Commitments and Contingencies | Commitments and Contingencies General A detailed description of environmental and other legal matters relating to certain of our subsidiaries is included in this section. In addition to the matters noted herein, we are from time to time subject to, and are presently involved in, other litigation and legal proceedings arising in the ordinary course of business. We believe the outcome of such other litigation and legal proceedings will not have a material adverse effect on our financial condition, results of operations and cash flows. Expenses for administrative and legal proceedings are recorded when incurred. Environmental Our facilities and operations are subject to federal, state and local environmental and occupational health and safety requirements of the U.S. and foreign countries. We take a proactive approach in our efforts to comply with environmental, health and safety laws as they relate to our manufacturing operations and in proposing and implementing any remedial plans that may be necessary. We also regularly conduct comprehensive environmental, health and safety audits at our facilities to maintain compliance and improve operational efficiency. Although we believe past operations were in substantial compliance with the then applicable regulations, we or one or more of our subsidiaries are involved with various remediation activities at 15 sites where the future cost per site for us or our subsidiary is expected to exceed $100,000 . Investigations have been completed for 11 sites and are in progress at the other 4 sites. Our costs at 14 of the 15 sites relate to remediation projects for soil and/or groundwater contamination at or near former operating facilities that were sold or closed. Our policy is to accrue environmental investigation and remediation costs when it is probable that a liability has been incurred and the amount can be reasonably estimated. The measurement of the liability is based on an evaluation of currently available facts with respect to each individual situation and takes into consideration factors such as existing technology, presently enacted laws and regulations and prior experience in the remediation of similar contaminated sites. Liabilities are established for all sites based on these factors. As assessments and remediation progress at individual sites, these liabilities are reviewed periodically and adjusted to reflect additional technical data and legal information. As of June 30, 2018 and December 31, 2017 , we had accrued liabilities aggregating $25.3 million and $27.3 million , respectively, for estimated future expenditures relating to environmental contingencies. These amounts have been recorded on an undiscounted basis in the Consolidated Balance Sheets. Given the uncertainties regarding the status of laws, regulations, enforcement policies, the impact of other parties potentially being fully or partially liable, technology and information related to individual sites, we do not believe it is possible to develop an estimate of the range of reasonably possible environmental loss in excess of our recorded liabilities. Except as described below, we believe that our accruals for specific environmental liabilities are adequate for those liabilities based on currently available information. Actual costs to be incurred in future periods may vary from estimates because of the inherent uncertainties in evaluating environmental exposures due to unknown and changing conditions, changing government regulations and legal standards regarding liability. Based on our prior ownership of Crucible Steel Corporation a/k/a Crucible, Inc. (“Crucible”), we may have additional contingent liabilities in one or more significant environmental matters. One such matter, which is included in the 15 sites referred to above, is the Lower Passaic River Study Area of the Diamond Alkali Superfund Site in New Jersey. Crucible operated a steel mill abutting the Passaic River in Harrison, New Jersey from the 1930s until 1974, which was one of many industrial operations on the river dating back to the 1800s. Certain contingent environmental liabilities related to this site were retained by a corporate predecessor ("Coltec") of our primary direct subsidiary when Coltec sold a majority interest in Crucible Materials Corporation (the successor of Crucible) in 1985. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (the “EPA”) notified Coltec in September 2003 that it is a potentially responsible party (“PRP”) for Superfund response actions in the lower 17 -mile stretch of the Passaic River known as the Lower Passaic River Study Area. Coltec and approximately 70 of the numerous other PRPs, known as the Cooperating Parties Group, are parties to a May 2007 Administrative Order on Consent with the EPA to perform a Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (“RI/FS”) of the contaminants in the Lower Passaic River Study Area. The RI/FS was completed and submitted to the EPA at the end of April 2015. The RI/FS recommends a targeted dredge and cap remedy with monitored natural recovery and adaptive management for the Lower Passaic River Study Area. The cost of such remedy is estimated to be $726 million . Previously, on April 11, 2014, the EPA released its Focused Feasibility Study (the “FFS”) with its proposed plan for remediating the lower eight miles of the Lower Passaic River Study Area. The FFS calls for bank-to-bank dredging and capping of the riverbed of that portion of the river and estimates a range of the present value of aggregate remediation costs of approximately $953 million to approximately $1.73 billion , although estimates of the costs and the timing of costs are inherently imprecise. On March 3, 2016, the EPA issued the final Record of Decision (ROD) as to the remedy for the lower eight miles of the Lower Passaic River Study Area, with the maximum estimated cost being reduced by the EPA from $1.73 billion to $1.38 billion , primarily due to a reduction in the amount of cubic yards of material that will be dredged. In October 2016, Occidental Chemical Corporation, the successor to the entity that operated the Diamond Alkali chemical manufacturing facility, reached an agreement with the EPA to develop the design for this proposed remedy at an estimated cost of $165 million . The EPA has estimated that it will take approximately four years to develop this design. No final allocations of responsibility have been made among the numerous PRPs that have received notices from the EPA, there are numerous identified PRPs that have not yet received PRP notices from the EPA, and there are likely many PRPs that have not yet been identified. In September 2017, EPA hired a third-party allocator to develop an allocation of costs among a large number of the parties identified by EPA as having potential responsibility, including the Company. On June 30, 2018, Occidental Chemical Corporation sued over 120 parties, including the Company, in the United States District Court for New Jersey seeking recovery of response costs under the Federal Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act ("CERCLA"). In a proposed pre-trial order, Occidental Chemical Corporation has proposed that any alternative dispute resolution process, including mediation, shall begin no later than September 16, 2019. Based on our evaluation of the site, during 2014 we accrued a liability of $3.5 million related to environmental remediation costs associated with the lower eight miles of the Lower Passaic River Study Area, which is our estimate of the low end of a range of reasonably possible costs, with no estimate within the range being a better estimate than the minimum. Our actual remediation costs could be significantly greater than the $3.5 million we accrued. With respect to the upper nine miles of the Lower Passaic River Study Area, we are unable to estimate a range of reasonably possible costs. Another such matter involves the Onondaga Lake Superfund Site (the “Onondaga Site”) located near Syracuse, New York. Crucible operated a steel mill facility adjacent to Onondaga Lake from 1911 to 1983. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (“NYSDEC”) has contacted us and Coltec, as well as other parties, demanding reimbursement of unquantified environmental response costs incurred by NYSDEC and the EPA at the Onondaga Site. NYSDEC and EPA have alleged that contamination from the Crucible facility contributed to the need for environmental response actions at the Onondaga Site. In addition, Honeywell International Inc. (“Honeywell”), which has undertaken certain remediation activities at the Onondaga Site under the supervision of NYSDEC and the EPA, has informed us that it has claims against Coltec related to investigation and remediation at the Onondaga Site. We have entered into tolling agreements with NYSDEC, the EPA and Honeywell. On May 4, 2016, we received from Honeywell a summary of its claims. We have corresponded with Honeywell and have begun discussions with them regarding their claims. In addition, we have received notice from the Natural Resource Trustees for the Onondaga Lake Superfund Site (which are the U.S. Department of Interior, NYSDEC, and the Onondaga Nation) alleging that Coltec is considered to be a potentially responsible party for natural resource damages at the Onondaga Site. At this time, based on limited information we have with respect to estimated remediation costs and the respective allocation of responsibility for remediation among potentially responsible parties, we cannot estimate a reasonably possible range of loss associated with Crucible’s activities that may have affected the Onondaga Site. We have engaged and are continuing to engage in discussions with Honeywell with respect to these issues and possible resolution of Honeywell's claim. During 2016, we reserved $1.5 million for reimbursement of EPA response costs and certain estimated costs associated with the remedial investigation. See the section entitled “Crucible Steel Corporation a/k/a Crucible, Inc.” in this footnote for additional information. In addition to the Crucible environmental matters discussed above, Coltec received a notice from the EPA dated February 19, 2014 asserting that Coltec is a potentially responsible party under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act ("CERCLA") as the successor to a former operator in 1954 and 1955 of two uranium mines in Arizona. On October 15, 2015, Coltec received another notice from the EPA asserting that Coltec is a potentially responsible party as the successor to the former operator of six additional uranium mines in Arizona. In 2015, we reserved $1.1 million for the minimum amount of probable loss associated with the first two mines identified by the EPA, including the cost of the investigative work to be conducted at such mines. During 2016, we reserved an additional $1.1 million for the minimum amount of probable loss associated with the six additional mines, which includes estimated costs of investigative work to be conducted at the eight mines. We entered into an Administrative Settlement Agreement and Order on Consent for Interim Removal Action with the EPA effective November 7, 2017. In the third quarter of 2017, we increased the reserve by $1.9 million to perform investigations required by the Settlement Agreement to determine the nature and extent of contamination at each site with the investigations to be completed by the end of 2019. The balance in the reserve as of June 30, 2018 is $3.1 million . We cannot at this time estimate a reasonably possible range of loss associated with remediation or other incremental costs related to these mines. In connection with the former operation of a division of Colt Industries Inc, located in Water Valley, Mississippi, which Coltec divested to BorgWarner, Inc. ("BorgWarner") in 1996, Coltec and its corporate successors have been managing trichloroethylene soil and groundwater contamination at the site. In February 2016, the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) issued an order against EnPro requiring evaluation of potential vapor intrusion into residential properties and commercial facilities located over the groundwater plume as well as requiring additional groundwater investigation and remediation. MDEQ performed the initial vapor intrusion investigations at certain residential and commercial sites, with the findings all being below the applicable screening level. In April 2016, the parties entered into a new order including negotiated time frames for groundwater remediation. Pursuant to that order, MDEQ performed a second round of vapor intrusion sampling beginning in August 2016. Results from sampling outside of three residences were above screening levels. Follow-up sampling directly underneath those residences (either sub-slab or in crawl spaces) were all below applicable screening levels. Two separate sampling events at another residence were also below applicable screening levels. Due to an increasing trend in vapor concentrations, MDEQ requested that we develop and implement initial corrective action measures to address vapor intrusion resulting from groundwater contamination in this residential area. These measures were developed and approved by MDEQ. Due to an inability to obtain access to private properties where the corrective action system was to be located, we have developed an alternate remedial approach which is under review by MDEQ. In addition, vapor intrusion sampling at the manufacturing facility owned by BorgWarner was conducted during the first quarter of 2017. The results showed exceedances of screening levels at various areas in the plant and exceedances of levels requiring responsive actions in a limited area of the plant. Implementation of the immediate responsive actions has been completed and corrective action consisting of a permanent vapor intrusion remediation system became operational in May 2017. We are also continuing soil and groundwater investigation work in the area inside the plant where the vapor intrusion remediation system is located and around the outside of the plant and developing corrective action plans for both the contamination remaining at the plant as well as contamination that has migrated off-site. All of the work to be performed at the residential area, the plant and off-site is set forth in an agreed Order that we and MDEQ entered into on September 11, 2017. During 2016, we established an additional $1.3 million reserve with respect to this matter. During the year ended December 31, 2017, we reserved an additional $5.7 million for further investigation, additional remediation, long-term monitoring costs, and legal fees to support regulatory compliance for the above noted actions. The remaining reserve at June 30, 2018 is $2.6 million . As the corrective actions are implemented and their performance monitored, further modifications to the remediation system at the site may be required which may result in additional costs beyond the current reserve. On April 7, 2017, the State of Mississippi through its Attorney General filed suit against EnPro, our subsidiary that is a corporate successor to Coltec, and Goodrich Corporation, our former parent corporation, in Mississippi Circuit Court in Yalobusha County seeking recovery of all costs and expenses to be incurred by the State in remediating the groundwater contamination, punitive damages and attorney’s fees. We plan to aggressively defend this case. The additional reserve established in the year ended December 31, 2017, noted above, does not include any estimate of contingent loss associated with this lawsuit other than due to remediation and other actions with respect to this site based on existing MDEQ orders described above. In addition, it is our understanding that area homeowners, owners of commercial facilities and the local county government and possibly other private parties and individuals have engaged or may engage legal counsel to separately evaluate possible legal action relating to potential vapor intrusion and groundwater contamination. We have been further advised that certain of these parties intend to file legal action based on these claims. Based upon limited information regarding any further remediation or other actions that may be required at the site, we cannot estimate a minimum loss estimate or a reasonably possible range of loss for remediation costs. Colt Firearms and Central Moloney We may have contingent liabilities related to divested businesses for which certain of our subsidiaries retained liability or are obligated under indemnity agreements. These contingent liabilities include, but are not limited to, potential product liability and associated claims related to firearms manufactured prior to March 1990 by Colt Firearms, a former operation of Coltec, and for electrical transformers manufactured prior to May 1994 by Central Moloney, another former Coltec operation. We believe that these potential contingent liabilities are not material to our financial condition, results of operation and cash flows. Ongoing obligations with regard to workers’ compensation, retiree medical and other retiree benefit matters that relate to Coltec’s periods of ownership of these operations are included in other liabilities in our Consolidated Balance Sheets. Crucible Steel Corporation a/k/a Crucible, Inc. Crucible, which was engaged primarily in the manufacture and distribution of high technology specialty metal products, was a wholly owned subsidiary of Coltec until 1983 when its assets and liabilities were distributed to a new Coltec subsidiary, Crucible Materials Corporation. Coltec sold a majority of the outstanding shares of Crucible Materials Corporation in 1985 and divested its remaining minority interest in 2004. Crucible Materials Corporation filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in May 2009 and is no longer conducting operations. We have certain ongoing obligations, which are included in other liabilities in our Consolidated Balance Sheets, including workers’ compensation, retiree medical and other retiree benefit matters, in addition to those mentioned previously related to Coltec’s period of ownership of Crucible. Based on Coltec’s prior ownership of Crucible, we may have certain additional contingent liabilities, including liabilities in one or more significant environmental matters included in the matters discussed in “Environmental” above. We are investigating these matters. Except with respect to those matters for which we have an accrued liability as discussed in "Environmental" above, we are unable to estimate a reasonably possible range of loss related to these contingent liabilities. Warranties We provide warranties on many of our products. The specific terms and conditions of these warranties vary depending on the product and the market in which the product is sold. We record a liability based upon estimates of the costs we may incur under our warranties after a review of historical warranty experience and information about specific warranty claims. Adjustments are made to the liability as claims data and historical experience necessitate. Changes in the carrying amount of the product warranty liability for the six months ended June 30, 2018 and 2017 are as follows: 2018 2017 (in millions) Balance at beginning of year $ 5.3 $ 5.0 Net charges to expense 5.8 0.8 Settlements made (2.3 ) (1.3 ) Balance at end of period $ 8.8 $ 4.5 Approximately $4.9 million of the charges to expense in the current year pertain to unusual warranty expense associated with two products sold by our heavy-duty trucking business. These charges relate to specific performance issues identified with these products, and the amount of the charges is based on estimates and assumptions with respect to the frequency of incidence of these performance issues during the relevant warranty periods, the cost of replacement or repair and other matters. Adjustments to the estimated warranty expense related to these products may be required as actual claims are incurred or otherwise as experience necessitates. BorgWarner A subsidiary of BorgWarner has asserted claims against our subsidiary, GGB France E.U.R.L. (“GGB France”), regarding certain bearings supplied by GGB France to BorgWarner and used by BorgWarner in manufacturing hydraulic control units included in motor vehicle automatic transmission units, mainly that the bearings caused performance problems with and/or damage to the transmission units, leading to associated repairs and replacements. BorgWarner and GGB France participated in a technical review before a panel of experts to determine, among other things, whether there were any defects in such bearings that were a cause of the damages claimed by BorgWarner, including whether GGB France was required to notify BorgWarner of a change in the source of a raw material used in the manufacture of such bearings. This technical review was a required predicate to the commencement of a legal proceeding for damages. The expert panel issued a final report on technical and financial matters on April 6, 2017. In the final report, the expert panel concluded that GGB France had a duty to notify BorgWarner regarding the change of source of raw material used in the bearings, but that the failure of the hydraulic control units was attributable to both the raw material supplier change and the insufficient design of the units by BorgWarner. The expert panel provided detail on a possible allocation of damages alleged to have been incurred by BorgWarner and its customer. Although the language of the report is not clear, the report appears to note a potential allocation of recoverable damages 35% to BorgWarner and 65% to GGB France. It also indicates that, though it is for a court to ultimately determine, the aggregate damages to BorgWarner and its customer was in the range of 7.9 million EUR to 10.2 million EUR, with 1.8 million EUR to 2.1 million EUR of this range being for damages to BorgWarner and the remainder being for damages to its customer. The experts noted the lower end of the range as being more likely and noted a lack of sufficient evidence provided substantiating the customer's damages. Applying a 65% liability allocation to GGB to the total aggregate range yields a range of 5.1 million EUR to 6.6 million EUR. In the final report, the expert panel deferred to a court the determination of whether GGB France had breached its contractual obligations to BorgWarner. On October 25, 2017, BorgWarner initiated a legal proceeding against GGB with respect to this matter by filing a writ of claim with the Commercial Court of Brive, France. The parties have begun briefing their legal positions, and we expect court hearings to begin in the second half of 2018. We continue to believe that GGB France has valid factual and legal defenses to these claims and we are vigorously defending these claims. Among GGB France’s legal defenses are a contractual disclaimer of consequential damages, which, if controlling, would limit liability for consequential damages and provide for the replacement of the bearings at issue, at an aggregate replacement value we estimate to be approximately 0.4 million EUR; that the determination of any duty to notify of the change in the source of the raw material is a legal matter to be determined by the presiding court; and the insufficiency of evidence of damage to BorgWarner's customer provided to the expert panel. Based on the final report from the expert panel and GGB France's legal defenses described above, we estimate GGB France’s reasonably possible range of loss associated with this matter to be approximately 0.4 million EUR to 6.6 million EUR plus a potential undetermined amount of apportioned proceeding expenses, with no amount within the range being a better estimate than the minimum of the range. Accordingly, GGB France has retained the accrual of 0.4 million EUR associated with this matter, which was established in 2016. Asbestos Insurance Matters The historical business operations of GST LLC and Anchor resulted in a substantial volume of asbestos litigation in which plaintiffs alleged personal injury or death as a result of exposure to asbestos fibers. Those subsidiaries manufactured and/or sold industrial sealing products, predominately gaskets and packing, that contained encapsulated asbestos fibers. Other of our subsidiaries that manufactured or sold equipment that may have at various times in the past contained asbestos-containing components have also been named in a number of asbestos lawsuits, but neither we nor any of our subsidiaries other than GST LLC and Anchor had ever paid an asbestos claim. Anchor was an inactive and insolvent indirect subsidiary of EnPro's then-direct subsidiary, Coltec Industries Inc ("Coltec"). Our subsidiaries’ exposure to asbestos litigation and their relationships with insurance carriers had been managed through another subsidiary, Garrison. On the GST Petition Date, GST LLC, Anchor and Garrison filed voluntary petitions for reorganization under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code in the Bankruptcy Court. The filings were the initial step in a claims resolution process for an efficient and permanent resolution of all pending and future asbestos claims through court approval of a plan of reorganization to establish a facility to resolve and pay all GST asbestos claims. On March 17, 2016, we announced that we had reached a comprehensive consensual settlement (the “Consensual Settlement”) to resolve current and future asbestos claims which contemplated the joint plan of reorganization (the "Joint Plan") which was filed with the Bankruptcy Court. The Joint Plan and Consensual Settlement contemplated that, as an appropriate and necessary step to facilitate the implementation of the Consensual Settlement and not to delay or hinder creditors or the resolution of claims, Coltec would, subject to the receipt of necessary consents, undergo a restructuring (the “Coltec Restructuring”) in which all of its significant operating assets and subsidiaries, which included each of our major business units, would be distributed to a new direct EnPro subsidiary, EnPro Holdings, Inc. (“EnPro Holdings”). EnPro Holdings would also assume all of Coltec’s non-asbestos liabilities. The Coltec Restructuring was completed on December 31, 2016, and included the merger of Coltec with and into OldCo, LLC (“OldCo”), which was a direct subsidiary of EnPro Holdings. OldCo, as the restructured entity, retained responsibility for all asbestos claims and rights to certain insurance assets of Coltec, as well as the business operated by our EnPro Learning System, LLC subsidiary (“EnPro Learning System”), which provides occupational safety training and consulting services to third parties. EnPro Learning System was also merged into OldCo. As contemplated by the Joint Plan, on January 30, 2017 (the “OldCo Petition Date”), OldCo, as the successor by merger to Coltec, filed a Chapter 11 bankruptcy petition with the Bankruptcy Court (the “OldCo Chapter 11 Case”). On February 3, 2017, the Bankruptcy Court issued an order for the joint administration of the OldCo Chapter 11 Case with the GST Chapter 11 Case. During the pendency of the GST Chapter 11 Case and the OldCo Chapter 11 Case, certain actions proposed to be taken by GST or OldCo not in the ordinary course of business were subject to approval by the Bankruptcy Court. As a result, during the pendency of the GST Chapter 11 Case and the OldCo Chapter 11 Case, we did not have exclusive control over these companies. Accordingly, as required by GAAP, GST was deconsolidated beginning on the GST Petition Date and OldCo was deconsolidated beginning on the OldCo Petition Date. Accordingly the financial results of GST and its subsidiaries were included in our consolidated results through June 4, 2010, the day prior to the GST Petition Date, and the financial results of OldCo and its subsidiaries were included in our consolidated results through January 29, 2017, the day prior to the OldCo Petition Date. GST and OldCo were reconsolidated effective upon the effective date of the consummation of the Joint Plan, which effective date was 12:01 a.m. on July 31, 2017 (the “Joint Plan Effective Date”). The Joint Plan permanently resolves current and future asbestos claims against GST LLC, Garrison and OldCo, as the successor by merger to Coltec, and injunctions issued under the Joint Plan protect all of EnPro and its subsidiaries from those claims, which claims are enjoined under Section 524(g) of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. Under the Joint Plan, the trust established pursuant to the Joint Plan (the “Trust”) has assumed responsibility for all present and future asbestos claims arising from the operations or products of GST LLC, Garrison or Coltec/OldCo. Under the Joint Plan, EnPro, through its subsidiaries, retained ownership of OldCo, GST LLC and Garrison. Anchor, which had not conducted business operations for many years and had nominal assets, had been dissolved. Pursuant to the Joint Plan, the Trust was funded (i) with aggregate cash contributions by GST LLC and Garrison of $350 million made immediately prior to the Joint Plan Effective Date, (ii) by the contribution made by OldCo immediately prior to the Joint Plan Effective Date of $50 million in cash and an option (the “Option”), exercisable one year after the Joint Plan Effective Date, permitting the Trust to purchase for $1 shares of EnPro common stock having a value of $20 million (with OldCo having the right to call the option for payment of $20 million in cash at any time prior to the first anniversary of the Joint Plan Effective Date, with the Trust having the right to put the option to OldCo for payment by OldCo of $20 million on the day prior to the first anniversary of the Joint Plan Effective Date and with the option terminating on the second anniversary of the Joint Plan Effective Date in return for payment to the Trust of $20 million ), and (iii) by the obligations under the Joint Plan of OldCo to make a deferred contribution of $40 million in cash and of GST LLC and Garrison to make an aggregate deferred contribution of $20 million in cash no later than one year after the Joint Plan Effective Date. On November 29, 2017, GST LLC, EnPro Holdings and EnPro entered into an agreement with the Trust to provide for the early settlement of the deferred contributions to the Trust under the Joint Plan and for the call of the Option by EnPro Holdings, as the successor by merger to OldCo. Under that agreement, in full satisfaction of the $60 million of aggregate deferred contribution obligations under the Joint Plan and payment of the $20 million call payment under the Option, on December 1, 2017 GST LLC, EnPro Holdings and EnPro paid $78.8 million (the “Early Cash Settlement Amount”) to the Trust and agreed to make a further payment to the Trust to the extent that total interest earned through July 31, 2018, with respect to a fixed income account in which the Early Cash Settlement Amount was invested by the Trust is less than $1.2 million . Under the Consensual Settlement and Joint Plan, GST and OldCo retained their rights to seek reimbursement under insurance policies for any amounts they have paid in the past to resolve asbestos claims, including contributions made to the Trust under the Joint Plan. These policies include a number of primary and excess general liability insurance policies that were purchased by Coltec and were in effect prior to January 1, 1976 (the “Pre-Garlock Coverage Block”). The policies provide coverage for “occurrences” happening during the policy periods and cover losses associated with product liability claims against Coltec and certain of its subsidiaries. Asbestos claims against GST are not covered under these policies because GST was not a Coltec subsidiary prior to 1976. The Joint Plan provides that OldCo may retain the first $ 25 million of any settlements and judgments related to insurance policies in the Pre-Garlock Coverage Block and OldCo and the Trust will share equally in any settlements and judgments OldCo may collect in excess of $ 25 million . As of June 30, 2018 , approximately $32.1 million of available products hazard limits or insurance receivables existed under primary and excess general liability insurance policies other than the Pre-Garlock Coverage Block (the "Garlock Coverage Block") from solvent carriers with investment grade ratings, which we believe is available to cover GST asbestos claims payments and certain expense payments, i |