Supplemental Quarterly Information (Unaudited) | Quarterly Financial Data The following table summarizes quarterly financial data for 2018: (In thousands, except per unit data) First (1) (2) Second (1) (2) Third (1) Fourth (3) (4) (5) Total Revenues (including affiliates) $ 59,478 $ 69,451 $ 58,207 $ 63,935 $ 251,071 Gain on litigation settlement — — — 25,000 25,000 Gain on asset sales, net 651 168 — 1,622 2,441 Asset impairments 242 — — 18,038 18,280 Income from operations 44,236 52,863 43,346 52,093 192,538 Net income from continuing operations 26,286 35,129 25,853 35,092 122,360 Income (loss) from discontinued operations (1,948 ) 2,981 2,688 13,966 17,687 Net income 24,338 38,110 28,541 49,058 140,047 Net income attributable to NRP 24,338 37,241 28,900 49,058 139,537 Net income attributable to common unitholders and general partner 16,838 29,741 21,400 41,558 109,537 Income from continuing operations per common unit Basic $ 1.50 $ 2.14 $ 1.50 $ 2.21 $ 7.35 Diluted 1.16 1.57 1.18 1.69 5.90 Net income per common unit Basic $ 1.35 $ 2.38 $ 1.71 $ 3.33 $ 8.77 Diluted 1.08 1.71 1.30 2.36 6.76 Weighted average number of common units outstanding (basic) 12,238 12,246 12,246 12,247 12,244 Weighted average number of common units outstanding (diluted) 22,125 21,383 21,840 20,394 20,234 (1) As a result of the sale of its construction aggregates business, the Partnership classified the operating results related to this business as discontinued operations in the Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income subsequent to the filing of the Third Quarter 2018 Form 10-Q. See below for a reconciliation to the amounts reported in the Third Quarter 2018 Form 10-Q. (2) During the third quarter of 2018 the Partnership identified an error related to its modified retrospective adoption of ASC 606 on January 1, 2018 for certain coal and aggregates royalty leases and revised its financial statements for the first and second quarter of 2018 in its Third Quarter 2018 Form 10-Q. (3) During the fourth quarter of 2018 the Partnership recorded $25 million in other income related to the Hillsboro litigation settlement. See Note 17. Commitments and Contingencies for more information. (4) During the fourth quarter of 2018 the Partnership sold its construction aggregates business for $205 million , before customary purchase price adjustments and transaction expenses, and recorded a gain of $13.1 million included in Income from discontinued operations on the Partnership's Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income. See Note 4. Discontinued Operations for more information. (5) During the fourth quarter of 2018 the Partnership recorded $18.0 million in aggregates and coal property impairment. See Note 11. Mineral Rights, Net for more information. The following tables reconcile the previously reported quarterly information to the quarterly financial data disclosed above: (In thousands, except per unit data) As Originally Reported Reclassified to Discontinued Operations Revised First Quarter 2018 Revenues (including affiliates) $ 86,630 $ (27,152 ) $ 59,478 Gain on asset sales, net 660 (9 ) 651 Asset impairments 242 — 242 Income from operations 42,322 1,914 44,236 Net income from continuing operations 24,352 1,934 26,286 Net loss from discontinued operations (14 ) (1,934 ) (1,948 ) Net income 24,338 — 24,338 Net income attributable to NRP 24,338 — 24,338 Net income attributable to common unitholders and general partner 16,838 — 16,838 Income from continuing operations per common unit Basic $ 1.35 $ 0.15 $ 1.50 Diluted 1.08 0.09 1.16 Net income per common unit Basic $ 1.35 $ — $ 1.35 Diluted 1.08 — 1.08 Weighted average number of common units outstanding (basic) 12,238 — 12,238 Weighted average number of common units outstanding (diluted) 22,125 — 22,125 Second Quarter 2018 Revenues (including affiliates) $ 109,860 $ (40,409 ) $ 69,451 Gain on asset sales, net 210 (42 ) 168 Income from operations 55,878 (3,015 ) 52,863 Net income from continuing operations 38,144 (3,015 ) 35,129 Net income (loss) from discontinued operations (34 ) 3,015 2,981 Net income 38,110 — 38,110 Net income attributable to NRP 37,241 — 37,241 Net income attributable to common unitholders and general partner 29,741 — 29,741 Income from continuing operations per common unit Basic $ 2.38 $ (0.24 ) $ 2.14 Diluted 1.71 (0.14 ) 1.57 Net income per common unit Basic $ 2.38 $ — $ 2.38 Diluted 1.71 — 1.71 Weighted average number of common units outstanding (basic) 12,246 — 12,246 Weighted average number of common units outstanding (diluted) 21,383 — 21,383 (In thousands, except per unit data) As Originally Reported Reclassified to Discontinued Operations Revised Third Quarter 2018 Revenues (including affiliates) $ 94,855 $ (36,648 ) $ 58,207 Gain on asset sales, net 163 (163 ) — Income from operations 46,066 (2,720 ) 43,346 Net income from continuing operations 28,565 (2,712 ) 25,853 Net income (loss) from discontinued operations (24 ) 2,712 2,688 Net income 28,541 — 28,541 Net income attributable to NRP 28,900 — 28,900 Net income attributable to common unitholders and general partner 21,400 — 21,400 Income from continuing operations per common unit Basic $ 1.71 $ (0.22 ) $ 1.50 Diluted 1.30 (0.12 ) 1.18 Net income per common unit Basic $ 1.71 $ — $ 1.71 Diluted 1.30 — 1.30 Weighted average number of common units outstanding (basic) 12,246 — 12,246 Weighted average number of common units outstanding (diluted) 21,840 — 21,840 The following table summarizes quarterly financial data for 2017: (In thousands, except per unit data) First (1) (2) Second (1) (3) Third (1) Fourth (1) Total (1) Revenues (including affiliates) $ 61,432 $ 58,015 $ 58,406 $ 64,927 $ 242,780 Gain on asset sales, net 29 3,184 154 178 3,545 Asset impairments 1,778 — — 1,189 2,967 Income from operations 38,124 47,522 43,052 47,861 176,559 Debt modification expense 7,807 132 — — 7,939 Loss on extinguishment of debt — 4,107 — — 4,107 Net income from continuing operations 7,588 23,153 23,079 28,665 82,485 Net income (loss) from discontinued operations (1,684 ) 2,837 2,987 2,042 6,182 Net income 5,904 25,990 26,066 30,707 88,667 Net income attributable to common unitholders and general partner 3,404 18,452 18,416 22,942 63,214 Income from continuing operations per common unit Basic $ 0.41 $ 1.25 $ 1.24 $ 1.67 $ 4.57 Diluted 0.50 1.01 0.94 1.18 3.68 Net income per common unit Basic $ 0.28 $ 1.47 $ 1.48 $ 1.84 $ 5.06 Diluted 0.28 1.13 1.07 1.26 3.96 Weighted average number of common units outstanding (basic) 12,232 12,232 12,232 12,232 12,232 Weighted average number of common units outstanding (diluted) 14,945 22,459 23,980 23,874 21,950 (1) As a result of the sale of its construction aggregates business, the Partnership classified the operating results related to this business as discontinued operations in the Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income subsequent to the filing of the 2017 Form 10-K. See below for a reconciliation to the amounts reported in the 2017 Form 10-K. (2) During the first quarter of 2017 the Partnership incurred $7.8 million of debt modification costs as a result of the exchange of $241 million of our 2018 Senior Notes for 2022 Senior Notes. (3) During the second quarter of 2017 the Partnership incurred a $4.1 million loss on extinguishment of debt related to the 4.563% premium paid to redeem the 2018 Senior Notes in April 2017. The following tables reconcile the previously reported quarterly information to the quarterly financial data disclosed above: (In thousands, except per unit data) As Originally Reported Reclassified to Discontinued Operations Revised First Quarter 2017 Revenues (including affiliates) $ 88,653 $ (27,221 ) $ 61,432 Gain on asset sales, net 44 (15 ) 29 Asset impairments 1,778 — 1,778 Income from operations 37,042 1,082 38,124 Debt modification expense 7,807 — 7,807 Net income from continuing operations 6,111 1,477 7,588 Net income (loss) from discontinued operations (207 ) (1,477 ) (1,684 ) Net income 5,904 — 5,904 Net income attributable to common unitholders and general partner 3,404 — 3,404 Income from continuing operations per common unit Basic $ 0.30 $ 0.12 $ 0.41 Diluted 0.30 0.10 0.50 Net income per common unit Basic $ 0.28 $ — $ 0.28 Diluted 0.28 — 0.28 Weighted average number of common units outstanding (basic) 12,232 — 12,232 Weighted average number of common units outstanding (diluted) 14,945 — 14,945 Second Quarter 2017 Revenues (including affiliates) $ 91,570 $ (33,555 ) $ 58,015 Gain on asset sales, net 3,361 (177 ) 3,184 Income from operations 50,404 (2,882 ) 47,522 Debt modification expense 132 — 132 Loss on extinguishment of debt 4,107 — 4,107 Net income from continuing operations 25,857 (2,704 ) 23,153 Net income (loss) from discontinued operations 133 2,704 2,837 Net income 25,990 — 25,990 Net income attributable to common unitholders and general partner 18,452 — 18,452 Income from continuing operations per common unit Basic $ 1.46 $ (0.22 ) $ 1.25 Diluted 1.13 (0.12 ) 1.01 Net income per common unit Basic $ 1.47 $ — $ 1.47 Diluted 1.13 — 1.13 Weighted average number of common units outstanding (basic) 12,232 — 12,232 Weighted average number of common units outstanding (diluted) 22,459 — 22,459 (In thousands, except per unit data) As Originally Reported Reclassified to Discontinued Operations Revised Third Quarter 2017 Revenues (including affiliates) $ 93,116 $ (34,710 ) $ 58,406 Gain on asset sales, net 171 (17 ) 154 Income from operations 46,531 (3,479 ) 43,052 Net income from continuing operations 26,499 (3,420 ) 23,079 Net income (loss) from discontinued operations (433 ) 3,420 2,987 Net income 26,066 — 26,066 Net income attributable to common unitholders and general partner 18,416 — 18,416 Income from continuing operations per common unit Basic $ 1.51 $ (0.27 ) $ 1.24 Diluted 1.08 (0.14 ) 0.94 Net income per common unit Basic $ 1.48 $ — $ 1.48 Diluted 1.07 — 1.07 Weighted average number of common units outstanding (basic) 12,232 — 12,232 Weighted average number of common units outstanding (diluted) 23,980 — 23,980 Fourth Quarter 2017 Revenues (including affiliates) $ 100,822 $ (35,895 ) $ 64,927 Gain on asset sales, net 280 (102 ) 178 Asset impairments 1,253 (64 ) 1,189 Income from operations 49,998 (2,137 ) 47,861 Net income from continuing operations 30,741 (2,076 ) 28,665 Net income (loss) from discontinued operations (34 ) 2,076 2,042 Net income 30,707 — 30,707 Net income attributable to common unitholders and general partner 22,942 — 22,942 Income from continuing operations per common unit Basic $ 1.84 $ (0.17 ) $ 1.67 Diluted 1.26 (0.09 ) 1.18 Net income per common unit Basic $ 1.84 $ — $ 1.84 Diluted 1.26 — 1.26 Weighted average number of common units outstanding (basic) 12,232 — 12,232 Weighted average number of common units outstanding (diluted) 23,874 — 23,874 (In thousands, except per unit data) As Originally Reported Reclassified to Discontinued Operations Revised Total 2017 Revenues (including affiliates) $ 374,161 $ (131,381 ) $ 242,780 Gain on asset sales, net 3,856 (311 ) 3,545 Asset impairments 3,031 (64 ) 2,967 Income from operations 183,975 (7,416 ) 176,559 Debt modification expense 7,939 — 7,939 Loss on extinguishment of debt 4,107 — 4,107 Net income from continuing operations 89,208 (6,723 ) 82,485 Net income (loss) from discontinued operations (541 ) 6,723 6,182 Net income 88,667 — 88,667 Net income attributable to common unitholders and general partner 63,214 — 63,214 Income from continuing operations per common unit — Basic $ 5.11 $ (0.54 ) $ 4.57 Diluted 3.98 (0.30 ) 3.68 Net income per common unit Basic $ 5.06 $ — $ 5.06 Diluted 3.96 — 3.96 Weighted average number of common units outstanding (basic) 12,232 — 12,232 Weighted average number of common units outstanding (diluted) 21,950 — 21,950 |