Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Cover
- Consolidated Statements of Fina
- Consolidated Statements of Fi_2
- Consolidated Statements of Comp
- Consolidated Statements of Chan
- Consolidated Statements of Cash
- Organization
- The Authorization of Financial
- Application of New and Revised
- Changes in Significant Accounti
- Summary of Significant Accounti
- Use of Judgments and Estimates
- Cash and Cash Equivalents
- Financial Assets and Liabilitie
- Financial Assets at Fair Value
- Available-for-sale Financial As
- Accounts Receivable, net (Inclu
- Inventories
- Noncurrent Assets Held for Sale
- Investments in Equity-accounted
- Acquisition of Subsidiaries
- Disposal of Part of Ownership I
- Disposal of Subsidiaries
- Property, Plant and Equipment
- Lease Arrangements
- Investment Property
- Intangible Assets
- Other Current Assets and Other
- Short-term Borrowings
- Long-term Borrowings
- Provisions
- Operating Leases
- Employee Benefits
- Capital and Other Components of
- Share-based Payments
- Revenue from Contracts with Cus
- Revenue
- Remuneration to Employees and D
- The Nature of Expenses
- Other Income
- Other Gains and Losses
- Finance Costs
- Income Taxes
- Earnings (Loss) per Share
- Cash Flow Information
- Financial Instruments
- Financial Risk Management
- Capital Management
- Related-party Transactions
- Pledged Assets
- Contingent Liabilities and Comm
- Segment, Geographic and Revenue
- Subsequent Events
- Summary of Significant Accoun_2
- Changes in Significant Accoun_2
- Summary of Significant Accoun_3
- Cash and Cash Equivalents (Tabl
- Financial Assets and Liabilit_2
- Financial Assets at Fair Valu_2
- Accounts Receivable, net (Inc_2
- Inventories (Tables)
- Investments in Equity-account_2
- Acquisition of Subsidiaries (Ta
- Disposal of Part of Ownership_2
- Disposal of Subsidiaries (Table
- Property, Plant and Equipment (
- Lease Arrangements (Tables)
- Investment Property (Tables)
- Intangible Assets (Tables)
- Other Current Assets and Othe_2
- Short-term Borrowings (Tables)
- Long-term Borrowings (Tables)
- Provisions (Tables)
- Operating Leases (Tables)
- Employee Benefits (Tables)
- Capital and Other Components _2
- Share-based Payments (Tables)
- Revenue from Contracts with C_2
- Revenue (Tables)
- The Nature of Expenses (Tables)
- Other Income (Tables)
- Other Gains and Losses (Tables)
- Finance Costs (Tables)
- Income Taxes (Tables)
- Earnings (Loss) per Share (Tabl
- Cash Flow Information (Tables)
- Financial Instruments (Tables)
- Financial Risk Management (Tabl
- Capital Management (Tables)
- Related-party Transactions (Tab
- Pledged Assets (Tables)
- Contingent Liabilities and Co_2
- Segment, Geographic and Reven_2
- Changes in Significant Accoun_3
- Schedule of Reconciliation Betw
- Summary impacts of Company's As
- Summary of Significant Accoun_4
- Summary of Significant Accoun_5
- Cash and Cash Equivalents - Sch
- Financial Assets and Liabilit_3
- Financial Assets and Liabilit_4
- Financial Assets at Fair Valu_3
- Financial Assets at Fair Valu_4
- Available-for-sale Financial _2
- Accounts Receivable, net (Inc_3
- Accounts Receivable, net (Inc_4
- Accounts Receivable, net (Inc_5
- Accounts Receivable, net (Inc_6
- Accounts Receivable, net (Inc_7
- Accounts Receivable, net (Inc_8
- Inventories - Schedule Of Inven
- Inventories - Additional Inform
- Noncurrent Assets Held for Sa_2
- Investments in equity-account_3
- Investments in equity-account_4
- Investments in equity-account_5
- Investments in equity-account_6
- Acquisition of Subsidiaries - A
- Acquisition of Subsidiaries - S
- Acquisition of Subsidiaries -_2
- Acquisition of Subsidiaries -_3
- Disposal of Part of Ownership_3
- Disposal of Part of Ownership_4
- Disposal of Subsidiaries - Addi
- Disposal of Subsidiaries - Disc
- Property, Plant and Equipment -
- Property, Plant and Equipment_2
- Property, Plant and Equipment_3
- Lease Arrangements - Schedule O
- Lease Arrangements - Schedule_2
- Lease Arrangements - Additional
- Lease Arrangements - Schedule_3
- Lease Arrangements - Lease Arra
- Investment Property - Summary o
- Investment Property - Additiona
- Investment Property - Significa
- Intangible Assets - Summary of
- Intangible Assets - Summary o_2
- Intangible Assets - Additional
- Other Current Assets and Othe_3
- Short-term Borrowings - Schedul
- Long-term Borrowings - Schedule
- Provisions - Schedule of Provis
- Operating Leases - Schedule of
- Operating Leases - Additional I
- Operating Leases - Schedule o_2
- Employee Benefits - Schedule of
- Employee Benefits - Schedule _2
- Employee Benefits - Additional
- Employee Benefits - Schedule _3
- Employee Benefits - Disclosure
- Capital and Other Components _3
- Capital and Other Components _4
- Capital and Other Components _5
- Capital and Other Components _6
- Capital and Other Components _7
- Capital and Other Components _8
- Share-based Payments - Schedule
- Share-based Payments - Schedu_2
- Share-based Payments - Addition
- Share-based Payments - Schedu_3
- Share-based Payments - Schedu_4
- Revenue from Contracts with C_3
- Revenue from Contracts with C_4
- Revenue from Contracts with C_5
- Revenue - Schedule of Component
- Remuneration to Employees and_2
- The Nature of Expenses - Schedu
- The Nature of Expenses - Sche_2
- The Nature of Expenses - Sche_3
- Other Income - Schedule of Othe
- Other Gains and Losses - Schedu
- Finance Costs - Schedule of Bor
- Income Taxes - Additional Infor
- Income Taxes - Schedule of Comp
- Income Taxes - Schedule of Info
- Income Taxes - Schedule of Inco
- Income Taxes - Schedule of Defe
- Income Taxes - Schedule of Chan
- Income Taxes - Schedule of Unre
- Income Taxes - Schedule of In_2
- Earnings (Loss) Per Share - Sch
- Earnings (Loss) Per Share - S_2
- Cash Flow Information - Disclos
- Financial Instruments - Schedul
- Financial Instruments - Sched_2
- Financial Instruments - Sched_3
- Financial Instruments - Sched_4
- Financial Instruments - Financi
- Financial Instruments - Sched_5
- Financial Risk Management - Add
- Financial Risk Management - Sch
- Financial Risk Management - Dis
- Financial Risk Management - S_2
- Capital Management - Schedule o
- Related-party Transactions - Di
- Related-party Transactions - Sc
- Related-party Transactions - Ad
- Related-party Transactions - _2
- Related-party Transactions - _3
- Related-party Transactions - _4
- Related-party Transactions - _5
- Related-party Transactions - _6
- Related-party Transactions - _7
- Related-party Transactions - _8
- Related-party Transactions - _9
- Pledged Assets - Schedule of As
- Contingent Liabilities and Co_3
- Contingent Liabilities and Co_4
- Segment, Geographic and Reven_3
- Segment, Geographic and Reven_4
- Segment, Geographic and Reven_5
- Segment, Geographic and Reven_6
- Subsequent Events - Additional