Supplementary oil and gas information | 5.7 Supplementary oil and gas information – unaudited In accordance with the requirements of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Accounting Standard Codification ‘Extractive Activities-Oil S-K, The information set out in this section is referred to as unaudited as it is not included in the scope of the audit opinion of the independent auditor on the Financial Statements, refer to section 5.6 ‘Independent Auditors’ reports’. On 28 September 2018, BHP completed the sale of 100 per cent of the issued share capital of BHP Billiton Petroleum (Arkansas) Inc. and 100 per cent of the membership interests in BHP Billiton Petroleum (Fayetteville) LLC, which held the Fayetteville assets. On 31 October 2018, BHP completed the sale of 100 per cent of the issued share capital of Petrohawk Energy Corporation, the BHP subsidiary which held the Eagle Ford (being Black Hawk and Hawkville), Haynesville and Permian assets. The financial and non-financial impact of the Onshore US assets is included in the supplementary oil and gas information presented below. The financial and non-financial Reserves and production Proved oil and gas reserves and net crude oil and condensate, natural gas, LNG and NGL production information is included in section 6.2.2 ‘Production – Petroleum’ and section 6.3.1 ‘Petroleum reserves’. Capitalised costs relating to oil and gas production activities The following table shows the aggregate capitalised costs relating to oil and gas exploration and production activities and related accumulated depreciation, depletion, amortisation and valuation provisions. Australia United States (1) Other (2) Total US$M US$M US$M US$M Capitalised cost 2019 Unproved properties 10 875 458 1,343 Proved properties 16,514 11,751 1,625 29,890 Total costs 16,524 12,626 2,083 31,233 Less: Accumulated depreciation, depletion, amortisation and valuation provisions (10,867 ) (8,339 ) (1,302 ) (20,508 ) Net capitalised costs 5,657 4,287 781 10,725 2018 Unproved properties 10 4,528 202 4,740 Proved properties 16,258 43,885 2,424 62,567 Total costs 16,268 48,413 2,626 67,307 Less: Accumulated depreciation, depletion, amortisation and valuation provisions (9,984 ) (33,437 ) (2,065 ) (45,486 ) Net capitalised costs 6,284 14,976 561 21,821 2017 Unproved properties 94 5,284 165 5,543 Proved properties 16,190 41,837 2,404 60,431 Total costs 16,284 47,121 2,569 65,974 Less: Accumulated depreciation, depletion, amortisation and valuation provisions (9,085 ) (30,969 ) (1,984 ) (42,038 ) Net capitalised costs 7,199 16,152 585 23,936 (1) Net capitalised costs includes Onshore US assets of US$ nil (2018: US$10,672 million; 2017: US$11,803 million). (2) Other is primarily comprised of Algeria, Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago and the United Kingdom (divested 30 November 2018). Costs incurred relating to oil and gas property acquisition, exploration and development activities The following table shows costs incurred relating to oil and gas property acquisition, exploration and development activities (whether charged to expense or capitalised). Amounts shown include interest capitalised. Australia United States (3) Other (4) Total US$M US$M US$M US$M 2019 Acquisitions of proved property – – – – Acquisitions of unproved property – 5 – 5 Exploration (1) 44 190 492 726 Development 132 792 54 978 Total costs (2) 176 987 546 1,709 2018 Acquisitions of proved property – – – – Acquisitions of unproved property – 9 – 9 Exploration (1) 25 418 291 734 Development 195 1,548 34 1,777 Total costs (2) 220 1,975 325 2,520 2017 Acquisitions of proved property – – – – Acquisitions of unproved property – 12 62 74 Exploration (1) 32 471 235 738 Development 360 1,034 18 1,412 Total costs (2) 392 1,517 315 2,224 (1) Represents gross exploration expenditure, including capitalised exploration expenditure, geological and geophysical expenditure and development evaluation costs charged to income as incurred. (2) Total costs include US$1,275 million (2018: US$1,970 million; 2017: US$1,744 million) capitalised during the year. (3) Total costs include Onshore US assets of US$331 million (2018: US$1,081 million; 2017: US$608 million). (4) Other is primarily comprised of Algeria, Canada, Mexico and Trinidad and Tobago. Results of operations from oil and gas producing activities The following information is similar to the disclosures in note 1 ‘Segment reporting’ in section 5.1, but differs in several respects as to the level of detail and geographic information. Amounts shown in the following table exclude financial income, financial expenses, and general corporate overheads. Further, the amounts shown below include Onshore US however the disclosures in note 1 ‘Segment reporting’ in Section 5.1 do not. Income taxes were determined by applying the applicable statutory rates to pre-tax Australia United States (7) Other (8) Total US$M US$M US$M US$M 2019 Oil and gas revenue (1) 3,404 2,675 610 6,689 Production costs (752 ) (568 ) (118 ) (1,438 ) Exploration expenses (44 ) (162 ) (229 ) (435 ) Depreciation, depletion, amortisation and valuation provision (2) (917 ) (621 ) (103 ) (1,641 ) Production taxes (3) (198 ) – (25 ) (223 ) 1,493 1,324 135 2,952 Accretion expense (4) (80 ) (34 ) (13 ) (127 ) Income taxes (530 ) (193 ) (267 ) (990 ) Royalty-related taxes (5) (164 ) – – (164 ) Results of oil and gas producing activities (6) 719 1,097 (145 ) 1,671 2018 Oil and gas revenue (1) 3,229 3,747 421 7,397 Production costs (701 ) (1,312 ) (121 ) (2,134 ) Exploration expenses (25 ) (270 ) (254 ) (549 ) Depreciation, depletion, amortisation and valuation provision (2) (1,045 ) (2,842 ) (81 ) (3,968 ) Production taxes (3) (171 ) – (1 ) (172 ) 1,287 (677 ) (36 ) 574 Accretion expense (4) (81 ) (46 ) (14 ) (141 ) Income taxes (418 ) (723 ) (124 ) (1,265 ) Royalty-related taxes (5) (103 ) – – (103 ) Results of oil and gas producing activities (6) 685 (1,446 ) (174 ) (935 ) 2017 Oil and gas revenue (1) 2,876 3,479 356 6,711 Production costs (533 ) (1,515 ) (200 ) (2,248 ) Exploration expenses (32 ) (242 ) (206 ) (480 ) Depreciation, depletion, amortisation and valuation provision (2) (814 ) (2,592 ) (91 ) (3,497 ) Production taxes (3) (158 ) (4 ) – (162 ) 1,339 (874 ) (141 ) 324 Accretion expense (4) (56 ) (32 ) (14 ) (102 ) Income taxes (361 ) 386 (142 ) (117 ) Royalty-related taxes (5) (104 ) – – (104 ) Results of oil and gas producing activities (6) 818 (520 ) (297 ) 1 (1) Includes sales to affiliated companies of US$75 million (2018: US$75 million; 2017: US$83 million). (2) Includes valuation provision of US$21 million (2018: US$596 million; 2017: US$102 million). (3) Includes royalties and excise duty. (4) Represents the unwinding of the discount on the closure and rehabilitation provision. (5) Includes petroleum resource rent tax and petroleum revenue tax where applicable. (6) Amounts shown exclude financial income, financial expenses and general corporate overheads and, accordingly, do not represent all of the operations attributable to the Petroleum segment presented in note 1 ‘Segment reporting’ in section 5.1. (7) Results of oil and gas producing activities includes Onshore US assets of US$431 million (2018: US$(465) million; 2017: US$(564) million). (8) Other is primarily comprised of Algeria, Canada, Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago and the United Kingdom (divested 30 November 2018). Standardised measure of discounted future net cash flows relating to proved oil and gas reserves (Standardised measure) The following tables set out the standardised measure of discounted future net cash flows, and changes therein, related to the Group’s estimated proved reserves as presented in section 6.3.1 ‘Petroleum reserves’, and should be read in conjunction with that disclosure. The analysis is prepared in compliance with FASB Oil and Gas Disclosure requirements, applying certain prescribed assumptions under Topic 932 including the use of, unweighted average first-day-of-the-month 12-months, year-end Certain key assumptions prescribed under Topic 932 are arbitrary in nature and may not prove to be accurate. The reserve estimates on which the Standard measure is based are subject to revision as further technical information becomes available or economic conditions change. Discounted future net cash flows like those shown below are not intended to represent estimates of fair value. An estimate of fair value would also take into account, among other things, the expected recovery of reserves in excess of proved reserves, anticipated future changes in commodity prices, exchange rates, development and production costs as well as alternative discount factors representing the time value of money and adjustments for risk inherent in producing oil and gas. Australia United States (1) Other (2) Total US$M US$M US$M US$M Standardised measure 2019 Future cash inflows 18,292 18,076 1,807 38,175 Future production costs (4,710 ) (4,917 ) (459 ) (10,086 ) Future development costs (3,860 ) (4,516 ) (226 ) (8,602 ) Future income taxes (2,551 ) (1,657 ) (711 ) (4,919 ) Future net cash flows 7,171 6,986 411 14,568 Discount at 10 per cent per annum (1,926 ) (3,396 ) (94 ) (5,416 ) Standardised measure 5,245 3,590 317 9,152 2018 Future cash inflows 17,398 28,012 2,124 47,534 Future production costs (5,345 ) (11,182 ) (501 ) (17,028 ) Future development costs (3,842 ) (6,554 ) (189 ) (10,585 ) Future income taxes (1,919 ) (1,236 ) (901 ) (4,056 ) Future net cash flows 6,292 9,040 533 15,865 Discount at 10 per cent per annum (1,713 ) (3,783 ) (129 ) (5,625 ) Standardised measure 4,579 5,257 404 10,240 2017 Future cash inflows 18,407 23,537 1,954 43,898 Future production costs (6,663 ) (11,176 ) (534 ) (18,373 ) Future development costs (3,714 ) (6,451 ) (208 ) (10,373 ) Future income taxes (1,508 ) (18 ) (746 ) (2,272 ) Future net cash flows 6,522 5,892 466 12,880 Discount at 10 per cent per annum (2,104 ) (2,426 ) (108 ) (4,638 ) Standardised measure 4,418 3,466 358 8,242 (1) Standardised measure includes Onshore US assets of US$ nil (2018: US$1,932 million; 2017: US$1,962 million). (2) Other is primarily comprised of Algeria and Trinidad and Tobago. Changes in the Standardised measure are presented in the following table. 2019 2018 2017 US$M US$M US$M Changes in the Standardised measure Standardised measure at the beginning of the year 10,240 8,242 8,987 Revisions: Prices, net of production costs 3,821 5,540 (96 ) Changes in future development costs (228 ) (358 ) 275 Revisions of reserves quantity estimates (1) 1,268 (166 ) 2,961 Accretion of discount 1,178 1,016 1,147 Changes in production timing and other (618 ) 946 (1,611 ) 15,661 15,220 11,663 Sales of oil and gas, net of production costs (5,029 ) (5,091 ) (4,301 ) Acquisitions of reserves-in-place – – – Sales of reserves-in-place (2) (1,489 ) (26 ) (15 ) Previously estimated development costs incurred 545 1,068 718 Extensions, discoveries, and improved recoveries, net of future costs (33 ) 502 (401 ) Changes in future income taxes (503 ) (1,433 ) 578 Standardised measure at the end of the year (3) 9,152 10,240 8,242 (1) Changes in reserves quantities are shown in the Petroleum reserves tables in section 6.3.1. (2) Onshore US assets disposal. (3) Standardised measure at the end of the year includes Onshore US assets of US$ nil (2018: US$1,932 million; 2017: US$1,962 million). Accounting for suspended exploratory well costs Refer to note 11 ‘Property, plant and equipment’ in section 5.1 for a discussion of the accounting policy applied to the cost of exploratory wells. Suspended wells are also reviewed in this context. The following table provides the changes to capitalised exploratory well costs that were pending the determination of proved reserves for the three years ended 30 June 2019, 30 June 2018 and 30 June 2017. 2019 2018 2017 US$M US$M US$M Movement in capitalised exploratory well costs At the beginning of the year 794 668 770 Additions to capitalised exploratory well costs pending the determination of proved reserves 297 186 258 Capitalised exploratory well costs charged to expense (9 ) (62 ) (69 ) Capitalised exploratory well costs reclassified to wells, equipment, and facilities based on the determination of proved reserves (42 ) 2 (155 ) Other – – (136 ) At the end of the year 1,040 794 668 The following table provides an ageing of capitalised exploratory well costs, based on the date the drilling was completed, and the number of projects for which exploratory well costs has been capitalised for a period greater than one year since the completion of drilling. Exploration activity typically involves drilling multiple wells, over a number of years, to fully evaluate and appraise a project. The term “project” as used in this disclosure refers primarily to individual wells and associated exploratory activities. 2019 2018 2017 US$M US$M US$M Ageing of capitalised exploratory well costs Exploratory well costs capitalised for a period of one year or less 210 124 120 Exploratory well costs capitalised for a period greater than one year 830 670 548 At the end of the year 1,040 794 668 2019 2018 2017 Number of projects that have been capitalised for a period greater than one year 13 17 14 Drilling and other exploratory and development activities The number of crude oil and natural gas wells drilled and completed for each of the last three years was as follows: Net exploratory wells Net development wells Productive Dry Total Productive Dry Total Total Year ended 30 June 2019 Australia – – – 1 – 1 1 United States (1) 1 – 1 33 – 33 34 Other (2) 4 2 6 – – – 6 Total 5 2 7 34 – 34 41 Year ended 30 June 2018 Australia – – – 1 – 1 1 United States (1) 1 1 2 84 1 85 87 Other (2) – – – – – – – Total 1 1 2 85 1 86 88 Year ended 30 June 2017 Australia – – – – – – – United States (1) – – – 80 – 80 80 Other (2) 3 2 5 1 – 1 6 Total 3 2 5 81 – 81 86 (1) Includes Onshore US assets net productive development wells of 33 (2018: 84; 2017: 79) and net dry development wells of nil (2018: 1; 2017: nil). Onshore US assets had nil net exploratory wells in 2019, 2018 and 2017. (2) Other is primarily comprised of Algeria, Mexico and Trinidad and Tobago. The number of wells drilled refers to the number of wells completed at any time during the respective year, regardless of when drilling was initiated. Completion refers to the installation of permanent equipment for production of oil or gas, or, in the case of a dry well, to reporting to the appropriate authority that the well has been abandoned. An exploratory well is a well drilled to find oil or gas in a new field or to find a new reservoir in a field previously found to be productive of oil or gas in another reservoir. A development well is a well drilled within the limits of a known oil or gas reservoir to the depth of a stratigraphic horizon known to be productive. A productive well is an exploratory, development or extension well that is not a dry well. Productive wells include wells in which hydrocarbons were encountered and the drilling or completion of which, in the case of exploratory wells, has been suspended pending further drilling or evaluation. A dry well (hole) is an exploratory, development, or extension well that proves to be incapable of producing either oil or gas in sufficient quantities to justify completion as an oil or gas well. Oil and gas properties, wells, operations, and acreage The following tables show the number of gross and net productive crude oil and natural gas wells and total gross and net developed and undeveloped oil and natural gas acreage as at 30 June 2019. A gross well or acre is one in which a working interest is owned, while a net well or acre exists when the sum of fractional working interests owned in gross wells or acres equals one. Productive wells are producing wells and wells mechanically capable of production. Developed acreage is comprised of leased acres that are within an area by or assignable to a productive well. Undeveloped acreage is comprised of leased acres on which wells have not been drilled or completed to a point that would permit the production of economic quantities of oil and gas, regardless of whether such acres contain proved reserves. The number of productive crude oil and natural gas wells in which the Group held an interest at 30 June 2019 was as follows: Crude oil wells Natural gas wells Total Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net Australia 352 176 153 53 505 229 United States 60 25 – – 60 25 Other (1) 57 21 8 4 65 25 Total 469 222 161 57 630 279 (1) Other is primarily comprised of Algeria, Mexico and Trinidad and Tobago. Of the productive crude oil and natural gas wells, 43 (net: 18) operated wells had multiple completions. Developed and undeveloped acreage (including both leases and concessions) held at 30 June 2019 was as follows: Developed acreage Undeveloped acreage Thousands of acres Gross Net Gross Net Australia 2,152 823 963 393 United States 105 39 828 776 Other (1)(2) 146 57 3,526 2,869 Total 2,403 919 5,317 4,038 (1) Developed acreage in Other primarily consists of Algeria and Trinidad and Tobago. (2) Undeveloped acreage in Other primarily consists of Canada, Mexico and Trinidad and Tobago. Approximately 126 thousand gross acres (59 thousand net acres), 1,612 thousand gross acres (932 thousand net acres) and 1,257 thousand gross acres (889 thousand net acres) of undeveloped acreage will expire in the years ending 30 June 2020, 2021 and 2022 respectively, if the Group does not establish production or take any other action to extend the terms of the licences and concessions. |