Exhibit 10.1
This Settlement Agreement (the “Settlement Agreement”) is dated 2 January, 2025 (the “Effective Date”) by and among:
a)SPI Energy Co., Ltd, a Cayman Islands corporation with registered address at Maples Corporate Services Limited, PO Box 309, Ugland House, Grand Cayman, KY1-1104, Cayman Islands whose principal executive office is located at 4803 Urbani Ave, McClellan Park, CA,95652, duly represented for the execution of the present by Mr. Xiaofeng PENG (hereinafter “SPI Energy”);
SPI Energy Co., Ltd, 一家注册地址位于Maples Corporate Services Limited, PO Box 309, Ugland House, Grand Cayman, KY1-1104, Cayman Islands的公司,其主要行政办公地点位于4803 Urbani Ave, McClellan Park, CA,95652,由彭小峰先生代表签署本协议(以下简称“SPI Energy”);
b)SPI China (HK) Limited, a Hong Kong corporation with registered address at Floor 11, No.1128, 52 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong, whose principal executive office is located at Floor 11, No.1128, 52 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong, duly represented for the execution of the present by Mr. Xiaofeng PENG (hereinafter “SPI HK” and collectively with SPI Energy shall be referred to as “SPI”);
SPI China (HK) Limited, 一家注册地址位于Floor 11, No.1128, 52 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong的公司,其主要行政办公地点位于Floor 11, No.1128, 52 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong,由彭小峰先生代表签署本协议(以下简称“SPI HK” ,与SPI Energy合称为“SPI”);
c)Sinsin Europe Solar Asset Limited Partnership (Reg. No. 70887) a Cayman Islands corporation with registered address at Suite 716, 10, Market Street, Grand Cayman KYI-9006, Cayman Islands whose principal executive office is located at 2nd Floor East Side, Building 59, No. 461, Hongcao Road, Xuhui, Shanghai, 200233, China, duly represented for the execution of the present by Mr. Dejun YE (hereinafter “Sinsin Europe”);
Sinsin Europe Solar Asset Limited Partnership (注册号:70887), 一家注册地址位于Suite 716, 10, Market Street, Grand Cayman KYI-9006, Cayman Islands的公司,其主要行政办公地点位于上海市徐汇区虹漕路461号59号楼2楼东侧(邮编200233),由叶得军先生代表签署本协议(以下简称“Sinsin Europe”);
d)Sin Sin Solar Capital Limited Partnership (Reg. No. 70738) a Cayman Islands corporation with registered address at Suite 716, 10, Market Street, Grand Cayman KYI-9006, Cayman Islands whose principal executive office is located at 2nd Floor East Side, Building 59, No. 461, Hongcao Road, Xuhui, Shanghai, 200233, China, duly represented for the execution of the present by Mr. Dejun YE (hereinafter “Sinsin Solar Capital” and collectively with Sinsin Europe, “SINSIN”);
Sinsin Solar Capital Limited Partnership(注册号:70738), 一家注册地址位于Suite 716, 10, Market Street, Grand Cayman KYI-9006, Cayman Islands的公司,其主要行政办公地点位于上海市徐汇区虹漕路461号59号楼2楼东侧(邮编200233),由叶得军先生代表签署本协议(以下简称“Sinsin Solar Capital” ,与Sinsin Europe合称为“SINSIN”);
e)Sinsin Renewable Investment Limited, a company registered in Malta at 85, St.John Street, Valletta VLT 1165 Malta (Registration Number: C60350) duly represented for the execution of the present by its Director Mr. Cheong Hoong Khoeng (hereinafter “SRIL”);
Sinsin Renewable Investment Limited, 一家注册地址位于85, St.John Street, Valletta VLT 1165 Malta(注册号:C60350)的马耳他公司,由其董事Cheong Hoong Khoeng先生代表签署本协议(以下简称“SRIL”);
f)Photovoltaica Parka Veroia 1 Malta Limited, a company registered in Malta at 85, St.John Street, Valletta VLT 1165 Malta (Registration Number: C60181 duly represented for the execution of the present by its Director Mr. Cheong Hoong Khoeng) (hereinafter “Veroia Malta”, and collectively with SRIL, “Lenders/Assignors” )
Photovoltaica Parka Veroia 1 Malta Limited, 一家注册地址位于85, St.John Street, Valletta VLT 1165 Malta的马耳他公司,注册号为C60181,由其董事Cheong Hoong Khoeng先生代表签署本协议(以下简称“Veroia Malta”, 与SRIL合称为“贷款人/转让方”)
SPI, SINSIN and Lenders/Assignors shall be also referred to as a “Party” and, collectively the “Parties”.
SPI,SINSIN 以及贷款人/转让方,各称为“一方”,合称为“各方”。
The purpose of this Settlement Agreement is to settle in full the Debt1 owed under the U.S. Judgment, any amounts due under the Arbitral Awards as well as to settle the Dispute between the Parties. In exchange for entering into the Settlement Agreement, SINSIN agrees to withdraw without prejudice its Renewed Motion for Injunctive Relief, currently before the US Court in the Eastern District of California. As further set forth in herein, all Parties further agree that in the event SPI fails to effectuate the Installments within the agreed timeline as stipulated in Clause 2.2 (a Material Breach), the aggregate Settlement Amount provided hereunder shall be deemed null and void and, in such a case, SPI agrees to pay to SINSIN the Debt awarded in the US Judgment with interest accruing as ordered by the US Judgment (after deduction of any amounts which may have been paid to SINSIN already pursuant to this Settlement Agreement), and compensate SinSin for any legal costs in relation to collection of the Debt. Further, in the event of a Material Breach, and as further set forth in Clause 10 (Liabilities for Breach of Contract), all Parties agree that the SINSIN can seek injunctive relief in the form of a worldwide asset freeze in the Eastern District of California (or other appropriate US court venue), and that SPI, as well as any and all of SPI’s subsidiaries or affiliates, will not challenge the US Court’s jurisdiction, venue, or the injunctive relief sought by SINSIN.
1 All undefined words in this paragraph shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the below portions of the Settlement Agreement.
WHEREAS by virtue of a share sale and purchase agreement dated 6 September 2014 (the “SPA”) entered into by and between SINSIN (as vendors) and SPI (as purchasers), SINSIN sold to SPI all of the shares in SRIL. SRIL is the direct and/or indirect owner of four (4) Greek companies under the names “JASPER PV MAKEDONIA ENERGIAKI SINGLE MEMBER SOCIETE ANONYME” (hereinafter: “JASPER”), “ORION ENERGIAKI SINGLE MEMBER SOCIETE ANONYME PHOTOVOLTAICON ERGON” (hereinafter: “ORION”), “ASTRAIOS ENERGIAKI SINGLE MEMBER SOCIETE ANONYME PHOTOVOLTAICON ERGON” (hereinafter: “ASTRAIOS”), “PHOTOVOLTAICA PARKA VEROIA I SINGLE MEMBER SOCIETE ANONYME” (hereinafter: “PHOTOVOLTAICA PARKA VEROIA I” and collectively: “Greek SPVs”). The Greek SPVs own a number of operating photovoltaic parks in Greece having a total power output of 26.57 MW.
WHEREAS after the execution of the SPA, a dispute occurred between SPI and SINSIN in connection with various terms of the SPA in the course of which the following arbitration and court proceedings in Malta, Greece and the United States of America took place (the “Dispute”):
| I. | Malta arbitration and court proceedings |
a)SPI as claimants lodged an arbitration with Ref No I 5320/2018 before the Malta Arbitration Centre (the “MAC”) against SINSIN as respondents (the “SPI Arbitration”). SPI requested by virtue of the SPI Arbitration the payment of damages from SINSIN, principally in connection with the breach of a specific undertaking in the SPA that SPI Group would be awarded EPC contracts for the construction of PV plants having a capacity of at least 360MW by the SINSIN Group within a prescribed time. The SINSIN Group did not award any EPC contracts to SPI Group within the agreed time. The MAC tried the SPI Arbitration and issued its final award on the 29th October 2020 by virtue of which it dismissed the SPI Arbitration in its entirety.
SPI作为申请人,以SINSIN作为被申请人,在马耳他仲裁中心(以下简称“MAC”)于2018年提起了I 5320/2018号案件(以下简称“SPI仲裁”)。SPI通过SPI仲裁主要要求SINSIN支付赔偿金,其主要原因是SINSIN集团未能在规定时间内履行SPA中的具体承诺,即SINSIN集团将在约定时间内向SPI集团授予建设至少360兆瓦光伏电站的EPC合同。然而,SINSIN集团未能在约定时间内向SPI集团授予任何EPC合同。MAC对SPI仲裁进行了审理,并于2020年10月29日发布了最终裁决,完全驳回了SPI仲裁的仲裁请求。
b)SINSIN filed separate arbitration proceedings before the MAC against SPI. In particular, SINSIN as claimants lodged an arbitration with Ref No I 5532/2018 before the MAC against SPI as respondents (the “SINSIN Arbitration”). SINSIN requested by virtue of the SINSIN Arbitration payment of the balance of the purchase price due in terms of the SPA (stated to be EUR 38,054,000) together with interest. The MAC tried the SINSIN Arbitration and issued its final award on the 29th October 2020 by virtue of which it settled the SINSIN Arbitration in its entirety and ordered SPI jointly and severally to pay SINSIN the sum of thirty eight million and fifty four thousand Euro (EUR 38,054,000) together with interest at the rate of six per cent (6%) accruing from 30 November 2015 on half of the Debt and accruing from 20 June 2016 on the remaining half of the Debt at a six percent (6%) interest rate. In addition, the MAC ordered SPI to pay certain amounts as arbitration fees and costs and expenses for legal representation of SINSIN (the arbitral award for the SINSIN Arbitration and the arbitral award for the SPI Arbitration are collectively referred to as the “Arbitral Awards”).
SINSIN在MAC对SPI提起了单独的仲裁程序。具体而言,SINSIN作为申请人以SPI作为被申请人在MAC于2018年提起了I 5532/2018号案件(以下简称“SINSIN仲裁”)。通过SINSIN仲裁,SINSIN要求支付根据SPA应付的余款(金额为38,054,000欧元),以及相应的利息。MAC对SINSIN仲裁进行了审理,并于2020年10月29日发布了最终裁决,完全支持了SINSIN仲裁的仲裁请求,并要求SPI就一半债务自2015年11月30日起,就另一半债务自2016年6月20日起,直至最终付款日止,按百分之六(6%)的利率支付利息。此外,MAC还要求SPI支付一定数额的仲裁费用以及SINSIN的法律代理费用和支出(SINSIN仲裁的仲裁裁决和SPI仲裁的仲裁裁决合称“仲裁裁决”)。
c)SPI filed two appeals in Malta, one against each of the two above mentioned awards of the MAC before the Court of Appeal (Inferior Jurisdiction). On 12 November 2021, the Court of Appeal issued two decisions, by virtue of which it rejected the two appeals filed by SPI against the two above mentioned awards of the MAC. On 29 November 2021, SPI filed two retrial applications and two applications for suspension of enforcement of the judgement pending retrial of the two above mentioned appeal decisions of the Malta Court of Appeal, both of which were rejected by the Malta Court of Appeal.
d)By virtue of an application for the issue of a warrant of prohibitory injunction numbered 3/2019JZM (the “WPI”), SINSIN obtained a court order dated 19 February 2019 by virtue of which SPI Energy Co. Ltd. was prohibited to sell any of its shares in SRIL.
通过申请一项编号为3/2019JZM的禁止令(以下简称“WPI”),SINSIN于2019年2月19日获得了一份法院命令,该命令禁止SPI Energy Co.,Ltd.出售其持有的SRIL的任何股份。
| II. | Greek court proceedings |
a)SINSIN and Mr. Dejun Ye filed a lawsuit before the Athens Multi-Member First Instance Court against the Greek SPVs dated 13 March 2018, with filing number No 25276/999/2018 (the “Annulment Lawsuit”). Pursuant to the Annulment Lawsuit the plaintiffs requested the annulment of the shareholders meetings’ resolutions of the Greek SPVs dated 19 December 2017, which appointed Boards of Directors for the Greek SPVs. SPI and their subsidiaries opposed the above-mentioned Lawsuit. By virtue of its Judgement No 2318/2019, the Athens Multi-member First Instance Court suspended the issuance of a definitive judgment on the Annulment Lawsuit until the issuance of a final decision on the arbitration proceedings pending before the MAC (cases nos. 5532/2018 and 5320/2018 described above).
b)Following SINSIN’s Injunction Petition dated 26 January 2018, filed with filing number No 8118/876/2018 before the Athens Single-Member First Instance Court against the Greek SPVs, the court issued a provisional order on 8 February 2018 and later issued its Judgement No 4212/2018 (interim measures) on 26 June 2018 by virtue of which it was ordered, inter alia, the appointment of an interim management of the Greek SPVs, consisting of two members (Dejun Ye and Fan Yang) on the part of SINSIN and one member (Hoong Khoeng Cheong) on the part of the Greek SPVs (hereinafter “Athens Injunction Judgement No 4212/2018”) with a term until the issuance of a final judgment on the above Annulment Lawsuit.
2018年1月26日,SINSIN对希腊SPVs在雅典单成员一审法院提起了禁令申请(案件编号为8118/876/2018),法院于2018年2月8日发布了临时禁令,并于2018年6月26日作出第4212/2018号判决。该判决涉及对希腊SPVs的临时管理层的任命,该管理层应由SINSIN选举产生的两名成员(叶得军和杨帆)和希腊SPVs选举产生的一名成员(Hoong Khoeng Cheong)组成(以下简称“雅典禁令第4212/2018号判决”)。根据雅典禁令第4212/2018号判决,希腊SPVs的临时管理层的任期将延续至撤销诉讼出具最终判决。
c)By virtue of a petition dated 25 January 2018 filed by SINSIN under filing number No 7294/225/2018 before the Athens District Court against SPI group companies “Sinsin Renewable Investment Malta Limited”, “Veltimo Limited” and “Photovoltaica Parka Veroia 1 Malta Limited”, SINSIN requested the Court to allow them to proceed to an auction of the pledged shares of the Greek SPVs, in order to satisfy SINSIN’s claim in the amount of € 38,309,000 plus interest and expenses, arising from the outstanding purchase price of the Greek SPVs’ shares under the SPA (the “Auction Petition”). The shares of the Greek SPVs have been placed under pledge in favor of SINSIN by virtue of four Pledge of Shares Agreements entered into on 6.09.2014, as security for the due and punctual payment of the obligations of payment of the consideration for the Sale Shares undertaken by SPI under the SPA. SPI’s group companies opposed the Auction Petition. Following the hearing of the Auction Petition before the Athens District Court on 23rd October 2018 Judgement No 350/2019 of the Athens District Court was issued which postponed the issuance of a definitive judgment, until the issuance of a final decision on the arbitration cases pending before the MAC (cases nos. 5532/2018 and 5320/2018 described above) (hereinafter the “Athens District Court Judgement No 350/2019”).
基于SINSIN在2018年1月25日针对SPI集团旗下公司“Sinsin Renewable Investment Limited”、“Veltimo Limited”和“Photovoltaica Parka Veroia 1 Malta Limited”向雅典地方法院提交的编号为7294/225/2018的申请书,SINSIN请求雅典地方法院允许其拍卖希腊SPVs的质押股份,以满足SINSIN提出的因SPA下希腊SPVs股份的购买价款未得到完全支付而产生的38,309,000欧元及其利息和费用的索赔(以下简称“拍卖申请”)。SPI集团公司对拍卖申请提出异议。雅典地方法院于2018年10月23日审理了拍卖申请。雅典地方法院作出了第350/2019号裁定,决定推迟出具最终判决,直至MAC的仲裁案件作出最终裁决(上文提到的编号为5532/2018和5320/2018的案件)(以下简称“雅典地方法院第350/2019号裁定”)。
| III. | USA court proceedings |
a)On November 3, 2022, SINSIN filed a Petition to Confirm the Arbitral Awards in the United States District Court, Eastern District of California, Case No. 2:22-cv-01991-MCE-JDP (the “Action”), seeking under the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards of June 10, 1958 (the “New York Convention”) to confirm the Arbitral Awards. On October 2, 2023, the United States District Court (the “US Court”) entered an order confirming the Awards, and ordered SPI to pay SinSin the amounts under the Awards, which is no less than USD 60,349,486.13, subject to a continuing interest rate of six percent accruing from 30 November 2015 on half of the outstanding balance owedu nder the SPA (€19,027,000), and accruing from June 20, 2016 on the remaining half of the outstanding amount owed under the SPA (€19,027,000). Subsequently, by order entered November 21, 2023, the US Court awarded SINSIN its attorneys’ fees and costs in the amount of USD 160,831.87 in the Action. Collectively, the October 2, 2023 and November 21, 2023 orders shall hereinafter be referred to as the “US Judgment,” and the amount owed thereunder will collectively be referred to as the “Debt”.
2022年11月3日,SINSIN在美国加利福尼亚东区地方法院(案号2:22-cv-01991-MCE-JDP)提交了《承认仲裁裁决申请》(以下简称“诉讼”),根据1958年6月10日《纽约公约》(以下简称“《纽约公约》”)请求承认仲裁裁决。2023年10月2日,美国地方法院(“美国法院”)作出了承认裁决的判决,并判决SPI向SINSIN支付裁决中的金额,即至少为60,349,486.13美金,并就所欠付的本金,对于1902.7万欧元部分自2015年11月30日起计算年化6%的利息,剩余1902.7万欧元部分自2016年6月20日起计算年化6%的利息。随后,法院于2023年11月21日的裁定中授予SINSIN其在诉讼中的律师费和其他费用。2023年10 月2日的判决和2023年11月21日授予律师费的裁定将在下文统称为“美国判决”,在该等判决项下所欠款项合称为“债务”。
b)On 10 April 2024, SINSIN filed a Renewed Motion for Injunction Relief and Attorneys’ Fees in the Action. SinSin sought a worldwide asset freeze of all of SPI Energy Co., Ltd’s assets until the Debt and SINSIN’s legal fees are paid in full (the “Asset Freeze Petition”). The US Court held a hearing on the Asset Freeze Petition on 25 April 2024. At the 25 April 2024 hearing, the US Court ordered that SINSIN and SPI Energy Co., Ltd. provide status update by May 24, 2024 and set a second hearing for 31 July 2024. The US Court has since continued the status conference and hearing to 18 September 2024.
2024年4月10日,SINSIN在诉讼中提交了重新提起的临时禁令和律师费的动议申请,申请对SPI Energy Co., Ltd.的全球财产进行冻结直至债务和SINSIN的律师费被全部偿还(下称“财产冻结申请”)。美国法院于2024年4月25日对财产冻结申请进行了听证。在2024年4月25日的听证会上,美国法院要求SINSIN和SPI于2024年5月4日更新状态,并定于2024年7月31日举行第二次听证。此后,美国法院将会议和听证会延续到2024年9月18日。
WHEREAS the income from the sale of the electricity produced by the Greek SPVs is deposited in their bank accounts held with two Greek banks, namely National Bank of Greece and Piraeus Bank. SPI Energy Co., Ltd. has represented that the aggregate balance of the cash deposits of the Greek SPVs with the above-mentioned Greek banks which has been accumulated as of November 4, 2024, according to the bank account statements issued by the National Bank of Greece and Piraeus Bank (attached hereto as Annex A], are as per the following table:
SPV | Name of bank / account number | Date (of the bank statement) | Balance [in Euros (€)] |
JASPER | XXX-XXXX-XXX | 4/11/2024 | 3,560.62 |
JASPER | XXX-XXXX-XXX | 4/11/2024 | 3,664,143.06 |
ORION | XXX-XXXX-XXX | 4/11/2024 | 6,856,540.72 |
ORION | | 4/11/2024 | 162.80 |
ASTRAIOS | XXX-XXXX-XXX | 4/11/2024 | 11,415,510.45 |
ASTRAIOS | XXX-XXXX-XXX | 4/11/2024 | 513.38 |
PHOTOVOLTAICA PARKA VEROIA I | XXX-XXXX-XXX | 4/11/2024 | 16,035,021.05 |
TOTAL | 37,975,452 |
amounting in total thirty-seven million, nine hundred seventy-five thousand, four hundred fifty-two euros (€37,975,452) (the “Accumulated Greek Bank Deposits”).
鉴于,希腊SPVs生产的电力销售所得被存入其在两家希腊银行的银行账户,分别为希腊国家银行和Piraeus银行。SPI Energy Co., Ltd. 表示,根据希腊国家银行和Piraeus银行于2024年11月4日出具的银行对账单(见本协议附件A),希腊SPVs在上述两家希腊银行的现金存款总余额如下表所示:
希腊银行账户累积余额 |
公司 | 银行名称/ 账号 | 日期 (银行对账单) | 余额 欧元 (€) |
JASPER | XXX-XXXX-XXX | 4/11/2024 | 3,560.62 |
JASPER | XXX-XXXX-XXX | 4/11/2024 | 3,664,143.06 |
ORION | XXX-XXXX-XXX | 4/11/2024 | 6,856,540.72 |
ORION | XXX-XXXX-XXX | 4/11/2024 | 162.80 |
ASTRAIOS | XXX-XXXX-XXX | 4/11/2024 | 11,415,510.45 |
ASTRAIOS | XXX-XXXX-XXX | 4/11/2024 | 513.38 |
PHOTOVOLTAICA PARKA VEROIA I | XXX-XXXX-XXX | 4/11/2024 | 16,035,021.05 |
TOTAL | 37,975,452 |
总额为37,975,452 欧元(以下简称“累积希腊银行存款”)。
WHEREAS as of 31 December 2023, the 4 Greek SPVs have outstanding debts to Lenders/Assignors by virtue of bond loan and loan agreements, the aggregate amount of which (principal and interest) is EUR 33,052,852.00 (the “Assigned Debt”);the detailed amounts of the Accumulated Greek Bank Deposits and the Assigned Debt per Greek SPV are set out in Annex B attached hereto and SPI hereby represents and warrants that the amounts of the Assigned Debt are accurate and constitute the outstanding indebtedness of the 4 Greek SPVs (as acknowledged by each of them) as at the date of this Settlement Agreement.
鉴于,截至2023年12月31日,由于债券贷款和贷款协议,希腊四家SPVs对贷款人/转让方存在未偿还债务,其总额(包括本金和利息)为33,052,852.00欧元(以下简称“待转让债务”);每个希腊SPV的累计希腊银行存款和待转让债务的具体金额已在附件B中列明,并且,SPI特此陈述并保证,待转让债务的金额准确无误,并构成四家希腊 SPVs (已经四家希腊 SPVs分别确认)在本和解协议签署时的未偿债务。
WHEREAS the Parties wish to definitively settle the Dispute, with release of any and all claims which were asserted, or which could have been asserted against the Parties and their respective directors, employees, affiliates, assigns or agents (the “Released Parties”) with respect to the facts giving rise to the Dispute, in accordance with the terms of the present Settlement Agreement.
NOW, it is agreed as follows:
The present Settlement Agreement enters into force on the Effective Date.
| 2.1 | SPI hereby undertakes to pay to SINSIN, which agrees, the amount of EUR Forty-five Million (€ 45,000,000.00) (the “Settlement Amount”) in full and final settlement of the Dispute, comprising €38,054,000.00 (the “Principal”) as principal and €6,946,000.00 (the “Interest”) as interest. For and in consideration of receipt of the Settlement Amount, which is inclusive of all cost and fees due in relation to the Dispute, SINSIN releases and forever discharges SPI and SPI’s Released Parties from all past, present, future actions, causes of action, lawsuits, claims and demands of any kind and nature arising in any way out of the facts and circumstances giving rise to the Dispute. |
SPI在此承诺同意向SINSIN支付四千五百万欧元(€45,000,000.00)(以下简称“和解金额”),作为解决争议的全部和最终金额,其中包括作为本金的三千八百零五万四千欧元(€38,054,000.00)(以下简称“本金”)和作为利息的六百九十四万六千欧元(€6,946,000.00)(以下简称“利息”)。作为收取和解金额的对价(该和解金额已包括与争议相关的一切成本和费用),在此,SINSIN解除并永久性免除 SPI及 SPI的被免责方所有过去、现在和将来产生争议的事实和情形以任何方式导致的任何种类和性质的诉求、诉因、诉讼、权利主张和要求。
| 2.2 | The Settlement Amount shall be paid by SPI to SINSIN, in three (3) installments (collectively the “Installments”), as follows: |
| 2.2.1 | An amount of EUR thirty-three million fifty-two thousand eight hundred fifty-two (€ 33,052,852.00) (the “First Installment”), as full amount of the Interest and part of the Principal, shall be paid to SINSIN by virtue of the assignment of the Assigned Debt from the Lenders/Assignors to SINSIN (assignee), as follows: |
| (a) | On the Effective Date, and simultaneously with the execution of the present Agreement, the Lenders/Assignors (as assignors) and SINSIN (as assignee) shall enter into an Assignment Agreement in the form attached hereto as Annex C by virtue of which all rights and claims of the Lenders/Assignors against the Greek SPVs arising out from the Assigned Debt shall be irrevocably assigned and transferred to SINSIN. The Assignment Agreement shall be sent to the Greek SPVs formally notifying them that the new lender under the Assigned Debt is SINSIN and for the assignment to become effective (Greek Civil Code articles 460ff) (“Assignment Effective Date”). |
| (b) | Therefore, as of the Assignment Effective Date, SINSIN shall become the sole and uncontested lender (creditor) to the Greek SPVs in respect of the Assigned Debt. |
因此,自转让生效日起,SINSIN 将成为希腊 SPVs 在待转让债务方面的唯一且无争议的贷款人(债权人)。
| (c) | On the Assignment Effective Date, SPI and SINSIN shall procure that the Greek SPVs acting under the joint control of SINSIN and SPI (through their Interim Management appointed by virtue of the “Athens Injunction Judgement No 4212/2018”) shall: (1) pay the Assigned Debt to SINSIN in full; and (2) to that effect, on the Assignment Effective Date, provide written instructions to the Greek Banks where the Accumulated Greek Bank Deposits are kept for the payment of the Bond Loan Amount to SINSIN. |
在转让生效日当天,SPI和SINSIN应确保希腊 SPVs 在 SINSIN 和 SPI 共同控制下(通过雅典禁令第4212/2018号判决委任的希腊 SPVs 的临时管理层):(1)全额将待转让债务支付给SINSIN;及(2)为此,在转让生效日,向累积希腊银行存款所在的希腊银行提供书面指示,以实现将债券贷款支付给SINSIN。
| (d) | The Parties hereby undertake and covenant that they shall cooperate and take all necessary and appropriate actions in prompt manner in order to facilitate the payment of the First Instalment to SINSIN to ensure the full payment of the Assigned Debt from the Greek SPVs to SINSIN within fifteen (15) Business Days from the Assignment Effective Date, including but not limited to : |
各方在此保证并承诺,各方应相互合作并迅速采取所有必要和适当的行动促使向SINSIN支付第一期付款,以确保希腊 SPVs在转让生效日起十五(15)个工作日内向SINSIN全额支付待转让债务,包括但不限于:
provide, and procure their affiliated entities (including the Greek SPVs) to provide any documents required by the Greek Banks for the release of the First Instalment.
提供、并促使其关联实体(包括希腊 SPVs)提供希腊银行要求的支付第一期付款的任何文件;
| (e) | The Interim Management of the Greek SPVs (appointed by virtue of the “Athens Injunction Judgement No 4212/2018”) shall instruct and authorize (i) National Bank of Greece and (ii) Piraeus Bank, to release the amount of the First Installment for the benefit of SINSIN for payment into the following bank account designated by SINSIN: |
Account no: XXX-XXXX-XXX
Swift Code: BKCHSGSG
In particular, the above joint instructions to National Bank of Greece and Piraeus Bank shall provide that the First Installment shall be released from the Accumulated Greek Bank Deposits, as follows:
| (i) | an amount of EUR 2,146,625 shall be released from the account no. XXX-XXXXX-XXX held in the name of JASPER PV MAKEDONIA ENERGIAKI SINGLE MEMBER SOCIETE ANONYME with National Bank of Greece; |
| (ii) | an amount of EUR 16,019,201 shall be released from the account no. XXX-XXXX-XXX held in the name of PHOTOVOLTAICA PARKA VEROIA I SINGLE MEMBER SOCIETE ANONYME with National Bank of Greece; |
从雅典希腊国家银行以PHOTOVOLTAICA PARKA VEROIA I SINGLE MEMBER SOCIETE ANONYME的名义持有的账户号XXX-XXXX-XXX 中支付一千六百零一万九千二百零一欧元(€ 16,019,201)。
| (iii) | an amount of EUR 6,043,022 shall be released from the account no. XXX-XXXX-XXX held in the name of ORION ENERGIAKI SINGLE MEMBER SOCIETE ANONYME PHOTOVOLTAICON ERGON with Piraeus Bank; and |
| (iv) | an amount of EUR 8,844,004 shall be released from the account no. XXX-XXXX-XXX held in the name of ASTRAIOS ENERGIAKI SINGLE MEMBER SOCIETE ANONYME PHOTOVOLTAICON ERGON with Piraeus Bank. |
| 2.2.2. | An amount of EUR five million one thousand one hundred forty-eight (€5,001,148.00) (the “Second Installment”) as part of Principal, shall be paid by SPI to SINSIN within 3 months after the Effective Date. |
| 2.2.3. | An amount of EUR six million nine hundred forty-six thousand (€6,946,000.00) (the “Third Installment”) as the balance of Principal, shall be paid by SPI to SINSIN within 5 months after the Effective Date. |
| 2.2.4. | SINSIN acknowledges and understands that the disbursement of the Second and Third Installment by SPI shall be facilitated through the utilization of SPI’s self-raised funds, in accordance with the provisions delineated in Clause 4. The result of such fund-raising activities shall not impact, release or change the obligations of SPI to pay SINSIN the Second and Third Installment as stipulated in Clause 2.2.2 and Clause 2.2.3. |
| 2.3. | SPI hereby covenants that failure to make any of the Installments within the agreed timeline as stipulated in Clause 2.2 (or as such timeline may be extended by a mutual written agreement between SINSIN and SPI acting in good faith) shall constitute a “Material Breach”. In the event of a Material Breach, the settlement provided for hereunder shall be deemed null and void and SPI hereby agrees that, in such a case, it shall be fully obliged to pay to SINSIN the full Debt with interest accruing as ordered by the US Judgment (after deduction of any amounts which may have been paid to SINSIN already pursuant to this Settlement Agreement). SPI further agrees to compensate SINSIN for any legal costs in relation to collection of the Debt. |
| 2.4. | For the avoidance of doubt, unless a Material Breach as defined in Clause 2.3 occurs, no interest shall accrue on the Second Installment Amount and Third Installment Amount between the Effective Date and the payment due date of the Second Installment and Third Installment as set out above. |
| 2.5. | Upon payment of the First Installment to SINSIN in full in accordance with the terms of this Settlement Agreement, before the date for the payment of the Third Installment, i.e. five months from the Effective Date of the Settlement Agreement, the following consequences will automatically (ipso facto) apply: |
| (a) | SINSIN shall refrain from pursuing any enforcement of and/or collection on the US Judgment (including refraining from pursuing any motion for injunctive relief in the Action); and |
| (b) | If an injunction or any further post-judgment relief has been issued pursuant to the US Judgment then SINSIN and SPI will submit a joint statement to the Court that they have agreed to lift the post-judgment relief pursuant to this Settlement Agreement and that SinSin reserves the right to seek further post-judgment relief pursuant to section 2.3 above if the Settlement Agreement is breached. |
| (c) | SINSIN hereby commits to refraining from initiating any other prospective legal proceedings against SPI and its subsidiaries regarding the Debt or the Dispute, whether within the jurisdictions of Greece, Malta, USA or any other region. |
| 2.6. | Upon payment of the Settlement Amount to SINSIN in full in accordance with the terms of and timeline set out in this Settlement Agreement, the following consequences will automatically (ipso facto) apply: |
| (a) | SINSIN waives in full and definitively any and all claims against SPI and SPI’s Released Parties in relation to the Debt or the Dispute, including without limitation, any claims or demands for interest, legal costs, attorneys’ fees, expenses etc.; |
| (b) | SINSIN declares that it has no claims or demands whatsoever against SPI or SPI’s Released Parties in relation to any amount in excess of the Settlement Amount and that the payment of the Settlement Amount is in full and complete satisfaction of the Debt and the Dispute, including all accrued interest, legal costs, attorneys’ fees, expenses, etc; and |
| (c) | the Dispute is finally and irrevocably settled and all rights, claims, obligations and/or liabilities of the Parties and their respective Released Parties against the other Party and their respective Release Parties that arose out of, or were due to, the rights and circumstances giving rise to the Dispute are definitely waived, cancelled, discharged and released. |
| 3.1 | Within ten (10) business days after full payment of the Settlement Amount to SINSIN within the timeline set out in Clause 2, SINSIN shall submit any necessary legal documents to procure: |
在SPI在第2款约定的时限内支付全部和解金额给SINSIN的10个工作日内,SINSIN 须提交必要法律文件,以办理:
| (a) | the full release of the pledge of the shares of the four Greek SPVs; and |
| (b) | the dismissal with prejudice, withdrawal, waiver and cancellation of any of the rights of SINSIN in connection with the Dispute in any applicable jurisdiction, including without limitation: |
| (i) | the signing and filing of any court document, petition and/or declaration as may be required for the termination and cancellation of any court proceedings in relation to the Annulment Lawsuit upon which Judgement No 2318/ 2019 of the Athens Multi-Member First Instance Court has been issued, the Injunction Petition upon which Athens Injunction Judgement No 4212/2018 has been issued and the Auction Petition upon which, Athens District Court Judgement No 350/2019 has been issued; |
| (ii) | the signing and filing of a counter-warrant releasing and discharging the WPI in Malta. |
| (iii) | the filing in the Action of an Acknowledgement of Satisfaction of Judgment in Full (California Judicial Council Form, EJ-100) with respect to the US Judgment, along with the filing of any other court document, petition and/or declaration as may be required for the termination of any court proceeding in relation to the Action. |
| 3.2 | SINSIN and SPI acknowledge that SINSIN is obligated to promptly perform the obligations set forth in Clause 3.1 when the Settlement Amount has been paid in full to SINSIN within the timeline set out in Clause 2 without delay. SINSIN is not obliged to guarantee the time of completing such release, dismissal, withdraw, cancellation and waiver of SINSIN’s rights, which is subject to the relevant government and judicial authorities. |
| 4.1 | In order to secure the payment of the Second and Third Installments, SPI shall diligently conduct any activities related to potential financing options, including those facilitated through entities such as CITIC CLSA or involving pre-IPO capital raising through the split listing of the solar projects owned by SPI located in Europe which shall include the photovoltaic parks in Greece having a total power output of 26.57 MW involved in the Dispute ( the “26.57 MW Projects”), as may be pertinent to the expansive nature of the present legal case. |
| 4.2 | SINSIN will, as a showing of goodwill, but has no obligation, to collaborate with SPI both in relation to the due diligence and the closing process associated with the outlined funding arrangement. This collaboration shall not cause or add any encumbrance, conflict, prejudice or influences to SINSIN’s rights and claims in relation to this Dispute. |
| 5.1 | Except as otherwise provided in this Settlement Agreement, each Party will bear all costs, commissions, fees, expenses or other charges of a similar nature incurred by it in connection with the preparation, negotiation, entry into and performance of this Settlement Agreement, any other documents to be entered into pursuant hereto, including any and all professional fees and charges of its advisers. |
| 5.2 | SPI or the Lenders/Assignors shall pay on behalf of or bear any relevant taxes as required by any relevant tax authority in relation to the performance of this Settlement Agreement and the payment of the Settlement Amount. The amount to be received by SINSIN is the full amount as stipulated in Clause 2.1. |
| 6.1 | Subject to Clause 6.2, neither Party shall make any public announcement or issue any public communication in connection with the existence or subject matter of this Settlement Agreement without the prior written approval of the other Parties. Upon any inquiry from any third party relating to this Dispute, this shall not prevent either Party from stating that the matter has been resolved amicably. |
| 6.2 | The restriction in Clause 6.1, shall not apply to the extent that the announcement or communication is required by the stock exchange or any regulatory or other supervisory body or authority of competent jurisdiction, whether or not the requirement has the force of law. If this exception applies, the party making the announcement or issuing the communication shall use its reasonable efforts to consult with all other parties in advance as to its form, content and the timing of issue. |
| 7.1 | Each Party undertakes to the other Parties to keep confidential the terms of this Agreement and all information that it has acquired about the Parties and to use such information only for the purposes contemplated by this Agreement. |
| 7.2 | A Party may disclose any information that it is otherwise required to keep confidential under this Clause7: |
| (a) | to the extent that it is or becomes public knowledge (other than as a direct or indirect result of the information being disclosed in breach of this Settlement Agreement); |
| (b) | to its employees, advisers, consultants, representatives or officers as are reasonably necessary to advise on this Settlement Agreement, provided that the disclosing party procures that the persons to whom the information is disclosed keep it confidential as if they were that party and use it only for the purposes of the transactions contemplated in this Settlement Agreement; |
| (c) | with the written consent of each other Parties; or |
| (d) | to the extent that the disclosure is required: |
| (i) | by the Greek Banks for the purpose of the release of the First Instalment Agreement; |
| (ii) | by applicable law, or a regulatory body, regulated stock exchange, or securities exchange to which the disclosing party is subject; or |
| (iii) | to make any filing with, or obtain any approval and/or authorisation from, the shareholders meeting of the disclosing party, or a regulatory body or securities exchange to which the disclosing party is subject; or |
| (iv) | to protect the disclosing party’s interest in any legal proceedings relating to this Settlement Agreement. |
provided that in the case of Clauses 7.2(d)(ii) and 7.2(d)(iii) only, the disclosing party shall (unless prohibited by applicable law, and in any event so far as practicable in the circumstances) consult each other party and to take into account any reasonable requests it may have in relation to the disclosure before making it.
| 7.3 | Clause 7 shall continue to have effect for the period of three (3) years from the Effective Date. |
Unless the Parties agree otherwise in writing, no party shall assign, transfer or grant any encumbrance over any of its rights under this Settlement Agreement nor grant, declare, create or dispose of any right or interest in it. Any purported assignment in contravention of this Clause 8 will be void.
| 9.1 | Each of the Parties will, as of the Effective Date, execute, or procure the execution of, such further documents as may be required by law or be necessary to implement and give effect to the terms of this Settlement Agreement. |
| 9.2 | Each of the Parties confirms and undertakes that the representative executing this Settlement Agreement has duly obtained all relevant and necessary authorization of the Party. |
| 10.1 | In the event that SPI commits a Material Breach of this Settlement Agreement, SINSIN is entitled to seek relief caused by the breach of SPI, including but not limited to declaring the Settlement Amount null and void pursuant to Clause 2.3, and request SPI to pay the Debt with accruing interests and any costs in relation to the collection of the Debt. In the event that a Material Breach occurs, SPI, as well as any and all of SPI’s subsidiaries or affiliates agree not to challenge or in any way oppose to SINSIN’s right to claim the Debt (after deduction of any amounts which may have been paid to SINSIN already pursuant to this Settlement Agreement) and any associated legal costs against SPI. |
| 10.2 | Notwithstanding any other clause in this Settlement Agreement, if SPI commits a Material Breach, SINSIN will have the right to seek injunctive relief in the form of a worldwide asset freeze against all of SPI’s assets in the Eastern District of California (or other appropriate US court venue). SPI, as well as any and all of SPI’s subsidiaries or affiliates, agree not to challenge or in any way oppose the US Court’s jurisdiction, venue, or the injunctive relief sought by SINSIN, provided that it is sought in accord with this Settlement Agreement. |
尽管本和解协议有任何其他条款约定,如果SPI构成重大违约,则SINSIN将有权在加利福尼亚州东区(或其他适当的美国法院)申请在全球范围内冻结 SPI所有资产的禁令救济。在寻求相关禁令救济系根据本和解协议提出的情况下,SPI及其任何和所有的子公司或关联公司同意不挑战或以任何方式反对美国法院的管辖权、审判法院或SINSIN寻求的禁令救济。
This Settlement Agreement sets out the whole agreement between the Parties in respect of the settlement of the Dispute and supersedes any prior agreements or understandings between any of the Parties (whether oral or written) relating to the Dispute.
| (a) | Any waiver of any right under this Settlement Agreement is only effective if it is in writing, and it applies only to the Party to whom the waiver is addressed and the circumstances for which it is given and shall not prevent the party who has given the waiver from subsequently relying on the provision it has waived. |
| (b) | No failure to exercise or delay in exercising any right or remedy provided under this Settlement Agreement or by law constitutes a waiver of such right or remedy or will prevent any future exercise in whole or in part thereof. |
| (c) | No single or partial exercise of any right or remedy under this Settlement Agreement shall preclude or restrict the further exercise of any such right or remedy. |
| (d) | Unless specifically provided otherwise, rights arising under this Settlement Agreement are cumulative and do not exclude rights provided by law. |
A communication or notice (including any consent) given under or pursuant to this Settlement Agreement:
| (a) | shall be in writing in the English language (or be accompanied by a properly prepared translation into English); |
| (b) | shall be sent for the attention of the person, and to the address, given in Clause 13.2 (or such other address or person as the party may notify to the others in accordance with the provisions of this Clause 13); and |
| (c) | shall be delivered personally or sent by courier. |
The addresses for service of notice are, in the case of:
Address: 4803 Urbani Ave, McClellan Park, CA 95652 USA
For the attention of: Mr. Xiaofeng PENG
Email: denton.peng@spigroups.com
with a copy to:
Politis & Partners
14 Solonos street
10673 Athens Greece
Attn: Mr. Vangelis Politis
Email: vpolitis@politispartners.gr
Address: Floor 11, No.1128, 52 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
For the attention of: Mr. Xiaofeng PENG
Email: denton.peng@spigroups.com
with a copy to:
Politis & Partners
14 Solonos street
10673 Athens Greece
Attn: Mr. Vangelis Politis
Email: vpolitis@politispartners.gr
Sinsin Europe:
Address: Suite 716, 10, Market Street, Grand Cayman KYI-9006, Cayman Islands
For the attention of: Ms. Yaqin MENG & Mr. Dixiang Sun
Email:yaqin.meng@spfcapital.com.cn & dixiangsun@163.com
Sinsin Solar Capital:
Address: Suite 716, 10, Market Street, Grand Cayman KYI-9006, Cayman Islands
For the attention of: Ms. Yaqin MENG & Mr. Dixiang Sun
Email: yaqin.meng@spfcapital.com.cn & dixiangsun@163.com
Address: 85, St. John Street, Valletta VLT 1165 Malta
For the attention of: Mr. Xiaofeng PENG & Mr. HK Cheong
Email: denton.peng@spigroups.com & hk.cheong@spigroups.com
with a copy to:
Politis & Partners
14 Solonos street
10673 Athens Greece
Attn: Mr. Vangelis Politis
Email: vpolitis@politispartners.gr
Veroia Malta:
Address: 85, St. John Street, Valletta VLT 1165 Malta
For the attention of: Mr. Xiaofeng PENG & Mr. HK Cheong
Email: denton.peng@spigroups.com & hk.cheong@spigroups.com
with a copy to:
Politis & Partners
14 Solonos street
10673 Athens Greece
Attn: Mr. Vangelis Politis
Email: vpolitis@politispartners.gr
This Settlement Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, and by each party on separate counterparts. Each counterpart is an original, but all counterparts will together constitute one and the same instrument.
Any variation of this Settlement Agreement must be in writing and signed by or on behalf of the Parties.
This Agreement is drafted in English and translated into Chinese for ease of reading. In the event of any ambiguity or discrepancy between the Chinese and English versions, the English version shall prevail.
| 17.1 | This Agreement and any contractual and non-contractual obligations relating to or arising under or in connection with it shall be governed by and construed exclusively in accordance with the laws of People’s Republic of China. |
| 17.2 | All disputes arising out of or in connection with this Settlement Agreement shall be finally settled by arbitration administered by the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (“HKIAC”) under the HKIAC Administered Arbitration Rules in force when the Notice of Arbitration is submitted. SINSIN and SPI agree that (1) any disputes that arise out of this Settlement Agreement must be decided with exceptional urgency; and (2) that the arbitral proceeding be conducted in accordance with HKIAC’s expedited procedures. The arbitration tribunal shall consist of one (1) arbitrator. The sole arbitrator shall be of a nationality other than the nationalities of Greece, China, Malta or United States of America. The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in English and shall take place in Hong Kong. The arbitral award shall be final and binding on all Parties. |
| 17.3 | Notwithstanding the Parties’ agreement in Clause 17.2, the parties acknowledge that in the event of a Material Breach, SINSIN will have the right to seek any injunctive relief, including but not limited to a worldwide asset freeze set out in Clause 10.2. SPI, as well as any and all of SPI’s subsidiaries or affiliates, agree not to challenge or in any way oppose the U.S. Court’s the jurisdiction, venue, or any form of injunctive relief sought by SINSIN. |
If any provision of this Settlement Agreement (or part of a provision) is found by any court or administrative body of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unenforceable or illegal, the other provisions shall remain in force. If any invalid, unenforceable or illegal provision would be valid, enforceable or legal if some part of it were deleted, the provision shall apply with whatever modification is necessary to give effect to the commercial intention of the Parties.
Each party undertakes to the other parties to discharge in good faith all of its obligations in strict compliance with all the terms and conditions contained in this Settlement Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties, acting through their duly authorized representatives, have caused this Settlement Agreement to be signed in their respective names as follows:
| |
SPI Energy Co., Ltd _____________________________ By: | SPI China (HK) Limited _____________________________ By: |
Sinsin Europe Solar Asset Limited Partnership | Sinsin Solar Capital Limited Partnership | |
_____________________________ By: | _____________________________ By: | |
| | |
| | |
Sinsin Renewable Investment Limited | Photovoltaica Parka Veroia 1 Malta Limited | |
_____________________________ By: | _____________________________ By: | |

This Assignment Agreement (the “Assignment Agreement”) is dated January 2, 2025 (the “Effective Date”) and entered into by and among:
| A) | Sinsin Renewable Investment Limited, a company registered in Malta at 85, St. John Street, Valletta VLT 1165 Malta (Registration Number: C60350) duly represented for the execution of the present by its Director Mr. Cheong Hoong Khoeng (hereinafter “SRIL”); |
Sinsin Renewable Investment Limited, 一家注册地址位于85, St. John Street, Valletta VLT 1165 Malta的马耳他公司,注册号为C60350,由其董事Cheong Hoong Khoeng 先生代表签署本协议(以下简称“SRIL”);
| B) | Photovoltaica Parka Veroia 1 Malta Limited, a company registered in Malta at 85, St. John Street, Valletta VLT 1165 Malta (Registration Number: C60181) duly represented for the execution of the present by its Director Mr. Cheong Hoong Khoeng (hereinafter “Veroia Malta” and collectively with SRIL, “Lenders/Assignors”); |
Photovoltaica Parka Veroia 1 Malta Limited, 一家注册地址位于85, St. John Street, Valletta VLT 1165 Malta的马耳他公司,注册号为C60181,由其董事Cheong Hoong Khoeng 先生(以下简称“Veroia Malta”,与SRIL合称为“贷款人/转让方”)
| C) | Sinsin Europe Solar Asset Limited Partnership (Reg. No. 70887) a Cayman Islands corporation with registered address at Suite 716, 10, Market Street, Grand Cayman KYI-9006, Cayman Islands whose principal executive office is located at 2nd Floor East Side, Building 59, No. 461, Hongcao Road, Xuhui, Shanghai, 200233, China, duly represented for the execution of the present by Mr. Dejun YE (hereinafter “Sinsin Europe”); |
Sinsin Europe Solar Asset Limited Partnership (注册号:70887), 一家注册地址位于Suite 716, 10, Market Street, Grand Cayman KYI-9006, Cayman Islands的公司,其主要行政办公地点位于上海市徐汇区虹漕路461号59号楼2楼东侧(邮编200233),由叶得军先生代表签署本协议(以下简称“Sinsin Europe”);
| D) | Sin Sin Solar Capital Limited Partnership (Reg. No. 70738) a Cayman Islands corporation with registered address at Suite 716, 10, Market Street, Grand Cayman KYI-9006, Cayman Islands whose principal executive office is located at 2nd Floor East Side, Building 59, No. 461, Hongcao Road, Xuhui, Shanghai, 200233, China, duly represented for the execution of the present by Mr. Dejun YE (hereinafter “Sinsin Solar Capital” and collectively with Sinsin Europe, “Assignees”) |
Sin Sin Solar Capital Limited Partnership(注册号:70738), 一家注册地址位于Suite 716, 10, Market Street, Grand Cayman KYI-9006, Cayman Islands的公司,其主要行政办公地点位于上海市徐汇区虹漕路461号59号楼2楼东侧(邮编200233),由叶得军先生代表签署本协议(以下简称“Sinsin Solar Capital” ,与Sinsin Europe合称为“受让方”);
Each of the Lenders/Assignors and the Assignees shall be also referred to as a “Party” and, collectively the “Parties”.
WHEREAS the following four (4) Greek companies:
| (a) | “JASPER PV MAKEDONIA ENERGIAKI SINGLE MEMBER SOCIETE ANONYME” with registered address at 7 Amvrosiou Frantzi street, Athens 11743 Greece, having Tax Identification Number (AFM) 800402906 and Companies Registry (GEMI) number 120396401000 (hereinafter “JASPER”), |
“JASPER PV MAKEDONIA ENERGIAKI SINGLE MEMBER SOCIETE ANONYME”,注册地址位于7 Amvrosiou Frantzi street, Athens 11743 Greece, having Tax Identification Number (AFM) 800402906 ,税号为800402906,公司注册号为120396401000 ,
| (b) | “ORION ENERGIAKI SINGLE MEMBER SOCIETE ANONYME PHOTOVOLTAICON ERGON”, with registered address at 7 Amvrosiou Frantzi street, Athens 11743 Greece, having Tax Identification Number (AFM) 998535064 and Companies Registry (GEMI) number 121952601000 (hereinafter “ORION”), |
“ORION ENERGIAKI SINGLE MEMBER SOCIETE ANONYME PHOTOVOLTAICON ERGON”, 注册地址位于7 Amvrosiou Frantzi street, Athens 11743 Greece ,税号为998535064,公司注册号为121952601000 ,
| (c) | “ASTRAIOS ENERGIAKI SINGLE MEMBER SOCIETE ANONYME PHOTOVOLTAICON ERGON”, with registered address at 7 Amvrosiou Frantzi street, Athens 11743 Greece, having Tax Identification Number (AFM) 998535039 and Companies Registry (GEMI) number 124403101000 (hereinafter “ASTRAIOS”), and |
“ASTRAIOS ENERGIAKI SINGLE MEMBER SOCIETE ANONYME PHOTOVOLTAICON ERGON”, 注册地址位于7 Amvrosiou Frantzi street, Athens 11743 Greec ,税号为998535039,公司注册号为124403101000 ,以及
| (d) | “PHOTOVOLTAICA PARKA VEROIA I SINGLE MEMBER SOCIETE ANONYME” with registered address at 7 Amvrosiou Frantzi street, Athens 11743 Greece, having Tax Identification Number (AFM) 800387357 and Companies Registry (GEMI) number 119592301000 (hereinafter “PHOTOVOLTAICA PARKA VEROIA”), |
“PHOTOVOLTAICA PARKA VEROIA I SINGLE MEMBER SOCIETE ANONYME”, 注册地址位于7 Amvrosiou Frantzi street, Athens 11743 Greece ,税号为800387357,公司注册号为119592301000 。
(hereinafter collectively: “Greek SPVs”) have been granted a loan or (as the case may be) issued bond loans which have been subscribed by and acquired by the Lenders/Assignors, the aggregate amount of which (principal and interest) as of 31 December 2023 is EUR 33,052,852.00 (the “Assigned Debt”); the detailed amounts of the Assigned Debt currently outstanding by each of the Greek SPVs are set out in Schedule 1 attached hereto (Assigned Debt).
WHEREAS, by virtue of a Settlement Agreement dated on the same date hereof, entered into, inter alia, by and among the Lenders/Assignors and the Assignees (the “Settlement Agreement”), the Lenders/Assignors agreed to assign and transfer to the Assignees the Assigned Debt.
| 1.1. | When used with initial capital letters in this Agreement, each of the following terms shall have the meaning assigned to such as set forth below: |
| (a) | Transfer and Assignment Agreement means the present agreement, as it may be extended, amended, supplemented, novated or replaced from time to time, together with its Schedules constituting integral part hereof; |
| (b) | Assigned Claims means all present and future, actual or contingent, rights and claims of the Lenders/Assignors (or any successor of the same) against the Greek SPVs under or in connection with the Assigned Debt; |
| (c) | Assignment means the assignment and transfer of the Assigned Debt to the Assignees effected by this Transfer and Assignment Agreement; |
| (d) | Assigned Debt Documents means the loan agreement and the bond loan agreements and amendments thereof pursuant to which the Assigned Debt is established (together with the Bond Certificates issued to the Assignee, a list of which is set out in Schedule 3), and which are attached hereto as Schedule 2 (Assigned Debt Documents). |
| (e) | Business Day means a day that the banks are open for business in Athens, Greece; |
| 1.2. | Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meaning set forth in the Settlement Agreement. |
| 2.1. | For the purposes of repayment of the First Instalment to the Assignees, the Lenders/Assignors hereby, unconditionally and irrevocably assign and transfer in favour of the Assignees: |
| (a) | the Assigned Claims; and |
| (b) | all their relevant rights as well as its relevant actions and any claim arising out or in connection with the Assigned Claims, |
and the Assignees accept such Assignment.
| 2.2. | The Lenders/Assignors hereby transfer and deliver to the Assignees the originals of the bonds representing the Assigned Debt as set out in Schedule 3 (Bonds). |
| 2.3 | The Assigned Debt is assigned and transferred to the Assignees in accordance with the terms of the Assigned Debt Documents. The Assignees hereby declare that they are fully aware and accept the terms of the Assigned Debt Documents. |
| 3.1. | For the purposes of completing the creation of the Assignment, the Lenders/Assignors shall procure forthwith, and in any case within five (5) Business Days as of the date of this Assignment Agreement, for the service of certified copies of this Assignment Agreement on each of the Greek SPVs by court bailiff in order: |
| (a) | for the Greek SPVs to receive notice of such Assignment; and |
| (b) | for this Assignment Agreement to obtain a certain date in accordance with the Greek Code of Civil Procedure. |
| 3.2. | The Lenders/Assignors shall also procure that the following documents are delivered to the Assignees: |
| (a) | certified copies of the reports of each service so made shall be delivered to the Assignees within five (5) Business Days as of the date of this Assignment Agreement; and |
| (b) | at the request of the Assignees, any other information that the Assignees may reasonably require in connection with the Assigned Claims. |
| 3.3. | The Lenders/Assignors hereby represent and warrant to the Assignees that as of the Assignment Effective Date, the Assignees shall become the sole and uncontested lender (creditor) of the Greek SPVs in respect of the Assigned Debt. |
Each of the Assignees hereby irrevocably instructs the Greek SPVs to make all payments under the Assigned Debt exclusively into the following bank account nr. XXX-XXXX-XXX (USD Current A/C), XXX-XXXX-XXX (EUR Current A/C) maintained with BANK OF CHINA LIMITED SINGAPORE BRANCH (Swift Code: BKCHSGSG) which is held in the name of Sinsin Europe (hereinafter referred to as the “Assigned Debt Payment Bank Account”). Sinsin Solar Capital hereby irrevocably appoints Sinsin Europe as Sinsin Solar Capital’s agent authorized to accept payment in the name and on behalf of Sinsin Solar Capital (per Article 417 Greek Civil Code) and hereby irrevocably instructs and mandates the Greek SPVs to effect payment of the entirety of the Assigned Debt to the Assigned Debt Payment Bank Account. Evidence of the remittance by the Greek SPVs of the Assigned Debt into the Assigned Debt Bank Account shall constitute a discharge for an equal amount of the payment obligations of the Greek SPVs in respect of the Assigned Debt hereby assigned to the Assignees.
各受让人特此不可撤销地指示希腊SPVs将待转让债务项下的所有付款全部支付至Sinsin Europe在 XXX-XXXX-XXX中国银行新加坡分行开立的 (USD Current A/C) 以及 XXX-XXXX-XXX (EUR Current A/C) 号银行账户(Swift Code:BKCHSGSG)(以下简称“待转让债务收款账户”)。Sinsin Solar Capital在此不可撤销地委托Sinsin Europe作为Sinsin Solar Capital的授权代表以Sinsin Solar Capital 的名义并代表其接受付款(根据《希腊民法典》第471条),并特此不可撤销地指示和授权希腊SPVs将全部待转让债务支付至待转让债务收款账户。希腊SPVs将待转让债务的款项汇入待转让债务收款账户的凭证应在等同金额的范围内构成对希腊SPVs应向受让人履行的待转让债务相关付款义务的解除。
Modifications or amendments to this Assignment Agreement shall be effected only by a written agreement duly executed by all Parties.
This Assignment Agreement is drafted in English and translated into Chinese for ease of reading. In the event of any ambiguity or discrepancy between the Chinese and English versions, the English version shall prevail.
This Assignment Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Greece.
All disputes arising out of or in connection with this Assignment Agreement shall be finally settled by arbitration administered by the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (“HKIAC”) under the HKIAC Administered Arbitration Rules in force when the Notice of Arbitration is submitted. The Parties agree that (1) any disputes that arise out of this Settlement Agreement must be decided with exceptional urgency; and (2) that the arbitral proceeding be conducted in accordance with HKIAC’s expedited procedures. The arbitration tribunal shall consist of one (1) arbitrator. The sole arbitrator shall be of a nationality other than the nationalities of Greece, China, Malta or United States of America. The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in English and shall take place in Hong Kong. The arbitral award shall be final and binding on all Parties.
This Assignment Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, and such execution has the same effect as if the signatures on the counterparts were on a single copy of the Assignment Agreement.
THE PARTIES, intending to be legally bound, have signed this Assignment Agreement as follows:
A competent court bailiff is hereby instructed by the Parties to serve certified copies of this Assignment Agreement, upon the Greek SPVs as lawfully represented, for their information and so that all legal effects may be produced, for the purpose of Clause 3 (Perfection of Assignment).
- signature page follows – 签字页如下
For the Lenders/Assignors 贷款人/转让方 | For the Assignees 受让方 |
| |