Exhibit 1
Oi S.A. – In Judicial Reorganization
Corporate Taxpayer Registry (CNPJ/MF) No. 76.535.764/0001-43
Board of Trade – NIRE 3330029520-8
Publicly-held Company
Esteemed Shareholders,
Oi S.A. – In Judicial Reorganization (“Company”), pursuant to CVM Instruction No. 481/09 (“ICVM 481”), as amended, discloses to its shareholders and the market in general the consolidated voting statement for the remote voting bulletin for the purpose of exercising voting rights at the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting (Assembleia Geral Ordinária e Extraordinária – AGOE) to be held on April 30, 2020.
The Company clarifies that the exercise of such voting right via the completion and delivery of a remote voting bulletin does not prohibit attendance at the AGOE and exercise of the vote in person, in which case the AGOE Board will disregard the remote voting instruction, pursuant to Article 21-W, paragraph 5, item I, of CVM Instruction No. 481.
The Company emphasizes that it will carry out verification of the shareholding position as is customarily conducted for its General Shareholders’ Meetings to confirm the shareholding positions of the shareholders that choose to exercise their vote by completing and delivering a remote voting bulletin, taking into account, for the purpose of computation of such votes, the most recent position of each shareholder as available to the Company (or, if unavailable, the shareholding position as provided by the depositary agent of the Company’s shares, pursuant to Article 21-T, item II, section "a” of CVM Instruction No. 481).
The Company also warns that the information contained in the consolidated summary voting statement published in accordance with the provisions of Article 21-W, third paragraph, of CVM Instruction No. 481, may not represent the results of the votes with respect to the matters that will be submitted for deliberation at the AGOE, according to the Call Notice published on March 31, 2020, considering that such summary voting statement comprises only the votes cast by remote voting.
Rio de Janeiro, April 29, 2020.
Oi S.A. – In Judicial Reorganization
Camille Loyo Faria
Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations Officer