArticles of Association (as the case may be) of the administrator or manager (as the case may be,observing the voting policy of the investment fund), along with any subsequent amendments thathave not been consolidated; (iii) corporate documents that evidence the good standing of therepresentation of the administrator or manager and the shareholder (as the case may be); and (iv)Annual General Meeting (AGM) - OI S.A. to be held on 04/26/2019representation of the administrator or manager and the shareholder (as the case may be); and (iv)official and valid identification document of the legal representative of the administrator ormanager (as the case may be) and the shareholder, with photo. Regarding the documents indicated in items “(i)” and “(ii)” above, the Company requests, as thecase may be: (i) certification of the signature; and (ii) simple translation for document in foreignlanguage. The ballot, along with the required documentation, shall be considered valid only if received by theCompany, in order, with at least seven (7) days of advance regarding the date of such GeneralMeeting, that is, before April 17, 2019. Ballots received by the Company after such period willnot be considered. As provided in article 21-U of CVM Ruling No. 481/2009 (“ICVM 481”), the Company will |