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AA, AAA, AAM, ab, Abha, ability, Aboriginal, Academia, academic, Academy, accelerate, accelerated, accompanying, accretion, accuracy, achieve, achievement, achieving, active, activism, activity, actuarial, acumen, acute, ad, add, addition, additional, addressability, addressable, Addressing, adequacy, adjusted, adjusting, administration, ADP, advance, advanced, advancement, advancing, advantage, adverse, adversely, advice, advisory, Aegean, Aero, Aeronautical, aerospace, aftermarket, agency, agenda, aggregate, agile, agility, agreement, ahead, AI, AIF, aimed, Aimia, air, Airborne, aircraft, Aircrew, Airframe, Airplane, airport, Akamai, Akasa, Akima, Alabama, allied, allocate, alternate, alternative, alternatively, amassed, America, American, AMI, amount, amounted, ample, Amsterdam, Analyst, analytical, andrew, annexed, announced, annum, answer, anticipate, anticipated, Antoun, Apache, applied, apply, applying, appoint, appointed, appointment, approach, arise, Arizona, Arlington, Army, Arnovitz, arrangement, artificial, Artillery, Asia, aspect, aspiring, assembly, asset, assigned, assist, Assistant, assume, assuming, assumption, Aston, attaining, attend, attendant, attract, attributed, attrition, auditor, augment, augmented, August, Australia, automated, automation, average, Aviacion, aviation, award, awarded, awarding, Ayman, Bachelor, background, backlog, bandwidth, Bangkok, Bank, bankrupt, bankruptcy, bargaining, BBA, BBB, Beach, bearing, began, begin, Beginning, Belgium, beneficial, beneficially, bhd, bid, big, bigger, billion, billson, binding, biometric, Birmingham, block, BNY, Bob, Boeing, bolstered, bolstering, Bombardier, boost, Boralex, Boston, Boulevard, Bowthorpe, brand, Brasil, Brazil, breadth, bring, British, broad, broader, Brochu, broken, brokerage, Bronze, Brunswick, budget, build, building, built, burgeoning, busy, buy, ca, cabin, calendar, calibrate, California, Canadair, Canadian, Cancellation, cancelled, Canton, capability, capacity, captive, carbon, Care, career, carried, carry, carrying, Carter, case, cash, category, cautionary, cautioned, CBCA, CCC, cease, ceased, ceasing, Center, central, centre, centricity, CEO, certify, CFT, chain, Chair, Chairman, characterize, charge, charged, Charitable, chart, Charted, charter, chartered, China, Chinook, chip, choice, civil, claiming, Clarke, classroom, clean, clear, client, climate, cluster, coaching, Coast, Cobham, cognitive, cole, collaborate, collaborating, collaboration, collaborative, collective, College, Colombia, Colorado, colour, Columbia, Combat, combination, Combined, Command, Commandant, Commander, comment, Commerce, commercial, commitment, committed, Compact, comparable, comparative, compatible, competent, competing, competition, competitive, complement, complementing, complex, complexity, compliant, composition, comprehensive, compromise, computer, Computershare, concept, concurrent, condition, conferred, confidential, confidentiality, confirm, conjunction, consecutive, conservatism, consideration, consist, consistent, consistently, consisting, consortium, constantly, constitute, constructive, content, context, continuum, contract, contraction, contractor, converted, convertible, convinced, cooperation, cooperatively, Copeland, copy, core, cost, Council, coupled, courseware, coverage, CPA, create, created, creating, credit, crew, critical, cueing, culminating, culture, cumulating, currency, curriculum, customer, customized, CVS, cyber, cybersecurity, cycle, Dan, database, deal, debt, decarbonization, December, decision, declare, declared, declining, Decostre, dedicated, dedication, deeper, defence, defense, defensive, degree, Delaware, deliver, delivered, delivering, delivery, Deloitte, delve, demand, democracy, demonstrate, demonstrated, denied, denominated, density, depending, deploy, deployed, deploying, deployment, Deputy, derived, destined, develop, developed, developing, development, developmental, digital, digitalization, digitalize, digitalizing, digitally, diligence, Diploma, direct, directed, direction, directly, director, disagreement, disciplined, disclaim, discontinued, discount, discretion, dispatch, dispatching, disruption, disruptive, dissolution, distinct, distinctive, distribution, diverse, diversifying, diversity, divestiture, dividend, division, Doctor, Doctorate, Doctrine, document, DoD, Dogra, dollar, domain, Dowty, drafting, dramatically, drawn, Dreamliner, driven, driver, Dubai, due, earlier, earned, East, Eclipse, economic, economy, ecosystem, EDGAR, edge, education, efficacy, efficiency, efficient, efficiently, effort, Egitim, ehf, El, electric, Electrical, electrification, electrifying, elevate, eligible, embed, embedded, Embraer, employ, employee, empower, empowerment, enable, enabled, enabling, encountered, encroachment, enduring, energy, enforceability, engine, Engineer, engineering, England, English, enhance, enhanced, enhancing, enrich, entered, enterprise, Entertainment, envelope, environment, environmental, equal, Equality, equip, equipment, equity, eroding, ESG, estate, estimate, estimated, ethical, EU, Euro, Europe, European, event, eventual, evidence, evolved, evolving, eVTOL, excel, excellence, excluding, exclusive, exemption, exemptive, exercisable, Exercise, exercised, exhaustive, exist, existence, existing, expand, expanded, expansion, expansive, expedite, experience, expertise, expiration, expressed, expressly, extensive, extent, external, externally, extreme, face, facilitate, facility, factor, failing, failure, fall, Fame, family, fastest, fax, federal, fee, feedback, Fellow, field, fighter, filling, finance, fixed, flawlessly, fleet, flexible, flight, Florida, flow, flying, focused, footprint, force, Forecasting, forefront, foregoing, foreign, foreseeable, forestall, Fort, forward, foster, fostering, found, foundation, fourteen, fourth, France, Frito, front, frontier, fulfilling, full, fully, function, fund, fundamental, funding, future, gagnon, gain, gaming, gas, Gaz, GDIT, Gelston, Gender, Geographic, geopolitical, Georgia, Germany, global, GlobalJet, globally, globe, glossary, goal, gold, Goodfriend, goodwill, governmental, graduate, graduated, Grant, granting, Greece, green, greener, Grenier, GRI, ground, group, grow, growing, grown, guaranteed, guidance, guide, Hall, Hampshire, Hancock, Handbook, harbor, hardware, Harland, Harrah, Harry, Harvard, head, headroom, health, Healthcare, hedge, Heidi, helicopter, hereto, high, highest, highly, hinder, hiring, historical, history, hoc, hold, holder, holding, holiday, Honeywell, Honorary, honour, Honourable, horizon, HR, human, hybrid, Hydro, hydrogen, IBM, Iceland, Icelandair, identified, identify, identifying, ii, iii, illegal, Illuminate, image, immaterial, immersion, immersive, impact, impacting, impairment, implementation, implemented, importance, Important, improve, improved, improvement, improving, inaccurate, inaugurated, incentive, inclusion, inclusive, incomplete, increase, increased, increasing, incurred, Indenture, index, India, indirect, indirectly, individual, inducted, Infantry, inflation, inflationary, influence, influenced, influencing, infrastructure, inherent, inherently, initial, initiated, initiative, initio, innovate, innovation, innovative, inorganic, input, inquiry, insolvency, instability, installed, Institute, instituted, institution, instructor, insurance, intake, intangible, intellectual, intelligence, Intelligent, intend, intended, intensify, intent, intention, Intercorporate, interest, intermediate, interoperable, introduced, introducing, introduction, inventory, invest, investigation, investing, investment, involved, involvement, involving, Iron, irregular, issuable, issuance, Italia, Italy, item, iv, ix, JAL, Japan, JASDF, Jason, Jersey, jet, John, jointly, journey, key, KF, Kingdom, knowledge, Korea, kpmg, Kuala, KVDB, labour, lake, land, landing, large, larger, largest, Laser, Latin, launched, Laurier, Laval, law, Lay, lead, leader, leadership, leading, lean, learning, leasing, lectricit, legacy, legal, legally, legislation, length, Leonardo, lesser, letter, level, leverage, leveraged, leveraging, license, Life, light, likelihood, limitation, limited, Lindenwood, line, Link, liquidation, liquidity, Litigation, live, LLC, loan, Lobbying, located, Lockett, long, longer, longstanding, lose, loyalty, Ltda, Lumpur, machine, macroeconomic, Madison, main, Malaysia, mandate, mandatory, Manley, manner, manufacturer, manufacturing, Manulife, mapping, MARGARET, market, Marketing, marketplace, master, MAT, maturity, maximize, MBA, McGill, McMaster, meaningful, measurable, measure, measured, measurement, Mechanical, media, Medical, medium, meet, meeting, Melbourne, Membership, mental, mentioned, Merkezi, Merlot, methodology, Mexico, Michigan, Midcourse, middle, milestone, million, Mineral, minimize, Missile, mission, mitigate, mitigating, mitigation, mixed, mobility, model, modeling, modelling, modern, modernization, modernize, modernized, monitor, monitoring, Montreal, Mountain, multiple, mutually, natural, nature, naval, NCIB, necessarily, negative, negatively, nergir, network, neutrality, newest, newly, Nick, NL, NLR, noble, nominee, North, Northeast, Norway, notable, notably, note, noted, November, Novosel, NRC, objective, objectively, objectivity, observed, obtained, Occupation, occupying, occur, occurred, October, OEM, offer, offered, offering, oil, online, Ontario, open, opportunity, Ops, optimal, optimization, optimize, optimizing, order, organic, organization, original, Oslo, Osprey, outdated, outlined, outlook, outsourcing, overhaul, overseeing, oversight, overview, ownership, Oxford, pace, Pacific, packaging, paid, par, paradigm, paragraph, paramount, Parc, pari, part, partially, participate, participation, partner, partnered, partnering, partnership, party, Pascal, passenger, passion, passu, patent, pay, payable, payment, peace, peak, PEG, pending, penetrate, pension, people, perception, perform, performance, performed, personnel, pertinent, Peru, Phase, Philippine, Phoenix, physical, physicist, pilot, pioneer, pipeline, pivotal, platform, plc, Poland, policy, political, Polytechnique, Portugal, position, positioned, positive, post, posted, potential, pound, power, powered, practice, practicing, preapproved, predict, predictive, predominantly, preferred, preliminary, premier, premium, presence, present, presented, presently, prevailing, price, pricing, printer, priority, privacy, private, pro, procurement, Prodigy, produce, product, production, productivity, Profession, proficiency, profile, profit, profitability, profitable, program, Progressive, progressively, prohibited, project, projected, promising, promote, promoted, prompting, property, proposal, proposed, proposition, proprietary, propulsion, protect, protected, protection, prototype, prototyping, provision, PTC, Pte, Pty, publicly, published, pursuing, PwC, qualification, qualified, qualify, quality, quantification, quarter, quarterly, Quebec, questionable, quorum, range, ranging, rank, ranked, ranking, rapid, rata, rate, rated, rating, raw, RB, RCAF, reach, read, reading, ready, real, realism, reality, realization, receipt, recent, recently, receptivity, reclassified, recognition, recognized, Recognizing, recommend, recommendation, Reconnaissance, recruit, recruited, recruitment, recurring, redefinition, reduce, reduced, reduction, refine, Reform, regent, regional, registrar, regular, regularly, rehearsal, Reid, release, reliance, relief, rely, remain, remaining, remuneration, renewed, reorganization, repair, repay, repayable, replace, replacement, replicate, representation, Repurchase, repurchased, reputation, reputational, research, residence, Resilience, reskilling, resource, rest, restricted, restructuring, result, resulting, retain, retention, retire, retired, retirement, revolutionizing, revolving, rich, rigour, RiseTM, risk, roadmap, robust, role, rooted, rose, rotary, Rotorcraft, Rotorsim, Royal, RPK, Rucker, SA, safe, safer, safety, sale, Salvador, satisfaction, satisfy, SBTi, scalable, scale, scenario, SCFT, schedule, Schneider, scholarship, school, science, scope, scrutiny, sdn, Sea, seasonality, sector, secular, secure, secured, security, SEDAR, seek, segment, selection, sell, selling, senior, Sensor, separately, separation, September, shaping, Sharkey, shift, short, shortage, show, Sidecar, signature, significantly, SimCom, similar, SimuFlite, Singapore, situational, SIV, size, sized, SkyAlyne, slavery, small, social, Society, software, soldier, solid, solidified, Solvay, Sophie, sophisticated, source, sourcing, Southeastern, Southern, Sp, space, Spain, spanning, specialty, spender, spending, spent, Spirit, Sprint, stability, Stable, staffing, stage, Stakeholder, state, statutory, stay, STEM, stepped, stewardship, Stolberg, strategic, strategically, strategy, streamline, strong, stronger, structural, structure, student, submission, subscription, subsequent, subsequently, subsidiary, substitute, substitution, succeeded, succeeding, succession, sufficient, suggesting, suitability, suite, supplementary, supplier, supply, support, supported, supporting, Surveillance, suspended, sustainability, sustainable, SVP, SVT, Sydney, symbol, synthetic, table, Tactical, tailored, Takeoff, talent, talented, Tampa, Task, tax, taxation, TCFD, TD, team, teamwork, tech, technical, technological, technology, telemetric, terminate, terminated, termination, testing, Thailand, thereof, thereon, therewith, thought, thread, threshold, Today, Tohmatsu, tomorrow, top, Toronto, Touche, traceable, trademark, TRADOC, trainer, trajectory, transaction, Transcontinental, transfer, transferred, transform, transformation, transformative, transformed, translated, translation, transport, transportation, travel, TRAX, treasury, treatment, Treinamento, trend, trial, troubleshoot, Trust, trusted, trustee, TSP, TSX, Turkey, turn, Tutor, twelve, type, typically, UAE, UK, ultimately, umbrella, unable, unadjusted, unanticipated, uncertain, uncertainty, undergraduate, underlying, underpin, underrepresented, underscore, understand, understanding, underway, undrawn, undue, unduly, unethical, unfavourable, unforeseen, unique, uniquely, Universit, University, unknown, unlimited, unmet, unpredictable, unresolved, unsecured, unsubordinated, untapped, upcoming, upgrade, Upskilling, urban, Uruguay, USAA, user, utilization, utilizing, valuable, valuation, variety, variously, vary, varying, verify, Vertical, veteran, vi, Vice, vii, viii, Virginia, virtual, virtualization, vision, visual, volatility, Volume, vora, vote, VR, Vuelo, vulnerable, War, warfare, Waterloo, wave, weaken, Wealth, weighted, West, Western, Whistleblowing, wholly, wide, Wilfrid, wind, wing, withdrawn, women, Wood, work, worked, workflow, workforce, working, Workplace, world, worldwide, written, xi, xii
absolute, accumulated, accurately, area, attestation, Avenue, behalf, BTR, chapter, check, Classification, Codification, communicated, Consent, contacting, controlled, COSO, CT, desirable, detection, disposition, duly, electronically, email, Employer, enacted, fairly, file, filing, Floor, furnish, furnished, greater, Hounsell, impose, imposed, Interactive, liability, mark, Michael, Notice, NY, operated, page, permit, prevention, print, promptly, registrant, registration, relation, rendered, requested, Roach, Rule, send, sheet, shorter, Sponsoring, submit, summarized, supervision, Title, Treadway, unauthorized, undersigned, zip
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