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Filing tables
Filing exhibits
- 20FR12G Initial registration of securities (foreign private issuers)
- 1.1 Articles of Incorporation
- 1.2 Certificate of Change of Name (Altek Power Corp.)
- 1.3 Certificate of Change of Name (Autumn Industries Inc.)
- 1.4 Certificate of Change of Name (Vortex Energy Systems Inc.)
- 1.5 Certificate of Change of Name (Consolidated Suntec Ventures Limited)
- 1.6 Certificate of Amalgamation
- 2.1 Form of Stock Certificate
- 4.1 Msa (Mission Consulting and B. Loewen)
- 4.2 Amendment to Agreement
- 4.3 Msa (GBC Systems Corp. Amd G. Caul)
- 4.4 Amendment to Agreement
- 4.5 Msa (Cornerstone Training Stables Inc. and W. G. Mazzei)
- 4.6 Amendment to Agreement (Change of Name (Pace))
- 4.7 Msa (577990 Alberta LTD. and R. Reum)
- 4.8 Stock Option Plan
- 4.9 Strategic Alliance Agreement (Focus Industrial Contractors Inc.)
- 4.10 Ippsa and Acquila Networks Canadan Interconnection Agreement
- 4.11 Power Pool of Alberta Participant Agreement
- 4.12 Esbi Alberta LTD. Electrical Transmission License
- 4.13 Aeuc Approval
- 8.1 Altek Independent Power Corp.
Associated filings
- 2 Feb 15 REVOKED Registration or securities revoked
9 Jan 03 20FR12G Initial registration of securities (foreign private issuers)
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