SEGMENT INFORMATION | NOTE 5:- SEGMENT INFORMATION As presented in the annual financial statements, the Group operates in three geographic segments: Israel, Europe (principally Germany) and Rest of the world ("Row"). Management monitors the operating results of its geographical units separately for the purpose of making decisions about resource allocation and performance assessment. Segment performance is evaluated based on segment profit. SG&A Group expenses and some research and development expenses are mostly allocated to the separate geographic units. Some corporate expenses, some research and development expenses, finance costs and finance income and income taxes are managed on a group basis and are not allocated to the geographic segments. Revenues are allocated based on the location of the end customer. The Group presents disaggregated revenue information based on types of customers: Individual customers and communities, Institutions and payers (income from service agreements with institutions, insurance companies and HMOs), and others. a. Segment revenues: Individuals and communities Institutions and payers Others Total Six months ended June 30, 2024 (unaudited): Europe - 6,557 - 6,557 Israel 10,195 10,745 - 20,940 Row - - 372 372 Total 10,195 17,302 372 27,869 Six months ended June 30, 2023 (unaudited): Europe - 6,831 - 6,831 Israel 10,909 10,716 - 21,625 Row - - 549 549 Total 10,909 17,547 549 29,005 Individuals and communities Institutions and payers Others Total Year ended December 31, 2023 (audited): Europe - 14,067 - 14,067 Israel 20,913 21,179 - 42,092 Row - - 916 916 Total 20,913 35,246 916 57,075 b. Segment profit (loss): Six months ended June 30, Year ended December 31, 2024 2023 2023 Unaudited Audited Europe (1,699 ) (2,672 ) (5,347 ) Israel 3,912 3,976 8,424 Row (2,195 ) (1,488 ) (3,622 ) 18 (184 ) (545 ) Unallocated income and expenses: Corporate and R&D expenses (3,525 ) (3,737 ) (6,263 ) Other expenses (415 ) (529 ) (2,198 ) Operating loss (3,922 ) (4,450 ) (9,006 ) Financial income, net 497 3,036 3,042 Loss before taxes on income (3,425 ) (1,414 ) (5,964 ) |