Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Cover
- Interim Condensed Consolidated
- Interim Condensed Consolidate_2
- Interim Condensed Consolidate_3
- Interim Condensed Consolidate_4
- Nature of operations
- Basis of preparation
- Significant accounting policies
- Amounts receivable
- Prepayments and other assets
- Inventories
- Mineral property, plant and equ
- Deferred revenue
- Derivative financial instrument
- Income tax
- (Loss) earnings per share
- Share-based payments reserve
- Warrants reserve
- Non-controlling interest
- Related party transactions
- General and administrative expe
- Financial instruments
- Segmented information
- Commitments and contingencies
- Non-cash items
- Subsequent event
- Amounts receivable (Tables)
- Prepayments and other assets (T
- Inventories (Tables)
- Mineral property, plant and e_2
- Deferred revenue (Tables)
- Derivative financial instrume_2
- (Loss) earnings per share (Tabl
- Share-based payments reserve (T
- Warrants reserve (Tables)
- Non-controlling interest (Table
- Related party transactions (Tab
- General and administrative ex_2
- Financial instruments (Tables)
- Segmented information (Tables)
- Non-cash items (Tables)
- Amounts receivable (Details)
- Amounts receivable (Details Nar
- Prepayments and other assets (D
- Inventories (Details)
- Mineral property, plant and e_3
- Deferred revenue (Details)
- Deferred revenue (Details 1)
- Deferred revenue (Details Narra
- Derivative financial instrume_3
- Derivative financial instrume_4
- Derivative financial instrume_5
- Derivative financial instrume_6
- Derivative financial instrume_7
- Income tax (Details Narrative)
- (Loss) earnings per share (Deta
- (Loss) earnings per share (De_2
- Share-based payments reserve (D
- Share-based payments reserve _2
- Share-based payments reserve _3
- Share-based payments reserve _4
- Share-based payments reserve _5
- Share-based payments reserve _6
- Warrants reserve (Details)
- Warrants reserve (Details 1)
- Non-controlling interest (Detai
- Related party transactions (Det
- Related party transactions (D_2
- General and administrative ex_3
- Financial instruments (Details)
- Segmented information (Details)
- Segmented information (Details
- Segmented information (Detail_2
- Non-cash items (Details)
- Subsequent event (Details Narra