Commitments and Contingencies | Commitments and Contingencies General A description of certain environmental and other legal matters relating to certain of our subsidiaries is included in this section. In addition to the matters noted herein, we are from time to time subject to, and are presently involved in, other litigation and legal proceedings arising in the ordinary course of business. We believe the outcome of such other litigation and legal proceedings will not have a material adverse effect on our financial condition, results of operations and cash flows. Expenses for administrative and legal proceedings are recorded when incurred. Environmental Our facilities and operations are subject to federal, state and local environmental and occupational health and safety laws and regulations of the U.S. and foreign countries. We take a proactive approach in our efforts to comply with these laws and regulations as they relate to our manufacturing operations and in proposing and implementing any remedial plans that may be necessary. We also regularly conduct comprehensive environmental, health and safety audits at our facilities to maintain compliance and improve operational efficiency. Although we believe past operations were in substantial compliance with the then applicable regulations, we or one or more of our subsidiaries are involved with various investigation and remediation activities at 18 sites. At 9 of these sites, the future cost per site for us or our subsidiary is expected to exceed $100,000. We do not conduct manufacturing operations at any of these sites. At all 18 sites, one or more of our subsidiaries formerly conducted business operations but no longer do. Among these 18 sites, investigations have been completed for 15 sites and are in progress at 3 sites. Among the 15 sites where investigations have been completed, 7 sites have remediation systems that are operating and our only obligation at the other 8 sites is to conduct periodic monitoring. In addition to the 18 sites referenced above, the United States Environmental Protection Agency has provided us notice that EnPro has potential responsibility at 1 additional site where one of our subsidiaries formerly conducted business operations but no longer does. We have responded to the EPA that we do not have responsibility at that site and are awaiting EPA's response. Our policy is to accrue environmental investigation and remediation costs when it is probable that a liability has been incurred and the amount can be reasonably estimated. For sites with multiple future projected cost scenarios for identified feasible investigation and remediation options where no one estimate is more likely than all the others, our policy is to accrue the lowest estimate among the range of estimates. The measurement of the liability is based on an evaluation of currently available facts with respect to each individual situation and takes into consideration factors such as existing technology, presently enacted laws and regulations and prior experience in the remediation of similar contaminated sites. Liabilities are established for all sites based on these factors. As assessments and remediation progress at individual sites, these liabilities are reviewed and adjusted to reflect additional technical data and legal information. As of June 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, we had recorded liabilities aggregating $40.2 million and $42.1 million, respectively, for estimated future expenditures relating to environmental contingencies. The current portion of our aggregate environmental liability included in accrued liabilities was $10.4 million at June 30, 2023. These amounts have been recorded on an undiscounted basis in the Consolidated Balance Sheets. Given the uncertainties regarding the status of laws, regulations, enforcement policies, the impact of other parties potentially being fully or partially liable, technology and information related to individual sites, we do not believe it is possible to develop an estimate of the range of reasonably possible environmental loss in excess of our recorded liabilities. We believe that our accruals for specific environmental liabilities are adequate based on currently available information. Based upon limited information regarding any incremental remediation or other actions that may be required at these sites, we cannot estimate any further loss or a reasonably possible range of loss related to these matters. Actual costs to be incurred in future periods may vary from estimates because of the inherent uncertainties in evaluating environmental exposures due to unknown and changing conditions, changing government regulations and legal standards regarding liability. Lower Passaic River Study Area Based on our prior ownership of Crucible Steel Corporation a/k/a Crucible, Inc. (“Crucible”), we may have additional contingent liabilities in one or more significant environmental matters. One such matter, which is included in the 18 sites referred to above, is the Lower Passaic River Study Area of the Diamond Alkali Superfund Site in New Jersey. Crucible operated a steel mill abutting the Passaic River in Harrison, New Jersey from the 1930s until 1974, which was one of many industrial operations on the river dating back to the 1800s. Certain contingent environmental liabilities related to this site were retained by a predecessor of EnPro Holdings when it sold a majority interest in Crucible Materials Corporation (the successor of Crucible) in 1985. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (the “EPA”) notified our subsidiary in September 2003 that it is a potentially responsible party (“PRP”) for Superfund response actions in the lower 17-mile stretch of the Passaic River known as the Lower Passaic River Study Area. EnPro Holdings and approximately 70 of the numerous other PRPs, known as the Cooperating Parties Group, are parties to a May 2007 Administrative Order on Consent with the EPA to perform a Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (“RI/FS”) of the contaminants in the Lower Passaic River Study Area. In September 2018, EnPro Holdings withdrew from the Cooperating Parties Group but remains a party to the May 2007 Administrative Order on Consent. The RI/FS was completed and submitted to the EPA at the end of April 2015. The RI/FS recommends a targeted dredge and cap remedy with monitored natural recovery and adaptive management for the Lower Passaic River Study Area. The cost of such remedy is estimated to be $726 million. Previously, on April 11, 2014, the EPA released its Focused Feasibility Study (the “FFS”) with its proposed plan for remediating the lower eight miles of the Lower Passaic River Study Area. The FFS calls for bank-to-bank dredging and capping of the riverbed of that portion of the river and estimates a range of the present value of aggregate remediation costs of approximately $953 million to approximately $1.73 billion, although estimates of the costs and the timing of costs are inherently imprecise. On March 3, 2016, the EPA issued the final Record of Decision (ROD) as to the remedy for the lower eight miles of the Lower Passaic River Study Area, with the maximum estimated cost being reduced by the EPA from $1.73 billion to $1.38 billion, primarily due to a reduction in the amount of cubic yards of material that will be dredged. In October 2016, Occidental Chemical Corporation, the successor to the entity that operated the Diamond Alkali chemical manufacturing facility, reached an agreement with the EPA to develop the design for this proposed remedy at an estimated cost of $165 million. The EPA has estimated that it will take approximately four years to develop this design. On June 30, 2018, Occidental Chemical Corporation sued over 120 parties, including the Company, in the United States District Court for New Jersey seeking recovery of response costs under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act ("CERCLA"). No final allocations of responsibility have been made among the numerous PRPs that have received notices from the EPA, there are numerous identified PRPs that have not yet received PRP notices from the EPA, and there are likely many PRPs that have not yet been identified. On April 14, 2021, the EPA issued its proposed remedy for the upper nine miles of the river, with an estimated present value cost of approximately $441 million. The proposed remedy would involve dredging and capping of the river sediment as an interim remedy followed by a period of monitoring to evaluate the response of the river system to the interim remedy. When the EPA initiated the allocation process in 2017, it explained that a fair, carefully structured, information-based allocation was necessary to promote settlements. With the completion of the allocation process, in the second quarter of 2021 the EPA began settlement negotiations with the parties that participated in the allocation process, including EnPro. In September 2022, EnPro paid $5.9 million as part of a settlement between those parties and EPA. The payment will be held in escrow until court approval of the settlement. Our reserve for this site at June 30, 2023 was $0.7 million. Further adjustments to our reserve for this site are possible as new or additional information becomes available. Except with respect to the Lower Passaic River Study Area, we are unable to estimate a reasonably possible range of loss related to any other contingent environmental liability based on our prior ownership of Crucible. See the section entitled “Crucible Steel Corporation a/k/a Crucible, Inc.” in this footnote for additional information. Arizona Uranium Mines EnPro Holdings has received notices from the EPA asserting that it is a potentially responsible party under the CERCLA as the successor to a former operator of eight uranium mines in Arizona. The former operator conducted operations at the mines from 1954 to 1957. In the 1990s, remediation work performed by others at these sites consisted of capping the exposed areas of the mines. We have previously reserved amounts of probable loss associated with these mines, principally including the cost of the investigative work to be conducted at such mines. We entered into an Administrative Settlement Agreement and Order on Consent for Interim Removal Action with the EPA effective November 7, 2017 for the performance of this work. We entered into a First Modification of Original Administrative Settlement Agreement and Order on Consent effective July 8, 2022 for the performance of Engineering Evaluations and Cost Analyses of potential remedial options at each of the sites. In 2020, the EPA initiated group discussions with EnPro Holdings and other potentially responsible parties to resolve various technical issues, including the development of cleanup standards. Based on these discussions and subsequent discussions with other responsible parties with similar sites, we have concluded that further remedial work beyond maintenance of and minor repairs to the existing caps is probable, and we have evaluated the feasibility of various remediation scenarios. Our reserve at June 30, 2023 for this site was $12.2 million, which reflects the low end of the range of our reasonably likely liability with respect to these sites. We are not able at this time to estimate the upper end of a range of liability with respect to these sites. On October 18, 2021, the United States District Court for the District of Arizona approved and entered a Consent Decree pursuant to which the U.S government will reimburse the Company for 35% of necessary costs of response, as defined in 42 U.S.C. section 9601(25), previously or to be in the future incurred by the Company which arise out of or in connection with releases or threatened releases of hazardous substances at or emanating from the mine sites. We expect future contributions of $3.2 million from the U.S. government towards remediation of the site. This amount was included in other assets in the accompanying consolidated balance sheet at June 30, 2023. In addition to the two sites discussed above, we have additional reserves of $27.4 million, of which $14.1 million pertains to implementing and managing a solution to clean trichloroethylene soil and groundwater contamination at the location of a former operation in Water Valley, Mississippi. These amounts represent a reasonable estimate of our probable future costs to remediate these sites given the facts and circumstances known at June 30, 2023. Crucible Steel Corporation a/k/a Crucible, Inc. Crucible, which was engaged primarily in the manufacture and distribution of high technology specialty metal products, was a wholly owned subsidiary of EnPro Holdings until 1983 when its assets and liabilities were distributed to a new subsidiary, Crucible Materials Corporation. EnPro Holdings sold a majority of the outstanding shares of Crucible Materials Corporation in 1985 and divested its remaining minority interest in 2004. Crucible Materials Corporation filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in May 2009 and is no longer conducting operations. We have certain ongoing obligations, which are included in other liabilities in our Consolidated Balance Sheets, including workers’ compensation, retiree medical and other retiree benefit matters, in addition to those mentioned previously related to EnPro Holdings' period of ownership of Crucible. Based on EnPro Holdings' prior ownership of Crucible, we may have certain additional contingent liabilities, including liabilities in one or more significant environmental matters included in the matters discussed in “Environmental” above. We are investigating these matters. Except with respect to those matters for which we have an accrued liability as discussed in "Environmental" above, we are unable to estimate a reasonably possible range of loss related to these contingent liabilities. Warranties We provide warranties on many of our products. The specific terms and conditions of these warranties vary depending on the product and the market in which the product is sold. We record a liability based upon estimates of the costs we may incur under our warranties after a review of historical warranty experience and information about specific warranty claims. Adjustments are made to the liability as claims data, historical experience, and trends result in changes to our estimate. Changes in the product warranty liability for the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022 are as follows: 2023 2022 (in millions) Balance at beginning of year $ 5.2 $ 4.9 Net charges to expense 1.0 0.7 Settlements made (0.9) (0.5) Balance at end of period $ 5.3 $ 5.1 |