Financial Review Operating Revenues In the first half of 2021, the Company firmly seized the opportunities emerging from the upgrade demands for digitalisation of the economy and society and further implemented the “Cloudification and Digital Transformation” strategy on all fronts. With the focus on customer-oriented approach, the Company accelerated the promotion of cloud-network integration, enhanced the expansion in individual, Smart Family and Industrial Digitalisation market, which continuously strengthened the Company’s development momentum and improved profitability, and helped to achieve new heights in operating results. In the first half of the year, operating revenues1 amounted to RMB219,237 million, representing an increase of 13.1% over the same period of last year. Service revenues2 amounted to RMB203,502 million, representing an increase of 8.8% over the same period of last year. Among the service revenues, mobile communications service revenues3 amounted to RMB93,342 million, increased by 6.9% over the same period of last year; wireline and Smart Family service revenues4 amounted to RMB57,350 million, increased by 5.2% over the same period of last year; Industrial Digitalisation service revenues5 amounted to RMB50,113 million, increased by 16.8% over the same period of last year; and other service revenues6 amounted to RMB2,697 million, increased by 14.9% over the same period of last year. Operating Expenses The Company firmly seized the opportunities of 5G scale development, comprehensively promoted the subscribers’ cloud migration and digital transformation, and continued to increase investment in Industrial Digitalisation service and research and development system, which supported the business development. Meanwhile, the Company continuously carried out sophisticated management on cost and promoted the enhancement of effectiveness. In the first half of 2021, operating expenses amounted to RMB197,986 million, representing an increase of 13.2% over the same period of last year. Operating expenses accounted for 90.3% of operating revenues, representing an increase of 0.1 percentage point over the same period of last year. In the first half of the year, depreciation and amortisation amounted to RMB45,097 million, representing an increase of 2.1% over the same period of last year. To mainly support the scale development of 5G network and strengthen the competitive advantages on the network, the Company continuously invested in capital expenditure. Meanwhile, the Company thoroughly promoted co-building and co-sharing of the network and precisely controlled the capital expenditure, which enabled the low single-digit growth in depreciation and amortisation. The Company persistently enhanced the development of network quality and capabilities to improve customer perceptions and support the rapid development of 5G and Industrial Digitalisation. In the first half of the year, network operations and support expenses amounted to RMB63,909 million, representing an increase of 10.8% over the same period of last year. 1 As a result of the deepening of the Group’s “Cloudification and Digital Transformation” strategy, the Group re-categorised the presentation of revenues in fiscal year 2021. The new presentation categorises the operating revenues into service revenues and sales of goods and others. Service revenues include mobile communications service revenues, wireline and Smart Family service revenues, Industrial Digitalisation service revenues and other service revenues. 2 Service revenues are calculated based on operating revenues minus sales of mobile terminals (first half of 2021: RMB10,367 million; first half of 2020: RMB3,442 million), sales of wireline equipment (first half of 2021: RMB3,677 million; first half of 2020: RMB1,887 million) and other non-service revenues (first half of 2021: RMB1,691 million; first half of 2020: RMB1,364 million). 3 Mobile communications service revenues represent the aggregate amount of mobile communications service fees, mobile Internet access service fees, caller ID service fees and short messaging service fees, etc., charged to customers for the provision of mobile services. 4 Wireline and Smart Family service revenues represent amounts of wireline communications service fees, broadband Internet access service fees, e-Surfing HD service fees and Smart Family applications service fees charged to customers for the provision of wireline services. 5 Industrial Digitalisation service revenues represent primarily the aggregate amount of fees charged to customers for the provision of Internet data centre service fees, cloud service fees, digital platform service fees, dedicated Internet access service fees, etc. 6 Other service revenues represent primarily revenues from property rental and other revenues.China Telecom Corporation Limited Interim Report 2021 011