James M. Princejprince@velaw.com
Tel 713.758.3710Fax 713.615.5962
August 12, 2009
United States Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Corporation Finance
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20549-7010
Attention: Mr. H. Roger Schwall, Assistant Director
| Re: | Gastar Exploration Ltd. |
Form 10-K for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2008
Filed March 16, 2009
Definitive Proxy Statement on Schedule 14A
Filed April 30, 2009
Form 10-Q for the Fiscal Quarter Ended March 31, 2009
Filed May 11, 2009
Ladies and Gentlemen:
On behalf of our client, Gastar Exploration Ltd. (the “Company”), we acknowledge receipt of your comment letter dated July 30, 2009 (the “Comment Letter”) with respect to the Company’s (i) Form 10-K for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2008 filed March 16, 2009, File No. 001-132714, (ii) Definitive Proxy Statement on Schedule 14A filed April 30, 2009, File No. 001-132714, and (iii) Form 10-Q for the Fiscal Quarter Ended March 31, 2009 filed May 11, 2009, File No. 001-132714.
We are working with the Company to prepare responses to the Comment Letter and furnish the requested supplemental information to the Staff. In light of the recent deadline for filing the Company’s most recent Form 10-Q and the conflicting schedules of the financial reporting team at the Company, the Company will be delayed in furnishing its response to the Staff. The Company expects it will file all responses to and furnish all information required by the Comment Letter by August 19, 2009 (15 business days of the date of the Comment Letter).
Very truly yours,
/s/ James M. Prince
James M. Prince
cc: | J. Russell Porter (Gastar) |
Michael A. Gerlich (Gastar)
Theodore Moore (Firm)
Danielle Hunter (Firm)
| | |
Vinson & Elkins LLP Attorneys at Law Austin Beijing Dallas Dubai Houston London Moscow New York Shanghai Tokyo Washington | | First City Tower, 1001 Fannin Street, Suite 2300 Houston, TX 77002-6760 Tel 713.758.2222Fax 713.758.2346www.velaw.com |