Loans Receivable and Allowance for Loan Losses | Loans Receivable and Allowance for Loan Losses Loans receivable at September 30, 2016 and December 31, 2015 are summarized as follows (in thousands): September 30, 2016 December 31, 2015 Mortgage loans: Residential $ 1,213,507 1,254,036 Commercial 1,884,155 1,714,923 Multi-family 1,384,428 1,233,792 Construction 316,803 331,649 Total mortgage loans 4,798,893 4,534,400 Commercial loans 1,553,606 1,433,447 Consumer loans 538,061 566,175 Total gross loans 6,890,560 6,534,022 Purchased credit-impaired ("PCI") loans 1,691 3,435 Premiums on purchased loans 5,330 5,740 Unearned discounts (39 ) (41 ) Net deferred fees (6,956 ) (5,482 ) Total loans $ 6,890,586 6,537,674 The following tables summarize the aging of loans receivable by portfolio segment and class of loans, excluding PCI loans (in thousands): September 30, 2016 30-59 Days 60-89 Days Non-accrual Recorded Total Past Due Current Total Loans Receivable Mortgage loans: Residential $ 7,147 7,579 11,317 — 26,043 1,187,464 1,213,507 Commercial 1,574 — 5,679 — 7,253 1,876,902 1,884,155 Multi-family — — 1,113 — 1,113 1,383,315 1,384,428 Construction — — 2,692 — 2,692 314,111 316,803 Total mortgage loans 8,721 7,579 20,801 — 37,101 4,761,792 4,798,893 Commercial loans 1,754 297 16,436 — 18,487 1,535,119 1,553,606 Consumer loans 2,388 1,000 2,779 — 6,167 531,894 538,061 Total gross loans $ 12,863 8,876 40,016 — 61,755 6,828,805 6,890,560 December 31, 2015 30-59 Days 60-89 Days Non-accrual Recorded Total Past Current Total Loans Receivable Mortgage loans: Residential $ 8,983 5,434 12,031 — 26,448 1,227,588 1,254,036 Commercial 1,732 543 1,263 — 3,538 1,711,385 1,714,923 Multi-family 763 506 742 — 2,011 1,231,781 1,233,792 Construction — — 2,351 — 2,351 329,298 331,649 Total mortgage loans 11,478 6,483 16,387 — 34,348 4,500,052 4,534,400 Commercial loans 632 801 23,875 165 25,473 1,407,974 1,433,447 Consumer loans 3,603 1,194 4,109 — 8,906 557,269 566,175 Total gross loans $ 15,713 8,478 44,371 165 68,727 6,465,295 6,534,022 Included in loans receivable are loans for which the accrual of interest income has been discontinued due to deterioration in the financial condition of the borrowers. The principal amounts of these non-accrual loans were $40.0 million and $44.4 million at September 30, 2016 and December 31, 2015 , respectively. Included in non-accrual loans were $5.4 million and $18.3 million of loans which were less than 90 days past due at September 30, 2016 and December 31, 2015 , respectively. There were no loans 90 days or greater past due and still accruing interest at September 30, 2016 . At December 31, 2015 , there was one commercial loan for $165,000 which was ninety days or greater past due and still accruing interest. This loan was past due for maturity and well secured at December 31, 2015 , and subsequent to the end of the year was renewed by the Company. The Company defines an impaired loan as a non-homogeneous loan greater than $1.0 million for which it is probable, based on current information, all amounts due under the contractual terms of the loan agreement will not be collected. Impaired loans also include all loans modified as troubled debt restructurings (“TDRs”). A loan is deemed to be a TDR when a loan modification resulting in a concession is made in an effort to mitigate potential loss arising from a borrower’s financial difficulty. Smaller balance homogeneous loans, including residential mortgages and other consumer loans, are evaluated collectively for impairment and are excluded from the definition of impaired loans, unless modified as TDRs. The Company separately calculates the reserve for loan losses on impaired loans. The Company may recognize impairment of a loan based upon: (1) the present value of expected cash flows discounted at the effective interest rate; (2) if a loan is collateral dependent, the fair value of collateral; or (3) the fair value of the loan. Additionally, if impaired loans have risk characteristics in common, those loans may be aggregated and historical statistics may be used as a means of measuring those impaired loans. The Company uses third-party appraisals to determine the fair value of the underlying collateral in its analyses of collateral dependent impaired loans. A third-party appraisal is generally ordered as soon as a loan is designated as a collateral dependent impaired loan and is updated annually or more frequently, if required. A specific allocation of the allowance for loan losses is established for each collateral dependent impaired loan with a carrying balance greater than the collateral’s fair value, less estimated costs to sell. Charge-offs are generally taken for the amount of the specific allocation when operations associated with the respective property cease and it is determined that collection of amounts due will be derived primarily from the disposition of the collateral. At each quarter end, if a loan is designated as a collateral dependent impaired loan and the third party appraisal has not yet been received, an evaluation of all available collateral is made using the best information available at the time, including rent rolls, borrower financial statements and tax returns, prior appraisals, management’s knowledge of the market and collateral, and internally prepared collateral valuations based upon market assumptions regarding vacancy and capitalization rates, each as and where applicable. Once the appraisal is received and reviewed, the specific reserves are adjusted to reflect the appraised value. The Company believes there have been no significant time lapses as a result of this process. At September 30, 2016 , there were 139 impaired loans totaling $44.4 million . Included in this total were 115 TDRs related to 114 borrowers totaling $21.1 million that were performing in accordance with their restructured terms and which continued to accrue interest at September 30, 2016 . At December 31, 2015 , there were 148 impaired loans totaling $50.9 million . Included in this total were 122 TDRs to 120 borrowers totaling $26.0 million that were performing in accordance with their restructured terms and which continued to accrue interest at December 31, 2015 . The following table summarizes loans receivable by portfolio segment and impairment method, excluding PCI loans (in thousands): September 30, 2016 Mortgage loans Commercial loans Consumer loans Total Portfolio Segments Individually evaluated for impairment $ 28,694 13,472 2,249 44,415 Collectively evaluated for impairment 4,770,199 1,540,134 535,812 6,846,145 Total gross loans $ 4,798,893 1,553,606 538,061 6,890,560 December 31, 2015 Mortgage loans Commercial loans Consumer loans Total Portfolio Segments Individually evaluated for impairment $ 26,743 21,756 2,368 50,867 Collectively evaluated for impairment 4,507,657 1,411,691 563,807 6,483,155 Total gross loans $ 4,534,400 1,433,447 566,175 6,534,022 The allowance for loan losses is summarized by portfolio segment and impairment classification as follows (in thousands): September 30, 2016 Mortgage loans Commercial loans Consumer loans Total Individually evaluated for impairment $ 1,963 81 83 2,127 Collectively evaluated for impairment 27,691 28,158 3,112 58,961 Total gross loans $ 29,654 28,239 3,195 61,088 December 31, 2015 Mortgage loans Commercial loans Consumer loans Total Individually evaluated for impairment $ 2,086 91 94 2,271 Collectively evaluated for impairment 30,008 25,738 3,407 59,153 Total gross loans $ 32,094 25,829 3,501 61,424 Loan modifications to borrowers experiencing financial difficulties that are considered TDRs primarily involve lowering the monthly payments on such loans through either a reduction in interest rate below a market rate, an extension of the term of the loan without a corresponding adjustment to the risk premium reflected in the interest rate, or a combination of these two methods. These modifications generally do not result in the forgiveness of principal or accrued interest. In addition, the Company attempts to obtain additional collateral or guarantor support when modifying such loans. If the borrower has demonstrated performance under the previous terms and our underwriting process shows the borrower has the capacity to continue to perform under the restructured terms, the loan will continue to accrue interest. Non-accruing restructured loans may be returned to accrual status when there has been a sustained period of repayment performance (generally six consecutive months of payments) and both principal and interest are deemed collectible. The following tables present the number of loans modified as TDRs during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2016 and 2015 , along with their balances immediately prior to the modification date and post-modification as of September 30, 2016 and 2015 . There were no loans modified as TDRs during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2016 . For the three months ended September 30, 2016 September 30, 2015 Troubled Debt Restructurings Number of Loans Pre-Modification Outstanding Recorded Investment Post-Modification Outstanding Recorded Investment Number of Loans Pre-Modification Outstanding Recorded Investment Post-Modification Outstanding Recorded Investment ($ in thousands) Mortgage loans: Residential — $ — $ — 1 $ 258 $ 256 Total mortgage loans — — — 1 258 256 Consumer loans — — — — — — Total restructured loans — $ — $ — 1 $ 258 $ 256 For the nine months ended September 30, 2016 September 30, 2015 Troubled Debt Restructurings Number of Pre-Modification Post-Modification Number of Pre-Modification Post-Modification ($ in thousands) Mortgage loans: Residential — $ — $ — 6 $ 2,192 $ 2,184 Construction — — — 1 2,600 2,096 Total mortgage loans — — — 7 4,792 4,280 Commercial loans — — — 4 6,659 6,903 Consumer loans — — — 2 123 115 Total restructured loans — $ — $ — 13 $ 11,574 $ 11,298 All TDRs are impaired loans, which are individually evaluated for impairment, as previously discussed. Estimated collateral values of collateral dependent impaired loans modified during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2015 exceeded the carrying amounts of such loans. There were charge-offs recorded on two collateral dependent impaired loans of $312,000 for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2015 , which are included in the preceding tables. For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2015 , the allowance for loan losses associated with the TDRs presented in the preceding tables totaled $0 and $82,000 , respectively and were included in the allowance for loan losses for loans individually evaluated for impairment. For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2015 , the TDRs presented in the preceding tables had a weighted average modified interest rate of approximately 3.00% and 5.26% , respectively, compared to a rate of 3.00% and 5.71% prior to modification, respectively. There were no payment defaults (90 days or more past due) for loans modified as TDRs within the 12 month periods ending September 30, 2016 and 2015 . TDRs that subsequently default are considered collateral dependent impaired loans and are evaluated for impairment based on the estimated fair value of the underlying collateral less expected selling costs. PCI loans are loans acquired at a discount primarily due to deteriorated credit quality. As part of the May 30, 2014 acquisition of Team Capital, $5.2 million of the loans acquired were determined to be PCI loans. At the date of acquisition, PCI loans were accounted for at fair value, based upon the then present value of expected future cash flows, with no related allowance for loan losses. PCI loans declined $1.7 million to $1.7 million at September 30, 2016 , from $3.4 million at December 31, 2015 . The decrease from December 31, 2015 , was largely due to the full repayment and greater than projected cash flows on certain PCI loans. This resulted in a $179,000 and a $682,000 increase in interest income for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2016 , respectively, largely due to the acceleration of accretable and non-accretable discounts on these loans. For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2015 , $129,000 and $349,000 , respectively, of accretable and non-accretable discounts were similarly accelerated and recognized in interest income. The following table summarizes the changes in the accretable yield for PCI loans during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2016 and 2015 (in thousands): Three months ended September 30, Nine months ended September 30, 2016 2015 2016 2015 Beginning balance $ 328 609 676 695 Accretion (225 ) (220 ) (1,065 ) (683 ) Reclassification from non-accretable discount 209 172 701 549 Ending balance $ 312 561 312 561 The activity in the allowance for loan losses by portfolio segment for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2016 and 2015 was as follows (in thousands): Three months ended September 30, Mortgage loans Commercial loans Consumer loans Total Portfolio Segments Unallocated (1) Total 2016 Balance at beginning of period $ 31,634 26,299 3,000 60,933 — 60,933 Provision charged to operations (1,599 ) 2,378 221 1,000 — 1,000 Recoveries of loans previously charged-off 2 68 160 230 — 230 Loans charged-off (383 ) (506 ) (186 ) (1,075 ) — (1,075 ) Balance at end of period $ 29,654 28,239 3,195 61,088 — 61,088 2015 Balance at beginning of period $ 31,824 22,840 4,570 59,234 390 59,624 Provision charged to operations 569 1,604 (411 ) 1,762 (362 ) 1,400 Recoveries of loans previously charged-off 3 762 352 1,117 — 1,117 Loans charged-off (774 ) (130 ) (772 ) (1,676 ) (1 ) (1,677 ) Balance at end of period $ 31,622 25,076 3,739 60,437 27 60,464 Nine months ended September 30, Mortgage Commercial Consumer Total Portfolio Unallocated (1) Total 2016 Balance at beginning of period $ 32,094 25,829 3,501 61,424 — 61,424 Provision charged to operations (2,294 ) 6,647 (153 ) 4,200 — 4,200 Recoveries of loans previously charged-off 575 351 697 1,623 — 1,623 Loans charged-off (721 ) (4,588 ) (850 ) (6,159 ) — (6,159 ) Balance at end of period $ 29,654 28,239 3,195 61,088 — 61,088 2015 Balance at beginning of period $ 31,977 24,381 4,881 61,239 495 61,734 Provision charged to operations 1,924 926 718 3,568 (468 ) 3,100 Recoveries of loans previously charged-off 139 1,636 819 2,594 — 2,594 Loans charged-off (2,418 ) (1,867 ) (2,679 ) (6,964 ) — (6,964 ) Balance at end of period $ 31,622 25,076 3,739 60,437 27 60,464 (1) For the year ended December 31, 2015, the Company enhanced its allowance for loan losses process and allocated the previously unallocated allowance using both qualitative and quantitative factors. The following table presents loans individually evaluated for impairment by class and loan category, excluding PCI loans (in thousands): September 30, 2016 December 31, 2015 Unpaid Principal Balance Recorded Investment Related Allowance Average Recorded Investment Interest Income Recognized Unpaid Principal Balance Recorded Investment Related Allowance Average Recorded Investment Interest Income Recognized Loans with no related allowance Mortgage loans: Residential $ 11,574 8,580 — 8,905 340 12,144 8,799 — 9,079 451 Commercial 3,051 2,989 — 3,002 31 — — — — — Multi-family — — — — — — — — — — Construction 2,553 2,517 — 2,513 — 2,358 2,351 — 1,170 16 Total 17,178 14,086 — 14,420 371 14,502 11,150 — 10,249 467 Commercial loans 16,238 13,391 — 13,810 4 23,754 21,144 — 21,875 747 Consumer loans 1,510 1,003 — 1,038 44 1,560 1,082 — 1,121 48 Total impaired loans $ 34,926 28,480 — 29,268 419 39,816 33,376 — 33,245 1,262 Loans with an allowance recorded Mortgage loans: Residential $ 14,190 13,515 1,800 13,759 378 14,997 14,353 1,901 14,500 505 Commercial 1,094 1,093 163 1,102 41 1,240 1,240 185 1,361 63 Multi-family — — — — — — — — — — Construction — — — — — — — — — — Total 15,284 14,608 1,963 14,861 419 16,237 15,593 2,086 15,861 568 Commercial loans 81 81 81 81 — 612 612 91 807 52 Consumer loans 1,257 1,246 83 1,266 49 1,297 1,286 94 1,312 67 Total impaired loans $ 16,622 15,935 2,127 16,208 468 18,146 17,491 2,271 17,980 687 Total impaired loans Mortgage loans: Residential $ 25,764 22,095 1,800 22,664 718 27,141 23,152 1,901 23,579 956 Commercial 4,145 4,082 163 4,104 72 1,240 1,240 185 1,361 63 Multi-family — — — — — — — — — — Construction 2,553 2,517 — 2,513 — 2,358 2,351 — 1,170 16 Total 32,462 28,694 1,963 29,281 790 30,739 26,743 2,086 26,110 1,035 Commercial loans 16,319 13,472 81 13,891 4 24,366 21,756 91 22,682 799 Consumer loans 2,767 2,249 83 2,304 93 2,857 2,368 94 2,433 115 Total impaired loans $ 51,548 44,415 2,127 45,476 887 57,962 50,867 2,271 51,225 1,949 Specific allocations of the allowance for loan losses attributable to impaired loans totaled $2.1 million at September 30, 2016 and $2.3 million at December 31, 2015 . At September 30, 2016 and December 31, 2015 , impaired loans for which there was no related allowance for loan losses totaled $28.5 million and $33.4 million , respectively. The average balance of impaired loans for the nine months ended September 30, 2016 was $45.5 million . The Company utilizes an internal nine-point risk rating system to summarize its loan portfolio into categories with similar risk characteristics. Loans deemed to be “acceptable quality” are rated 1 through 4, with a rating of 1 established for loans with minimal risk. Loans that are deemed to be of “questionable quality” are rated 5 (watch) or 6 (special mention). Loans with adverse classifications (substandard, doubtful or loss) are rated 7, 8 or 9, respectively. Commercial mortgage, commercial, multi-family and construction loans are rated individually, and each lending officer is responsible for risk rating loans in their portfolio. These risk ratings are then reviewed by the department manager and/or the Chief Lending Officer and by the Credit Administration Department. The risk ratings are also confirmed through periodic loan review examinations, which are currently performed by an independent third party. Reports by the independent third party are presented directly to the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors. Loans receivable by credit quality risk rating indicator, excluding PCI loans, are as follows (in thousands): At September 30, 2016 Residential Commercial mortgage Multi- family Construction Total mortgages Commercial Consumer Total loans Special mention $ 7,579 21,595 — — 29,174 18,035 1,000 48,209 Substandard 12,549 25,046 1,237 2,517 41,349 34,943 2,728 79,020 Doubtful — — — — — — — — Loss — — — — — — — — Total classified and criticized 20,128 46,641 1,237 2,517 70,523 52,978 3,728 127,229 Pass/Watch 1,193,379 1,837,514 1,383,191 314,286 4,728,370 1,500,628 534,333 6,763,331 Total $ 1,213,507 1,884,155 1,384,428 316,803 4,798,893 1,553,606 538,061 6,890,560 At December 31, 2015 Residential Commercial mortgage Multi- family Construction Total mortgages Commercial Consumer Total loans Special mention $ 5,434 29,363 1,080 — 35,877 76,464 1,194 113,535 Substandard 12,031 19,451 1,248 2,351 35,081 38,654 4,054 77,789 Doubtful — — — — — 8 — 8 Loss — — — — — — — — Total classified and criticized 17,465 48,814 2,328 2,351 70,958 115,126 5,248 191,332 Pass/Watch 1,236,571 1,666,109 1,231,464 329,298 4,463,442 1,318,321 560,927 6,342,690 Total $ 1,254,036 1,714,923 1,233,792 331,649 4,534,400 1,433,447 566,175 6,534,022 |