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aa, aaa, AACE, abandoned, Abderrazak, Abidjan, Abitibi, Abitibiwinni, abnormal, aboriginal, ABS, absent, absorbing, absorption, abundant, abutment, AC, accelerate, accelerating, acceleration, accessed, Accessibility, accessible, accident, accommodate, accommodation, accreditation, accredited, accuracy, Accurassay, acid, ACTII, activist, actuated, Adam, adapt, adaptation, add, addendum, addressed, addressing, adhere, adherence, adjoined, adjourned, administered, adsorption, advance, advanced, advancement, advancing, advantage, advice, advisor, advisory, advocacy, advocate, advocating, AEM, aeromagnetic, Afobaka, aforementioned, African, Ag, AGAT, AGEM, AGF, agglomerate, agglomeration, aggressive, aging, Agoratek, agricultural, agriculture, ahead, Ai, aid, aided, Aiguebelle, aim, aimed, air, airborne, aircraft, airport, airstrip, AISC, al, Alain, Alan, alarm, alarming, Alberta, albite, Alderon, Aleksandr, Alfred, Algemeen, algorithm, aliquot, alkaline, Alkoma, Allou, alluvial, alluvium, Almaden, Alpha, ALS, alternate, alternating, alternative, alternatively, aluminum, amalgamated, amalgamating, amalgamation, Amazon, ambient, Amec, amenability, amenable, america, American, amicable, amphibolite, amygdular, analyze, analyzed, analyzing, anastomosing, Ancaster, ancillary, andesite, angle, Anglo, animal, anisotropic, anisotropy, Anjoemara, Anmercosa, ann, Anne, anniversary, announced, announcement, anomalously, anomaly, anticline, apex, API, Apollo, apparent, Appendix, appraised, arbitrary, archaeological, Archean, arched, archived, archiving, arenite, arenitic, argillite, arm, Armina, army, array, arrival, arrive, arsenic, arsenopyrite, Arthur, article, artisanal, Ashby, aspect, assemblage, assembled, assembly, asserted, assertion, assign, assigned, assigning, assumption, Aster, ASX, asymmetrical, Atlantic, atomic, attached, attaching, attack, attaining, attempt, attempted, attempting, attended, attention, attract, attracting, attraction, attractive, Atwal, Au, AUD, Augen, auger, augering, Aukan, Australia, Australian, Autlan, auto, automatic, automatically, automation, Autorit, auxiliary, Ave, avian, avoid, avoidance, avoiding, aware, axial, Azimut, azimuth, Bachelor, back, backfill, backup, bag, Baling, Balingsoela, Balinko, ball, Ballard, Bamako, Bambadji, bamboo, Bambouk, band, banded, banding, bankrupt, baobab, Barbara, bargaining, barge, barren, Barrick, basal, basalt, basement, basin, basketball, batch, batholith, beach, bearing, bedding, bedrock, began, begun, behaved, behaviour, Belanger, Belgou, belong, belonging, belt, bench, benching, benchmarked, beneath, beneficial, beneficially, Benoit, Berger, Bergevin, Bergi, berm, Bernard, beta, BH, BHP, Bi, Bicycle, Bijal, Bilawatra, Billiton, bin, biodiversity, biological, biotite, Birim, Birimian, Biron, bisected, black, Blake, blank, blast, blasted, blasting, Blauwe, bleaching, BLEG, blend, blended, blind, blinding, bloc, block, Bloomberg, BMV, bolting, booklet, boom, border, Boreal, borehole, borne, bornite, bottle, bottled, bottom, boundary, bounded, Bousquet, Boyd, BQ, BQTW, Bradburn, branch, branching, Brazil, Brazilian, breach, breadth, break, breakage, breaking, breccia, brecciated, brecciation, Bredillat, Breese, BRG, bribery, bridge, Brinky, British, brittle, broad, broadly, broken, broker, Brokolonko, Brokopondo, Brown, brownfield, Brownsweg, Brun, Bruno, brush, BTW, buff, buffer, Buggy, build, building, built, bulk, bulldozer, burden, Bureau, Burkinab, Burlington, burnt, bush, buy, BVI, BWi, bypassed, Caa, cable, CAD, Cadillac, calcite, Caldwell, Calgary, California, Cambior, camp, campaign, capability, capable, capex, capture, captured, capturing, Cardinal, career, CareRx, Carlyle, Caro, carousel, cascade, Cassiday, cast, casting, CAT, cataclasite, catastrophic, catch, catchment, category, cathode, caustic, cautionary, cautioned, CCAA, CCC, CEAA, cell, cellular, cement, cemented, CEMOB, centered, centimetre, centimetric, central, centrally, centre, centred, centroid, certificate, certification, certified, cessation, Cg, chain, chair, chalcocite, chalcopyrite, Chamber, channel, characteristic, characterization, characterize, characterized, chargeability, chargeback, charity, Charmagne, chart, checkpoint, chemex, chemical, cheque, Chester, Chibougamau, chicken, Chikungunya, child, Chile, Chinese, chip, chlorite, choice, choose, choosing, chose, chosen, Christiane, chronologically, CIC, CIL, CIM, CIMC, CIP, circa, circuit, Circular, circulation, Citibank, civil, claim, claimed, Clam, clarified, clarify, classed, clastic, clay, clean, cleanup, cleavage, clipped, closer, closest, cloud, coal, coarse, Coast, coastal, coefficient, coeval, COG, cohesion, coincide, cold, coldest, collaboration, collaboratively, College, colliding, Collingwood, colour, coloured, Columbia, column, COMET, comingled, commentated, Commerce, comminution, commonly, communicable, compacted, Compagnie, comparison, compartmentalization, compelling, compensatory, complement, complementary, complemented, complementing, compliant, complicated, composed, composite, composited, compositing, composition, compound, compression, compromise, compromised, Computershare, concentrate, concentrated, concentrating, concentration, concentrator, concentric, concept, conception, conceptual, concrete, concurrence, concurrent, concurrently, condemnation, cone, conference, confidential, configurable, configuration, confined, conflict, conflicting, conglomerate, conglomeratic, conjointly, conjunction, connector, consecutive, conservation, conservative, conserve, Consignment, consortium, constant, constantly, constating, constitute, constitution, constrain, constrained, constraining, constraint, contaminated, contamination, contemplated, contemplating, content, contested, context, continental, contractor, contrary, contrasting, convention, conventional, conventionally, Conversely, conversion, conveyance, convicted, convoy, COO, cooking, cooperative, copper, copy, COREM, corner, Coronation, correlated, correlogram, corridor, Corrupt, corrupting, corruption, costly, Council, counsel, counselling, count, country, coup, coupled, court, covellite, Cowater, craig, Craton, create, created, creating, creditor, Creek, crew, crime, criminal, CRM, cropland, crosscheck, crosscutting, crossed, crossfall, crossing, crown, CRS, crushed, crusher, crushing, crust, crustal, CSA, csv, Cu, cubed, Cubex, cubic, culminating, cultural, culture, curfew, curtail, custody, cut, cutoff, cutting, CWi, CWS, cyanidation, cyanide, cyber, cybersecurity, cycle, daily, Dakar, Dalema, dam, damage, damaged, Daorala, database, dataset, DataShed, David, DBL, DCF, DD, deal, Dealing, death, debate, Deborah, debottleneck, debottlenecking, decametric, Decanted, Decanting, decentralized, decided, deciding, decile, declustered, decommissioning, decree, deemed, Deena, deep, deepen, deeper, defective, deferral, Deficient, deficit, deforestation, deformation, deformational, deformed, degradation, Delaware, delay, delayed, delegate, delegated, deleted, delisted, demand, demographic, demonstrate, demonstrated, demonstrating, Dengue, denial, denied, density, department, departure, depleted, depletion, deployment, depollution, deportment, deposed, DepositAccurassay, DepositAGAT, depressed, depth, descent, designee, desire, desired, destabilization, destination, destruction, Deswik, detaching, deter, detriment, detrimental, detrital, Deutche, Deutsch, Dev, devaluation, devastating, developmental, deviation, dewatering, dextral, diabase, diagnostic, Diakha, Dial, dialogue, diameter, diamond, Dienst, difficult, digital, digitally, dike, diligence, dimension, diminishing, diorite, dioritic, dioxide, dip, dipole, dipping, disabled, disadvantage, disagreement, discarded, discipline, discovery, discrete, discretion, discrimination, disease, disintegration, disobedience, dispatch, dispensing, dispersion, displacement, display, displayed, displaying, dispute, disrupt, disrupting, disruption, disruptive, disseminated, dissemination, dissent, dissolution, dissolve, dissolved, distal, distance, distancing, distinct, Distinction, distract, distraction, distribute, distributed, distribution, district, divergent, diverse, diversion, divert, diverted, divest, divestiture, dolomite, domain, Dome, dominated, Dominion, dor, Dori, dosing, double, doubled, downgrade, downgraded, downgradient, downhole, downstream, dozer, Dr, draft, drafted, drafting, drainage, drained, drew, dried, driest, drift, drillhole, drinking, drone, drop, drought, dry, Dryden, drying, DSO, du, Duck, ductile, DuPont, duration, duricrust, dust, duty, dxf, dynamic, EA, earn, earned, earth, ease, east, easterly, eastern, easy, Ebola, Eburneen, echelon, ecological, economy, ecosystem, EDGAR, edge, EEN, EER, efficiency, efficient, efficiently, effluent, effort, EIA, electrification, Electromagnetic, electrowinning, elephant, elevated, elevation, eleven, Elk, ellipse, ellipsoidal, Ellison, elongated, elution, email, embankment, EMC, emission, emplaced, emplacement, employ, employed, empowerment, emulsion, EMZ, enable, enabled, enclose, encouraging, endangered, endemic, ENDM, endogenic, endorsed, endowment, energy, Eng, engineer, engineered, engineering, English, engraved, enhance, enhancing, enquiry, entail, enterprise, entirety, entrance, Entrepreneurship, entry, envisaged, ENZA, EPC, EPCM, epidote, episode, equilibrium, Equinox, equivalent, ERM, erode, eroded, erosion, erratic, escape, Escondida, escort, ESG, ESIA, ESMP, Esther, ESTMA, Estuary, ethical, ethnic, ETR, Euro, Euronext, Europe, evacuate, evaporation, evenly, evolution, ew, exacerbate, exact, excavated, excavation, Excel, excellence, excessive, excl, exemption, exert, exfiltration, exhausted, exhaustive, exit, exited, expand, expanded, expanding, expatriate, expend, experienced, experimental, expertise, explaining, explanatory, explicitly, exploit, exploitation, exploiting, exploratory, explosive, expressly, expropriation, exsolved, extensional, extortion, extreme, extremely, extrusive, FA, fabric, facilitate, facilitation, factor, factual, FAED, failure, Falagountou, fall, falling, FAMAGODO, familiar, familiarity, family, Fare, farm, farming, faster, fault, faulting, fauna, favor, favorable, Faya, FCF, fed, feed, feeding, Fekola, feldspathic, Fellow, felsic, female, fenced, fencing, fewer, fiduciary, field, fight, Filab, fill, filled, filling, Finder, fine, finer, finite, Finning, fire, firmer, fish, fit, Fitch, flank, flat, flattening, fleet, flexibility, FlexIT, flexure, floating, flocculant, flood, flooding, flora, flotation, flown, flowsheet, flu, fluent, fluid, flux, Flying, flysch, Flyschoid, fold, folded, folding, foliation, food, footprint, footwall, force, forced, foreclose, foregoing, forest, forested, Fort, fossil, fossilized, Foster, fostering, fracture, fractured, fracturing, fragmentation, fragmented, freeboard, French, frequency, frequent, frequently, fresh, freshwater, front, FS, FSs, fullest, fundamentally, fusion, FWP, Ga, gabbro, Gaboury, Gaigou, galena, Gallery, gangue, gap, Garant, gardening, Garibaldi, Garmin, gas, gate, gathered, gave, GC, GD, GEMSTM, Genco, gender, gently, geo, geochemistry, Geologisch, geologist, geology, geomechanical, geometallurgical, geometallurgy, geometric, geometrical, geometry, geopolitical, geoscientist, geostatistical, GEOTECH, geotechnical, geotechnician, geovia, GF, Ghana, GJ, glacial, Glossary, GMD, GMSI, goal, Gogama, Goldcorp, Golden, Goldman, Gomo, Gorom, Gorouol, Gosselin, Gossey, gouge, Gounkoto, Gountour, Gountoure, Gourara, Gourouol, governmental, Governor, GPS, grab, gradient, gradually, graduate, graduated, grained, gram, granite, granitic, granitoid, graph, graphite, graphitic, Grassalco, Grasshopper, gravel, gravimetric, gravity, great, greatest, green, greenfield, greenhouse, greenish, greenschist, greenstone, Greg, grey, greywacke, GRG, grid, grind, grindability, grinding, Grossmann, groundwater, grouted, grouting, grow, growing, GSLib, guard, Guemedji, Guiana, guide, guided, guideline, guiding, Guillaume, Guinea, Guy, Guyanor, gymnasium, gyratory, habitat, half, halfway, halved, handheld, handled, handling, handover, hanging, hard, harder, hardwired, harm, harmonization, harmonized, haul, haulage, Hauling, Hava, hazard, Header, Headley, health, healthy, heap, heaped, hear, hearing, heat, heavy, height, heightened, helicopter, hematite, Hercynian, herding, hereinbefore, hereof, hereto, hereunder, Hexagon, hexagonal, HG, highlighted, Highway, Hill, hinder, hiring, history, Hoc, holder, hole, home, homoclinal, homogenization, horizon, horizontal, horizontally, hostage, hostile, hot, hourly, HPGR, HQ, Hudbay, Hugh, humidity, husbandry, hydraulic, Hydro, hydrochloric, hydrogeological, hydrological, hydrostatic, hydrothermal, hydrothermally, hydroxide, hypabyssal, IAG, IAMALLIN, IAMGLD, Ian, IBA, ice, ICP, ID, ideal, Ideally, idle, IDR, IDs, IESO, illegal, image, IMG, immaterial, immersion, impede, impediment, Imperial, implicitly, importance, important, imported, impose, imposed, imposition, impossible, improper, impure, inability, inaccessible, inadvertent, inappropriate, inaugural, incident, inclement, inclined, inclusion, inclusive, incomplete, incorrect, increasingly, Indian, indirect, Indonesian, Indspire, induced, inductive, inductively, inexperience, inferred, infill, infilling, infiltration, inflation, inflection, inflow, influx, infrequent, ing, ingot, inhabited, injury, Inland, inlier, innovation, InnovExplo, inorganic, inquiry, inscribed, insecurity, inserted, insertion, inside, inspected, inspection, inspirational, instability, Institute, instituted, institution, institutional, instruction, insufficient, intellectual, intensified, interbedded, intercalated, intercept, interchangeably, interfere, interference, intergrown, interior, interlocked, intermittent, interplay, interpolant, interpolated, interpolation, interrupt, interruption, intersecting, intersection, interval, intervene, intervening, intervention, introduced, introducing, introduction, intrude, intruded, intrusion, intrusive, invalid, inverse, investor, invite, Ion, IP, iron, IRR, irrespective, irrigation, Isa, ISO, isoclinal, isolate, isolated, isolation, isotropic, ITH, itinerant, iv, Ivory, ix, Jack, Jacobkondre, Jason, jaw, Jerzy, jewelry, job, John, join, joined, joining, Jos, Journel, JSI, judged, judicial, judiciary, junction, junior, juxtaposed, JV, JZ, Karakaena, Karita, KCA, Kedougou, Keegor, Kenogamissi, kevin, Kewagama, KH, kiln, kilogram, kilometre, kinematic, kitchen, KKR, Klaaskreek, Kleine, Koemboe, Koffiekamp, Kofi, Koritigui, Korizena, Kouliminde, kriging, kV, kVA, Kwakoegron, la, lab, Labelle, labelled, labor, Laboratoire, laboratory, Lac, laccolith, lack, Lacquer, lacustrine, lag, lagging, Lakefield, laminated, lamprophyre, Landsat, landscape, language, Lao, laptop, Larder, larger, largest, LaRonde, Lastly, laterite, lateritic, latitude, launch, launched, law, Lawrence, lawyer, layer, layout, LE, leach, leaching, leachwell, leader, leadership, leapfrog, led, LEF, left, legacy, legible, legislation, legislative, Lemelin, lender, lending, length, Leo, letter, leucoxene, leverage, leveraged, leveraging, levied, levy, LG, LHD, liable, Library, license, lie, lieu, lift, lifted, light, Lima, limb, lime, lineament, linear, liner, Lisa, lit, literate, lithic, Lithium, lithological, Lithologically, lithology, lithostratigraphic, livelihood, living, LLC, LOA, load, loaded, loading, lobby, locked, log, logchief, logged, logging, logic, long, longitude, longitudinal, longstanding, Longueuil, loop, lose, lost, Loulo, LP, lt, lubrication, Luc, Luscar, ma, Maarten, Machine, MacPherson, mafic, magma, magmatic, magnetic, magnetite, Magnetometry, Mahendra, main, majeure, makeup, Mako, malaria, Malikoundi, malnutrition, Mamanari, Managem, mandate, mandatory, Manochehr, manpower, manual, manually, manufacturing, map, mapped, mapping, Maptek, marble, MARC, Marie, marker, Markoye, Maroon, Marowijne, Marshallkreek, Martine, Maryse, mask, masked, masse, massive, master, Matawai, match, matched, matching, matrix, Mattagami, Mauril, Mauritanide, Maximize, maximizing, Maxwell, Mayo, McGill, meaningful, Mechanic, mechanical, mechanized, MECP, media, median, medical, Melbourne, MELCC, melted, member, membership, mentioned, mentorship, merged, Merian, mesh, Mesomikenda, meta, metabasalt, metallogenic, metallurgy, metamorphic, metamorphosed, metasedimentary, metavolcanic, meterage, metre, metric, miarolitic, MIC, Michael, Michel, Mickey, MicMac, microconglomeratic, microdiorite, Microsoft, midway, migrated, MII, Mijnbouwkundige, MIK, mild, military, Millennium, minable, Mindrineti, mineable, MineSight, MinEx, minister, ministerial, ministry, Mint, minute, Mirabela, Misalibi, misleading, mismanagement, missing, Mississauga, misuse, mitigate, mitigated, mitigating, mitigation, mitigative, mix, mixed, mixing, MK, MMI, Mo, mode, moderate, modern, modest, modification, modified, modifier, modify, MOECC, Moeroekreek, molybdenite, moment, Moody, Mooshla, Mooy, mortgage, mound, Mount, Mountain, mounted, moved, moving, Moz, MRA, MRE, mt, mtpa, muck, Multijurisdictional, multiphase, multiple, municipal, municipality, muscovite, MW, Nada, Naik, nameplate, narrow, Nathalie, native, NDMNRF, NE, nearby, nearest, necessarily, negative, negatively, negligent, negligible, negotiated, negotiation, Neighbor, neighborhood, neighbour, neighbouring, nested, network, neutralization, Nevada, Nevsun, Newcrest, Newmont, NGO, ni, nickel, Niel, Nieuw, nitrate, NN, NNE, NNW, noise, nominal, nominally, nominated, Nominating, nominee, nongovernmental, Norte, north, northeast, northeasterly, northeastern, northern, northward, northwest, nose, notified, notify, notifying, Notwithstanding, Noumoufoukha, Noumoukha, Nova, NPV, NQ, NSR, nugget, nullification, numerical, NV, NW, Oakville, obsolete, occasional, Occasionally, occupation, occupational, occupying, Oceanography, octant, ODBC, official, officially, offsite, Okanagan, older, oldest, Omicron, OMT, online, onset, onsite, onward, opportunistic, opportunity, oppose, opposed, opposite, opposition, optimum, Orbit, ordinary, orebody, Orezone, organizational, orientation, oriented, Orinoco, Oriole, orogen, orogenic, orogeny, orthomagmatic, Orzechowski, OSC, OT, Ottawa, Ouagadougou, Oudalan, Oumar, outbreak, outcrop, outcropping, outlier, outlook, Outotec, OV, overburden, overcome, overflow, overhead, overlain, overlap, overlapping, overlaying, Overlimit, overlying, overpower, overprinting, overrun, oversaw, oversee, overseen, oversized, overtopping, owner, oxidation, oxide, oxidized, Oxley, oxygen, Oy, oz, pace, Pacific, packet, pad, pair, PAL, Paleoproterozoic, Pampa, pandemic, panel, paper, paragraph, parallel, Paramaka, Paramaribo, paramount, Paranam, parity, Park, parse, particle, partly, partnership, passed, passing, passionate, passive, Patrick, pattern, Paul, paved, Payback, payroll, Pb, PC, PDF, PEA, peak, pebble, peeled, pelite, pelitic, Penna, pension, percent, percentile, perception, percolation, perfectly, perimeter, periphery, permanent, permanently, permeability, perpendicular, pertinent, Peru, pervasive, pervasively, Peter, petroleum, Petropavlovsk, PFS, ph, Phanerozoic, phase, phased, phasing, phenomena, Philippe, philosophy, photographed, photovoltaic, phreatic, phreatomagmatic, Physiography, piercing, pillow, pillowed, pipe, pipeline, pisolith, piston, Pitangui, Placer, plane, plasma, plastic, Plateau, plc, plot, plotted, plug, plunging, plutonic, PO, pocket, Pocock, polarization, polishing, political, politically, pollution, polygenic, polyphase, pond, poor, poorly, popularity, populated, population, popup, Porcupine, pore, porphyry, portal, Portuguese, POs, pose, posed, posing, possessing, possession, postponement, postulated, potable, potassium, poured, poverty, ppb, ppm, PQ, pre, precipitated, precipitation, precisely, precision, precluded, predominantly, predominate, predominately, prefabricated, prefeasibility, Preissac, preliminary, prepay, prerequisite, prescribed, pressure, Pretium, prevalence, printed, prioritize, prioritized, privacy, proactive, proactively, procedure, proceeding, procure, procurement, programmable, progressed, progressive, progressively, prolonged, pronouncement, proper, proportionate, proposal, proposed, Proterozoic, protest, protocol, protracted, prove, provincial, provincially, proximal, proximate, proximity, proxy, pseudoflow, published, pulled, pulp, pulverization, pulverize, pulverized, pulverizer, pulverizing, pump, pumped, pumping, punishment, Pure, pursue, pursued, pursuing, pursuit, PVC, pycnometer, pyramid, pyrite, pyritic, pyroclastic, pyrrhotite, QC, QP, QPs, quantify, quarantine, quartz, quartzite, Queensland, questionable, quickly, Quinn, quorum, RAB, Rabbit, radii, radiometric, rail, rain, rainfall, rainy, ramp, ramping, Rand, randomly, Ranger, rank, ranked, ranking, RAP, rapid, rapidly, rare, rarely, Ratification, ratified, rationale, RATP, raw, Raymond, Raynaud, RB, RC, RCD, RCF, RCs, RDZ, reaction, reactivate, read, reader, Reagan, reagent, realigned, realignment, reanalyzed, rebuilding, recalculated, recall, receipt, receivership, reception, recirculated, reclaim, reclassification, recommence, recommenced, recommend, recommendation, recommended, reconcile, reconciled, reconnaissance, reconstitution, recreation, recruit, recruitment, recumbent, recurrence, recycled, recycling, Red, redefined, redesigned, redirect, Reef, reevaluated, refinance, refine, refined, refinery, refining, reflagged, Reflex, refocused, refolded, Reform, refractory, refrain, refreshment, refuge, refurbished, refurbishment, regeneration, regime, region, regional, registrar, regolith, rehandling, reimbursement, reinforce, Rejean, reject, relaxed, reliance, reliant, relied, relief, relinquished, relocation, rely, remediate, remediated, remediation, remedying, remobilization, remote, remuneration, Renaud, render, rendered, renew, renewable, renewal, renewed, renewing, renovation, reopen, Repadre, repair, repatriate, repatriated, repatriation, repeatedly, replenishment, repression, reproduced, reputation, reputational, requisite, reroute, Research, resemble, reservoir, reset, resettlement, residence, resigned, resilient, resistance, resistivity, respiratory, restated, restraining, restrung, resumed, resumption, retention, retreat, reuse, reveal, Revegetation, revisited, revocation, revoked, revolving, reworked, RGM, RH, rheology, rice, rich, ridge, Ridout, riffle, rig, Rigel, Rio, risen, river, RM, RME, RMW, road, Robert, robust, rock, rocky, ROE, Roger, Roland, role, roll, rolled, rolling, ROM, Roma, roofed, room, Rosebella, rotary, rotated, rotating, rotation, roughly, round, rounded, rounding, route, routine, routinely, Rouyn, Royal, RPA, RQD, run, running, runoff, Rural, rush, RWi, SA, SABC, sabotage, Sacramento, saddle, safe, safely, SAG, Sagax, Sahel, Salmon, salvage, San, sandstone, sanitation, saprock, saprolite, Sarafina, Saramaka, Saraya, SARL, satellite, satisfaction, satisfactory, saturated, saturation, savannah, sawn, Sb, SCADA, scale, scan, scanned, scanner, scarcity, scatter, scattered, scenario, schistose, schistosity, scholarship, school, Science, Scotia, Scout, screen, screening, scrub, scrutinized, scrutiny, SD, se, sea, seal, sealed, season, seasonal, sec, secondary, secretary, sedar, sediment, sedimentary, seek, seeking, seepage, Seequent, semi, Senala, send, Senegalese, Seno, sentiment, septic, sequence, sequencing, sequential, sericite, server, sesame, session, setup, sewage, sewing, SG, SGB, SGS, shack, shaft, shaking, shale, shallow, shallowly, shape, shareholder, shear, sheared, Sheila, shell, shelter, Sherritt, Shield, shift, Shining, ship, shipped, Shipping, shop, shore, shoreline, shortened, shortening, shortfall, shotcrete, shovel, show, showed, showing, Shram, shutdown, SIA, Sibanye, side, sided, sight, sighting, sigmoid, signature, signify, silica, siliciclastic, silicified, sill, siltstone, Similarly, simplified, simulating, sinistral, sinking, Sipaliwini, Siribaya, SISP, sit, situ, situated, situation, size, sizeable, sized, sizing, skewed, skilled, Slight, slightly, slip, slope, sloping, slot, slowdown, slurry, SM, small, smaller, SmartTool, SMC, smearing, smelting, SMM, smooth, smoothed, smoothing, SMSZ, snapped, sodium, soft, softer, Sogema, soil, Solbec, solicitation, solid, solution, sophisticated, sorted, sought, source, sourced, sourcing, south, southeast, southeastern, southern, southwest, southwestern, sovereign, SOX, space, spaced, spacing, Spanish, sparked, sparse, spatial, spatially, speak, Specialist, spectroscopy, speculative, speed, spent, spherical, SPI, spill, spillway, Spin, splay, split, splitter, splitting, sporadically, spouse, spreadsheet, spurred, SQL, square, squared, SRL, SSAG, SSM, SSR, St, stability, stabilization, stabilize, stabilized, stable, staffing, stakeholder, staking, standby, standstill, Star, Starkman, starter, static, station, Statistiek, steel, steep, steeply, stemming, step, stepchild, Stephan, stepped, sterilized, Steve, stewardship, Stillwater, stirred, stockwork, stop, stope, stopped, stopping, storage, store, stored, storing, storm, straddling, strain, strategic, Stratex, stratification, stratified, stratigraphic, stratigraphical, stratigraphy, stream, strength, striated, strict, stricter, strife, stringent, strong, strongly, struck, struggle, study, style, Suarl, subdivided, subdivision, subdomain, Subdomaining, submission, submittal, subordinate, subprovince, subset, subsistence, substation, subsurface, subtly, subtropical, subvertical, succeeded, succeeding, successfully, successor, Sudbury, sudden, suggest, suggesting, suitability, suitable, sulfide, sulphate, sulphur, Sultan, Sumitomo, summer, Suncor, sunk, sunny, Supergroup, superimposed, Superior, supernatant, superseded, supervisor, supplemental, supplementary, supplemented, supplied, supply, suppression, supracrustal, Supreme, SurEx, surface, surge, Surinamese, Surplacer, survey, surveyed, susceptibility, suspect, SW, swarm, swath, Swayze, swine, syenite, symbol, syn, synchronized, syncline, Synergistic, Synform, synvolcanic, systematic, systematically, TAAC, tab, tablet, tactical, tag, tagged, tail, tailing, tailored, Talen, talent, Taoudeni, target, targeted, targeting, TC, TCs, Te, team, technician, technique, technology, tectonic, Temasek, temperature, tender, tension, Tent, tenure, terminology, termite, terrain, terrane, terrorism, terrorist, tertiary, text, texture, Theben, theft, theoretical, therefrom, thereon, thereunder, therewith, thermal, Theunissen, thick, thickened, thickener, thickening, thinner, tholeiitic, thousand, threat, threaten, threatened, threeexploration, throughput, Thunder, tie, tight, tighter, tightly, till, Tim, timber, Tindouf, Tinto, tire, titleholder, TL, TMAC, TMF, toe, Toguyeni, ton, tonalite, tonalitic, tonne, tool, top, topo, topographic, topographical, topography, topsoil, touch, Touquoy, toured, tourmaline, Toutant, town, Township, toxic, tpd, tpy, track, tracked, tracking, traditional, traditionally, trail, training, Transamazonian, transcribed, transitionary, transmission, Transparency, transparent, transposition, transverse, trapezoidal, travel, travelling, traverse, tray, tree, Trelawney, trend, trended, trending, Triangle, tribe, Trimble, Trinity, trip, tropical, troubleshooting, troy, truck, Trudel, true, Trust, trustee, TS, TSF, Tudorel, Tulloch, turbidite, turbiditic, turnaround, twin, type, UK, Ukraine, ultimate, ultimately, ultrafine, ultramafic, umpire, unable, unanticipated, unavailability, uncapped, uncertain, uncertified, unchanged, unclassified, unclear, uncoated, uncomfortably, unconstrained, uncontrollable, uncover, undercover, underestimated, underestimation, underformed, undergoing, undergone, underhand, underlain, undertook, underway, underwent, undetected, undeveloped, undiluted, undocumented, UNDP, undrained, undue, uneconomic, unequal, unexpected, unfavourable, unfettered, unforeseen, unified, uniform, uninsurable, uninsured, uninterrupted, Union, unionized, unique, univariate, university, unjustifiable, unknown, unnecessary, unpatented, unpaved, unplanned, unpopular, unpredictable, unprofitable, unregistered, unrelated, unrest, unrestricted, unsafe, unsampled, unsecured, unskilled, unstable, unsuccessful, unusual, unwanted, upcoming, upgrade, upgraded, upgrading, upload, upper, upscaled, upstream, uptake, upward, urged, USA, USD, User, UTM, vacant, Val, valid, validate, validated, validation, validity, Valley, valuable, van, Vancouver, variance, variant, variation, variety, variogram, variographic, vast, VAT, vegetable, vegetation, vehicle, vein, veining, vendor, Venezuela, ventilation, verbal, verification, verified, verify, Vermont, Versatile, version, vertical, vertically, Vezina, VG, vi, vibration, vice, vicinity, video, vii, viii, village, Vincent, violating, violation, violence, Virtually, virtue, viscosity, visible, visit, visited, visual, visually, vital, vocal, volcanic, volcanogenic, volleyball, Volta, voltage, volume, voluntarily, voluntary, volunteer, Vonkel, voor, VTEM, Vulcan, vulnerability, vulnerable, Wafaka, Wage, waive, wake, wall, war, warehouse, warm, warning, warrant, warranty, Warrenmac, wash, washed, waste, wastewater, Watapat, water, watercourse, watershed, wave, Waveform, wax, wealth, wear, weather, weathered, weathering, wedged, week, welding, western, westward, wet, Wharton, Wheeler, Whistleblower, Whittle, wide, widely, widened, widespread, width, wildlife, Wilmington, WIM, windy, winnowing, wire, wired, wireframe, wireline, withdrawal, withheld, WMP, WNW, women, wooden, worker, workplace, worksheet, workshop, world, worldwide, worsened, worsening, WPC, WRC, wrongdoing, WRSF, Xcalibur, xi, xii, xiii, xiv, XRF, Yamana, yard, yearly, YEN, Yeo, Yorbeau, younging, youth, Zadra, Zanderij, Zargaloutane, Zijin, Zika, zinc, Zn, zone
Filing tables
Filing exhibits
- 40-F Annual report (Canada)
- 99.1 Exhibit 99.1
- 99.2 Exhibit 99.2
- 99.3 Exhibit 99.3
- 99.4 Exhibit 99.4
- 99.5 Exhibit 99.5
- 99.6 Exhibit 99.6
- 99.7 Exhibit 99.7
- 99.8 Exhibit 99.8
- 99.9 Exhibit 99.9
- 99.10 Exhibit 99.10
- 99.11 Exhibit 99.11
- 99.12 Exhibit 99.12
- 99.13 Exhibit 99.13
- 99.14 Exhibit 99.14
- 99.15 Exhibit 99.15
- 99.16 Exhibit 99.16
- 99.17 Exhibit 99.17
- 99.18 Exhibit 99.18
- 99.19 Exhibit 99.19
- 99.20 Exhibit 99.20
- 99.21 Exhibit 99.21
- 99.22 Exhibit 99.22
- 99.23 Exhibit 99.23
- 99.24 Exhibit 99.24
- 99.25 Exhibit 99.25
- 99.26 Exhibit 99.26
- 99.27 Exhibit 99.27
- 99.28 Exhibit 99.28
- 99.29 Exhibit 99.29
- 99.30 Exhibit 99.30
- 99.31 Exhibit 99.31
- 99.32 Exhibit 99.32
- 99.33 Exhibit 99.33
- 99.34 Exhibit 99.34
- 99.35 Exhibit 99.35
- 99.36 Exhibit 99.36
- 99.37 Exhibit 99.37
- 99.38 Exhibit 99.38
- 99.39 Exhibit 99.39
- 99.40 Exhibit 99.40
- 99.41 Exhibit 99.41
- 99.42 Exhibit 99.42
- 99.43 Exhibit 99.43
- 99.44 Exhibit 99.44
- 99.45 Exhibit 99.45
- 99.46 Exhibit 99.46
- 99.47 Exhibit 99.47
- 99.48 Exhibit 99.48
- 99.49 Exhibit 99.49
- 99.50 Exhibit 99.50
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