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Acute, admonishment, advertised, advertisement, advertising, affiliate, aggravate, ancillary, app, arrival, assigned, assumption, Avian, bargaining, batch, beauty, begun, BHP, bifurcated, Biographical, blood, breach, breeding, Bridge, broader, broadly, broke, browse, buyer, buying, BVI, calendar, campaign, cap, card, catalog, catastrophic, catch, Changdianbao, children, circular, clinical, clothing, club, COBRA, cold, commensurate, commodity, compensatory, complementary, compromise, computerized, conclusion, convenience, conveniently, coordinate, correct, Corrupt, cough, counterpart, covenant, COVID, creation, crew, criminal, Crown, CSRC, curative, cybersecurity, death, debarment, deceive, deeper, degrade, denigration, Description, dietary, difficulty, diligence, Disability, disable, discretionary, disgorgement, dispatch, dispute, distancing, Dividend, division, doctor, drugstore, duly, duration, education, eighty, embedded, employed, enroll, entice, entry, evasion, exacerbate, extravagant, facto, falsehood, family, FCPA, feature, featured, fifty, Firstfire, fixedcost, floor, Flu, foot, footprint, forecasting, freely, freestanding, frequent, frequently, friendly, frozen, Fuqing, Germany, gift, great, grocery, Guanzan, Harbour, headcount, healthy, heavy, highest, holder, holiday, home, hour, human, hundred, hygienic, image, impeding, imposition, improper, inactive, inclusion, increasingly, incremental, indemnify, infusion, instant, Insufficient, intangible, intense, interact, interruption, intrinsic, intrusion, investigation, Jiuzhoutong, judgement, Kang, labeled, lack, Language, lawfully, Le, leave, leaving, legacy, length, lesser, levelsof, leveraged, liable, Lichen, lifestyle, Lijun, live, LLC, lockdown, loyal, loyalty, LP, mail, malfeasance, mandated, mandatory, manmade, markedly, maxim, maximize, meat, membership, mentioned, messenger, meter, methodology, misappropriate, mislead, misleading, mobile, MOFCOM, Morningview, multiplied, newly, nutritional, NY, obsolescence, offshore, older, omitted, onshore, Operationand, outbreak, overcome, owed, page, pandemic, pediatric, perception, pharmacist, pick, Platinum, popular, pork, preceding, predetermined, preemptive, preferential, prepaid, presence, privacy, procure, procurement, produce, produced, producing, prolonged, promptly, Prorated, proximity, psychotropic, Pulandian, purport, quantify, quarantine, quarantined, radio, random, real, reappear, recalculated, reclassified, recurrence, redundant, referral, refocused, reimbursable, reimbursement, rejected, relax, relinquish, relocate, rent, rental, repatriate, repatriation, repeat, repetitive, replenish, representation, repurchase, requisite, resident, residential, residing, respiratory, resubstitution, retroactively, revive, roll, Ronghao, round, routinely, run, sabotage, SAIC, salary, salespeople, SAT, screened, screening, Seller, sensitive, sequential, SFDA, Sheng, Shengda, shopping, Shuokang, signature, sixteen, skeleton, skin, slowly, software, Southwest, SPA, space, speculative, spot, SPV, square, staffing, stake, stamp, standalone, stay, stead, stipulated, storage, store, stored, straight, strain, streamlining, strictly, stronger, strongly, style, substantively, substitute, substitution, succeeded, sundry, superior, SUPPLEMENTARY, Supreme, suspend, suspension, Swine, Syndrome, tangible, technique, television, temporarily, terrorism, text, TFK, theASC, theSupervision, thing, thirty, tier, timeframe, traffic, transmission, transmit, transparency, treaty, trip, trust, tsunami, turmoil, turn, umbrella, unban, unclear, undermined, underperforming, undersigned, unforeseen, unissued, unsuccessful, unsuitable, unused, upcoming, vacation, vacationing, vehicle, verified, viable, violate, violated, violation, virtually, virtue, visibility, visit, war, warehouse, weaker, weekly, wider, widespread, withdrawn, worldwide, Wuhan, Wuwu, XBRL, Xinrongxin, Yongjian, Yu, Zhongshan, Zhou
adapt, adequately, adjusting, advancement, aforementioned, amounting, annum, attached, Avenue, awarded, back, benchmark, big, boiler, butterfly, capable, capitalized, characterize, choose, clean, collaboration, collect, competitor, comprised, condensed, confidentiality, conservancy, conservation, construct, consummating, contractor, cooperate, credibility, curved, cut, Dandong, decreased, default, defend, deliver, denitration, depreciated, derive, determination, devising, devoted, devoting, diminished, dispositive, dominant, dominated, economically, electronic, electronically, enable, enjoy, entail, entirety, ESCO, essential, examine, expansionary, expertise, expressing, fabricate, feasible, feedback, field, Finally, Fluctuation, foster, founded, funded, furnace, furnished, gather, green, Guangxi, guaranteed, Harbin, harmed, hereto, hired, HKCMCPA, honor, Hua, illegally, impossible, improvement, Imputed, infringe, Innovative, insider, insignificant, insured, insuring, internally, justify, land, largely, leasehold, lend, Lihua, liquid, loan, localized, low, mature, mix, moderate, modify, NFEC, North, northern, notice, obliged, occurrence, output, pace, patented, pertaining, pollution, practicable, practical, prepare, processing, proprietorship, put, Qingnian, recall, reconcile, reconciling, recover, redirect, refusal, remediation, rendering, revise, River, scale, secret, Shandong, Shenzhen, shipment, shortfall, similarly, slower, SPD, spectrum, sponsored, sq, succeed, super, supercritical, technical, terminate, ticker, trademark, trillion, uninsurable, unique, unknowingly, unknown, unsecured, validity, weak, welding, wind, withheld, Xijiang
Filing tables
Filing exhibits
- 10-K Annual report
- 4.1 Descriptionof Securities Registered Under Section 12 of the Exchange Act
- 10.1 Securities Purchase Agreement by and Between the Registrant and Yongquan Bi, Dated March 12, 2018
- 21.1 Subsidiariesof the Registrant
- 31.1 Certification
- 31.2 Certification
- 32.1 Certification
- 32.2 Certification
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