What is the current status of the longer-acting therapeutic project?
Early in 2023, the Company entered into a partnership directed toward developing a long-acting therapeutic to bolster our existing IP portfolio and patent protection with the goals of attracting partnership opportunities, preserving and increasing the value of our patent portfolio, and creating additional shareholder value.
The partner company is an experienced drug development company and uses generative artificial intelligence (AI), among other technologies, in its development activities. If successful, such a modified therapeutic would require less frequent injections for patients on drug, furthering the convenience and overall marketability of the product. Working with a company with established AI-capabilities allows for an expedited and robust development path for this modified, longer-acting therapeutic for the Company.
What is the current status of the CEO search?
As previously announced, the Board has been searching for a new Chief Executive Officer, with a focus on identifying a candidate possessing the requisite experience and expertise to enhance the Company’s overall business strategies and efforts to achieve regulatory approval and commercialization of leronlimab. Currently, the search has been narrowed to several highly qualified candidates, and we anticipate having a new CEO in place by the end of the year.
How does the Company make decisions as it relates to executive compensation?
Each year, the Company’s Board of Directors reviews and appoints at least three independent members of the Board to serve on a compensation committee (the “Compensation Committee”). Among other duties, the Compensation Committee oversees incentive, equity-based and other compensatory plans for executive officers of the Company.
On an annual basis, the Compensation Committee evaluates the Company’s overall compensation philosophy and determines base salaries and other forms of compensation to be paid to executive officers, including cash incentive compensation and grants of stock options and other stock-based awards, which are all disclosed in the Company’s annual proxy statements. The Compensation Committee’s decisions are based on (annual) recommendations received from an independent executive compensation advisory firm retained by the Compensation Committee. The independent compensation consultant analyzes peer companies and other benchmarking and comparison data, and then makes recommendations as to the competitiveness of the Company’s executive compensation program, and a proposed mix of compensation elements. The above process ensures that the Company and Compensation Committee’s practices are in-line with industry standards, and companies of similar size and financial condition. This process also helps ensure that the Company is able to attract and retain talented key employees.
At the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Company, our stockholders approved the Board’s recommendation that an advisory vote on executive compensation be conducted annually. Accordingly, each fiscal year, the shareholders are asked to place an advisory vote as to the compensation of our executive officers.
Additional information as it relates to responsibilities and processes of the Compensation Committee is set forth in its charter and director and executive officer compensation policy, which are posted on our website under Governance Documents. Additional, more-detailed information in relation to the compensation paid to executive officers can be found in the